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Ten gifts for all Haitians |
Photo: Infotellerie (journal). Courtesy Jean Valcin, Saint Joseph École Hôtelière & Du Tourisme de L’Asile.
Sept. 22, 2022 : 22 Sept. 2022
(1). God. Put God in the first place in all that we are doing. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Prov. 9: 10). |
(1). Bondye. Bay Bondye premye plas nan tout sa n ap fè. Krent pou Bondye se kòmansman sajès. (Pwov. 9: 10). |
(2). Free education. How can we help all Haitians in Haiti get a free education and one that is practical until the end of secondary school? Without free education (up to a certain level), there cannot be possible development in Haiti. |
(2). Edikasyon gratis. Kòman nou ka ede tout ti Ayisyen Ayiti jwenn yon edikasyon gratis e youn ki pratik jiska fen segondè? San edikasyon gratis (jiska yon sèten nivo), pa ka gen devlopman posib Ayiti. |
(3). Formation Trainings. These trainings must be held in all domains) to orient youth since early on so that they don’t get into gangs. |
(3). Seyans Fòmasyon. Fòmasyon sa yo dwe fèt nan tout domèn pou oryante lajenès depi byen bonè, pou yo pa tonbe nan gang. |
(4). Diaspora. If you live in diaspora and you are helping people in Haiti, don’t spoil them by sending them money only. Give them advise to learn 2, 3 trades to learn to help themselves, advise them to go to school, go to formation trainings, learn to do business, learn to invest in the communes they are from (encourage them to do business, learn to organize themselves, learn to create networks). |
(4). Dyaspora. Si w ap viv nan dyaspora w ap ede moun Ayiti, pa gate yo nan voye lajan ba yo sèlman. Ba yo konsèy pou aprann 2, 3 metye pou aprann ede tèt yo, ba yo konsèy al lekòl, al pran seyans fòmasyon, aprann fè biznis, aprann envesti nan komin yo soti (ankouraje yo fè biznis, aprann òganize yo, aprann kreye rezo). |
(5). Civic work. We encourage every Haitian to learn to do civic works in their communes, communities (in Haiti and in Diaspora). |
(5). Travay sivik. N ap ankouraje chak Ayisyen aprann fè travay sivik nan komin, kominote y ap viv (Ayiti kou nan dyaspora). |
(6). Working together. The fact that most Haitians have problems with working together, so we can think of other strategies such as encouraging every Haitian to learn to produce individually and put what they can produce at the service of their country, community, and commune. |
(6). Travay ansanm. Lefèt ke pifò Ayisyen gen pwoblèm ak travay ansanm, enben n ka panse a lòt estrateji tèlke: ankouraje chak Ayisyen aprann pwodui endividyèlman epi mete sa yo ka pwodui a o sèvis peyi, kominote, komin yo soti. |
(7). Leadership. Something that starts at home, where mom and dad live and the children are observing them. So, often times the children are going to replicate this model (which can be a positive or negative one). |
(7). Lidèchip. Yon bagay ki kòmanse depi nan fwaye a, kote manman ak papa ap viv, epi timoun nan ap obsève. Donk anpil fwa, se modèl sa a timoun nan pral repwodui (youn ki ka pozitif ou negatif). |
(8). Production. What does every Haitian reproduce, can produce in their capacity that society can benefit from? Here, we must stop criticizing Peter or James for what is not done in society. That is, we are also guilty seeing what’s needed to be done and we cross our arms without doing anything. |
(8). Pwodiksyon. Kisa chak Ayisyen pwodui, ka pwodui nan domèn, nan kapasite yo ke sosyete a ka benefisye de sa? La a, nou dwe sispann kritike Pyè oubyen Jak pou sa ki pa fèt nan sosyete a. Sètadi, nou koupab tou lè n wè sa k dwe fèt epi n rete bra kwaze san fè anyen. |
(9). Determination. After knowing our problems, and their causes are going to continue blaming James and Peter… and don’t look for strategies to solve them (even if they would propose us some)? |
(9). Detèminasyon. Lè n fin rekonèt pwoblèm nou, e sa ki lakoz yo, èske n ap kontinye blame Jak oubyen Pyè… epi n pa chache estrateji solisyone yo (menm lè yo ta pwopoze n kèk)? |
(10). Turkeys fly with turkeys • Eagles soar with eagles. |
(10). Kòdenn vole ak kòdenn • Èg plane ak èg. |
- Why do you have to continue functioning with people with no vision to move forward when you have vision to do so?: Pou kisa ou oblije kontinye fonksyone ak moun ki san vizyon pou avanse, lè ou menm ou gen vizyon pou avanse?
- Why do you have to continue functioning with people you discover to be racketeers when you are a descent person? : Pou kisa ou oblije kontinye fonksyone ak moun ou dekouvri ki raketè lè ou menm ou se moun serye?
- Why do you have to be in a club of villains when you are a descent person? : Pou kisa ou oblije nan klib bandi lè ou menm ou se moun debyen?
- Why do you have to be in the club of people who like filth when you like cleanliness? : Pou kisa ou oblije nan klib moun ki renmen salte lè ou menm ou renmen pwòpte?
- Why don’t you belong to the club of people who are producing instead of staying at clubs of people who don’t want to produce? : Pou kisa ou pa fè pati klib moun k ap pwodui olye ou rete nan klib moun ki pa vle pwodui?
Annexed Texts : Tèks Anekse
- A look at Higher Education in Haiti : another step after secondary level | Koudèy sou Edikasyon Siperyè: yon lòt etap apre nivo segondè Ayiti.
- Agrikilti ta dwe premye sib nan devlopman Ayiti : Agriculture the first Target for Haiti's Development. (June 2004).
- AKA (Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen : The Haitian Creole Academy) -- E. W. Védrine’s intervention at the Akademi Kreyòl Ayisyen. Conference, February 4, 2. Keynote speaker, Emeritus Professor Albert Valdman (founder of the Creole Institute), Indiana University. Prof. Joseph Marcel Georges, Moderator. VIDEO • E. W. Védrine -- View of academy : Pwendvi sou akademi.
- Ayiti va bèl lè n va antere negativite yo : Haiti Will be beautiful when we bury the negativities.
- Chanje mantalite pou ranvèse kondisyon povrete Ayiti : Changing mentality to curb poverty condition in Haiti.
- Bilingual Education in Haiti: Theory and Practice | Edikasyon Bileng Ayiti: Teyori e Pratik.
- Civic Duty should be mandatory for all young people in Haiti : Travay Sivik ta dwe obligatwa pou tout jèn an Ayiti.
- Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs with Phrases and Idioms by Emmanuel W. Védrine and research on Haitian Creole lexicology.
- Dis konsèy pratik pou ede jèn Ayiti aprann ede tèt yo, e devlope lidèchip efikas.
- Educating Haitian Youth and the Haitian Community in Diaspora : Edike Jèn Ayisyen e Kominote Ayisyen nan Dyaspora.
- Egoyis: yon viris k ap detwi kominote ayisyen | Selfishness, a virus destroying the Haitian Community.
- Essays’ model to help Haitian Students (high school and university level) with writing • Modèl esè (disètasyon) pou ede etidyan ayisyen (nivo segondè / high school e inivèsitè) ak ekri • Modelo de ensayos para ayudar a los estudiantes haitianos (nivel secundario y universitario) con la escritura • Essays-Modell, um haitianischen Schülen (Hochschul – und Universitätniveau) beim Schreiben zu helfen.
- Estrateji pou devlope wout Ayiti : Stragegies to develop roads in.
- Haiti: for a practical education on Fridays | Ayiti : Pou yon edikasyon pratik lè vandredi.
- INSMINOGEC (Institution Mixte de la Nouvelle Génération des Cayes) – Teaching Materials for Haitian Bilingual Programs in Haiti (courtesy E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- Kèk tèm nan Sezon sechrès Ayiti pou disètasyon : Some themes in (the novel) Sezon sechrès Ayiti for essays.
- Kreyol Without Toil: an introductory course to Haitian Creole [Kreyòl San Pèn: kou inisyasyon a kreyòl ayisyen e mànyèl pou aprantisay anglè].
- LAKOU KAJOU [Audio visual program in Kreyol for children : Pwogram odyovizyèl an kreyòl pou timoun -- Lakou Kajou epizòd (1) Pwosesis; Lakou Kajou epizòd (2) Jewografi; Lakou Kajou epizòd (3) Rit; Lakou Kajou epizòd (4) Fotosentèz; Lakou Kajou epizòd (5) Dlo; Lakou Kajou epizòd (6) Zouti; Lakou Kajou epizòd (7) Egzèsis; Lakou kajou epizòd (8) Transpò; Lakou Kajou epizòd: Emota, yon kamyonèt estraòdinè; Lakou Kajou epizòd: Jozefin plante yon pye kajou; Lakou Kajou epizòd: Ki kote solèy la kouche?; Lakou Kajou epizòd: Ki travay mwen pral fè lè mwen grandi?; Lakou Kajou epizòd: Kous nan Palè San Sousi (Sans-Sousi Palace); Lakou Kajou epizòd: Tiloulou prepare yon sipriz pou Lili].
- L’importance d’acquérir un diplôme de fins d’études segondaires. (The importance of acquiring a High School Diploma).
- Konsyantize - Motive - Chanje : Raising awareness, Motivate and Change.
- New Words and Idioms entering Haitian Creole : Mo Nouvo ak Espresyon ki antre nan kreyòl. [Text with translation in : Tèks ak tradiksyon an • Deutsch (alman) • English • Español • Français • Kreyòl].
- Network of Haitian Students: Haiti–Diaspora | Rezo Etidyan Ayisyen: Ayiti–Dyaspora.
- Online Educational Resources for Haitian Teachers, Students, Schools in Haiti and in Diaspora : Resous Edikatif an liy pou Anseyan Ayisyen, Elèv, Lekòl Ayiti e nan Dyaspora. -- Summary in : Rezime an • Deutsch (alman) • Español • Français • Kreyòl • Papiamento.
- Orientation Training to motivate Haitians to invest in business and for their retirement : Seyans Oryantasyon pou motive Ayisyen envesti nan biznis e pou retrèt yo.
- Ouvè je w, Ayisyen! : Open your eyes, Haitians!
- Platfòm MIT-Ayiti Haiti – Electronic Teaching Materials in Haitian Creole (Kreyol) : Materyèl Didaktik /Pedagojik Elektwonik (dijital, nimerik) pou ede lekòl Ayiti, elèv e anseyan.
- Refleksyon sou aktivite pou oryante lajenès an Ayiti : Reflection on activities to orient youth in Haiti.
- Séance d’orientation pour motiver les Haïtiens à investir dans les affaires et pour leur retraite.
- Sezon sechrès Ayiti : questions on the 10 (ten) chapters. [novel : woman : novela -- Kesyon sou dis chapit yo : Proguntas sobre los diez capítulos].
- Trades, Professions, Careers: orientation training for Haitian students in Haiti | Metye, Pwofesyon, Karyè: seyans oryantasyon pou etidyan ayisyen Ayiti.
- Twenty cents of consciousness to become a better persons: Ven kòb konsyans pou vin yon pi bon moun.
- What the author thinks : Sa otè a panse•Endis biyografik.
- 30 Thirty Years of Research and Publications related to Haiti, Haitian Diaspora, and Haitian Creole : 30 Trant Ane Rechèch & Piblikasyon ki an rapò ak Ayiti, Dyaspora Ayisyen, e Kreyòl. [Conference : Konferans].
(•) Bilingual Education in Haitian Creole - French, Creole – English : Edikasyon Bileng an kreyòl ayisyen – fransè – anglè (•) Bilingual Lesson Plan for Haitian Schools : Plan Leson Bileng pou Lekòl Ayisyen (•) Creole linguistics : Lengwistik kreyòl (•) Creole Literacy Projects : Pwojè Alfabetizasyon Kreyòl (•) Creole philology : Filoloji kreyòl (•) Database in Haitian Creole : Bank done an kreyòl ayisyen (•) Dictionaries on Haitian Creole : Diksyonè sou kreyòl ayisyen (•) Dictionary and glossary projects : Pwojè diksyonè e leksik (•) Documents for training sessions for Haitian lexicographers : Dokiman pou fè seyans fòmasyon pou leksikograf ayisyen (•) Educational Material in English and Haitian Creole for schools in Haiti : Materyèl Edikatif an anglè e an kreyòl ayisyen pou lekòl Ayiti (•) Educational Materials for Haitian Teachers’ Training : Materyèl Edikatif an anglè pou Fòmasyon Anseyan Ayisyen (•) Educational Resources, Training and Orientation sessions for Haitian Teachers : Resous Edikatif, Trening e Seyans Oryantasyon pou Anseyan Ayisyen (•) French based Creoles : Kreyòl a baz fransè (•) Haitian Creole lexicon : Leksik kreyòl ayisyen (•) Haiti, Linguistic planning (amenagement linguistique) : Ayiti, amenajman lengwistik (•) Materials for Long distance tutoring for Learners of Haitian Creole : Materyèl pou bay leson patikilye long distans pou moun k ap aprann kreyòl ayisyen (•) Orientating Haitian Teachers : Oryante Anseyan Ayisyen (•) Seminars for Haitian Teachers on Teaching Materials : Seminè sou Materyèl Didaktik / Pedagojik pou Anseyan Ayisyen (•) Stragies to develop Teaching Material Models in Haitian Creole (Kreyòl) : Estrateji pou devlope Modèl Materyèl Didaktik / Pedagojik an Kreyòl Ayisyen (•) Teaching Materials for Haitian Bilingual Programs : Materyèl Didaktik /Pedagojik pou Pwogram Bileng Ayisyen (•) Teaching Materials in Haitian Creole (Kreyòl) for learners of the language (beginning, intermediate and advance level) : Materyèl Pedagojik an kreyòl pou moun k ap aprann lang nan (nivo debitan, entèmedyè e avanse).
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Courtesy : Koutwazi
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc. (1992)
Boston, Massachusetts. USA