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Haiti 's Super Web Directory
Emmanuel W. VEDRINE
HaitianLanguage@gmail.com – CreoleEditions@gmail.com
“Anyè Elektwonik Ayiti /Annuaire Electronique d’Haiti”. What is this directory about ? The answer is: information about HAITI & HER DIASPORA. Sometimes some people wander how they can help Haiti. I came across many young Haitian Americans and friends of Haiti who ask that question. As researcher, bibliographer and writer (doing research mostly related to Haiti, and Haitian Creole), I realize that it is important to have an ON LINE DIRECTORY that would include everything related to Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora. There also people who are researching on Haiti and who are constantly asking for information because they did not have access to a directory that would include everything from “A” to “Z”. I took note of that and try to use the internet access in order to ease research on Haiti in the 21st Century. So, I invite anyone who is interested in Haiti to visit this directory to see what's there and to send us what they have available to enrich it. We post the documents free of charge and we try to update the directory quite often since people are constantly sending us new information. I would like to credit Marilyn Mason for some prior works done in relation to this web research. Also, “thank you” would not be enough to say to Mrs. Francesca Palli who is the webmaster. She has demonstrated her deep love for Haiti by spending long hours arranging these documents so that everyone can have access to them.
Themes and electronic texts (mostly in English, French, Haitian Creole / Kreyòl; few are in Spanish) covering areas such as: Art; Art & Literature; Associations & organizations; Bibliographies; Business; Civic duties; Conferences; Consumer rights; Culture; Development; Diaspora; Directories; Dissertations; Documents related to the Dominican Republic and Haiti; Editors (different areas); Embassy & Consular; Employment; Environment and Weather; Essays; Forums; Genealogy; General research; Government; Haitian Creole; Haitian media (in Haiti & the Diaspora); Health; History; Human rights; Human services; Individual CV's; Institutes; Institutions; Language (and resources); Websites; Legal issues; Linguistics; Literacy (in Kreyòl); Link to creole speaking countries; Literature (French, Creole); News; Orthography (Haitian Creole); Politics; Publications; Publishers; Religion; Science & Technology; Translators (English, French, Haitian Creole).
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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Port-au-Prince, 1983. Photo Fabio e Franco Biaggi. |
ABC NEWS — HAITI (Read the latest Haiti News from the American Broadcasting Corporation).
ACLU LETTER REGARDING MIAMI-DADE'S DECISION TO NOT MAIL OUT ENGLISH / CREOLE SAMPLE BALLOTS WITH INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR NOVEMBER 2002 ELECTION [Yon lèt konsènan desizyon Miami-Dade pou pa poste echantiyon bilten anglè / kreyòl ak enstriksyon materyèl pou eleksyon novanm 2002 a].
ADA (Association pour le Développement de l'Azile / Asosyasyon pou Devlopman Lazil; Moun Lazil & Vyeboudaken); Nou bouke…; Lazil gen dlo, ede l jwenn dife; Lazil has water, help it find fire.
AFRICAMERICA FORUM 2004 - 'CODES NOIRS' Du 1er au 15 août 2004, se tiendra à Port-au-Prince la troisième édition du Forum multiculturel d'art contemporain, organisé par la Fondation AfricAméricA.
Et à la fin du mois d'octobre, le TOHU, à Montréal, recevra la seconde série des manifestations de AfricAméricA 2004.
AFRICANS IN AMERICA — Toussaint Louverture (“Although there is a large body of visual materials depicting the Haitian revolution, there are no existing portraits drawn from life of Toussaint Louverture, the hero of the revolution.”).
AFS (Antoine Financial Services), Accounting & Finance – Home Finance & Refinance, Bookkeeping & Income Tax (E-Filing), Notary Public. Varnel Antoine, MST – President. Cell (617) 828-7443; Tel. (617) 296-5552; Fax (617) 296-6668; e-mail: vanta5296@verizon.net . 1424 Blue Hill Ave., suite 100; Mattapan, MA . 02126 ( USA ).
AGNANT MARIE_CÉLIE INTERVIEW: Marie-Célie Agnant, présente aux Quatrièmes Rencontres internationales des écritures de l’exil du 3 au 5 déc. 2004 qui mettent Haïti à l’honneur, nous confie ses engagements nourris par une vison à la fois enthousiaste et combative du monde qui l’entoure.
AKTIVITE ESPESYAL POU ANKOURAJE JENN TIMOUN NAN VIL YO PRAN TOUT AVANTAJ PWOGRAM SOU LASANTE A POTE POU YO [“ Special Health Outreach to Urban Teens (S.H.O.U.T.) provides access to primary and preventive health care services to at-risk and HIV-infected adolescents. S.H.O.U.T. works in conjunction with the Ryan Center 's HIV Services Department offering HIV Prevention Education and Outreach, Mental Health Counseling and Substance Abuse Counseling and Primary Care to patients 13 to 24.” | Aktivite Espesyal pou Ankouraje Jenn Timoun nan Vil yo Pran Tout Avantaj Pwogram sou Lasante a Pote pou yo, bay jenn timoun ki enfekte pa HIV ak jenn timoun ki gen ris pou gen HIV fasilite pou yo jwenn premye swen ak sèvis pou anpeche maladi. S.H.O.U.T. travay an kolaborasyon ak Depatman Sèvis HIV nan Sant Ryan nan pou yo ka aprann moun kouman pou evite pran HIV ak pou yo ka fè akitivite espesyal pou ankouraje moun pran avantaj nan pwogram sou lasante. Yo travay ansanm tou pou yo ka bay moun Konsèy sou Lasante Mantal ak Konsèy sou pou Moun ki Pran Anpil Dwòg ak Alkòl, epi pou yo ka bay malad ki gen ant 13 a 24 an. Fè yon gade tou lòt sèvis sant lan bay http://www.ryancenter.org/resources-fr.htm - Health-related document / Dokiman sou sante].
ALFABETIZASYON AN(N) AYITI ["Literacy in Haiti", yon atik pè Roger Desir (Woje Dezi). Atik sa a te premye pibliye an 1977 nan Boukan (yon jounal kreyòl) . – Literacy (Afabetizasyon) / Afabetizasyon].
ALTER PRESSE (Réseau alternatif haïtien d'information).
ÂME CRÉOLE, MASQUE FRANÇAIS [Article published in L'Union C'est La Force de la Nation ( Nov. 20, 2002 ) , quoting Pierre Vernet. - Language].
AMOUR CREOLE MAGAZINE [“An eclectic fashion an entertainment magazine focusing on Haitian lifestyle, culture, art and music. -- Unique and innovative, dedicated to bringing our readers high fashion trends, the latest in music, culture and business. -- Amour Creole Magazine will push all the boundaries, providing exclusive interviews with the hottest Haitian/Antilles celebrities, musicians, artists, models, and other entertainers, as well as business people from variety of industries.]
ANÁLISIS DE LA SITUACIÓN DE INMIGRANTES HAITIANOS EN LA REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA. «En este material se hace un análisis sobre la situación socio-política de los/as inmigrantes haitianos en la República Dominicana.». CONTENIDO: Contratación de Trabajadores Inmigrantes haitianos por el CEA; Procedimiento en la Contratación; Reunión del Director con las Instituciones que Trabajan en los Bateyes; Los Haitianos en los Barrios Los Haitianos en la Construcción; La Repatriación de Inmigrantes Haitianos; Desarrollo de la Repatriación; La Posición de la Iglesia Católica; La Suspensión de la Repatriación; Debate sobre la Nacionalidad Dominicana de los Hijos de los Inmigrantes Haitianos; Los Hijos de los Inmigrantes Haitianos. [ Analiz Sitiyasyon Imigran Ayisyen An Repiblik Dominikèn].
A NEW LOOK AT NASALIZATION IN HAITIAN CREOLE (PDF) (by Albert Valdman and Iskra Iskrova - Indiana University).
ANDRE, Nicolas. L'un des meilleurs traducteurs / éditeurs haïtiens.
ANKÈT DETAYE SOU ANALFABÈT 9 DEPATMAN PEYI D AYITI [Information on Haiti Illiteracy Statistics. A document prepared by the Haitian Government's Literacy Department. - Literacy / Afabetizasyon].
THE ANIMAL ALPHABET BOOK (Liv alfabè zannimo yo) [Yon pwodui ki ofri an 3 lang pa Newspapers In Education (NIE) nan The Miami Herald . 28 paj. Chak paj repwodiktif yo enkli tèks an panyòl, kreyòl, ak anglè. Yon bon pwodui pou timoun nivo matènèl (Pre-K, Kindergarten, ak pou elèv premyè ane. Li santre sou devlopman langaj. Ilistrasyon yo parèt atravè desen liy nwa yo ki yon envitasyon pou kolore, anplis angajman enterè jenn elèv. Wè paj 5 Resous Katalòg NIE http://nieonline.com/miami/images/2002-03catalogue.pdf (pdf). Kontak http://nieonline.com/miami/images/11.pdf (pdf) - Haitian Creole language / Audio-Visual Resources].
ANMWE POU AYITI / SECOURS POUR HAÏTI [ARTICLE 2: L’association a pour objet d’apporter dans un premier temps une aide médicale d’urgence en HAITI. ARTICLE 3: L’association «Anmwe pou Ayiti «poursuit des buts d’intérêt général et est sans appartenance politique ou religieuse. Elle cherchera également à promouvoir la santé en Haïti par la coopération avec les institutions nationales et internationales, les particuliers et les secteurs privés, en favorisant en particulier, le développement des soins de santé primaire et la lutte contre les maladies endémiques. Siège: Genève, Case Postale 317, CH-1224 Chêne-Bourgeries (Suisse), Tél : ++41 22 784 35 14, anmwe@bluewin.ch].
ANN PALE KREYÒL CASSETTE TAPES [A set of 12 audio cassette tapes to accompany the ann pale kreyòl: An Introductory Course in Haitian Creole manual (authored by Albert Valdman). Publisher: Indiana University's Creole Institute http://www.indiana.edu/~creole/. – Language resources / Audio materials].
ANONS VIL MIAMI SOU METÒD TRAVAY KONFIDANSYÈL (fòma pdf) [A document dealing dealing with privacy practices, confidentiality of medical records document. A Production of the City of Miami Fire Department (MFD). Kreyòl version, 4 pages. - Health-related document / Dokiman sou sante].
«AUTOUR DU ‘FAUX-BOURG SAINT-DENIS’»: UNE CAUSERIE AVEC LOUIS-PHILIPPE DALEMBERT, (23 février 2008) Kathleen Gyssels & Gaëlle Cooreman Source: Tolomeo Articoli, recensioni e inediti delle nuove letterature.
APLIKE POU TRENING KI APWOUVE PANDAN KE W AP KOLEKTE ASIRANS POU MOUN KI P AP TRAVAY (fòma pdf) [Applying for Approved Training While You are Collecting Unemployment Insurance . Kreyòl version, 4 pages. A booklet by the Massachusetts Department of Employment and Training | Yon bwochi Depatman Travay ak Trening. - Human Services].
A PORT-AU-PRINCE JOURNAL (text and photos by Adam JONES [“This journal covers impressions, encounters, and experiences from three weeks spent in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in December 2001 and January 2002. Side trips to Pétionville, Kenscoff, and the coastal town of Jacmel are also featured. As well, my travelling companion, Miriam Tratt, and I visited Haiti 's north coast, in and around Cap-Haïtien. This is covered separately in ‘A Taste of Paradise in Haiti (Yes, Haiti)", elsewhere on this site.”. - Culture].
ARCHER, Evry. «Le Vaudou, Art? Fête? Religion? Magie? Symptôme ou Thérapeutique?». Conférence oct. 1987, G.A.P.E.R.P. (Groupe Autonome Pluridisciplinaire d'Études et de Recherche en Psychopatholoie), Lille , 1989.
ARISTIDE, JEAN-BERTRAND (president of Haiti, profile).
ARISTIDE, UN AN APRES ENTREVUE, par Claude Ribbe (Écrivain et philosophe), l'entrevue est disponible aussi en version audio.
ARTS OF HAITI RESEARCH PROJECT [Arts of Haiti Research Project is a small library and photo archive focused on gathering information relevant to the arts of Haiti, including crafts and vernacular architecture. Director LeGrace Benson has published articles or chapters on Haitian art in academic journals and texts, and has taught in colleges in the United States and Haiti. The Project is located in Ithaca, New York and is open by appointment. Email: legrace@twcny.rr.com ].
WHO REMOVED ARISTIDE? (by Paul Farmer. London Review Of Books; April 13, 2004).
THE ART OF HAITI by MEDIALART [- Art and Literature].
THE ELECTRIC GALLERY: THE HAITIAN ART WING [“ Despite the hardships and political trauma suffered by this country, Haiti remains a wellspring of creativity and imagination. Take a moment to read about the origins of Haitian art before you go on to view the paintings in the Haitian Art Wing. ”. - Art and Literature].
POU JÈN ATIS AYISYEN - TO YOUNG HAITIAN ARTIST [Pou ankouraje jèn atis ayisyen (Ayiti kou nan dyaspora a), elèv ki bon nan fè desen, nou ta renmen ou voye kopi yo ban nou. Si yo an koulè, donk li ta bon pou voye kopi koulè yo. Konsa, nou kapab ouvè yon bank done pou yo sou entènèt la. Se va yon opòtinite pou plis moun konnen atis sa yo epi ankouraje yon an travay y ap fè. Y ap jwenn tout kredi yo merite lè yo sèvi ak zèv sa yo kòm ilistrasyon. Youn di lòt: simaye mesaj sa a souple. Mèsi!
In order encourage young Haitian Artists (in Haiti and in Diaspora), students who are good in drawing, we would like you to send us copies of your art works. If they are in color, it would be a good idea to send color copies. That way, we can open an on-line database for them. That will be also an opportunity for more people these artists and encourage them in their work. They will receive full credit when their works are being used for illustration. Please, spread out this news. Thank you! E.W.Vedrine, Redaktè an chèf / Chief editor - E.W.VEDRINE CREOLE PROJECT, Inc; P.O.B. 255962- Dorchester , MA. 02125-5110 (US)
http://www.palli.ch/~kapeskreyol/bibliographie/vedrine.html, e_vedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com].
ASIRANS SANTE POU TIMOUN KI PA GENYEN ASIRANS [Haitian Creole version of the 4-page [A Florida KidCare Medicaid application. Kreyòl version, 4 pages. - Health-related document / Dokiman sou sante].
ASSOCIATION DES ETUDIANTS HAÏTIENS / HAITIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION [Le Réseau de l'Association des Etudiants Haïtiens (Haitian Student Association Network - HSAN) est une société haïtienne à but non-lucratif qui a pour mission de relever la fierté nationale d'Haïti. Elle accentue tous ses efforts dans l'esprit de pouvoir créer un point de repère, de support, et d'encouragement pour tous les étudiants haïtiens vivant en Haïti ou à l'étranger. | The Haitian Student Association Network (HSAN) is a non-profit organization with the mission to raise the level of our national pride. It focuses all its efforts on the spirit of becoming a major benchmark of support and encouragement for all Haitian students living in Haiti or abroad.]; Forum; Information Générale | General Information (Contact@HSAN.inf).
ASSOCIATION DE GÉNEALOGIE D'HAITI (AGH) [Maxime Dehoux ( prezident@agh.qc.ca), President AGH].
ASSOCIATIONES DES PASTEURS HAÏTIENS DE BROCKTON (Association of Haitian Pastors of Brockton). Brockton, Massachusetts. Rev. Paul Francois, President. Tel. (333) 987-0401; Tel. (508) 521-0293... P.O.Box 753; Brockton, MA. 02303 USA. Email revjrcjerry@gmail.com
ASSOCIATION OF HAITIAN WOMEN IN BOSTON (AFAB). [Asosiyasyon Fanm Ayisyen nan Boston (AFAB)] . Ms. Carlene Desiré, Director; 330 Fuller Street.; Dorchester , MA 02124 . Tel.(617) 287-0096; Fax (617) 287-0170.
ATANSYON PA KAPON, EVITE MIYÒ PASE MANDE PADON [A document dealing with the realities of AIDS / SIDA. Produced in Haitian Creole by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. - Health-related document / Dokiman sou sante].
LES ATELIER JÉRÒME [Art Haïtien - Animation culturelle. Mireille PÉRODIN JÉRÔME Directrice, animatrice; Nicolas Fedriss JÉRÔME; Responsable Administration et Vente; Samora CHALMERS Chargée en Communication et Relations Publiques. Téléphone Haiti: 509-2513-5362 | 3411-9833 | 3705-6825. Téléphone Montréal: 514-667-8319 | 514-223-5994. Adresse: Petion-ville, Haiti, Angle des Rues Lambert et Rebecca, Immeuble # 68, HT 6140].
AUDIO-VISUAL LOAN LIBRARY VIDEOS ON TUBERCULOSIS [Videyo Edikasyonèl sou Tibèkiloz (disponib atravè prè). Pami yo: You Can Prevent TB, The Facts About TB, The TB and HIV Connection, and You Can Beat TB . Disponib an kreyòl. Producer: State of Florida].
AYITI: NOUVO GOUVÈNMAN AN AP KONFWONTE DEFI SOU KESYON DWA MOUN (REZIME) (VÈSYON KONPLÈ) [“HAITI: Human Rights Challenges Facing the New Government” by Amnesty International].
BA YO PLIS KONESANS [Kreyòl site on “Early Childhood Initiative Foundation preparing kids aged 0-5 for entering school . It also includes informative documents such as: Abi Seksyèl Kont Timoun, Devlopman Pitit Ou a, Kesyon ki Gen Rapò ak Pitit Mwen, Pou Ou Kab Vin Yon Bon Paran, Swen pou Timoun Piti ak Edikasyon, Tandans ak Pratik Ki Pi Bon, Timoun: Sante ak Sekirite].
BASIC CREOLE (KREYOL): AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LANGUAGE OF HAITI [By Brewster W. Moseley. Manyèl sa a se yon kou ki entwodui lang Ayiti a. Li gen 47 paj. Pratikman, kou sa a kouvri gramè kreyòl la. Li vin ak yon kasèt odyo, yon diksyonè kreyòl - anglè / anglè - kreyòl. Moseley Enterprises, Inc. 1e janvye 1985. - Haitian Creole-language Audio-Visual Resources].
BATI POU DEMEN: PWOGRAM POU BAY TIMOUN AK GRANMOUN MANJE A [Yon pwogram federal ki la pou bay timoun yo okipe lajounen yo manje ak ti goute byen balance | Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP. Kreyòl version, 2 pages. - Health-related document / Dokiman sou sante].
BELLEFLEUR, Jean Heber. (jeanhebel7@gmail.com) [Translator of: Haitian Creole, Spanish, English and French - business, literary, legal and religious documents). BATJDA/HAITI ORGANIZATION (batjdaayiti7@yahoo.com). P.O.BOX 15996; HT6140; Petion-Ville, Haiti (W.I)
BEYOND BORDERS (Promotes literacy, teacher training, education reform).
BIB LA AN KREYÒL SOU ENTÈNÈT LA [“The shortcoming of this delivery system for the same version of the Haitian Creole Bible listed above is this: Those in Haiti, dependent upon this particular ‘dribble-by-dribble' version just to ‘check things out on a 'spur-of-the-moment' basis' must pay such high hourly surcharges for Internet access -- over and above what it costs to secure their ISP services on a monthly basis!” (Marilyn Mason). – Literature (Creole) / Religion].
BIBLE DATABASE: HAITIAN CREOLE ONLINE BIBLE [Bazdone Bib kreyòl la sou entènèt. - Literature (Creole) / Religion]].
BIEN-ETRE BALLROOM DANCE STUDIO [Dance lessons: Chachacha, Rumba, Salsa, Samba, Swing, Tango, Waltz. Contact info: tonmost@yahoo.com].
BILL DAVIS rjbill@hotmail.com. A reliable editor to go over your manuscript(s) in English. Just contact Bill (native speaker) – with 45 years experience, teaching English and someone who’s been working with the Haitian community to help schools in Haiti. Interested in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) Literature in the schools in Haiti.
BIOLA UNIVERSITY 'S UNBOUND BIBLIE – HAITIAN CREOLE VERSION (IPN orthography). [The entire Bible in a single zipped text file. - Literature (Creole) / Religion].
BITO DAVID (poète-écrivain)
BLACK ÉMIGRÉS: THE EMERGENCE OF 19TH CENTURY UNITED STATES BLACK NATIONALISM (in Response to Haitian Emigration and Colonization, 1816-1840) [Article by Eric Anderson on American Blacks who settled in Haiti. Published in 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies].
BLONDÈL (Yon sit espesyal sou travay Blondèl nan penti, eskilti e fotografi / A special site devoted to the work of Blondèl in painting, sculpture and photography).
THE BOB CORBETT FORUM (Haiti Mailing List) “Largest forum on Haiti for research and etc.— discussing all subjects in English” / Bob Corbett Library; Books on Haiti (English, Kreyòl, French), resource center; 1419 Tanm Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139 USA; bcorbett@netcom.com.
BON NOUVÈL (Publisher of books and documents in Kreyòl, distributor of Haitian books for bilingual and literacy programs; resource center, publisher of the monthly Kreyòl newspaper, Bon Nouvèl) 103, rue Pave; BP 1594, Port-au-Prince, Haïti (W.I.); Tel. 23 88 60; bonnouvel@mail.kanet.net.
BON NOUVÈL: 35 ANE NAN KORE BATAY AN FAVÈ LANG KREYÒL LA [Yon atik Ronald Colbert. Pibliye an(n) avril 2002 nan bwaPiwo . Atik sa a onore jounal Bon Nouvèl nan lang ayisyen pou 35 ane sèvis li bay lang kreyòl la. - Literacy / Afabetizasyon].
BOSTON HAITIAN REPORTER (monthly newspaper)
BOSTON MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH (336 Dudley St; Roxbury MA. 02121 (USA); Tel. (617) 427-4448; Rev. Dr. Soliny Védrine, pastor).
BOUKAN DIFE LITERATI AK JOËL LORQUET: A collection of articles & interviews Edited by Emmanuel W. Védrine.
BRÉZAULT KESLER (Keslèbrezo): A Haitian novel (175 KB, pdf).
BYENVINI NAN BOSTON (fòma pdf) [ New Bostonians' Guide to City Services. Kreyòl version, 27 pages. Publisher: The Mayor's Office of New Bostonians. Boston, Massachusetts. – Human services].
CABINET LAFOREST. Robert Laforest (lawyerha@starband.net); 80 Avenue Jean Paul II, Turgeau – Port au-Prince, HAITI . Tel: (509) 510 97 61; fax: (509) 245 00 05; mobile: (509) 401 74 32.
CAMIE'S BAKERY & RESTAURANT [LOCATION: Cambridge, Massachusetts. - 152 Columbia St.; Cambridge, Massachusetts. 02139; Tel. (617) 661-4878; Fax (617) 661-4840; E-mail: camiesbakery@aol.com. Specializing in: Cakes for all occasions (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, christenings, communions) – Pastries (patties, cookies, etc.) – Caribbean food – Bread for all! occasion].
CARIBBEAN U-TURN, Inc . [Youth at Risk Program. 19 Telsa st., Mattapan , MA . 02126. Tel. (617) 29! 6-6789 [SERVICES: Gang and Violence Intervention; HIV / AIDS education; Substance Abuse Education; Family Intervention; Group meetings; One on one counseling; Group counseling. PROGRAMS: After school program; Drop in center; Outreach program; Peer leadership program; Transportation. Contact: Rev. Alfred Mombleur, tel. (617) 296-6789. HAITI 'S BRANCH: (509) 556-2796, (509) 556-2797].
CARL'S CORNER (Le coin de Carl Fombrun). [Photos].
CAVÉ ALAN : Un autre beau reflet du jeu d'arc-en-ciel dans la carrière du chanteur Alan Cavé par Marie Flore Domond.
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND RESEARCH (CCHER). Dr. Eustache Jean-Louis,Director; Dr. Guy Apollon, Program Director; 420 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124.Tel. (617) 265-0628; Fax (617) 265-4134.
CENTER FOR THE RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF MILOT (CRUDEM): “Welcome to Crudem, a wonderful medical missionary hospital in Haiti . CRUDEM began in 1968 when the people of Milot went to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and asked for help in improving conditions in their impoverished village. Brother Yves Beausejour, s.c. , then age 34 with already ten years of service in Haiti , was sent as director along with two other brothers. They named the project CRUDEM—Center for the Rural Development of Milot.”
CENTRE D'ETUDES DE DOCUMENTS ET DE TRADUCTION (CEDET). (jeanhebel7@gmail.com; batjdaayiti7@yahoo.com). [We translate: Haitian Creole, Spanish, English and French - business, literary, legal and religious documents]. P.O.BOX 15996; HT6140; Petion-Ville, Haiti (W.I).
CENTRE DE SANTÉ VALENTIANE [(Dr. J.R. Ernst Joseph, Madeleine Joseph, Brian Oakes) A site illustrating the work being done by several dedicated Haitian doctors (dentists, general practitioners, AIDS specialists) who visit the south coast dispensing services, free of charge, to over 200 patients each month; rural populations primarily in mountainous areas from Port-Salut to Tiburon. They seek funding for the purchase of materials and medicines. centrevalentine@videotron.ca ].
CENTRE N A RIVE DE MONTRÉAL - Tel (514) 278-2157; Fax (514) 278-4374; naprive@hotmail.com ; 6971, rue St.Denis, Montréal H2S 2S5 , CANADA . [Alphabétisation – Conversation française – Mise à niveau des compétences en français / math – Technique de préparation à l'emploi: cuisine, couture, informatique – Formation personnelle: cuisine, patisserie, informatique, coupe – Conduite machine à coudre industrielle – Cours de langue et culture haïtiennes – Activités d'économie sociale].
LE CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA CHANSON www.umb.edu/cnc [World Music with French accent – Brian Thompson (brian.thompson@umb.edu), Director. UMass-Boston Modern Languages. Webcast 24/7 “L’Air du temps” on WUMB.org]
CESSER DE JOUER AUX ÉCHEC LE SORT D'HAÏTI (par Christiane Taubira). Le Monde. , 03.03.04.
CHANTE LAKAY [A collection of songs from Marie Thérèse Antoine's Le Cahier de Chants de Marie Thérèse Antoine (Pour enfants; Chansons d'antan; Noël! Noël!; Chante Lakay). Republished on windowsonhaiti.com. – Literature (French, Creole) /Poetry/ Song].
CHARLOT LUCIEN'S CORNER | LE COIN DE CHARLOT LUCIEN [Charlot Lucien – Ti Cyprien Doktè Ya Bezwen (Mario Malivert); Charlot Lucien et Ses Contes Satiriques Sur Un Nouvel Album CD, Ti Cyprien (Frantz Jean Baptiste); Batèm Capois Lamort; Doktè Ya Bezwen; Charlot Lucien interviewé par Rodrigue; Dyaspora lang poudre; Sonson moun fou; The Agronomist: Jean Dominique and Michele Montas' story universal appeal…; Littérature Orale Haïtienne: Analyse d'un Nouvel Apport (Ludovic Comeau Jr., DePaul University); «Paintings by Charlot Lucien» (“Toussaint Louverture on his horse Bel Argent” | Toussaint Louverture sur son cheval Bel Argent); “ The weight of Slavery | Le poids de l'esclavage”); -“Ti Oma”: Charlot Lucien's first CD].
CHILDREN OF SHADOWS: A FILM ABOUT THE RESTAVÈK CHILDREN OF HAITI [A 54-minute film by National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR). It portrays the restavèk children of Haiti. This particular film follows the children as they go through their daily chores such as the endless cycle of cooking, washing, sweeping, mopping, going to the market, going to fetch water, going to run errands, and so on. In the interviews, these children speak openly and shyly about the lives they are forced to lead. This documentary is in Haitian Creole (with English sub-titles). An original Haitian music laced throughout the film . - Haitian Creole-language Audio-Visual.
CHOAIDS (Caring for Haitian Orphans with Aids)
CHOUPETTE PLACE; info@choupette.com [Catering at its finest most difficult needs. – Visit us at 830 Blue Hill Ave. Dorchester, MA. 02124; tel. (617) 740-8668; 1-866-70place; fax (617) 740-7385; A fine Dining Restaurant & Academic Cultural Exchange Center – Anniversary, Baby shower, Birthday, Buffet – Gourmet -Caribbean, Christening, Conferences, Corporate & Social events, First communion, Funeral reception, Graduation, In & Out door Party, International Cuisine, Meeting, Wedding package, Wedding shower].
CIDIHCA (Centre International De Documentation Et D'Information Haïtienne Caraïbénne Et Afro-Canadienne: “Editors of Haitian books, Caribbean and Afro-Canadian books, distributor of Haitian books, resource / research center”; 359, rue St. Pierre, 1er étage Montréal, Qc. Canada, H2Y 2L9; Tel. (514) 845-0880; Fax (514) 845-6218; edition@cidihca.com.
LA CIRH POUR QUOI FAIRE? par Fritz Deshommes, mai 2011.
QUEL CITOYEN LE SYSTÈME ÉDUCATIF HAÏTIEN PRÉPARE-T-IL? par Claude Bernard Sérant, Le Nouvelliste, 14 juin 2006.
CLEAN WATER FOR HAITI [“Clean Water for Haiti is a non-profit agency registered in Washington State (UBI 602-370-428). It is run by volunteers who take no salaries. The US IRS 501c(3) tax-exempt status is a formality that takes time and money to complete.”. -Development].
COISSY, Daniel-Michel (Docteur en droit “cabinet juridique nord–sud—juriste suisse, né en Haïti, jette un pont entre les États industrialisés et les États en développement, notamment entre la Suisse, Haïti et les États d'Afrique, afin de promouvoir les relations commerciales, industrielles et financières entre les secteurs privés de ces pays.”.
CHOLÉRA EN HAÏTI : Site informatif et indépendant qui se propose de rassembler tous les dossiers traitant du choléra en Haïti en un seul lieu afin que les informations vraies, vérifiables et objectives soient accessibles à toute personne qui souhaite en savoir davantage, se faire une idée par elle-même, au-delà du traitement médiatique de l'épidémie qui ravage Haïti depuis octobre 2010, et par-delà la propagande mensongère et irresponsable.
COLLEGE SUCCESS INITIATIVE (Martha VEDRINE, Program Director; mvedrine@egc.org, Tel. (617) 262-4567 ext. 192.
COLLOQUE : Révolution et indépendance haïtiennes: Autour du bicentenaire de 1804, histoire et mémoire, du jeudi 1 avril 2004 au vendredi 30 avril 2004, Association des Historiens de la Caraïbe, Port-au-Prince.
COLLOQUE : Conférence pour le Bicentenaire de l'Indépendance d'Haïti, Réinterpréter la Révolution haïtienne et ses Répercussions culturelles, 1804-2004, 16-18 Juin 2004, St. Augustine, Trinité et Tobago.
COLLOQUE : Appel à contribution «La Révolution haïtienne au-delà de ses frontières», du mardi 1 juin 2004 au mercredi 30 juin 2004.
COLLOQUE : Moreau de Saint-Mery : De Saint-Domingue à l’Italie ou les ambiguïtés d’un créole des Lumières, du 10 au 11 septembre 2004, Atrium, Fort-de-France.
COLLOQUE : Mémoires et cultures : HAÏTI, 1804 – 2004, L’indépendance d’Haïti et la construction d’un mythe culturel, Université de Limoges, 30 septembre – 2 Octobre.
COLLOQUE : Relire l'histoire littéraire et le littéraire haïtiens, Colloque organisé conjointement par l'Université de Montréal, L'Université Guelph et le CIDIHCA JACMEL, 2, 3, 4 décembre 2004.
COMCARE INTERNATIONAL (Helps with solar empowered hearing aid and audiology clinic in Bassin Bleu).
COMMON DREAMS (Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community).
COMITÉ EXÉCUTIF NATIONAL DE LA JEUNESSE WESLEYENNE D’HAÏTI, flambeau.wesleyen@caramail.com, Eglise Wesleyenne de Carrefour-Feuilles, Angle rues Des Dalles et Magloire Ambroise No.23, Tél.: (509) 246-6279 ou 221-6862 - HAITI. HAITIAN WESLEYAN YOUTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE AT FAUCHE / PORT MARGOT (CAP-HAITIAN) - (July 27 – August 1, 2004). Lettre du Comité National de la Jeunesse Wesleyenne d’Haïti, 10 Février 2004, Port-au-Prince.
CONEH (CORPS NATIONAL DES ENSEIGNANTS D'HAÏTI) [ S.O.S Pour l'École Haïtienne En Péril Et La Volarisation Du Métier d'Enseignement | Anmwe! Osekou! Pou Lekòl Peyi Dayiti K ap Depafini Ansanm Ak Metye Fè Lekòl La Ki Pa Vo Anyen. «J'ai eu la chance de lire ce document où l'UNNOH met à nu certains problèmes que l'école haïtienne confronte. Ce document est une révandication de justice de cette organisation qui représente la voix des professeurs frustrés par les problèmes de l'éducation en Haïti nourris par les mauvais gouvernements. C'est aussi une épée à deux tranchants: un message non seulement à ceux qui sont dans ce domaine à caractère pathétique, mais aussi une prise de conscience pour un changement duquel tous les citoyens pourront bénéficier des avantages». Emmanuel W. Védrine - Éducation].
TROISIÈME CONFÉRENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LES PAYS MOINS AVANCÉS (Mémoire présenté par le gouvernement d'Haïti), (Twazyèm Konferans Nasyonzini sou Peyi Tyèmond yo).
CONSTITUTION DE LA REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI, (Haiti's 1987 Constitution / Konstitisyon Repiblik Ayiti).
CONSTITUTION DE 1801, (Konstitisyon 1801).
CONSUMER RIGHTS (Dwa kliyan) [Deklarasyon sou dwa yon konsomatè; Gid ipotèk la: men yon opòtinite pou posede kay pa w (pdf); Gid Kredi a: Kòman pou Chwazi Ipotèk ki Bon pou Wou (pdf); Gid pou moun k ap achte osnon lwe pou anpil tan yon machin ki sèvi deja; Gid pou moun k ap achte osnon lwe pou anpil tan yon machin nèf; Gid pou pwopriyetè kay ki vle fè travay reparasyon nan kay yo; Gid sou fason ki jis pou fè rekouvreman yon dèt; Gid sou zafè dwa lokatè kay; Kèk Dokiman Pwokirè Jeneral Massachusetts sou Dwa Konsomatè yo (pdf); Kouman pou chwazi yon plan sante?; Lajan Prete pou Achte Kay; Prensip Debaz pou Prete Lajan: Kòman pou Konnen ak Konprann Kredi W (pdf); Prensip Debaz Pou Prete Lajan: Sa W Pa Konnen Pi Gran Pase W (pdf); Site dwa w yo].
COOPÉRATION INTER-UNIVERSITAIRE ENTRE L'UNIVERSITÉ D'ÉTAT D'HAÏTI, L'UNIVERSITÉ GRENOBLE 2 ET L'UNIVERSITÉ DE SAVOIE [A variety of well-documented pages on these Haiti-related subjects: A Propos d'Haïti : (Climat, Commerce, Culture, Démographie, Économie, Éducation, Faune et flore, Gouvernement et vie politique, Histoire, Langues et religions, Relief et hydrographie, Statistiques, Villes principales); Bibliographie Haïtienne Principalement depuis 1953; Chefs d'États d'Haïti de 1804 à nos jours (as well as biographies of Toussaint Louverture: 1743-1803, Jean-Jacques Dessalines: 1758-1806, Henry Christophe: 1767-1820, Alexandre Pétion: 1770-1818, Jean-Pierre Boyer: 1776-1850, Alexis Beaubrun-Ardouin: 1796-1865, Thomas Madiou: 1814-1884) old maps of Haiti and the Caribbean, old Constitutions of Haiti, etc.); Découverte d'Haïti par Christophe Colomb; Droits de l'Homme; Historique; Partenariat; Recherche; Varia: découverte d'Haïti; – Culture / Education / History].
COVHADI [An Alliance of Overseas Students, P. O. Box 55980; Washington DC 20040; VPFinance@overseashaitians.org]
CREDLI —THE CREOLE INSTITUE (“Bilingual and trilingual dictionaries (English, Kreyòl, French), teaching materials for learners of Kreyòl, books and research on Creole studies”) Indiana University, Ballantine Hall 604, Bloomington, IN 47405-6601 USA; Tel. (812) 855-4988; Fax (812) 855-2386; valdman@indiana.edu.
CRÉOLE, ÉCOLE, RATIONALITÉ par Yves Dejean, nov. 2001
CREOLE PUBLICATIONS BY HUGUE ST. FORT [D'où Viennent les langues créoles? (première partie, deuxième partie, troisième partie); Du bon usage des grammaires créoles; L'écriture des langues créoles: quels enjeux?; Où Sont parlées les langues créoles?; Petite bibliographie de créolistique; Pourquoi Devons-nous étudier les créoles et le créole haïtien? (première partie, deuxième partie); Qu'est-ce que le créole haïtien? (première, deuxième, troisième partie); Qu'est-ce qu'une Langue Créole? (première partie, deuxième partie). Language].
CREOLE LANGUAGE IN HAITI (by Lanah Lherisson) [“Haiti is comprised of two official languages, French and Creole. ‘A creole language is a pidgin that has developed and become the mother tongue for a community of people.' Haitian Creole is the major language spoken throughout Haiti . There is some controversy concerning the Creole language in Haiti . ‘There is, at present, an argument going on in Haiti as part of the on-going Creole/French debate. The argument is about whether Creole should have become the official language of the country when independence was declared in 1804.' Although this argument was not the basis of this paper nor the interviews performed, the relevance and utilization of Creole was debated within the four interviews that were conducted. This paper will explore the issues surrounding language in Haiti by looking at the following topics: definitions, history, and the Creole language.”. - Language].
CREOLE WITH A SMILE [Haitian Creole / English text book with cassette. Producer: House of Hope Ministries . - Haitian Creole-language Audio-Visual Resources].
CREOLISTICS & CARIBBEAN LANGUAGE (special theme of the “Sargasso” Review (2004/05, Vol. I) [Special interview with Prof. Michel DeGraff, interviewed by Don E. Walicek (a Ph.D. student in the Dept. of English at the University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras), pp. 1-34. Title of interview “Creole Exceptionalism and Accidents of History: A Conversation with Michel DeGraff” – “DeGraff's work has played a major role in convincing a growing number of linguists around the world to ask key questions about how Creole languages are studied and to reconsider widely accepted ideas about their relationship to non-Creoles. In the conversation with DeGraff included here, he discusses a number of issues pertinent to contemporary research in the field of Creole Studies. Special attention is given to two concepts central to his recent work on Creole languages and ideology, Creole Exceptionalism and Postcolonial Creolistics. Intimately familiar with theoretical linguistics and the history of Creole Studies, DeGraff points out that research on Caribbean languages is a field of inquiry that has been an continues to be influenced by knowledge production from other areas and other periods ” (Don E. Walicek, Sargasso 2004-05, I, pp. vii-viii]
CROSLEY REGINALD, poète et alchimiste du Verbe par Saint-John Kauss.
THE CROSS from DIACOUTE Felix Morisseau-Leroy trad. Suze Baron.
LES CRUCIFIÉS DE L'HISTOIRE (par Jean-Claude Bajeux).
CULTURAL REVOLUTION OF 2004: IDENTITY [- Culture,History, Literature].
THE CREOLE CONNECTION (Haitian newspaper published in West Palm Beach , Fl.; publications stopped).
THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION OF CREOLE PEOPLE (IOCP) [L'Organisation Intenationale des Peuples Créoles / Òganizasyon Entènasyonal Pèp Kreyòl].