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NOU BOUKE… (yon tèks Dtè. Emilio Basile, M.D) 19 mas 2006
KONBIT, Gerard Valcin. © Galerie Nader |
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Nou bouke tande Ayiti se peyi ki pi pòv nan mitan lòt yo.
Nou bouke wè plis ke twaka peyi a nan provens pou kont yo san enfrastrikti, san swen sante, ap tavay ak men yo.
Nou bouke wè moun mouri kou poul nan men lamizè, nan men bandi, san defans, epi lòt moun pase kote kadav yo san gade alò ke lontan si yon bèt ou mouri kè w te fè w mal.
Nou bouke ke nou pa rann chak bandi responsab menm si se yon moun ki voye li men se li ki touye lòt la.
Nou bouke konstate ke egoyis, se tou pa m, wete kò w pou m mete moun pa m ranplase espri solidarite, tèt ansanm, responsablite sivik, espri imen.
Nou bouke wè nan peyi a lavi youn lòt pa gen plis enpòtans ke yon bèt depi m gen afè pa w.
Nou bouke ak divizyon pèp Ayiti nan moun anwo / moun anba, moun po klè / moun po nwa, moun lavil / moun nan provens, moun dyaspora / moun lakay.
Nou bouke ak sèvi ak moun provens pou ba moun lavil manje, moun dyaspora la pou voye lajan sèlman epi de (2) kategori moun sa yo nou pè pou yo pa pran plas moun lavil ou an (n) Ayiti.
Nou bouke wè Ayisyen nan peyi etranje fè bèl bagay nan lasyans, nan politik alò ke moun lakay pa t ap pèmèt yo fè anyen akoz jalouzi.
Nou bouke wè Ayisyen ki nan peyi etranje kwè ke yo pi konnen pase moun lakay.
Nou bouke wè ke moun lakay wè Ayisyen nan peyi etranje kòm yon menas pou yo alòske se etranje ki kenbe lakay.
Nou bouke wè ke nou poko reyalize ke peyi etranje yo poko janm ede Ayiti develope vre, ke se nou ki pou fè travay la e lè sa a nou va deside ki vrè bezwen nou genyen pou resevwa èd sa a e mete l pou Ayiti vre.
Nou bouke wè granmoun nou yo pako janm wè elektrsite, sant sante, yo mouri nenpòt kijan, yo oblije rete nan peyi etranje, nan fredi paske lakay pa ba yo okenn sekirite, swen de baz, sekirite lavi yo.
Nou bouke ak tout sa! Ba Ayiti yon chans!
Nou bouke ke nou poko wè ke si Ayti develope se nou tou, n ap pi rich paske nou p ap bezwen pete fyèl nou pou bay lajan ke nou bezwen pou retrèt nou, ke lajan nou fè kòm endistriyèl nan peyi a pa fè pitit paske moun yo trò pòv pou yo achte machandiz nou yo, nou pa wè ke nou pa entelijan lè nou fè sa.
Nou bouke wè ke nou pa gade pou nou konnen ki anpil bon travay anpil nan nou ap fè nan peyi etranje, an(n) Ayiti pou bagay yo chanje.
Nou bouke tande lòt chèf k ap di ròch nan dlo, ròch nan solèy pou yo regle zafè yo sèlman epi divize peyi a pi rèd.
Nou bouke wè (yon gwoup) moun toujou prepare pou bloke tout nouvo prezidan pèp la eli dekwa pou l pa fè travay li.
Nou bouke ak moun ki di yo nan opozisyon men yo pa fè yon blòk pou pouse gouvènman an plas yo fè travay yo.
Nou bouke ak opozisyon ki se destriksyon, blokaj, ki pa konstriksyon. Nou kontan wè anpil moun pale nan Haitian Politics men mwen poko wè yo pale kisa ki bon toujou nan Ayiti.
Nou bouke tande ke Ayiti se Site Solèy, alò ke nou konnnen gen 8.5 milyon moun ladan l tou.
Nou bouke, mwen bouke men mwen kwè nou pral pi lwen, Ayiti p ap mouri si nou vin ak plan projè nan Haitian Politics.
Nou bouke tande pale zigzani, tripotay politik, divizyon.
Nou bouke wè ke nou pa kab sèvi ak sa gason Los Angeles la te di «Why we cannot get along» (Pouki nou pa ka byen youn ak lòt) apre polis te bat li sou baz rasyal.
Nou bouke paske nou poko gen fòs limyè pou n aplike «L’Union fait la force» ki te pèmèt Ayiti vin yon nasyon.
Nou bouke paske nou poko gen yon Ayiti pou tout moun jan Dessalines te vle l la, Ayisyen nan provens, sa ki lavil, Ayisyen nan peyi etranje.
Nou bouke paske an(n) Ayiti tout moun poko fin moun, fò tout moun se moun. Men nou p ap janm bouke kwè ke Ayiti p ap mouri, ke divizyon moun lakay, moun dyaspora, moun anwo, moun anba, moun nan vil, moun nan provens, noun po klè, moun po nwa, pa sèvi anyen ankò. Resèt sa a pa mache; li p ap bay rezilta ankò; se nan enterè nou tout ke Ayiti tounen yon peyi respektab e respekte. Nou tout a pral fè sa nou kapab nan kapasite pa n pou n al pi lwen.
(Mounlazile ki nan «G.E.A.C.H» (Groupe d'Études et d'Actions Civiques pour Haïti)
(Edisyon) koutwazi
Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)
evedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com
(By Emilio Basile, M.D)
March 19, 2006
We are tired of hearing Haiti is the poorest country among others.
We are tired of seeing more than three forths of the country live alone in the countryside with no infrastructure, no health care, they are working with their hands.
We are tired of seeing people dying like chicken due to misery, being killed by bandits, with no self-defense, and then other people pass by their corpses without looking at them, and we know in the past if an animal died we would be touched by its death.
We are tired of making each bandit responsible for their crimes even if he is sent by someone to commit it but he (the bandit) is the one who kills the other person.
We are tired of observing that selfishness, it’s my turn, get away so that I put my buddies in your place, spirit of solidarity, exploiting together, civic responsibility, human spirit.
We are tired of seeing in the country the life of another person is not worth more than an animal once I have my own stuff.
We are tired with the division of the people in Haiti: division between those at the top vs. those at the bottom, division between those with light skin and dark skin, division between people in the city and those from the country, division between those from the Diaspora and those who live in the country.
We are tired of using people in the countryside to feed those in the cities, people in the Diaspora to send only money and then these two categories of people, they are afraid that they replace the city people or those in Haiti.
We are tired of seeing Haitians in foreign countries who make great contributions to science, politics and then people at home (in Haiti) would not allow them to do anything due to jealousy.
We are tired of seeing Haitians in foreign countries who believe that they know more than those who are in Haiti.
We are tired of seeing Haitians back home to see those in Diaspora as a threat to them whereas it’s foreigners who have control of Haiti.
We are tired that we have not realized that foreign countries have not yet helped Haiti develop for real, that it’s us who should do the work and at that time we’ll decide about our real needs to receive this help and make it for Haiti for real.
We are tired of seeing that our elders have never seen electricity, health centers, they die in any condition, they are obliged to remain in foreign countries, in the cold because their country does not give them any primary healthcare security, security of their life.
We are tired with all these. Give Haiti a chance!
We are tired of not seeing that if Haiti develops it will be in our advantage, we will be richer because we won’t need to work so hard to pay money that we need for our retirement, the money we make as industrialists in the country does not make profits because the people are too poor to buy our merchandises. Don’t we see that we aren’t intelligent when we do that?
We are tired of seeing that you don’t investigate to know of many good works that many of us are doing abroad, in Haiti for things to be changed.
We are tired of hearing other leaders who are talking about rocks in the water vs. rocks in the sun only to take care of their own business and divide the country worse than ever.
We are tired of seeing (a group of) people who are always prepared to block all new presidents who get elected by the people so that they can’t fulfill their task.
We are tired of people who say that they are part of the opposition but they don’t make a block to push the government in power in order to do their job.
We are tired of oppositions that are destructions, blockades, those that are not constructive ones. We are happy to see many people on the Haitian Politics, but I’ve not heard them talked about what is still good in Haiti.
We are tired of hearing that Haiti is “Site Solèy” whereas we know that there are 8.5 million of people within the country.
We are tired, I am tired but I believe we are going further. Haiti will not die if we come up with project plans on the Haitian Politics forum.
We are tired of hearing of fighting (through word), political gossips and division.
We are tired of seeing that we can’t use that (Black American) man in Los Angeles who said: “Why we cannot get along” after the racist (white) policemen trash beat him.
We are tired because we don’t yet have the strength of light to apply “L’Union fait la force” (Togetherness is strength) that allowed Haiti to become a nation.
We are tired because we don’t have yet a Haiti for everyone the way Dessalines* wanted it to be, Haitians in the countryside, those in the cities, Haitians in foreign countries.
We are tired in Haiti that everyone is not totally a human being. But we’ll never get tired of believing that Haiti will not die, that the division among people in Haiti: people from the Diaspora, those who are at the top vs. those at the bottom, people in the cities vs. those in the countryside, people with light skin vs. people with dark skin, no longer have any value. This recipe doesn’t work. It will no longer gives a (positive) result; it will be in the interest of all of all of us that Haiti be respected and is a respected country. We are all going to do what we can in our power to move forward.
(Mounlazile who are in “G.E.A.C.H”)
(Groupe d'Études et d'Actions Civiques pour Haïti
/ Research Group and Civic Actions for Haiti).
(English translation: Emmanuel W. Vedrine)
Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)
evedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com