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Doumafis Lafontan


Auteur haïtien







Doumafis Lafontan


Doumafis Lafontan se otè After the Dust Settles: the next practices for the transformation of Haiti, e Krik? Krak! Dèyè Mòn Gen Mòn. Lafontan pibliye yon seri aktik sou www.potomitan.info; www.tanbou.com, e Progress in Community Health Partnerships. Anplis de sa Lafontan se manb fondatè Nkrumah Institute of Learning, epi li gen yon Metriz nan Lidèchip, School of Policy, Planning and Development, nan University of Southern California. Se Tri-Lingual Press, nan Cambridge, Massachusetts, ki pibliye tou de liv Lafontan ekri.

* * *

Doumafis Lafontan is author of After the Dust Settles: the next practices for the transformation of Haiti, and Krik? Krak! Dèyè Mòn Gen Mòn (Mountains Behind Mountains). In addition, Lafontant has published several articles on www.potomitan.info, www.tanbou.com, and Progress in Community Health Partnerships. Both of his books are published by Tri-Lingual Press of Cambridge, MA. Lafontant is a founding member of Nkrumah Institute of Learning (NILE) as well as a member of the Boston chapter of the American Society for Public Administration and a Rara drummer. Lafontant holds a Master of Leadership from the School of Policy, Planning and Development, University of Southern California.


 After the Dust Settles Krik? Krak! Dèyè Mòn Gen Mòn / Mountains Behind Mountains
After the Dust Settles
Krik? Krak!






Agasou Do Loko Miwa I&I

Ala Bondye



Atibon Legba

Ayiti, N ap Pike Devan

Selebre jou m fèt

Chas O Dye Solèy

Etwal Maten


Istwa Nanchon Ayisyen

Istwa tan

Jeneral Fanm Vanyan

Jete dlo, nan non zanset yo, 22 Dawou


Kontinyite ipèvityél


Lam lam dlo

Nou pa imigran toutouni

Manggo Doudous

Mèt tèt mwen

My G

Ochan pou Papadòs



On tan pouri

Pawòl Ginen

Pititfi Lafrik

Pwezi liberasyon

Pwezi pati etènèl enfini

Retou ewo ak milyon vizaj

Sak pase Ayiti? Pòv kap tiye pòv!


Tulsi petals

Vwaw Se Vwa Nasyon

Veye Priye


Beautiful Goodnes

By the Nile River

In memoriam of the freedom fighters

No longer ash to dust

A people partaking of their greatness

Taking a Selfie

Their eyes were watching her

The First Soup Joumou

The holy ghost

Where my Ayisyen are

Women’s Day

Cœur de Tanbou

Je suis






Altè-Mond posib (Essai)

“Aya Bombe! Malheur à celui qui au moment du péril ne se lève pas.” (Essai)

Èske Depasman fèt? (Essai)

Gran Rivyè Dinò, vil kote Dessalines leve kanpe pou tout

Gwòt de Platon

Jistis Avan Eleksyon (Novembre 2010)

Kondisyon pou pibon rekonstriksyon nasyonal

Konfliyans Kiltirèl

Manman Èzili Dantò

Manmi Legba

Manifès Popilè (Essai)

On tan pou-ri (Poème)

Ogounati sou Mistèlojiya (Essai)

Pale Fransè pa vle di lespri

Politik Lari a

Singularity in the making of

Sou kisa w kanpe? (Essai)

Soul lighter than feather

Tè e Endepandans Mele


Viv Ayiti Lib e Endepandan (Essai)

The advent of global dynamism

The Art of African Revolution

The Roots of Liberty: the Haitian Revolution & American Civil War

The triumph of the integrated society

Establish and support the International Tribunal of Reparation

Out of Kawangware

Ujamaa, a generic model of African economies

The World Withering Away

La Culture pour Développer, le Savoir pour Vivre

La tendance magouilleuse chez les politiciens

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan

Doumafis Lafontan     Doumafis Lafontan


 Viré monté