Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti
© Emmanuel W. Védrine
edisyon 2007
Klike sou tèks la (pdf, 776 KB)
Kesyonè – Sikilè
Rezime anglè: English summary
Kòmantè sou zèv otè a
École Mixte St. Antoine par Jean Edouard © Macondo
1.1. Santralizasyon lekòl nan kapital la
1.2. Sou refòm eskolè Ayiti
1.3. Santralizasyon lekòl o nivo nasyonal
1.4. Yon nouvo metòd pou anseye nan tout nivo
1.5. Prepare pwofesè pou anseye
1.6. Chanjman nan korikilòm
1.7. Yon salè rezonab pou pwofesè
1.8. Baz lengwistik refòm nan ta dwe chita sou lang matènèl la
10.0 Leta
10.1. Monopòl lekòl
10.2. Anseyan (fòmasyon yo)
10.3. Elèv
10.4. Ki jan elèv ka ede nan devlopman Ayiti?
10.5. Fidbak (reyaksyon)
10.6. Ki koutmen edikatè ka bay Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal?
10.7. Korespondans ak anseyan Ayiti
10.9. Pwojè alontèm
11.0. Objektif
11.1. Monitè
11.2. Peye monitè
11.3. Sipèvizyon monitè
11.4. Fon
11.5. Materyèl didaktik
11.6. Kreye sal resous (ti bibliyotèk anndan lekòl)
11.7. Nivo lekòl sa a
11.8. Trening pou monitè yo
12.0. Pwoblèm dokimantasyon pou fè rechèch ayiti, sou Ayiti
12.1. Ki koutmen Kiba ka bay ayiti nan domèn edikasyon ak rechèch?
12.3. Pwoblèm elèv bileng ayisyen ka konfwonte nan lise ameriken
12.4. Sistèm lekòl Ayiti ak Etazini (nivo segondè)
12.5. Dezavantay kèk lekòl segondè ameriken
12.6. Rate materyèl nan Pwogram Bileng Ayisyen (Etazini)
12.9. Dyalèk, varyasyon dyalektal
13.0. Sa Ayisyen panse lè moun ap pale fransè Ayiti
13.1. Ki lang ki dwe itilize nan lekòl Ayiti? Èske si sèl lang kreyòl la te ofisyèl 100% (san pou san) moun t ap konn li ak ekri?
13.3. Konplèksdenferyorite lengwistik
13.4. Ki jan lòt edikatè ayisyen wè ansèyman lang kreyòl la Ayiti ak lòt lang
13.5. Ansèyman lang etranje nan lekòl Ayiti
13.6. Fransè kòm lang dominan nan lekòl Ayiti
13.8. Itilizasyon kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti: estrè nan yon chita pale ak André Vilaire Chéry
13.9. Nan ki lang pwofesè yo pale nan saldeklas?
14.0. Òtograf ofisyèl la
14.1. Kreyòl ak refòm edikatif Bernard la
14.2. Kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti: pwoblèm ki prezante ak manifestasyon ensekirite o nivo idantite
14.3. Itilizasyon ak pèsepsyon kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti
14.5. Nan ki lang vrèman elèv dwe jwenn pen lenstriksyon?
14.6. Men edikasyon nan lang matènèl la p ap izole pèsòn, okontrè se yon avantaj bab e moustach pou edike pi rapid ladan
14.7. Sitiyasyon lengwistik Ayiti pa menm ak lòt peyi ki itilize plis pase yon lang
14.8.Valorizasyon lang vènakilè a
14.9. Sou lang matènèl Ayiti ak frankofoni
15.0. Fidbak (reyaksyon) kèk natifnatal sou itilizasyon kreyòl
15.1. Rezime sitiyasyon lengwistik Ayiti: bilan ak previzyon
Pati A: Kèk kesyon pou ouvè deba sou pwoblèm edikasyon Ayiti
Pati B: Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti: kesyonè - sikilè
Pati C: Devlopman materyèl didaktik an kreyòl», entèvyou #1
D: Devlopman materyèl didaktik an kreyòl», entèvyou #2
Pati E: Devlopman materyèl didaktik an kreyòl», entèvyou #3
Pati F: Devlopman materyèl didaktik an kreyòl», entèvyou #4
Pati G: Konbit piblikasyon elektwonik pou ede nan difizyon lang kreyòl la Ayiti
Pati H: Konsèy pou paran (nivo elemantè: matematik, lekti, jeneral)
Pati I: Rechèch bibliyografik sou kreyòl ayisyen: An annotated bibliography on Haitian Creole: a review of publications from colonial times to 2000»
CHARLES, Jean Frito, Josué Mérilien, Norbert Stimphil.
DEJAN, Iv (Yves Dejean).
HUDICOURT, Caroline.
HURBON, Laënnec.
- 1987. Comprendre Haïti: essai sur l'Etat, la nation, la culture. Paris: Éds. Karthala.
EDIKATÈ À L’EDUCATEUR. (revi bileng: fransè, kreyòl). Port-au-Prince: Éds. Henri Deschamps.
- 1988. Langue et culture des Aborigènes d’Ayiti. Port-au-Prince: Éds. Henri Deschamps.
- 1992. Haïti un an après le coup d’état. Montréal: Éds. Du CIDIHCA.
- 1992. Tout homme est un homme. Paris: Éds. du Seuil.
- 1992. Pour mieux t’aimer / Pou m ka pi renmen w. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
LAROCHE, Maxilmilien. La litérature haïtienne. Montréal: Éds. Leméac.
METELLUS, Jean. Haïti une nation pathétique.
RENÉ, Jean Eric.
TONTONGI (Eddy Toussaint).
- 1992. La présidence d’Aristide: entre le défit l’espoir. Boston, MA: Nouvelle Stratégie Book Project.
VALDMAN, Albert.
VALDMAN, Albert and Charles R. Foster (eds.).
- 1984. Haiti Today and Tomorrow. An Interdisciplinary Study. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W.
- 2007. (editorial team) Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary. Bloomington, IN: The Indiana University, Creole Institute.
- 2007. Ki lang k ap gen batay la Ayiti: kreyòl, fransè ou anglè?
- 2007. (co-editor). Premye etap avèk yon òdinatè. Collegeville, PA: Pwof Ansanm.
- 2006. Di yon vèb tire yon kont. (2nd.ed). Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision.
- 2006. English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2006. Commentaires en ligne sur les langues en Haïti. (fowòm: Haitian Politics).
- 2006. Correspondences with teachers in Haiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2006. Standardizing Haitian Creole? A Roundtable Discussion.
- 2005. A Bibliography Of Theses And Dissertations Related To The Dominican Republic. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. A Bibliography Of Theses And Dissertations Related To Haiti (From 2001-2004). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Ayisyen ak mit ‘Moun Nwa pa li’. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. «Èske yon pwogram miltileng pral solisyone vrè pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti?».
- 2005. Estrateji Pou Rebwaze Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Haitian Creole D-Base: Writings By Emmanuel W. Védrine. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Petit lexique du créole haïtien. (2nd.ed). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. The English language in Haiti. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Agrikilti ta dwe premye sib nan devlopman Ayiti. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Dyalòg sou rebwazman an(n) Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Kèk plant kreyòl ak non yo an laten. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Haitian Creole D-base: Haiti Progrès. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2003. An Annotated Biblioography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000. Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision.
- 2003. «Fè rechèch : pwoblèm ak solisyon pou elèv ayisyen Ayiti e Etazini». Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- A bibliography of theses & dissertations related to Haiti (20th Century). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2000. «Leksik kreyòl: ekzanp devlopman kèk mo ak fraz a pati 1986». Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2000. Lè Kreyòl kenbe w; When you have a need for Kreyòl (pdf, 32 KB); «Interview avec le linguiste haïtien, Emmanuel W. Védrine à l’occasion de ses dix ans de recherche sur le créole». Gotson Pierre, SICRAD.
- 2000. 16 Pwen pou ede Ayiti bouje. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1999. Ayiti, yon peyi ravaje nou dwe sispann detwi. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1998. Èske se kreyòl la k ap maltrete fanm ayisyèn oubyen kèk Ayisyen k ap maltrete yo? Kreyòl Connection Florida. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Gramè Kreyòl Védrine. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Konvèsasyon kat ti zanmi ki te nan 'High School' (un échantillon d’alternance codique parmi la jeune génération haïtienne aux Etats-Unis). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Premier rencontre avec Eddy Le Phare. ('Lèt ak Kilti').(pdf, 43 KB). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Kreyòl Lesson for beginners: An introduction to Haitian Creole. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Ann pale de bwa ak fri Ayiti! Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Ide pou kreye yon High School Ayisyen prive nan Boston. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Peyi m rele Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Sezon sechrès Ayiti (roman). Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1993. Pou restriktire lekòl Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1993. Poetry in Haitian Creole. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1993. Un stylo international. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1992. Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs With Phrases and Idioms. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1992. «Lekòl Ayiti, yon pwoblèm total kapital». Boston: Haïti courier, Vol. 1, no.6
- 1991. «Chita tande sou kreyòl ayisyen ak kote l sòti». Konferans sou kreyòl ayisyen – Gordon Seminary Extention. Boston, Massachusetts.
- 1990. «A brief history of Haiti». Boston: Prisma (multi-cultural magazine), University of Massachusetts-Boston.
- 1990. A panorama of Haitian Indian civilization. Boston, MA: Prisma (multi-cultural magazine), University of Massachusetts-Boston.
- Kèk chapit istwa Dayiti atravè pwezi. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- Kisa n ka fè pou ede Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal Ayiti? Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
NÒT, (*), (**)
(ii). Haitian Ministries for the Norwich Diocese, Inc. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(1). Jean METELLUS, Haïiti une nation pathétique. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(2). CHARLES, Jean Frito, Josué Mérilien, Norbert Stimphil. 1995. Anmwe! Osekou! Pou Lekòl Peyi Dayiti K Ap Depafini Ansanm Ak Metye Fè Lekòl La Ki Pa Vo Anyen. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: Jean F. Charles). Pòtoprens: UNNOH (Union Nationale des Normaliens d'Haïti).
(3). Jean METELLUS, Haïiti une nation pathétique, pp. 97. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(4). Laënnec HURBON, Comprendre Haïti, pp. 19). (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(5). Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 119.
(6). Albert VALDMAN, Foster (ed.), Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 123. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(7). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, tout homme est un homme, pp. 45. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(8). Lyonel PRIME, «Haitian Culture Curriculum», English High School – Academic year 1988-1989.
(9). Albert VALDMAN, Foster (ed.), Haiti Today and Tomorrow, pp. 124. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(10). ATIK 32, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-9, 32-10, 33 (Konstitisyon 1987 la).
Atik 32: Leta dwe degaje l pou tout moun jwenn bon fòmasyon. Leta fèt pou li kontwole, si yo respekte dwa sa a. Se yon dwa tout moun genyen ni pou lespri yo an fòm, ni pou yo an fòm. Ni pou yo kapab aprann mache dwa, nan lavi a. Ni pou yo kapab aprann byen viv, youn ak lòt. Ni pou yo kapab aprann travay nan avantaj peyi a. Ni pou yo kapab gen yon bon metye nan men yo.
Atik 32-1: Bon fòmasyon pou tout sitwayen, sou kont Leta ak moun ki alatèt chak zòn peyi a. Se pou yo rive mete lekòl gratis pou tout moun. Se pou yo kontwole si moun k ap fè lekòl yo, alwotè, ni pou lekòl Leta, ni pou lekòl prive.
Atik 32-2: Premye travay Leta, ak moun ki alatèt chak zòn peyi a, se fè yon jan pou tout moun rive al lekòl. Se sèl jan yo va kapab mete peyi a sou wout pwogrè vre. Tout moun ki vle bay konkou nan travay sa a, fèt pou yo jwenn ankourajman ak avantaj nan men Leta.
Atik 32-3: Tout timoun dwe fè klas primè yo. Lalwa va di ki pinisyon yo prevwa lè sa pa fèt. Leta dwe bay elèv lekòl primè tout liv ak tou sa ki nesesè pou yo aprann, gratis.
Atik 32-9: Leta ak moun ki alatèt chak zòn peyi a dwe fè mwayen pousib yo, pou tout granmoun nan peyi a, rive konn li fen, e rive konn ekri fen. Yo va ankouraje tout lòt moun ki soti pou yo bay konkou pou sa.
Atik 32-10: Lajan yon pwofesè dwe touche kòm salè, pou pi piti, dwe sifi pou bezwen l.
Atik 33: Lekòl pou tout degre konesans, dwe lib. Men, Leta gen pou li kontwole kouman yo sèvi ak dwa sa a.
(11). Sou koutmen Kiba ap bay Ayiti nan domèn edikasyon – Tradiksyon kreyòl (E. W. Védrine) yon atik ak tit «Pwennvi: Kiba kontinye pwogram kiltirèl e edikasyonèl li». Kredi sous (an liy): Max Blanchet. Tèks orijinal reposte ak pèmisyon Bob Corbett , jeran fowòm «Haiti Mailing List, haiti@list.webster.edu» - Sijè #7212: «Cuba and Literacy in Haiti». © 2001 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
(12). Jean FOUCHARD, Langue et littérature des Aborigènes d’Ayiti, pp.78. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(13). Lyonel PRIME, «Haitian Culture Curriculum», English High School – Academic year 1988-1989.
(14). Emmanuel W. VÉDRINE, «Lang»(pwezi) - poetry in Haitian Creole (1994), pp. 6.
(15). Jean METELLUS, Haiti: une nation pathétique, pp. 235. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine)
(16). Emmanuel W. VÉDRINE, «Esprime ou!» - poetry in Haitian Creole (1994), pp. 29.
(17). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.44-45. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(18). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.44. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(19). Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 77. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(20). Jean METELLUS, Haïti une nation pathétique, pp. 227. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine)
(21). Maximilien LAROCHE, La litérature haïtienne, pp. 108. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine)
(22). Tonton GUY, La présidence d’Aristide: entre le defi l’espoir, pp.45. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(23). Haïti un an après le coup d’état. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(24). Haïti un an après le coup d’état, pp.124. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(25). Jean METELLUS, Haïti une nation pathétique, pp. 98. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(26). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.43-44. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(27). Odette FOMBRUN, Edikatè à l’Edicateur (revi). ref. Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (1994), pp. 65-66.
(28). Odette FOMBRUN, Edikatè à l’Edicateur (revi). ref. Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (1994), pp. 65-66.
(29). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est un homme, pp. 53. (Tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(30). REFERANS: mòso nan yon prezantasyon E. W. Védrine nan Giyàn Fransèz (me 2003): «L'utilisation de An Annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole de E. W. Védrine comme un des outils importants dans le cadre de la standartisation du créole haïtien». Konferans: «Comment ecrire les langues de Guyane».
(31). POLITIK LENGWISTIK. --- An referans a yon atik Adeline Magloire-Chancy (ansyen Sekretè d Eta pou Alabetizasyon) pibliye, ki gen pou tit «Plaidoyer pour une politique linguistique nationale», revue Rencontre #19, août 2004). Pou site yon mòso nan atik sa a, Chancy deklare: «21 me, 1996, twa mwa aprè nominasyon mwen, Premye Minis lan, Rosny Smarth adrese yon lèt voye bay Sekretè d Eta Alfabetizasyon an (mwen te an fonksyon depi de (2) mwa, mas 1996) pou mande Sekretè a prepare yon Pwojè Lwa sou itilizasyon kreyòl nan Administrasyon Piblik, avèk objektif pou fasilite kominikasyon avèk sitwayen yo e pou ede yo patisipe san pou san nan zafè ki konsène Leta. Lèt Premye Minis lan, ki ekri an kreyòl, presize pwen ki dwe figire nan lwa a: Itilizasyon kreyòl nan lekòl yo, sòti nan matènèl pou rive nan egzamen ofisyèl, nan tout Ak Sivil Leta e lòt dokiman, nan Lajistis: jijman, pwose vèbal e avèk obligasyon pou tout anplwaye leta kapab li e ekri kreyòl. Pa gen pwoblèm, Sekretè a reponn imedyatman e Biwo Lang nan kòmanse travay. Pwojè a te depoze ofisyèlman nan Biwo Premye Minis lan, 5 septanm 1996, lavèy Jou Entènasyonal pou Alfabetizasyon. Nan dat 8 septanm, pandan preparasyon seremoni yo, nan okazyon Jou Entènasyonal la, Premye Minis lan fè anons lan epi l enfòme yon suivi imedyat ta vin aprè kote minis li yo (paske l te voye kopi yon lèt sikilè, ki te ekri an kreyòl tou, ba yo). Nan lèt sa a, ki date 9 septanm 1996, li di: ‘Mwen toujou panse ke alfabetizasyon reprezante yon pòt ki dwe ouvri ak de (2) batan pou kapab bay tout sitwayen aksè nan aprantisaj lekti ak ekriti ke tout moun gen chans patisipe san pou san nan yon chantye trè vas nan chanjman sosyete a. An menm tan, li mande pou tout sitwayen Ayisyen gen abitid itilize l tout kote: nan lekòl, nan administrasyon piblik, nan tout aktivite ekonomik, lang nasyonal ki konekte nasyon an, jan Konstitisyon an deklare l’…». (Tradiksyon fransè – kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(32) Michel St-Germain, La situation linguistique en Haïti: bilan et prospective [Tradiksyon kreyòl : E. W. Védrine]
(33). REFERANS: Initiativa para la Excelencia en Educación de los Hispanoamericamos (www.yosipuedo.gov); White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans (www.yic.gov) of the US Educational Dept. and reformatted by Title I Dissemination Project, Inc.).
(34). EPÒK KOLONYAL. La a, li refere a peryòd istorik avan endepandans Ayiti (1804).
(35). UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization /Òganizasyon Edikasyonèl, Syantifik e Kiltirèl Nasyonzini).
(36). DIGLOSI. (Diglossi. 1983a. Yves Dejean. «Diglossia Revisited: French and Creole in Haiti». Word. Vol.34. #3, pp 180-273). «Premye pati etid sa a egzaminen konsèp diglosi a ke Ferguson te fòmile (1959) fason li aplikab a sitiyasyon lang Ayiti. Dezyèm pati a analize, an relasyon tou ak Ayiti… ak transfòmasyon konsèp sa a. Konklizyon ki tire de analiz sa a pa restren a envestigasyon teyorik lang kreyòl. Yo gen enplikasyon pratik pou kesyon oubyen òtograf, alfabetizasyon, oryantasyon epi bi lekòl primè ak segondè, metòddansèyman ak aprantisay fransè, e fason ki apopriye pou diskite pwoblèm lang ak yon odyans ayisyen.
(*). ANDRÉ VILAIRE CHÉRY, otè: Dictionnaire De L'évolution Du Vocabulaire Français En Haïti dans le discours politique, économique et social du 7 février 1986 à nos jours (Tome I & II).
(*). Ann kaze koub òtograf kreyòl la (Iv Dejan).
(*). Bibliographie Des Etudes Creoles, Langues Et Litteratures. 1983. Albert Valdman, Robert Chaudenson, Marie-Christine Hazaël-Massieux. Indiana University-Bloomington. «Bibliyografi sa a pran orijin li nan yon pwojè ki te lanse pandan preparasyon premye rankont Conseil International des Études Créoles (C.I.E.C – Nice, novembre 1976). «Premyèman, premye moun ki te kòmanse pwojè a te pwopoze pou konplete pati bibliyografi etid kreyòl John Reinecker a (A Bibliography of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Honolulu: University Presss of Hawaii, 1975), ki santre sou etid kreyòl e pidjin a baz leksikal fransè – nan tèks bibliyografi sa a, abreviyasyon CLF ak PLE sèvi pou refere a kreyòl e pidjin a baz leksikal fransè. Endikasyon defen dwayen etid kreyòl la founi te kanpe nan ane 1972, yo te dwe pwolonje pou peryòd 1972-76…».
(*). EVALYASYON SEMINÈ KREYÒL VEDRINE CREOLE PROJECT LA – «Enstriktè a kouvri tout sa li te planifye pou l wè. Li bay ase enfòmasyon atravè manyèl Gramè Kreyòl Védrine ki kouvri plizyè bagay. Mwen gen yon pi bon metriz òtograf la kounyeya. Se te vrèman yon bonjan pratik pou tande Ayisyen natifnatal k ap li materyèl a wot vwa. Mwen santi m pi klè kounyeya sou sistèm yo an kreyòl. Li te reyèlman enteresan pou revize chanjman nan òtograf la (konpare ak ansyen an). M aprann anpil nan jis tande enstriktè a tèlman avèk konvèsasyon patisipan yo, diskisyon yon seri sijè ki an rapò ak kreyòl. – Mwen te reyèlman enterese nan pati kiltirèl la, tankou pwovèb yo ak referans a foklò literati ayisyen an (tèlke istwa sou Bouki, Malis ak dyalite sa montre nan kilti ayisyen). Diskisyon sou kèk pwovèb ayisyen ak espresyon idyomatik pou analize yo, pou rann sans yo pi klè epi pou wè nan sitiyasyon yo itilize – sa te reyèlman yon bon egzèsis. Mwen rekòmande e definitivman pral kontinye rekòmande seminè sa a a lòt moun ki enterese a lang e a kilti ayisyen. Mwen ta renmen wè tip seminè sa yo kontinye epi pwopoze bagay sa yo pou amelyorasyon: fòmasyon ti gwoup k ap pratike òtograf la, petèt pratik sou diksyon ak kèk ti koreksyon pou ka asimile vrè règ pou eple. – Kèk ti travay pratik an gwoup sou istwa kont yo: pa egzanp, travay sou kèt plan leson kout – ki jan materyèl sa yo ta itilize nan klas. – Pou ta kòmanse chak pati seminè a avèk yon ti pratik kout avan enstriktè a prezante konferans li oubyen li nan yon liv. Se ta yon bon fason pou idantifye kibò moun gen plis kesyon oubyen dout konsènan lang. – Mwen, patikilyèman, aprèsye pratik enstriktè a fè ak tout patisipan yo: chak moun estope klas la tanzantan lè yo pa t konprann yon bagay an kreyòl, e mwen santi m trè chanse pou te fè pati de gwoup sa a. Finalman, tout materyèl sa yo enstriktè a te bay, yo trè itil e mwen trè kontan resevwa yo…». (Corinne Etienne, Ph.D in French Linguistics – Indiana University).
(*). FON POU PIBLIKASYON SA YO (Di yon vèb tire yon kont, Ide pou kreye yon High School Ayisyen prive nan Boston, Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen, Poetry in Haitian Creole, Sezon sechrès Ayiti, Ti istwa kreyòl: Short stories in Haitian Creole, Un stylo international, Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti), mwen te pran l dirèkteman nan kòb bousdetid Harvard University te ban mwen. Fon pou senkan rechèch bibliyografi sa a, se Jesula Védrine (sè mwen) ki te finanse l. Mwen montre gratitid mwen anvè l, yon moun ki gen bon kè, youn ki toujou prè pou ede sa yo kin an bezwen. Filozofi m nan sipòte pwojè kreyòl la pou pa mande ti lajan grant (sibvansyon) oken kote – se youn ki gen pou wè ak diyite nan sans ke enèji we bezwen an se nan nou menm menm li ye tou; an dotretèm, anpil nan nou gen potansyèl pou fè bagay grandyoz (san konte 100% sou èd k ap sòti de lesteryè). Sa se yon gwo pwoblèm pou devlopman Ayiti: pifò Ayisyen panse vrè èd Ayiti bezwen se aletranje l ap sòti (nan sans ke lòt moun pral vin fè bagay de baz nou bezwen yo – kote yo pa panse a potansyèl yo kòm resous imèn). Nan de grenn je mwen, se yon defi pou relve.
(*). LIBRERI MAPOU. – Youn nan pelerinaj literè mwen te fè se rann Libreri sa a yon vizit an 1997. Prandan 30 ane depi m ap viv Etazini, se te premye fwa mwen pase yon semèn Miyami. Libreri Mapou se tankou yon andwa kote moun pa sèlman vin achte liv ak lòt bagay, men se yon sant tou pou «dokimantasyon» ki egziste nan Miyami, e youn ki trè enpòtan pou Ayisyen tout kote nan Dyaspora a. – Anpil moun k ap fè rechèch sou Ayiti (ke l te etranje, Ameriken ou Ayisyen) vin nan sant sa a dèyè enfòmasyon. Pa egzanp, premye jou mwen te rive nan libreri a, te gen yon gwoup etidyan Ameriken blan (nan inivèsite) ki t ap fè rechèch sou plizyè kominote. Yo te estope la pou aprann de kilti ayisyen e sou Ayisyen k ap viv nan Miyami.
(*). PWOGRAM BILENG LAN. Pwogram sa a te yon pwogram «tranzisyon» li ye. Yo te atann pou elèv metrize lang anglè a vit ke posib dekwa pou yo antre nan pwogram anglè nèt (ak tout elèv ameriken). Sepandan, se pa t yon bagay fasil pou anpil elèv, patikilyèman vag elèv ki t ap sot Ayiti nan fen ane 80 yo kote edikasyon an(n) Ayiti pa t reyèlman tounen yon defi, akoz inestabilite politik, e avèk anseyan ki mwen kalifye pou anseye. Moun te fatige ak dikati Jean-Claude Duvalier a epi yo yo te kòmanse leve kont li. De tanzantan, lekòl t ap fèmen pòt yo; elèv pa t reyèlman rive konplete ane akademik lan konplètman, epi tou kalite edikasyon an(n) Ayiti te kòmanse tonbe an degraba nan kòmansman ane 80 yo. Pami vag elèv yo ki kite Ayiti, te genyen n ap jwenn Lekòl Piblik Boston yo. Akoz laj yo, yo ta mete yo nan high school (ekòl segondè). Anpil ladan yo pa menm janm konplete nivo elemantè ou mwayen epi yo t ap fonksyone anba nivo klas yo ta mete yo. Yo pa t alfabetize ni an fransè ni an kreyòl pakonsekan, anpil ki te tonbe nan kategori sa a yo te refere yo a pwogram SPED (Special Education Pwogram). Anseyan nan Pwogram Bileng Ayisyen te santi presyon ki sòti nan administrasyon lekòl la ki pa t reyèlman konprann ki sa k t ap pase reyèlman pase lekòl t ap fonksyone nòmalman. Kèk anseyan ayisyen ki te reyèlman fèt tout mwayen posib pou chèche konnen vrè pwoblèm timoun yo, pou eseye pran pasyans ak yo. Yo te fè sa yo kapab pou ede elèv yo e kèk ladan yo te gen siksè (omwen sa k rive jwenn yon diplòm high school).
(*). SECHÈL (SEYCHELLES). Selon konstitisyon (ki adopte 8 jen 1993), lang nasyonal nan peyi Sechèl se: anglè, kreyòl ak fransè. To moun ki ka li ak ekri se: 62% a 80%. «Yo te adopte kreyòl, lang matènèl 94% popilasyon an (1990), kòm premye lang ofisyèl nasyon an nan ane 1981. Anglè se dezyèm lang peyi a epi fransè, twazyèm lang lan. Yo rekonèt tout kòm lang ofisyèl. Bi anfaz k ap kontinye fèt sou kreyòl la se pou fasilite ansèyman lekti a elèv nivo elemantè epi pou ede tabli yon kilti distenge ki makònen ak eritaj li. Plis pase yon tyè Sechelwa yo kapab itilize lang anglè a, e gwo majorite jèn Sechelwa yo kapab li anglè, ki lang gouvènman ak komès. Se lang palman an, byenke moun k ap pran lapawòl kapab itilize kreyòl oubyen fransè tou. Atik pi pibliye nan jounal prensipal yo ekri an twa lang». (Sous enfòmasyon sa a soti nan: U.S. Library of Congress, enfòmasyon an liy - tradiksyon kreyòl: E. W. Védrine).
(*). SE KREYÒL MWEN PALE (I speak Creole)
Mèsi Papa Bondye dèske se kreyòl mwen pale
Ala bèl lang sa a bèl!
Mwen di sa m panse ladan san tèt grate
Mwen pa gen okenn vèb pou m konjige,
Okenn sibjonktif m ap anplwaye
Pa gen fè tilititi
Pou blofe pitit natifnatal yon peyi
Mèsi Papa dèske se an kreyòl mwen panse
Mèsi dèske m fèt sou tè Dayiti
Kote lang sa a soti
Lang yon dal gwo Ewo te pale:
Yo tout te pale kreyòl
Se nan lang sa a yo te kominike
Pou yo te ban m libète
Yon lang ki pa lang vini
Lang kolon yo ta renmen detwi
Men m p ap boukante lang mwen an
Pou lang ki soti lòt kontinan
Mwen p ap fè boukantay pou okenn bagay
Zafè sila yo ki renmen esklavay
Fòk se li pou m pale
Se nan li pou m reve
Se li m pi renmen
Se li ki san mwen
Kreyòl se nanm mwen
Nenpòt Ayisyen ki ta meprize lang sa a
Pa yon vrè kreyòl
Se pa yon vrè natifnatal peyi Dayiti
Son w ti sousou lòt peyi
Yon sousoubrake k pa gen kote pou l rete
Yon reskiyè k toujou ap tann kras manje
Yon moun ki san diyite
Ki pa konn sa l ye.
(*). SEZON SECHRES AYITI (premye pibliye an 1994, dezyèm edisyon an 2005). Se youn nan roman trè ra Ayisyen ki anbake pwoblèm peyizan yo, pou kisa y ap kite Ayiti. Tit roman sa a gen 2 bi: yon je de mo e yon metafò ki santre sou pwoblèm politik Ayiti kote se toujou peyizan yo ki soufri plis nan sosyete nou an. Pa tèlman gen anpil moun ko pote atansyon a vrè pwoblèm y ap konfwonte epi eseye konprann mati yo pase, ki nan yon sans, fòse yo kite Ayiti. Tout pèsonaj nan roman an se peyizan yo ye. Ekri an 1992, se yon zèv literè ki fè n sonje peyizan Ayisyon ofisyèl Sendomeng te pimpe Ayiti jis kèk mwa aprè Jean-Bertrand Aristide te vin monte sou pouvwa (7 fevriye, 1991) kòm premye premye prezidan ki eli demokratikman. Majorite peyizan te vote l, ak espwa ke sitiyasyon yo ta chanje men malerezman, koudeta 30 septanm 191 lan ki te voye Aristid an(n) egzil pou twazan chanje tout bagay. Mèsidye se youn nan pi gwo ewo nan roman an. Li t ap travay nan chan kann an Dominikani, li se youn nan moun yo te pimpe Ayiti. Rive l rive Ayiti, li t ap eseye òganize peyizan yo tèlke òganize fon pou ranmase lajan pou ede tèt yo achte zouti nesesè pou irige tè.
(*). THOMAS MADIOU (1814-1844) nan pwòp pawòl li deklare kòman li t ap chèche yon liv istwa d Ayiti pou l li men l pa t kapab jwenn youn (aprè l retounen sot an Frans kote l t ap etidye). Li di papa l ke l pral travay sou youn. Rechèch volimine l sou sijè aprè, enspire anpil istoryen ayisyen.
(**). PLIS REFERANS SOU NON ANBA YO nan liv An annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial time to 2000 (BIOHAC) ak sitasyon paj yo. Pou otè yo, nan General Authors' Index; pou tit liv, nan Index of Titles.
Advanced Grammar of Haitian Creole; Albert Valdman; Alix Renaud; André Vilaire Chery; Carrié Paultre; Contribution à l'étude comparée du créole et du français à partir du créole haïtien; Deslande Rincher (pp.); Diane Guillemin; Dictionnaire français – créole; Edner Jeanty; Ernst Mirville; Felix Morisseau-Leroy; Féquière Vilsaint; Haitian Creole – English - French Dictiona; Jan Mapou; Joel Theodat; John Reinecke; Jules Faine; Kesler Brézault (Brezo); La langue française en Haïti; Le créole dans l'univers; Let's learn Creole!; Mango Dyesifò; Manno Sanon (foutbolè ayisyen, koni o nivo entènasyonal); Manuel d'initiation à l'étude du créole; Maude Heurtelou; Odette Frombrum; Pale kreyòl; Philologie Créole; Pierre Vernet; Pradel Pompilus; Suzane Comhaire; Syntaxe de l'haïtien; Techniques d'écriture du créole haïtien (pp.); Yves Dejean; 999 Pwovèb Ayisyen.
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)
e_vedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com
A look at the problem of schools in Haiti
© Emmanuel W. Védrine
edition 2007
Click on text (pdf, 776 KB)
Questionnaire – Circular
Comments on the author’s works
1.1. Centralization of schools in the capital
1.2. On school reform in Haiti
1.3. Centralization of school at the national level
1.4. A new methodology for teaching at all levels
1.5. Preparing teachers to teach
1.6. Changes in the curriculum
1.7. A reasonable salary for teachers
1.8. Using a linguistic base for reform focused
on the native language
10.0. The government
10.1. School monopoly
10.2. Teachers’ training
10.3. Students
10.4. How can students help in the development of Haiti?
10.5. Feedback
10.6. What sort of help can educational groups provide to the Minister of National Education?
10.7. Correspondences with teachers in Haiti
10.9. Long term projects
11.0. Objectives
11.1. Monitors (teachers’ assistant)
11.2. Paying monitors
11.3. Monitors’ supervision
11.4. Funding
11.5. Teaching materials
11.6. Creating resource centers
11.7. The school’s level
11.8. Monitors’ training
12.0. Problems of documentation for conducting research in Haiti/ and on Haiti
12.1. What sort of help can Cuba provide to Haiti in the area of education and research?
12.3. Problems that Haitian bilingual students can face in American high schools
12.4. The Haitian vs. the American school system (secondary level)
12.5. Disadvantage of some American secondary schools
12.6. Lack of materials in the Haitian Bilingual Program (USA)
12.9. Dialectes, dialectal variations
13.0. What Haitians think when people are speaking French in Haiti
13.1. What language should be used in schools in Haiti? Would 100% of the population be literate in Creole if it were the only official language?
13.3. Linguistic inferiority complex
13.4. How other educators see the teaching of the Creole language and other languages
13.5. The teaching of foreign languages in Haitian school
13.6. French as a dominant language in Haitian schools
13.8. Use of Creole in schools in Haiti: excerpt from an interview with André Vilaire Chéry
13.9. In what language should teachers speak in the classroom?
14.0. The official orthography
14.1. Creole and the Bernard’s educational reform
14.2. Creole in schools in Haiti: problem presented and the manifestation of insecurity at the identity level
14.3. The use and perception of Creole in schools in Haiti
14.5. Truly, in what language should students be taught?
14.6. But education in the native language won’t isolate anyone, indeed, it would be a great advantage to be educated more rapidly
14.7. The linguistic situation in Haiti is not similar to other countries that use more than two languages
14.8. Valorizing the vernacular
14.9. On Haiti’s native language and «francophonie»
15.0. Feedback (from some native speakers on the use of Creole)
15.1. Summary of Haiti’s linguistic situation: assessment and the future of Creole
Part A: Some questions to open debates on the problem of education in Haiti
Part B: A look at the problem of schools in Haiti: questionnaire - circular
Part C: Material development in Creole, interview #1
Part D: Material development in Creole, interview #2
Part E: Material development in Creole, interview #3
Part F: Material development in Creole, interview #4
Part G: Collective electronic publication to help in the diffusion of the Creole language in Haiti
Part H: Counseling for parents (elementary level: math, reading, general)
Part I: Bibliography research on Haitian Creole (Creole): An annotated bibliography on Haitian Creole: a review of publications from colonial times to 2000
CHARLES, Jean Frito, Josué Mérilien, Norbert Stimphil.
DEJAN, Iv (Yves Dejean).
HUDICOURT, Caroline.
HURBON, Laënnec.
- 1987. Comprendre Haïti: essai sur l'Etat, la nation, la culture. Paris: Éds. Karthala.
EDIKATÈ À L’EDUCATEUR. (revi bileng: fransè, kreyòl). Port-au-Prince: Éds. Henri Deschamps.
- 1988. Langue et culture des Aborigènes d’Ayiti. Port-au-Prince: Éds. Henri Deschamps.
- 1992. Haïti un an après le coup d’état. Montréal: Éds. Du CIDIHCA.
- 1992. Tout homme est un homme. Paris: Éds. du Seuil.
- 1992. Pour mieux t’aimer / Pou m ka pi renmen w. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
LAROCHE, Maxilmilien. La litérature haïtienne. Montréal: Éds. Leméac.
METELLUS, Jean. Haïti une nation pathétique.
RENÉ, Jean Eric.
TONTONGI (Eddy Toussaint).
- 1992. La présidence d’Aristide: entre le défit l’espoir. Boston, MA: Nouvelle Stratégie Book Project.
VALDMAN, Albert.
VALDMAN, Albert and Charles R. Foster (eds.).
- 1984. Haiti Today and Tomorrow. An Interdisciplinary Study. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W.
- 2007. (editorial team) Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary. Bloomington, IN: The Indiana University, Creole Institute.
- 2007. Ki lang k ap gen batay la Ayiti: kreyòl, fransè ou anglè?
- 2007. (co-editor). Premye etap avèk yon òdinatè. Collegeville, PA: Pwof Ansanm.
- 2006. Di yon vèb tire yon kont. (2nd.ed). Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision.
- 2006. English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2006. Commentaires en ligne sur les langues en Haïti. (fowòm: Haitian Politics).
- 2006. Correspondences with teachers in Haiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2006. Standardizing Haitian Creole? A Roundtable Discussion.
- 2005. A Bibliography Of Theses And Dissertations Related To The Dominican Republic. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. A Bibliography Of Theses And Dissertations Related To Haiti (From 2001-2004). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Ayisyen ak mit ‘Moun Nwa pa li’. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. «Èske yon pwogram miltileng pral solisyone vrè pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti?».
- 2005. Estrateji Pou Rebwaze Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Haitian Creole D-Base: Writings By Emmanuel W. Védrine. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. Petit lexique du créole haïtien. (2nd.ed). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2005. The English language in Haiti. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Agrikilti ta dwe premye sib nan devlopman Ayiti. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Dyalòg sou rebwazman an(n) Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Kèk plant kreyòl ak non yo an laten. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2004. Haitian Creole D-base: Haiti Progrès. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2003. An Annotated Biblioography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000. Coconut Creek, FL: Educa Vision.
- 2003. «Fè rechèch : pwoblèm ak solisyon pou elèv ayisyen Ayiti e Etazini». Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- A bibliography of theses & dissertations related to Haiti (20th Century). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2000. «Leksik kreyòl: ekzanp devlopman kèk mo ak fraz a pati 1986». Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 2000. Lè Kreyòl kenbe w; When you have a need for Kreyòl (pdf, 32 KB); «Interview avec le linguiste haïtien, Emmanuel W. Védrine à l’occasion de ses dix ans de recherche sur le créole». Gotson Pierre, SICRAD.
- 2000. 16 Pwen pou ede Ayiti bouje. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1999. Ayiti, yon peyi ravaje nou dwe sispann detwi. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1998. Èske se kreyòl la k ap maltrete fanm ayisyèn oubyen kèk Ayisyen k ap maltrete yo? Kreyòl Connection Florida. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Gramè Kreyòl Védrine. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Konvèsasyon kat ti zanmi ki te nan 'High School' (un échantillon d’alternance codique parmi la jeune génération haïtienne aux Etats-Unis). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Premier rencontre avec Eddy Le Phare. ('Lèt ak Kilti').(pdf, 43 KB). Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1996. Kreyòl Lesson for beginners: An introduction to Haitian Creole. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Ann pale de bwa ak fri Ayiti! Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Ide pou kreye yon High School Ayisyen prive nan Boston. Boston: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Peyi m rele Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1994. Sezon sechrès Ayiti (roman). Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1993. Pou restriktire lekòl Ayiti. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- 1993. Poetry in Haitian Creole. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1993. Un stylo international. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1992. Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs With Phrases and Idioms. Cambridge: Soup to Nuts Publishers.
- 1992. «Lekòl Ayiti, yon pwoblèm total kapital». Boston: Haïti courier, Vol. 1, no.6
- 1991. «Chita tande sou kreyòl ayisyen ak kote l sòti». Konferans sou kreyòl ayisyen – Gordon Seminary Extention. Boston, Massachusetts.
- 1990. «A brief history of Haiti». Boston: Prisma (multi-cultural magazine), University of Massachusetts-Boston.
- 1990. A panorama of Haitian Indian civilization. Boston, MA: Prisma (multi-cultural magazine), University of Massachusetts-Boston.
- Kèk chapit istwa Dayiti atravè pwezi. Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
- Kisa n ka fè pou ede Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal Ayiti? Boston, MA: E. W. Védrine Creole Project.
NOTES, (*), (**)
(ii). Haitian Ministries for the Norwich Diocese, Inc. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(1). Jean METELLUS, Haïiti une nation pathétique. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(2). CHARLES, Jean Frito, Josué Mérilien, Norbert Stimphil. 1995. Anmwe! Osekou! Pou Lekòl Peyi Dayiti K Ap Depafini Ansanm Ak Metye Fè Lekòl La Ki Pa Vo Anyen. (HC translation: Jean F. Charles). Pòtoprens: UNNOH (Union Nationale des Normaliens d'Haïti). The largest Teachers’ Association in Haiti, regrouping over 3000 members.
(3). Jean METELLUS, Haïiti une nation pathétique, pp. 97. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(4). Laënnec HURBON, Comprendre Haïti, pp. 19). (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(5).Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 119.
(6). Albert VALDMAN, Foster (ed.), Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 123. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(7). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, tout homme est un homme, pp. 45. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(8). Lyonel PRIME, «Haitian Culture Curriculum», English High School – Academic year 1988-1989.
(9). Albert VALDMAN, Foster (ed.), Haiti Today and Tomorrow, pp. 124. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(10). ARTICLES 32, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-9, 32-10, 33 (The 1987 Constitution).
The State guarantees the right to education. It sees to the physical, intellectual, moral, professional, social and civic training of the population.
Education is the responsibility of the State and its territorial divisions. They must make schooling available to all, free of charge, and ensure that public and private sector teachers are properly trained.
The first responsibility of the State and its territorial divisions is education of the masses, which is the only way the country can be developed. The State shall encourage and facilitate private enterprise in this field.
Primary schooling is compulsory under penalties to be prescribed by law. Classroom facilities and teaching materials shall be provided by the State to elementary school students free of charge.
The State and its territorial divisions have the duty to make all necessary provisions to intensify the literacy campaign for the masses. They encourage all private initiatives to that end.
ARTICLE 32-10:
Teachers are entitled to a fair salary.
There shall be freedom of education at all levels. This freedom shall be exercised under the control of the State.
(11). “Sou koutmen Kiba ap bay Ayiti nan domèn edikasyon” (On Cuban help in the area of Education – HC translation by E. W. Védrine of an article entitled “Pwennvi: Kiba kontinye pwogram kiltirèl e edikasyonèl li”. Credit source (on-line): Max Blanchet. Origninal text reposted with permission of Bob Corbett , mailing list manager: “Haiti Mailing List, haiti@list.webster.edu” - Subject #7212: «Cuba and Literacy in Haiti». © 2001 Radio Habana Cuba, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
(12). Jean FOUCHARD, Langue et littérature des Aborigènes d’Ayiti, pp.78. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(13). Lyonel PRIME, “Haitian Culture Curriculum”, English High School – Academic year 1988-1989.
(14). Emmanuel W. VÉDRINE, “Lang” (poetry) - poetry in Haitian Creole (1994), pp. 6.
(15). Jean METELLUS, Haiti: une nation pathétique, pp. 235. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine)
(16). Emmanuel W. VÉDRINE, “Esprime ou!” (poetry) - poetry in Haitian Creole (1994), pp. 29.
(17). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.44-45. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(18). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.44. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(19). Haiti today and tomorrow, pp. 77. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(20). Jean METELLUS, Haïti une nation pathétique, pp. 227. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine)
(21). Maximilien LAROCHE, La litérature haïtienne, pp. 108. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine)
(22). TONTONGI, La présidence d’Aristide: entre le defi l’espoir, pp.45. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(23). Haïti un an après le coup d’état. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(24). Haïti un an après le coup d’état, pp.124. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(25). Jean METELLUS, Haïti une nation pathétique, pp. 98. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(26). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est homme, pp.43-44. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(27). Odette FOMBRUN, Edikatè à l’Edicateur (revi). ref. Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (1994), pp. 65-66.
(28). Odette FOMBRUN, Edikatè à l’Edicateur (revi). ref. Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (1994), pp. 65-66.
(29). Jean-Bertrand ARISTIDE, Tout homme est un homme, pp. 53. (HC translation: E. W. Védrine).
(30). REFENCE: An excerpt from a presentation by E. W. Védrine in French Guyana (Mai 2003): “The use of An Annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole of E. W. Védrine as one of the important tools in the standardization of Haitian Creole”. Conference: «Comment ecrire les langues de Guyane”.
(31). LINGUISTIC POLICY. -- In reference to an article by Adeline Magloire-Chancy (former State Secretary of Literacy). Title of article: “Plaidoyer pour une politique linguistique nationale”, revue Rencontre #19, August 2004). To cite an excerpt from this article, Chancy declares: «On May 21st, 1996, three months after my nomination, the Prime Minister, Rosny Smarth addresses a letter to the Secretary of State to Literacy (I’ve been in office since two months, March 1996) to ask the Secretary to prepare a bill on the use of Creole in Public Administration, with the objective to facilitate communication with the citizens, and to help them participate 100 percent in issues regarding the government. The Prime Minister’s letter was written in Creole, precising points that should be in included in the bill: The use of Creole in the schools, from Kindergarten to the Official Exam, in all government papers and other documents, in Justice: trial, reports and with the obligation for all state employees to be able to read and write Creole. No problem, the Secretary responded immediately and the Language Bureau started on working (on it). The project was officially filed at the Prime Minister’s office on September 5, 1996 (the eve of the International Day for Literacy). On September 8, while the preparation of the ceremonies (for the occasion the International Day) was going on, the Prime Minister made the announcement, and then he informed his ministers; an immediate follow-up that would come later (because he sent the copy of a circular-letter, that was also written in Creole, to them). In that letter, dated September 9, 1996, he says: ‘I always think that literacy represent a door that should be open both sides of a double door in order to be able to give to all citizens access in practicing reading and writing that everyone has the chance to participate 100% in a very wide area in changing the society. At the same time, he asked that all Haitian citizens have the custom of using it everywhere: in school, in public administration, in all economic activities, the national language that connects the nation, the way the constitution declares it…”. (English translation: E. W. Védrine).
(32) Michel St-Germain, La situation linguistique en Haïti: bilan et prospective [HC translation: E. W. Védrine]
(33). REFERENCE: Initiativa para la Excelencia en Educación de los Hispanoamericamos (www.yosipuedo.gov); White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans (www.yic.gov) of the US Educational Dept. and reformatted by Title I Dissemination Project, Inc.).
(34). COLONIAL TIMES. Here, it refers to the historical periods (of colonization) before 1804).
(35). UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
(36). DIGLOSSIA. 1983a. Yves Dejean. “Diglossia Revisited: French and Creole in Haiti”. Word.Vol. 34. No 3, pp. 189-273. “…The first part of this study examines the concept of diglossia formulated by Ferguson (1959) as it applies to the language situation in Haiti. The second part analyzes, also in relation to Haiti, the subsequent development and transformation of this concept. The conclusions from this analysis are not restricted to the theoretical investigation of Creole. They have important practical implications for questions or orthography, literacy, orientation and goals of primary and secondary schooling, the methodology of teaching and learning French, and the appropriate way of discussing language problems with a Haitian audience.”
(*). André Vilaire CHERY. Author of: Dictionnaire De L'évolution Du Vocabulaire Français En Haïti dans le discours politique, économique et social du 7 février 1986 à nos jours (Tome I (A-L) & II (M-Z), editor of Dictionnaire de l’écolier haïtien and author of Le chien comme métaphore en Haïti: Analyse d’un corpus de proverbes et textes littéraires haïtiens (2002).
(*). EVALUATION OF THE E. W. VEDRINE CREOLE PROJECT’S HAITIAN CREOLE SEMINAR – “The instructor thoroughly covered what he had planned to cover. Plenty of information was provided since the manual used deals with a very extensive range of topics. - I have now better command of the orthography. That was very good practice to hear Haitian speakers read materials out loud: I am now clearer about the sound-symbol correspondences in Haitian Creole. That was also interesting to review the changes in the orthography with the shift from one to another. I learned much just by listening to the instructor and the participants talking and discussing issues related to Creole. - I was mostly interested in the cultural part, in particular proverbs and references to Haitian folk literature (Bouki) mirroring the Haitian duality. The discussion about some Haitian proverbs or idioms and trying to phrase them differently to make their sense clear or giving corresponding situations were very useful exercises. - I have already recommended and will definitely recommend the seminar to other people in the Haitian language and culture. I would like this type of seminars to continue and propose the following improvements: • Actual group practice with the orthography: maybe a few dictions with immediate self-correction in order to assimilate to the main spelling rules. --- • Some practical work in group on the short stories: for instance, working out some short lesson plans or brainstorming on how these materials would be used in class. --- • To begin each part of the seminar with a short practice before lecturing or reading from the book. It would be a good way to identify where people have most questions or doubts about the language. --- I particularly appreciated the practice of the instructor and all participants: every one kindly stopped the class each time I did not understand in Creole, and I felt I was very lucky to be part of that group. Finally, all the materials given out are very useful and I am very grateful to have receiving them…” (C. Etienne, Ph.D in French Linguistics, Indiana University-Bloomington).
(*).FUNDING FOR THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS (Di yon vèb, tire yon kont (Say a verb, I will tell you a riddle), Ide pou kreye yon High School Ayisyen prive nan Boston (Ideas to found a private Haitian High School in Boston), Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen (Teaching materials for Haitian Bilingual), Poetry in Haitian Creole, Sezon sechrès Ayiti (Season of drought in Haiti, novel), Ti istwa kreyòl: Short stories in Haitian Creole, Un stylo international (An international pen, poetry), Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (A look at the problem of schools in Haiti, essay) was taken from my student stipend from Harvard University. Funding for this five year bibliography research has been Provided by Jesula Vedrine, my sister, to whom I express my warmest gratitude. a person with such a great heart who is always ready to help those in need. My philosophy of supporting the Creole Project by not begging for grants from anywhere is one that deals with dignity in the sense that the energy we need is also within us, in other words, many of us have the potential to do great things (without counting 100% on outside help). That has been a big problem for Haiti’s development: most Haitians think the real help Haiti needs is coming from outside (in the sense that others will come to do the basic things that we need or we have to count on them all time by not thinking of our potential as human resources). In my naked eyes, that is a challenge to meet
(*). LIBRERI MAPOU (Mapou’s Bookstore). On of my literary pilgrimage was to pay a visit to Libreri Mapou in 1997. Living in the United States for almost three decades, it was the very first time I spent a week in Miami. Libreri Mapou can be seen not only as a place where people come to buy books and other stuffs but can also be seen as a center for “documentation” that exist in Miami and one that is quite important for all Haitians everywhere in the Haitian Diaspora. --- Many people who are conducting research on Haiti (be it foreigners, American as well as Haitians) come to this to find information. For instance, the very day first I arrived at the bookstore, there was a group of white Americans (college students) who were researching on many communities. They stopped by to learn about Haitian Culture and Haitians who are living in Miami
(*).THE BILINGUAL PROGRAM. That program was a “transitional one”. They expected students to master the English language as quickly as possible in order to mainstream. However, it wasn’t an easy task for many students, particularly the flow of students coming from Haiti in the late 80’s where education in Haiti has become less challenging, due to political unrests, and teachers with less qualifications to teach. People were tired of Jean-Claude Duvalier’s dictatorship and started rising against him. From time to time, schools were closing down; students barely completed a full academic year and also, the quality of education in Haiti started to go down in the early 80’s. Among the flow of students who left Haiti, were these students found in the Boston Public Schools. Due to their age, they were placed at high school level. Many of them never even completed the elementary or middle school cicle, and were functioning below grade level. They were neither literate in French nor in Kreyòl therefore many who fell in that category were referred to SPED (Special Education Program). Teachers in the Haitian Bilingual Program felt pressured by the school administration that did not really understand what was really going on since they were conducting regular school business. Some Haitian teachers who really broke the ice, trying to understand the real problem of these students were really patient with them. They tried their very best, helping them and some did succeed (at least having a high school diploma) because of these Haitian mentors they had.
(*).SEYCHELLES. According to the constitution (as adopted on 8 June 1993), the national languages are: English, Creole and French. Literacy rate: 62% to 80%. “Creole, the mother tongue of 94 percent of the nation in 1990, was adopted as the first official language of the nation in 1981. English is the second language and French the third, all of them officially recognized. The increased emphasis on Creole is designed to facilitate the teaching of reading to primary-level students and to help establish a distinct culture and heritage… More than one-third of Seychellois can use English, and the great majority of younger Seychellois can read English, which is the language of government and commerce. It is the language of the People's Assembly, although speakers may also use Creole or French. The principal journals carry articles in all three languages.” (Source: U.S. Library of Congress (online info.)
(*). SE KREYÒL MWEN PALE (I speak Creole)
Mèsi Papa Bondye dèske se kreyòl mwen pale
Ala bèl lang sa a bèl!
Mwen di sa m panse ladan san tèt grate
Mwen pa gen okenn vèb pou m konjige,
Okenn sibjonktif m ap anplwaye
Pa gen fè tilititi
Pou blofe pitit natifnatal yon peyi
Mèsi Papa dèske se an kreyòl mwen panse
Mèsi dèske m fèt sou tè Dayiti
Kote lang sa a soti
Lang yon dal gwo Ewo te pale:
Yo tout te pale kreyòl
Se nan lang sa a yo te kominike
Pou yo te ban m libète
Yon lang ki pa lang vini
Lang kolon yo ta renmen detwi
Men m p ap boukante lang mwen an
Pou lang ki soti lòt kontinan
Mwen p ap fè boukantay pou okenn bagay
Zafè sila yo ki renmen esklavay
Fòk se li pou m pale
Se nan li pou m reve
Se li m pi renmen
Se li ki san mwen
Kreyòl se nanm mwen
Nenpòt Ayisyen ki ta meprize lang sa a
Pa yon vrè kreyòl
Se pa yon vrè natifnatal peyi Dayiti
Son w ti sousou lòt peyi
Yon sousoubrake k pa gen kote pou l rete
Yon reskiyè k toujou ap tann kras manje
Yon moun ki san diyite
Ki pa konn sa l ye.
(*). SEZON SECHRES AYITI novel published in 1994, second ed. 2005). One of the very few Haitian novels that embarked the problems of the peasants, why they are leaving Haiti. The title of the novel is twofold: a play-on-word and a metaphor dealing with the political problems of Haiti where peasants are always those who suffered the most in our society. Not too many people pay attention to their real problems and try to understand what they’ve going through, which, in a way, forced them to leave Haiti. All the characters in the novel are peasants. Written in 1992, it’s a literary piece reminding us of the Haitian peasants being sent back to Haiti by Dominican officials just few months after president Jean-Bertrand Aristide took power (on February 7, 1991) as the first democratically elected president of Haiti. He was widely voted by Haitian peasants, hoping that their situation would be changed once for all but unfortunately, the bloody coup of September 30, 1991 that sent Aristide into a 3 year exile has changed the whole course. Mèsidye is one of the great heroes of the novel. He was working in the sugar came fields in the Dominican Republic and was among those sent back to Haiti. Once arrived in Haiti, he is trying to organize the peasants such as organizing fund-raising to help themselves buying the necessary tools to irrigate land.
(*). THOMAS MADIOU (1814-1844). In his own word stated that he was desperately looking for a Haitian history book to read and could not find any (after coming back from his studies in France) and told to his father that he was going to work on one. His voluminous research on the subject had later, inspired many Haitian historians..
(**). MORE REFERENCES OF NAMES BELOW. Are in An annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial time to 2000 (BIOHAC) and page reference (where they appear). For authors, look up General Authors' Index; for titles, look up Index of Titles.
Advanced Grammar of Haitian Creole; Albert Valdman; Alix Renaud; André Vilaire Chery; Carrié Paultre; Contribution à l'étude comparée du créole et du français à partir du créole haïtien; Deslande Rincher (pp.); Diane Guillemin; Dictionnaire français – créole; Edner Jeanty; Ernst Mirville; Felix Morisseau-Leroy; Féquière Vilsaint; Haitian Creole – English - French Dictiona; Jan Mapou; Joel Theodat; John Reinecke; Jules Faine; Kesler Brézault (Brezo); La langue française en Haïti; Le créole dans l'univers; Let's learn Creole!; Mango Dyesifò; Manno Sanon (foutbolè ayisyen, koni o nivo entènasyonal); Manuel d'initiation à l'étude du créole; Maude Heurtelou; Odette Frombrum; Pale kreyòl; Philologie Créole; Pierre Vernet; Pradel Pompilus; Suzane Comhaire; Syntaxe de l'haïtien; Techniques d'écriture du créole haïtien (pp.); Yves Dejean; 999 Pwovèb Ayisyen.
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)
e_vedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com