1. AGRIKILTI — Bay agrikilti plas li merite pou ede nan devlopman peyi a (ekz., envestisman nan pwodiksyon agrikòl peyi a ka pwodui pou diminye to enpòtasyon pwodui k ap antre sot aletranje, kreyasyon endistri agrikòl, ogmantasyon pwodui agrikòl pou konbat lavichè, bonjan elvay, irigasyon..., tout bon zouti leta ta ka posede dekwa pou ede peyizan travay latè, tabli kredi agrikòl pou ede peyizan
2. DIPLOMASI — Bonjan diplomasi ak peyi ki montre respè pou Ayiti e ak sa k vle ede l fè pwogrè.
3. DYASPORA — Responsablite dyaspora a dwe pran pou l ede nan devlopman Ayiti, pou l sipòte tout bagay pozitif k ap fèt an(n) Ayiti, pou l sipòte gouvèlman serye ki ta pran rèn pouvwa a e ki ta montre sousi yo nan avni peyi a e pou byennèt chak Ayisyen, kreyasyon yon fon espesyal pou kore tout pwojè k ap ede nan devlopman Ayiti.
4. EDIKASYON — Edikasyon gratis pou tout moun (plis yon ediksyon pratik ki ka sèvi endividi a ak sosyete a, bati bonjan lise ki rive nan tèminal (nan chak komin), lekòl pou aprann tout metye (pa ekz., nan chak lise ka gen yon estansyon lekòl vokasyonèl), bonjan pwogram alfabetizasyon (nan lang kreyòl dabò), kantin nan lekòl leta yo pou ede timoun paran pa kab bay manje dekwa pou yo rete lekòl, enpòtans pou ta gen yon sal resous (ti bibliyotèk) nan chak lise pou ede elèv jwenn dokimantasyon, pou ede elèv ki pa gen liv epi pou ede anseyan nan fè rechèch pou pran plis bèt, nesesite pou kreye kanmpous inivèsitè nan Inivèsite Leta Ayiti nan chak depatman, nesesite ak estrateji pou ogmante nivo edikasyon Ayiti (nan tout nivo), program pedagojik pou prepare anseyan (nan tout nivo), yon lwa k pou ekzije ke tout timoun al lekòl / anrejistre nan yon lekòl kèlkonk (sot nan laj senkan pou rive nan laj disetan), patisipasyon elèv tèminal nan ede leta nan pwogram alfabetizasyon nan tout rakwen peyi a (ak anfaz pou alfabetize popilasyon k pi jèn yo kòm pepinyè) e nan yon seri pwojè nan kad devlopman peyi a.
5. EKOLOJI — Rebwazman nan peyi a, rebwazman mòn yo, pwoteksyon lanati, plantasyon pyebwa tout kote pou pwoteje krèm tè yo, pou konbat ewozyon ak plantasyon pyebwa ki pwodui fri.
6. ENDISTR I — (ekz. Endistri touris - Estrateji pou remete endistri touris la sou pye pou pote kapital nan peyi a e pou kreye anplwa [ekz., amenajman plaj yo, bèlte tout kote, bèl peyizaj, tout sa k fè pati enfrastrikti endistri sa a..., ankourajman devlopman endistri agrikòl & atizanal nan tout peyi a pou ogmante aktivite travay.
7. ENÈJI — Yon bonjan pwogram enèji tèlke sibvansyon gaz nan tout peyi a pou ranplase chabon (ki konsititye plis pase 80% sous enèji k ap boule e ki kreye an menm tan gwo pwoblèm debwazman ki fè tè yo ale nan dlo epi ki koze sechrès), pwoblèm ekolojik, pwoblèm sante (ak gwo lafimen bwa k ap boule pou fè chabon) - simaye kouran tout kote, konstwi baraj, nouvo tibin ak aparèy idwolik pou solisyone pwoblèm blakawout, itilizasyon enèji solè (kote l aplikab).
8. ENFRASTRIKTI MINIMAL — Yon enfrastrikti pou met Ayiti sou ray, pou ede l kòmanse soti nan kriz ekonomik li ye a (ekz., bonjan wout, ekoloji, sekirite, elektrisite, dlo potab, ijyèn, lopital...).
9. LANG — Itilizasyon lang kreyòl la (lang tout Ayisyen pale) a 100% (nan nivo ekri / oral) e nan tout domèn, e respè pou li kòm youn nan de lang ofisyèl peyi a, ankouraje anseyman lang vwazen yo (ekz: anglè, panyòl kòm lang etranje nan lekòl), ankourajman materyèl didaktik an kreyòl pou itilize lekòl e nan pwogram alfabetizasyon, revizyon tout materyèl didaktik ki devlope deja nan lang kreyòl an(n) Ayiti kou nan dyaspora a e kijan pou sèvi ak yo anndan lekòl, bon metòd pou anseye fransè kòm dezyèm lang e youn nan de lang ofisyèl peyi a, estrateji pou itilize materyèl didaktik ki ekri an fransè anndan lekòl ak esplikasyon an kreyòl (sitou liv syans yo pa ekz.).
10. LAPRÈS (pale e ekri) — Wòl laprès dwe genyen nan devlopman peyi a - yon près endepandan ki dwe fonksyone san okenn baboukèt, san okenn entimidasyon, yon près ki dwe net e ki dwe pwofesyonèl an menm tan.
11. LWA — Bonjan lwa k pou pase nan palman an (kòm amannman nan konstitisyon an), lwa k ka ede nan devlopman peyi a, - mete lalwa an aplikasyon (pa kite l kouche sou papye sèlman) epi l pa dwe gen paskouki.
12. PATRIMWÀN — Valorizasyon tout sa k fè pati patrimwàn peyi a (ekz., kreyasyon mize pou pwoteje yo), respè pou engredyan k fè pati kilti ayisyèn nan.
13. POLITIK — Admosfè pou tout pati politik fonksyone libreman (san okenn entimidasyon) e nan respè youn pou lòt, pou evite difamasyon, pou yo aprann travay nan avantay peyi a olye yo kite kèk peyi etranje ap manipile yo pou kreye zigzani k ap kraze Ayiti, devwa laprès pou l ta kreye deba pou diferan reprezantan pati politik ta parèt nan radyo / televizyon avan eleksyon (tèlke pandan kanpay elektoral) pou yo ta di sa yo gen nan dyakout yo pou devlopman peyi a, pou gen dyalòg ak pèp la, di kisa yo fè deja (de pozitif) nan sosyete a pou pèp ki pral jete bilten vot yo ta wè nan yo sitwayen ki sousye de avansman peyi a, rapò politisyen yo ta dwe bay pèp la (sou sa yo akonpli pandan yo sou pouvwa ou pandan manda yo), bonjan politik pwogresis (pou tyalenj lòt pati).
14. RECHÈCH — Kreyasyon yon bonjan bibliyotèk santral ak plizyè branch (nan diferan depatman, awondisman, komin) ak itilizasyon sistèm konpitè pou ede nan dokimantasyon materyèl, ankourajman rechèch (sou tout fòm) nan lekòl yo (tout nivo), kreyasyon sant rechèch pou ede nan dokimantasyon / aprann envestige, enpòtans pou etidyan ayisyen ki nan kolèj / inivèsite nan dyaspora a aprann fè rechèch sou Ayiti, sou kominote yo (tout sijè) epi mete rechèch sa yo disponib pou Ayisyen / Ayiti ka gen aksè a yo (ekz., kopi tèz, atik, papye yo ekri,), enpòtans pou tout ekriven, chèrchè (blan kou Ayisyen) aprann fè sant rechèch ayisyen, bibliyotèk ayisyen kado nan liv / dokiman y ap pwodui, mete yon seri rechèch sou paj wèb dekwa pou Ayisyen gen aksè a yo (pa sèlman eksplwate Ayiti kòm sijè pou jwenn fon pou fè lajan), nesesite pou tabli yon bonjan laboratwa konpitè nan Inivèsite Leta Ayisyen pou elèv gen plis aksè nan fè rechèch epi pou gen aksè a dokiman ki disponib sou entènèt la, seminè pou antrene moun nan fè rechèch pou ede nan devlopman Ayiti e nan kwasans entelektyèl yo.
15. RESOUS IMÈN — Valorizasyon Resous Imèn (filozofi grès kochon an kwit kochon an ) nan devlopman peyi a, patisipasyon chak Ayisyen nan devlopman peyi a (patikilyèman sa k kapab yo: pwofesyonèl, entelektyèl, moun ki gen mwayen finansye, biznismann, syantis, chèrchè, teknisyen...), motivasyon dyaspora a pou ede / met men nan devlopman Ayiti (estrateji pou sa fèt).
16. SANTE — Bati bonjan lopital, dispansè nan chak depatman, awondisman, komin - òganize woumble (kolòk) sou pwoblèm sante, maladi k ap ravaje moun (epidemi) - edikasyon pou tout prevansyon posib, ogmantasyon to de vi an(n) Ayiti, pou fini ak to timoun k ap mouri (akoz mankman swen), bonjan pwogram sante pou tout moun, zouti pou ede doktè, aparèy lopital yo bezwen pou fonksyone byen, ijyèn nan lopital yo, pwogram pou edike moun fè mwens pitit (planing).

16 points to help Haiti moving forward
Emmanuel W. VEDRINE 1. AGRICULTURE — Give agriculture it's role deserved in order to help in the country's development (e.g., investing in the agricultural productions that the country can produce in order to diminish the rate of imported products, the creation of agricultural industry, increasing of agricultural products to fight “lavichè” (high price of things), good programs to raise animals, irrigation..., all good tools that the government can possess and that can be useful to help peasants working the land, establish good agricultural credits to help peasants.
2. DIPLOMACY — Good diplomacy with countries that show respect for Haiti and those that want to help it moving forward.
3. DIASPORA — The responsibility that should be undertaken by the Diaspora in order to help in Haiti's development, to support everything positive that is in the process of taking place in Haiti, to support reliable governments who would ascend to power and who would show their care for the country's future and the well-being of every single Haitian, the creation of a special fund to support all projects that are helping with the development of Haiti.
4. EDUCATION — Free education for everyone (including a practical education that can serve the individual and the society, construct good “lise” (secondary schools) leading to grade “tèminal” (highest grade) in each “commune”, all types of trade schools (e.g, each secondary school can have an extension of vocational school), good literacy program (in the Kreyòl language first), food program in the public schools in order to help children whose parents can't afford feeding them so that can remain in school, the importance to have a resource room (small library) in each “lise” to help students find documents, to help students who don't have books and to help teachers doing research in order to increase their knowledge, the necessity to create a university campus within Haiti's State University in each of the country's “depatman”, the necessity and strategy to increase the level of education in Haiti (at all level), pedagogical programs to prepare teachers (at all levels), a low that would make it mandatory that all children be in school / registered in a school somehow (from the age of five to seventeen), students' participation who are in grade “tèminal” to help the government with literacy program throughout the country (with emphasis to teach the younger population how to read and write as a nursery and to take part in a series of projects dealing with the country's development.
5. ECOLOGY — Reforestation throughout the country, reforestation of the mountains, protection of nature, trees planting everywhere in order to protect the cream of the land - to fight erosion, the plantation of trees that bear fruits.
6. INDUSTRY — (e.g. The tourist industry) – Strategies to come back with the tourist industry in order to bring capitals to the country and to create jobs [e.g., “amenajman” of the beaches, focus on beauty everywhere, beautiful landscape, all that can be part of this industry's infrastructure…, encouraging the development of agricultural industries & crafts products throughout the country in order to increase working activities.
7. ENERGY — A real energy program such as the subsidizing of gas throughout the country to replace charcoal (constituting more than 80% or burning energy source and that creates at the same time a big deforestation problem causing erosion and then drought), ecological problems, health problems (with heavy smoking of burning wood to make charcoal) – distribution of power everywhere, construction of dams, new turbines with hydraulic devices to solve the electricity shortage, the use of solar energy (where it's applicable).
8. MINIMAL INTRASTRUCTURE — An infrastructure to put Haiti on rails, to help it start getting out of its economic crisis (e.g., good roads, ecology, security, electricity, potable water, hygiene, hospitals…).
9. LANGUAGE — The use of the Kreyòl language (the language of every Haitians tout) at 100% (at the written / oral level) and in all areas, and respect for it as one of the official languages of the country, encourage the teaching of the neighboring languages (e.g. English, Spanish as foreign language), encourage teaching materials in Kreyòl to be used in schools and in literacy programs, review of all teaching materials that have been developed in the Kreyòl language (in Haiti and in Diaspora) and how to use them in schools, good methodology to teach French as second language and one of the two official languages of the country, strategies to use teaching materials written in French in the schools and explanation in Kreyòl (specially science books for instance).
10. THE MEDIA (oral and written) — The role that the press should have in the country's development - an independent press that should function without any problem - any intimidation, a press that be neutral and professional at the same time.
11. LAWS — Good laws to be passed in the parliament (as amendments to the constitution), laws that can help in the country's development – put laws into practice (don't just have them written on papers) and it should have no exception (should be applied to everyone).
12. PATRIMONY — Valorization of everything that is part of the country's patrimony (e.g., the creation of museums to protect them), respect for ingredients that are part of the Haitian culture.
13. POLITICS — An atmosphere for all political parties to function freely (without any intimidation) and in respect for one another, to avoid all defamations, to learn to work in the country's advantage instead of letting some other foreign countries manipulating them to create unnecessary fight in the disadvantage of Haiti, the duty of the media to create debates for different people representing different political parties where they would appear on radio / television programs before elections (such as during electoral campaign) where they would talk about their political agenda for the country's development, to have dialog with the people, telling them what they have done already (of positive) in the society in order for the people to cast a vote for them as citizen who show that they care for the country's advancement, reports that politicians should give the people (on what they've accomplished during their term in office), good progressive Politics (to challenge other parties).
14. RESEARCH — Creation of a good central library with many branches (in different “depatman”, “awondisman”, and komin”) by using a computerized system to help documenting materials, the encouragement of research (on all forms) in the schools (at all levels), the creating of research centers to help with documentation / to learn how to do research, the importance for Haitian students who are attend colleges / universities in the Diaspora to learn to do research on Haiti - on their communities (all subjects) and make their research available for Haitians / Haiti to have access to them (e.g., copies of theses, articles, term papers that they have produced), the importance for all Haitian writers, researchers (foreigners as well as Haitians) to learn to donate books, documents that they are producing / have produced to research centers - Haitian libraries, making a series of research available on web sites so that Haitian can have access to them (not only exploring Haiti as a subject to find grants to make money), the necessity to establish a good computer lab at Haiti's State University for students to have more access in doing research and to have access to documents that are available on-line, seminars to train people in doing research to help in the development of Haiti and in the increasing of one's knowledge.
15. HUMAN RESOURCES — Valorization of Human Resources (philosophy: “ grès kochon an kwit kochon an ” ) in the country's development, the participation of every Haitian in the country's development (especially those who can: professional, scholars, people who have financial means, businessmen, scientists, researchers, technicians…), motivation of the Diaspora to help with Haiti 's development (strategies to do that).
16. HEALTH — Building good hospitals, clinics in each “depatman, awondisman, komin” - organizing seminars on health problem, diseases that are ravaging people (epidemics) – education for all possible prevention, increase of life span rate in Haiti, to finish up with children mortality rate (due to lack of care), good health programs for everyone, tools to help doctors, devices that the hospitals need in order to function well, hygiene in the hospitals, programs to educate people to have less children.
(E. W. Vedrine )

Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)
e_vedrine@hotmail.com, e_vedrine@yahoo.com |