ABIEW, Francis Kofi. 1997. "Evolution Of The Doctrine And Practice Of Humanitarian Intervention (Sovereignty, Human Rights)". University of Alberta (Canada). Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
ADAMS, Robert Lee, Jr. 1999. "The poetics of desire: Dialogic encounters in the Dominican orderlands". The University Of Texas At Austin. Degree: PhD. Pages: 159. Code: AAT 9956783. [Cultural Anthropology, Latin American History, Ethnic and Racial Studies]
AHLERS, Théodore. 1979. "A Microeconomic Analysis Of Rural-urban Migration In Haiti". Tufts University. Degree: Ph.D.
AKMAN, Geraldine R C. (y?). "Both Sides Now: Gender Relations In Credit And Agriculture Cooperatives In Rural Haiti (Credit Cooperatives)". [Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 55-06; Section: A, page: 1652]
ALFONSI, Christian Jami. 1999. "Improvised crusades: Explaining the 'inconsistent' use of military intervention by the Bush administration". Harvard University. Degree: PhD. Pages: 404. Code: AAT 9949728. [Political Science, International Law and Relations, US History]
AL-HALOOL, Musa. 1995. "In Quest Of Miranda: Towards A Postcolonial Semantics Of Transitive Sex (Prospero-Caliban, Tayed Salih, Andrew Salkey, Dany Laferrière, Sudan, Jamaica, Haiti, Quebec)". The Pennsylvania State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 172. [Comparative Literature; African Literature; Canadian Literature (English)]
ALLEN, Jeffrey. "Analyses Phonologiques Et Graphémiques Du Créole Haïtien Par Le Biais De La Linguistique Computationnelle". Groupe d'Études et de Recherches en Espace Créolophone, Université des Antilles-Guyane, Martinique. ('Thèse de doctorat'). Second level doctoral Thesis (in preparation) on Haitian Creole. [The author's MA and first doctoral degree were on St. Lucian French Creole. "Sainte-Lucie: Description Sociolinguistique D'une Ile Antillaise" (Master's Thesis), Departement des Sciences du Langage Et Centre de Recherches Linguistiques et Sémiotiques, Université Lyon 2. 1994. 111 p. - "Sainte-Lucie: relexification, decréolisation, recréolization ou adlexification?" ('Diplôme d'Études Approfondies' Thesis), Departement des Sciences du Langage & Centre de Recherches Linguistiques, Université Lyon 2. 183 p. [KRE]
ALLY, Shamir Andrew. 1994. "Preparing Caricom For The Twenty-First Century Through Regional Economic Integration". Walden University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 373. [Economics, General; Business Administration, Accounting]
ALTERMAN, Dorothy Roberta. 1994. "Initial Placement Methods For Haitian Adult ESOL Students: The NYS Placement Test Plus Profile Data Compared To Subjective Assessment". F.I.U. Degree: Ed.D. 201 p. [Language, General; Adult And Continuing Education; Tests And Measurements. [KRE]
ANDERSON, Thomas. 1994. "Collective Action For Watershed Management: Lesson From Haiti". University of Minnesota. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 326. [Cultural Anthropology; Agriculture, Forestry And Wildlife; Economics, Agricultural]
ARTURO, Ruben Julian. 1994. "In Purgatory: Mayan Immigrants In Indiatown And West Palm Beach, South Florida". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 331. [Cultural Anthropology; American Studies; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
(aut?). "Analyse différentielle et sociolinguistique du créole et du français en Haïti". 1973. Canada: Ottawa. [Thèse de maîtrise [KRE]
ASCENCIO, Michaelle. (s.d.). "Le langage du vaudou: initiation à la linguistique vaudou". Thèse présentée à la Faculté d'Ethnologie de l'Université d'État d'Haïti. 75 p. [KRE]
ASSAD, Jean-Claude. 1987. "The Role Of Financial Intermediaries In The Growth Of The Haitian Economy ". HOWARD University. Pages: 167. Degree: Ph.D [Economics, Finance]
AUBE, Melanie. 1999. " Evaluation sommaire de la situation des mangroves de la côte nord haïtienne". [(French text). Degree: MEE. Université De Moncton (CANADA). Pages: 133. Code: AAT MQ47253. [Agriculture, Forestry and Wildlife; Agriculture, Fisheries; Environment Sciences; Geography]
AVILA, Victor Barreras Suero. 1983. "Ethnographie d'une Communauté Rurale En République Dominicaine". ['3e Cycle d'Ethnologie / PA10. [KRE]
AZIABU, Yao Edem. 1997. "Black Activism And Foreign Policy: From South Africa To Haiti". Duke University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 547. [Political Science, General; Political science, International Law And Relations; Blacks; Black Studies; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies; Political Science, International Law And Relation]
BAGLINO, Michel. 1992. "Relevance Of The Community College Curriculum To The International Student (Curriculum Relevance, Miami Dade Community College, Bahamian, Haitian, Colombian, Pakistani)". F.I.U. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 193. [Education, Community College, Education, Bilingual And Multicultural]
BALZANO, Anthony John Paul. 1989. "Tree Planting In Haiti: Agroforestry And Rural Development In A Local Content". Rutgers The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 315. [Agricultural Forestry; Cultural Anthropology]
BAPTISTA, Marlyse. 1997. "The morpho-syntax of nominal and verbal categories in Capeverdean Creole". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. - 'This thesis investigates the morpho-syntax of nominal and verbal categories in Capeverdean Creole. The first two chapters provide an analytical description of specific issues in the morphology and syntax of Capeverdean. The last three chapters examine Capeverdean functional categories, the syntax of verbs and the syntax of pronominals, within a chomskian framework (Chomsky, 1981; 1991; 1993)... Chapter IV studies the syntax of the Capeverdean verb. We examine the background assumptions of the theory of verb movement and present a theoretical analysis of the interaction of the Capeverdean verb with a certain class of adverbials, negation, and floating quantifiers; there, we provide evidence for V-raising in this particular Creole and offer a tentative analysis accounting for the different behavior of verbs in Capeverdean and Haitian.'(Excerpt from abstract). - "From orality to the written word". Ciboa: Revista Cabo-verdiana de Letras. 1997, pp.18-19. 'Sections of this article provide us with an interesting comparative analysis of the orthographic developments in Haiti and Cape-Verde islands'. This is also one of the author's article on Capeverdean and Haitian Creole . [KRE]
BARO, Mamadou Amadou. 1996. "Household Livelihood Security: Theories, Practice And Perspective (Chad, Haiti)". The University of Arizona. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 306. [Cultural Anthropology]
BARREAU, Gisèle. 1987. "Jacques Stephen Alexis: Chronique D'un Faux-Amour". Princeton University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 404. [Modern Literature, Literature, Latin American Studies]
BAYARDELLE, Eddy. 1993. "A comparability Study Of Four English Language Assessment Instruments: Basic Inventory Of Natural Language, Foreign Service Institute Oral Interview, Language Assessment Battery And The Stanford Early School Achievement Test". New York University. Degree: Ph.D. 112 p. [Education, Tests And Measurements; Education, Language And Literature [KRE]
BEAUDRY-DARISME, Micheline Marie Nicole. 1971. "A Comparative Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers In Haiti And Guatemala". Cornell University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 198. [Health Sciences, Nutrition]
BEDARD, Renée. 1988. "La représentation de l'autre dans le récit de voyage: le cas du tourisme québécois en Haïti". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise. Pages: 198.
BELLEGARDE, Auguste. 1957. "Survivances du français en Haïti". 91 p. [M.A thesis. - "A superficial study, greatly handicapped by lack of pertinent materials. Shows no understanding of Haitian society and the relationship between French and Creole. Ch. II, 'Les nègres et leur parler', is drawn from Faine (1936) " . - "Discussion des relations entre le français et le créole. Méconnait la société haïtienne et les rapports entre français et créole. Le chapitre II est entièrement tiré de Faine, 1936". [KRE]
BELLEGARDE-SMITH, Patrick. 1977. "Expression of a Culture in Crisis: Dantes Bellegarde in Haitian Developmental Thought". The American University, Washington, D.C.
BELL, Elizabeth. 1978. "Teaching Haitian Culture Via Literature: A Culturapoetic Approach". Ohio State University. Degree: Ph.D.
BELL, Sharon Kay Masingale. 1987. "Instructing Revolution: Didacticism In The Short Stories Of J. S Alexis, With A Translation Of His 'Romancero Aux Etoiles'". Brown University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 484. [Literature, Romance]
BENJAMIN, Tritobia Hayes. 1991. "The Life And Art Of Lois Mailou Jones, American Artist (Jones Lois Mailou)". University Of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 313. [Biography; Fine Arts; History, Black]
BENTOLILA, Alain. 1971-72. "Les Systèmes Verbaux Créoles: Comparaison Avec Les Langues Africaines". Université de Paris. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 192 + annex 1-IX. [Director of thesis: André Martinet. 'Chapitre sur les créoles français', pp. 31-67[KRE]
BERNTEIN, Bruce Alan. (y?). "Migration, Health, And Nutrition: Haitians In Immokalee, A South Florida Farmworker Town". The University of Connecticut. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 399. [Cultural Anthropology]
BICEGO, Georges Tracy. 1990. "Trends, Age Patterns, And Determinants Of Childhood Mortality In Haiti". The Johns Hokings University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages 226. [Health Sciences, Public Health; Sociology, Demography]
BICKEL, Keith B. 1999. "Mars learning: The Marine Corps development of small wars doctrine,1915-1940". The Johns Hopkins University. Degree: PhD. Pages: 332. Code: AAT 9920687. [Modern History, Latin American History, Political Science (general)]
BLACKLEDGE, Charles Henry. 1977. "Phases of Black Nationalism and Emigration to Haiti, 1860-1862". University of South Alabama. Degree: Masters.
BODINI, Hugo C. C. 1984. " Viability Of Small-Farmer Communities In The Enriquillo - Cul De Sac Depression Of Hispaniola ". The University of Tennessee. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 240. [Geography]
BONNIOL, Jean Luc. 1989. "Couleur Et Identité. Le Miroir Des Apparences Dans La Genèse Populations Créoles". ['Thèse d'état / AIX01. Ref: 0001/ 1351.08244/90 2MF]
BONNLANDER, Heinke P. 1994. "Two Epidemiological Studies In Central Haiti (Malaria, Cerebral Malaria)". Oregon State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 65. [Health Sciences; Public Health]
BOOUCHEREAU, Madeleine G. Sylvain. 1941. "Haïti Et Ses Femmes: Une étude D'évolution Culturelle". BRYN MAWR COLLEGE. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 349. [Sociology, General]
BORY-ADAMS, Aline Rejane. 1991. "Educational Policies For Development In The Caribbean: An Analysis Of Unesco's Role And Contribution To Educational Development In Haiti". The Florida State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 207. [Education, Administration; Political Science, International Law And Relations]
BOURGOIGNIE, Marie-Noelle. 1990. "La Problématique Du Développement Rural Intégré: Le Projet De Saint Michel De L'Attalaye". University of Ottawa (Canada). Degree: MA. Pages: 145. [Sociology, Social Structure And Development]
BOURGUIGNON, Erika E. 1951. "Syncretism And Ambivalence In Haiti: An Ethno-Historic Study". Northwestern University. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology]
BRÉZAULT, Roger-Kesler. Juin 2000. "Entre l'arbre et l'écorce. Pouvoir et régulation, adaptation et marginalisatio : condition de la minorité au sein d'une radio communautaire et multilingue à Montréal" . Université de Sherbrooke, Québec-Canada. 174 pages. [Mémoire présenté comme exigence partielle de la maîtrise en théologie; spécialisation: éducation interculturelle.]
BRITTON, Edward C. 1993. "Peasant Subsistence in Northwestern Haiti: Geography, Cultural Ecology and Rural Development". Louisiana State University. Pages 275.
BRODWIN, Paul E. 1991. "Political Contests And Moral Claims: Religious Pluralism And Healing In A Haitian Village". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology, Cultural. Publication: Medicine and Morality in Haiti: The Contest for Healing Power, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996 (Cambridge Studies in Medical Anthropology, No. 3, 240 pages). Brodwin's book contains almost everything in the dissertation, plus a much expanded theoretical introduction and conclusion and a virtually new chapter on the history of Western medical institutions in Haiti, 1700 to 1980'... The author, professor of Anthropology at UM-Milwaukee, is specializing in medical anthropology, general social and cultural anthropology, Haiti and the Haitian diaspora. His book reports on research conducted from 1987 to 1992, while in 1994 and 96 Brodwin worked among and studied the Haitian community in Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. He is currently working up some articles about that research.]
BROWN, Karen McCarthy. 1975. "The vèvè of Haitian vodou: A structural analysis of visual imagery". Temple University. [Ph.D diss. [KRE]
BROWN, Oral Carl Jr. (y?). "Haitian Vodou In Relation To Negritude And Christianity: A Study Of Acculturation And Applied Anthropology". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D
CADELY, Jean Robert. 1994. "Aspect de la phonologie du créole haïtien". UQAM. Degree: Ph.D. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. Also in book format (ISBN: 2763817904). - RESUMÉ: "Cette thèse est consacrée au créole haitien (CH). Nous analysons dans le cadre des propositions théoriques récentes de la grammaire générative (GG) certains aspects de la phonologie ce cette langue.
Le premier chapitre, 'Aspects théoriques', situe le cadre théorique de la recherche. Nous passons en revue les changements intervenus à l'interieurs de la phonologie génératives depuis la publication de The sound pattern of English (SPE) par Chomsky et Halle (1968). Nous retenons de cette présentation les aspects les plus pertinents à notre propos, dont la Théorie Autosegmantale, la Théorie Métrique, la Phonologie Lexicale, la Théorie de la syllabe et les concepts d'unité flottante et de stratégie de restructuration.
Le second chapitre intitulé 'Phonologie des pronoms personnels' analyse le processus par lequel les formes pronominales se réduisent et s'agglutinent à un autre morphème. Nous montrons que ces éléments sont des clitiques phonologiques, c'est-à-dire des formes qui ne portent pas d'accent lexical. Elles ne peuvent pas non plus apparaître seules et elles doivent être incorporées dans la structure prosodique d'un 'mot plein' afin de se réaliser phonétiquement. Dans le cadre d'une analyse prosodique de la clitisation nous montrons que le phénomène phonologique de réduction et d'agglutination des pronoms résultent du processus d'incorporation qui place ces formes dans une position métrique faible. La thèse énoncée dans ce chapitre est qu'il n'existe pas en CH de pronoms clitiques de nature syntaxique mais des formes clitisées en phonologie.
Le troisième chapitre, 'La diffusion de la nasalité', aborde les problèmes relatifs à ce phénomène. Nous montrons que l'assimilation nasale s'effectue de deux façons en CH. Une voyelle se nasalise lorsqu'elle précède immédiatement une consonne nasale. Ce processus s'applique dans le lexique aux items non-dérivés et ne traverse pas une frontière morphologique. L'assimilation nasale se produit également à travers une frontière morphologique. Dans ce dernier cas, elle affecte le déterminant défini / la /, le pronom (troisième personne) et déterminant possessif / li / et le suffixe verbalisateur / e/.
Le chapitre IV, 'Une règle de sandhi externe', discute d'un phénomène post-lexical de fusion vocalique. Il s'agit d'une règle qui permet la création de voyelles longues de surface. Elle s'applique à la frontière de deux morphèmes dont l'un se termine par une voyelle et l'autre commence par une voyelle. Nous montrons que la structure morphophonologique du CH ne tolère pas les hiatus, c'est-à-dire une suite contigüe de deux voyelles dans un énoncé. Lorsque cette situation se présente, la langue met en oeuvre une stratégie de restructuration qui consiste à fusionner les deux voyelles en une seule accompagné d'une longeur compensatoire. Le segment dérivé est de nature bisyllabique et hétéromorphémique car l'inventaire phonémique du CH ne contient pas de voyelles longues distribuées à l'intérieur d'une même configuration syllabique". (pp. v-vi). [KRE]
CADOT, Marie Stephane. 1999. "Considérations sur l'utilisation d'un système d'information géographique (SIG) pour l'estimation de la taille minimale et viable d'une exploitation agricole: Bassin versant de Petite-Rivière de Nippes, Haïti". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Maîtrise en géographie. Dir.: Joël Rouffignat. Co-Dir.: Marius Thériault. Pages: 152. Code: AAT MQ43788. [Geography, Agriculture (general)]
CALL, Charles T. 1999. "From soldiers to cops: 'War transitions' and the demilitarization of policing in Latin America and the Caribbean (El Salvador, Haiti)". Degree: PhD. Standford University. Pages: 328. Code: AAT 9958072. [Political Science (general)]
CAREY, Henry Frank. 1997. "Electoral Regimes And Democratic Development In Less Developed Countries: A Cross-Regional Comparison Of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Romania, Pakistan And The Philippines". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, International Law And Relations; Political Science, General]
CARLETON, Louise Mailloux. 1997. "'Chèche La Vi ' : An Exploration Into The Survival Strategies Of Haitian Women In The Dominican Republic". University (Canada). Degree: M.A. [Anthropology, Cultural; Women's Studies; Sociology, Ethic and Racial Studies]
CATSBURG, Marcel. 1988. "L'enrichissement lexical par la création morphologique en créole haïtien". [Memoire de fin d'études, sous la direction de: professeur W. Zwanenburg Zeist, le 16 nov. 1988. 95 p. - "Le créole haïtien est la langue commune de la population entière et qu'en plus pour la grande majorité c'est l'unique moyen de communication. Il n'y a pas qu'une minorité de la population qui maîtrise deux langues, en outre cette minorité ne sert du français que dans un nombre limité de situations communicatives (pp. 7).
"Ce mémoire intitulé 'L'enrichissement lexical par la création morphologique en créole haïtien' peut être considéré comme le résultat d'un triple intérêt chez son auteur. D'une part, je m'intéresse au fonctionnement concret des language dans les sociétés. La discipline qui s'occupe de la relation entre langue et société s'appelle la sociolinguistique. Elle cherche à déterminer qui parle quelle variété de langue, quand, à propos de quoi et avec quels locuteurs. D'autre part, mon intérêt porte sur la discipline à l'intérêrieur de la linguistique qui s'occupe de l'étude des mots ; la morphologie. La morphologie cherche entre autres à décrire la structure des mots complexes et se prononce sur l'organisation du lexique.
Mon troisième champs d'intérêt détermine mon choix de la langue que je veux étudier. Il s'agit des langues créoles, notamment le créole haïtien parlé en Haiti.
Dans le premier chapitre je veux donner une description de la situation sociolinguistique en Haïti. Je parlerai du rôle et de la fonction du créole haïtien chez les locuteurs individuels et à l'intérieur de la société entière. Cette description aboutira à la constatation qu'à cause de changements d'ordre sociolinguistique le créole haïtien est confronté à des problèmes lexicaux. Son lexique n'est pas suffisamment riche pour assurer tous les besoins communicatifs. Il y a des lacunes lexicales. Pour combler ces lacunes il doit recourir à des processus d'enrichissement lexical.
Dans le deuxième chapitre j'aborderai le sujet de l'enrichissement lexical. Je vais expliquer ce que c'est et indiquer les différents processus dont disposent les langues pour enrichir leurs lexiques.
Un de ces processus d'enrichissement lexical, à savoir la création morphologique, sera étudié dans plus de details pour le créole haïtien.
La question centrale sera: "De quels processus morphologiques dispose le créole haïtien pour enrichir son lexique" ? (p.23) La réponse à cette question sera donnée dans le troisième chapitre. Dans ce chapitre, je veux donner une description de trois processus morphologiques de formation de mots, à savoir la dérivation, la conversion morphologique et la composition. Une brève conclusion terminera ce mémoire..." (pp. 4-2). [KRE]
CAUVIN, Henri. 1977. "The Haitian Economy: A Case Study Of Underdevelopment". New School for Social Research. Degree: Ph.D. [Economy]
CEDENO-ZAMOR, Patricia Monica. 1999. "Adaptation among Haitian immigrant / refugee women in the United States". Degree: PhD. Boston College. Pages: 317. Code: AAT 9928370. [Social Work; Bilingual Education and Multicultural; Sociology; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Women's Studies]
CELESTIN, Frantz. 1999. "Emile Ollivier: Son approche du descriptif et sa vision romanesque d'Haïti". (French text). Degree: MA. York University (CANADA). Pages: 136. Code: AAT MQ39178. [Modern Literature; Canadian Literature (French); Caribbean Literature]
CÉLIUS, Carlo Avieri. 2001. "L'avènement de l'art naïf en Haïti. Discours institué et nouvelle approche". Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. Dir.: Elikia M'bokolo. [Histoire et civilizations]
CHANCY, Marie Bibiane. 1992. "Pour Une Organization De La Coopérative Agricole, Gabart Le Vaillant A Dondon (Haiti): Réalités Et Modalités De Developpement". Université De Serbrooke (Canada). Degree: MADMIN. Pages: 187. [Agriculture, General; Sociology' Social Structure And Development]
CHARLES, Carolle. 1990. "A Transitional Dialectic Of Race, Class, And Ethnicity: Patterns Of Identities And Forms Of Conciousness Among Haitian Migrants In New York City". State University of New York-Binghamton. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 371. [History, Latin American; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
CHEILLETZ, A. 1976. "Etude Géologique et Métallogénique des Indices a Cuivre et Molybdène de Type Porphyre Cuprifère de la Zone ed Vert de Gris-Jean Rabel, Presqu'ile du Nord-Ouest, Haiti (Geologic and Metallogenic Study of the Copper and Molybdenum Indices of Porphyric Copper of the zone of Vert de Gris-Jean Rabel, Northwest Peninsula, Haiti)". University of Nancy, Nancy, France. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 177. [Caribbean, Hispaniola, Haiti, Minerals]
CHERY Frederic, Guirlene. 1999. "Politiques agricoles et développement de l'agriculture en Haïti. Une étude de cas: La plaine du Cul-de-Sac". (French text)". Degree: MA. Université Laval (Canada). Pages: 305. Code: AAT MQ41869. [Geography; Latin American History; Agriculture; Political Science (general)]
CHIERCI, Rose-Marie Cassagnol. 1986. "Demele: 'Making it', Migration And Adaptation Among Haitian Boat People In The United States". The University of Rochester. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 297. [American Studies]
CHIN, Craig Steven. 1992. "Aids And Prejudice In America: The Governmental Response To The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Immune Deficiency)". New York University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 720. [Political Science, American Studies]
CHU, Huimei. 1993. "Assessing Chinese Kindergarten Children In New York City (Special Education Screening)". Columbia University Teachers College. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 157. [Language, Linguistics; Special Education]
CHU, Patricia Ellen. 1997. "Modernist Itineraries: Gender, Geography, Genre, Genre (Travel Writing)". Patricia Ellen CHU. The University of Chicago. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Modern; Literature, English; Literature American]
CISSE, Aissata. 1994. "Connaissance Et Comportement Sexuels Des Jeunes De 15-29 Ans Sur Les MTS Et Le Sida A Bamako". Aissata CISSE. Université Laval (Canada). Degree: MSG. Pages: 107. [Health Sciences, Public Health]
CLERISME, Calixte. 1970. "Aperçu sur nos contes". P-au-P: Faculté d'Ethnologie; Cahier de Folklore et des traditions orales d'Haïti, pp. 101-111 (Benoit, Max, ed.). ['Mémoire'. - Contes; Littérature orale; Traditions populaires [KRE]
COLLIER, David. 1967. "Social Division And Politics In Haiti, Or The Second New Nation". The University of Chicago. Degree: AM. Pages: 78. [Political Science, General]
COMHAIRE-SYLVAIN, Suzanne. 1936. "Le créole haïtien: morphologie et syntaxe". Suisse; Genève: Slatkine Reprints. 1974. [See note also in section on "Grammars". - Créole (description, genèse); Grammaire; Langues africaines. - "Première étude de la morpho-syntaxe du créole haïtien. Les formes sont citées en transcription phonétique (API). La description du syntagme prédicatif mérite d'être signalée pour sa richesse et sa solidité. L'origine des structures syntaxiques du créole est attribué aux langues de l'Ouest de L'Afrique, en particulier l'ewe...". - Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian. - 'A Scholarly dissertation, presented as the author's thesis at the University of Paris'. 180 p. (book). - Publications: 'Creole tales from Haiti', Journal of American Folklores . New York. Vol. 50, pp. 207-295, Vol. 51, pp. 219-346 (1937-1938); A propos du vocabulaire des croyances paysannes 12 p.; Les contes du pays d'Haïti, 45 p. (Prose in French translation, songs in Creole); Contes Haïtiens, Ceeba Publications, serie II, Vol. 6. (Textes intégrales créole-français; Les contes haïtiens (1937), Wetteren, Belgique: Imp. de Meester. 2 vols. in 8 de LXIII - 83 et 276 p.; Extrait des volumes: Qi mange avec une femme, contes zaïrois et haïtiens), pp. 215-309 ('on the major themes of the Haitian Folk-tales of the Americas, Africa and Western Europe'), ref. WBS, Vol.39, pp.100; Études haïtiennes , Port-au-Prince, ICV. 1939. 14 p. ('La femme dans le proverbe créole', pp. 7-10); "La chanson haïtienne", PAfr. 12:61-87 (Texts of several vaudoo and secular songs); Le roman de Bouqui, P-au-P: ICV. 1940. 137 p. (150 tales in French; 'a few sentences of dialogue in Creole') [KRE]
COMRIE, Bernard, Stephen Matthews and Polinsky , Maria (consultant editors). 1996. The atlas of languages. 224 p. [Section on pidgins an Creole, pp. 114-160 [KRE]
CONRADY, Nancy Jean. 1995. "The Haitian Novel In French And The American Occupation Of 1915-1934: Three Decades Of History As Seen By Four Committed Haitian Novelists (Stephen Alexis, Annie Desroy, Leon Laleau, Mme Virgile Valcin". Middlebury College. Degree: DML. Pages: 181. [Literature, Romance; Latin American Literature]
CONWAY, Frederic James. 1978. "Pentecostalism in the context of Haiti Religion And Health Practice". American University. Degree: Ph.D.
CONWILL, Giles Adolph. 1986. "The World Becomes Black Flesh: A Theoretical And Practical Paradigm For The Evangelization Of Black Catholic Americans Based On Victor Turner's Concepts And Models Of Dominant Symbol, Limanality, Commnitas And Root Metaphor (Evangelization)". Emory University. Degree: HD. Pages: 394. [Cultural Anthropology, Black Studies]
COPPOLA, Annamaria. 1999. "Il testo-spirale nella letteratura franco-creola di Haiti: il caso di Les affres d'un défi di Frankétienne" (Le texte-spirale dans la littérature d'Haïti: Le cas de Les Affres d'un défi de Frankétienne ). Università Alma Mater, Bologna, Italy. Degree: "Dottorato di ricerca". ["...Le present travail se propose d'enquêter sur une aire de la literature franco-créole, celle d'Haïti, qui ne s'identifie à aucune norme ni à aucune autorité, puisqu'elle-même se présente sous les traits d'une pratique historiquement fondatrice de sens. Le Spiralisme appartient au rythme selon le signifié atomiste de 'forme'. L'importance qu'il attribue à la disposition du signe graphique à travers la scansion, la repetition, l'indice de fréquences, correspond à une manière de decliner dans le roman tous les modes d'articulation d'une figure du mouvement. Assumant comme prémisse la représentation de l'aire linguistique franco-créole comme elle a été décrite par la sociolinguistique moderne, nous préciserons donc quelques dynamiques signifiantes d'un roman-spirale de Frankétienne, Les affres d'un défi ". (Annamaria Coppola). [KRE]
COREIL, Jeannine. 1979. "Disease Prognosis And Resource Allocation In A Haitian Mountain Community". University of kentucky. Degree: Ph.D.
COULANGES, Jean. 1967. "L'espressivité en créole". State University of Haiti, Faculty of Ethnology. [A.B.A Thesis. - Mémoire de sortie présenté à la Faculté d'Ethnologie de Port-au-Prince. 1967. 'Études des moyens divers par lesquels le créole traduit l'intensité ou du sentiment et qui le rendent particuliement apte à l'expression littéraire'. - (Pompilus) [KRE]
CROSLEY, Bernadette. 1992. "René Depestre's Use And Defense Of Créolité In Hello And Goodbye To Negritude' And Adriana In All My Dreams'". University of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. 211 p. [KRE
CULBERTSON, Howard R. 1986. "Using Theological Education By Extension To Teach Biblical Theology In Haiti". Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary. Degree: DMIN. [Religion, Clergy]
CURTIS, Jason Hilleary. 1997. "Climatic Variation In The Circum-Caribbean During The Holocene". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. [Geology]
D'ANS, André-Marcel. 1968. "Le Créole Français D'Haïti: Étude Des Unités D'Articulation, D'Expansion Et De Communication". [Ref. Janua Linguaraum Series Practica 106. The Hague: Mouton. Published version of his PhD thesis. Also published by Mouton, La Haye. 1968. 181 p. The author's work is reviewed by Yves Dejean ( French Review , pp. 587-588. Vol. XLIV, Feb. 1971); Albert Valdman (1968), IJAL 37:202-208); Mervyn Alleyne. 1968. CS 11 (4):109-112; (1968); Morris Goodman (1968), Lingua 25:446-450; Robert A. Hall, Jr. (1968), AA 72:685-686 [KRE]
DARBY, Caroline Boxley. 1979. "A Program Of Nutrition Education And Agricultural Training For Fathers In Rural Haitian Community: Evaluation Of The Influence On Food Avoidance, Food Preference, And Feeding Practices Of Mothers And On Nutritional Status Of Preschool Children". Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Degree: M.S.
DARISME, Joseph Wilkie. 1984. "Agricultural Adoption In Rural Haiti: A Partial Application And Extension Of The Rogers And Schomaker's Model Of Innovation-Diffusion (Adoption)". The George Washington University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 232. [Social Work]
DASHTI-GIBSON, Jaleh Michele. 1988. "Enhancing Enforcement: A Framework For Monitoring Multilateral Economic Sanctions (Serbia, Montenegro, Iraq, Haiti, United Nations)". University of Notre Dame. Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, International Law And Relations; Economics, General]
DAVID, Pierre. 1984. "A pedological Study Of Clayey Soils Of Savanne Diane, Central Plateau, Haiti". Rutgers The State University Of New Jersey-New Brunswick. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 183. [Agriculture, Agronomy]
DAVIS, Edmund Wade. 1986. "The Ethnobiology Of The Haitian zombi (Ethnobotany, Vodoun, Tetrodotoxin)". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 400 (479) p. [Anthropologie culturelle. - Contes; Histoire; Littérature orale; Magie et sorcellerie; Monde rural; Population; Religion]
DECKELBAUM, Yetta. 1983. "Little Haiti: The Evolution Of A Community". Florida Atlantic University. Degree: MA. Pages: 132. [Modern History]
DEE, Bleeker. 1967. "Duvalier's Haiti: A Case Study Of National Disintegration". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 230. [Modern History]
DEGAZON, Cynthia Evonne. 1987. "The Relationship Of Ethnicity, Social Support, And Coping Strategies Among Three Subgroups Of Black Elderly (New Jersey, New York, Barbados, Haiti, South)". New York University. Pages: 138. Degree: Ph.D. [Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
DEGRAFF, Michel. 1992. "Creole grammars and the acquisition of syntax: the case of Haitian". University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D. Pages: 243.
ABSTRACT: "Haitian Creole emerged around the XVII century from the contact between French and a few African languages (the majority of the latter from West-Africa, the most influential being perhaps Ewe and Fon). The main objective of this dissertation is to study various syntactic properties of Haitian Creole within the principles-and-parameters framework. In addition to its intrinsic descriptive importance, a detailed syntactic study of Haitian Creole will advance our understanding of the still controversial nature of the creolization process.
Aspects of Haitian Creole syntax receiving scrutiny include its status as a null-subject language, its Tense-Mood-Aspect system, its long-distance subject extraction properties, its serial verb construction, the patterns through which the language expresses prediction, the properties of its sentential negation marker, the presence of a presumptive non-verbal pro-predicate, etc.
Beyond contributing to the elucidation of Haitian Creole syntax and of some larger, theoretical issues, the present work views a subset of the above characteristics as diachronically intriguing: they instantiate properties through which Haitian Creole appears to differ from both its superstrate and its major substrates. Using insights from these analyses, I briefly investigate possible links between processes of syntax acquisition and the genesis of Creole grammars." -- " Apprentissage de la langue; Créole (description); Grammaire; Syntaxe; Verbe; Predicat; Verbes sériels; Créolisation" [KRE]
DEINGUELE, Gregoire Matsua. 1992. "Le Vodou En Haïti: L'homme Et Les Loas". ['Nouv. Rég'. / MON3/ 0020 ref: 0750.13833/93 2MF]
DEJEAN, Paul. 1963. "Problèmes D'alphabétisation En Haïti". Institut Catholique de Paris. Pages: 65 p. ['Mémoire pour l'obtention de la licence ès-sciences'. Mimeo. - 'Part I (pp. 4-14), on the question of Haitian illiteracy, its causes, comparison with other countries. Part II (pp.14-40), focuses on the efforts made to resolve the problem. Part III (pp. 40-60), on Creole and its orthography' [KRE]
DEJEAN, Yves. 1977. "Comment Écrire Le Créole D'Haïti". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D. 554 p. + 1 page of the author's curriculum vitae. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics Haitian; Linguistics, Applied. Thesis also published in 1980 by Collectif Paroles (Canada). His linguistic publications appear in numerous journals and reviews both abroad and in Haiti. - Aménagement linguistique; Créole (description); Écriture; Phonétique-Phonologie. -- "Travail fondamental sur l'évolution de l'orthographe du créole haïtien: historique de la représentation graphique du créole à partir de la période coloniale, y compris les tentatives gallo-centriques non-systématiques; discussion des traits phonologiques du créole dans la perspective de l'élaboration d'une représentation graphique autonome à base phonologique; justification de l'emploi de l'orthographe Faublas-Pressoir comme système de représentation adéquat" (É. C. à Aix) [KRE]
DESCARDES, Jean Rosier. 1998-1999. "Dynamique Vodou et droits de l'homme en Haïti". Université Paris I (PANTHEON-SORBONNE).
DESMANGLES, Leslie Gérard. 1975. "God in Haitian vodou: A case in cultural symbiosis". Temple University. [Ph.D diss. [KRE]
DESTINÉ, Fedner. 2001. "Perception des irrigants sur le fonctionnement du système d'irrigation de la plaine de l'Arcahaie (Haïti)". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Maîtrise en ATDR. Dir.: Manuel J. Rodriguez.
DEVIN, Robin Block. 1995. "Women's Work And Child Health In Rural Haiti". The University of Connecticut. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 234. [Cultural Anthropology; Health Sciences, General; Health Sciences, Nutrition]
D'HOLLANDER, Juliette. 1995. " Economic Sanctions As A Means To Enforce Human Rights". McGill University (Canada). Degree: LLM. Pages: 129. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
DICK, Howard Evan. 1999. "Economic sanctions, domestic audiences, and international conflict". Degree : PhD. University Of Southern California. Pages: 383. Code: AAT 9955054. [Political Science; International Law and Relations; Economics (general)]
DIETRICH, John W. 1998. "Interest Groups And The Making Of United States Foreign Policy In The Post-Cold War Era". The Johns Hopkings University. Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, General; Political science, International Law And Relations; History, United States]
DIPRIZIO, Robert Carlo. 2000. "United States humanitarian interventions in the post Cold War era". Degree: PhD. University Of Delaware. Pages: 424. Code: AAT 9965778. [Political Science; International Law and Relations; US History]
DORSAINVIL, Kathleen. 1992. "Capital Controls And The Parallel Exchange Rate Market In The Haitian Economy (Haiti, Exchange Rates)". The Pennsylvania State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 129. [Economics, Theory; Economics, General]
ELLIO, David Ellio. 1996. "The Rhetoric Construction Of Power In Victimage Mechanism: A Synthesis Of A Literary Theory Of Victimage With A Sociological Theory Of Power: The Methodology Of Power/Victimage Analysis". Kent State University. Pages: 253. Degree: Ph.D. [Mass Communications; Political Science, General; Speech Communication]
ELVER III, Harry Adolph. 1990. "Factors Affecting Seedling Mortality In Haitian Agroforestry". Harry Adolph ELVER, III. The University of Arizona. Degree: MS. Pages: 91. [Agriculture, Forestry And Wildlife; Education, Agricultural]
ERICHHORN, Erika. 1951. "Syncretism and ambiances in Haiti: an ethnohistorical study". Northwestern University. [Ph.D diss. [KRE]
ESCOFFERY, Janet Angela. 1999. "An historical review of the contributions of Erika Bourguignon to cross?cultural psychology". Degree: PsyD. Miami Inst. Of Psychology Of The Caribbean Ctr. For Advanced Studies. Pages: 102. Code: AAT 9927753. [Clinical Psychology; History of Science; Cultural Anthropology; Bibliography]
ETIENNE, Corinne. 2000. "A sociolinguistic study of the lexical particularities of French in the Haitian press". Indiana University-Bloomington. Degree: Ph.D. [ABSTRACT: "It has been widely recognized that any lexicological study should include not only an objective description of the particular uses of a community. It should also examine its linguistic s and the norm(s) the community aspires to follow in different situations. While other varieties of French in North America have been extensively studied, for the last forty years the particular uses of French in Haiti have been disregarded. The only study on French in Haiti was published in 1961. - This study provides a sample inventory of the lexical particularities gathered from a corpus consisting of French language newspapers targeted towards French-Creole bilingual Haitians in the American diaspora and in Haiti. Its major contribution, however, is in the area of sociolinguistics. It informs on speakers' attitudes toward the lexical particularities. It addresses the following questions: What is the nature of the differential French lexicon in the Haitian press? Which criteria determine subjects' tolerance or rejection of particularities? Do subjects recognize the existence of a local norm of French in Haiti? Do they recognize French in Haiti as a specific variety of French? - First, 250 items were collected from the Haitian press over ten years according to a differential perspective. Their authenticity, nature, origin, and meaning were investigated. Then, 46 subjects from Boston and Haiti completed two tasks involving identification and judgment of 29 particularities and their sociolinguistic values. - The lexicological study indicated that 49.6% of the particularities in the press are creolisms, 28.7% neologisms, 8.4% anglicisms, and the rest of dual or unknown origin. The sociolinguistic study showed that there is variation in the acceptance of particularities according to the types of speakers, the situation, the semantic domain of the particularities, and speakers' attitudes and representations toward Creole and French. Subjects do not consider French in the Haitian press as a model of the French they want to write but rather as a reflection of political, linguistic, and journalistic liberalization. Subjects attested to the difficulty of defining a local norm of French and were divided and ambivalent as to the existence of a specific variety of French in Haiti." [KRE]
ETIENNE, Gerard. 1974. "Le Créole Du Nord D'Haïti: Études Des Niveaux De Structures". ['Thèse de doctorat présentée à l'Université de Strasbourg, France'. ''3e cycle' / STR02. [KRE]
EVANS, C. C. 1986. "Facies Evolution in a Neogene Transpressional Basin, Cibao Valley, Dominican-Republic". University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 103. [Caribbean, Hispaniola, Dominican-Republic, stratigraphy, tectonic, Haiti]
EWEN, Charles Robin. 1987. "From Spaniard To Creole: The Archeology Of Hispanic-American Cultural Formation At Puerto Real, Haiti". University of Florida. Pages: 275. [Anthropology, Archeology]
FARMER, Paul Edward. 1990. "Aids And Accusation: Haiti And The Geography Of Blame (Immune Deficiency)". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 786. [Anthropology, Cultural; History, Latin American; Public Health]
FATTIER, Dominique. "Contribution à l'étude de la genèse d'un créole: L'Atlas Linguistique D'Haïti cartes Et commentaires". Université de Provence, Institut D'Étude Créoles. Thèse de doctorat d'état. ["L'objet de cette thèse est double: il s'agit de proposer un grand corpus d'haïtien parlé, tout en tenant, par le commentaire du corpus, d'éclairer la genèse de cette langue. L'enquête a porté sur 20 localités du milieu rural où ont été interrogés des témoins unilingues. L'enquête a permis de constituer une banque de données fiables. La plus grande partie de la thèse est dédiée aux commentaires (vol. I et II) associés aux cartes (vol. III, IV, V, VI). Cet ensemble est accompagné d'une introduction, de conclusions, de deux index et d'une bibliographie. Nous nous sommes intéressés par dessus tout aux implications génétiques découlant de l'examen des données géolinguistiques. Ce qui explique qu'en règle générale, dans les commentaires, l'accent soit mis sur l'analyse diachronique et comparative. Nous avons cherché à mettre en évidence, de façon systématique, le rôle du français (koïnè d'oïl) dans la formation du créole haïtien. L'examen du matériau linguistique collecté a permis de progresser dans la compréhension du phénomène de la créolisation. Le résultat le plus saillant de l'étude est la mise en évidence du caractère massif de l'héritage français. Nous avons accordé moins d'attention au rôle des langues de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, sauf dans quelques commentaires et dans les conclusions où se trouve explicité ce qui a pu être des influences africaines au plan sémantique et syntaxique."
"The Linguistic Atlas of Haiti, Maps and Commentaries: Contribution to the Study of the Genesis of a Creole Language.
The purpose of the study is twofold: first, to elucidate the general processus of creolization of language in Haiti; second, to provide empirical input for further works. Our study centered on 20 localities. The methodology consisted of extensive interviews with illiterate unilingual peasants. The Atlas brings together authentic data. The major part of this thesis is taken up my map's commentaries (Vol. I and II) and maps (vol. III, IV, V, and VI). The whole is rounded off with an introduction, a few conclusions (pp. 974-992), two index (pp. 993-1016) and a bibliography (pp. 1017-1029). We were interested, above all, in the genetical implications that ensued from dialect investigation using the geolinguistic methods of dialect analysis. In general, in the commentaries, emphasis is laid upon diachronic and comparative study. Of special interest to us was the role or influence of French (koïnè d'oïl) in the formation of Haitian Creole (HC). The storehouse of information on dialects that has been compiled has attributed significantly to our understanding of the creolization phenomenon. The most important finding is the major role of the French Language in the genesis of HC. Relative little attention was paid to West African influences, except in part of some commentaries, and in conclusions that discussed the African legacy. Both of the syntax and the semantics of HC show West African reflexes.
FORMATION DOCTORALE: 'Langage et Parole'
MOT-CLÉS: Haïti, créole français, créole (description, genèse), variation, diachronie, créolisation, acquisition du langage, langue orale, atlas linguistique, corpus créole, changement linguistique, sociolinguistique, linguistique descriptive, dialectologie, étymologie, linguistique comparée, lexicographie, lexicologie, culture haïtienne. " [KRE]
FÉRÈRE, Gérard Alphonse. 1974. "Haitian Creole: Sound-System, Form-Classes, Texts". University of Pennsylvania. Degree: Ph.D. 286 p. [Language And Literature; Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Theoretical. - Créole (description, texte); Morphologie; Phonétique-Phonologie. - "Étude suivant une approche structurale". [KRE]
FIELDS, Dorthy Jenkins. 1996. "Colored Town, Miami, Florida, 1915: An Examination Of The Manner In Which The Residents Defined Their Community During This Era Of Jim Crow (African-Americans)". The Union Institute. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 80. [Black History; History of the United States]
FILIPOVICH, S. 1986. "La Morphologie De L'haïtien". UQUAM. [Master's Thesis. -Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical [KRE]
FLEURANT, Gerdes. 1987. "The Ethnology Of Yanvalou: A Study Of The Rada Rite OF Haiti". Tufts University. [Ph.D diss. 329 p.]
FOLSON, Robert S. 1954. "Haitian Economy". Fletcher School of Law And Diplomacy. Degree: Ph.D.
FORGASH, Rebecca. 1995. "Marine Violence And The Politics Of Meaning During The United States Occupation Of Haiti, 1915-1934". The University of Arizona. Degree: MA. Pages: 88. [Cultural Anthropology; Political science, General; Latin American History]
FOUBERT, Bernard. 1990. "Les Habitations Laborde A Saint-Domingue Dans La Seconde Moitié Du 19e Siècle (Contribution A L'histoire d'Haïti - Plaine Des Cayes)". ['Thèse d'état / PA04 ref. 0157 /1356.11437.91 4MF]
FOURON, Georges Eugene. 1985. "Patterns Of Adaptaion Of Haitian Immigrants Of The 1970's In New York City". Columbia University, Teachers College. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 209. [Social Work]
FOURON, Pascale. 1991. "Formes Narratives Et Theatralité Dans 'Folie' De Marie Chauvet". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: MA. Pages: 118. [Literature; Latin American Studies]
FOURNIER, Robert. 1978. "La Grammaire De La Particule La' En Créole Haïtien". UQAM. Degree: MA. [KRE]
FREELAND, Gregory Kent. 1990. "The Politicizing Of Religious Groups And Elites In The Latin America / Caribbean Region: Haiti, 1920-1986 (Catholic)". University Of California-Santa Barbara. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 326. [Political Science, General; Religion, General]
FRENZ, Byron L. 1996. "Strategic Risk Management For International Business Development Of A Processing Cucumber Industry In The Caribbean (Vegetable Processors)". The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 291. [Business Administration, Management; Economics, Agricultural; Economics, Commerce-Business]
FRIEDMAN, William Kaplan. 1999. "The President, the press and the framing of United States military action in the post Cold War period". Degree: PhD. City University Of New York. Pages: 289. Code: AAT 9924807. [Political Science (general); Mass Communication]
GARRIGUS, John D. 1998. "A struggle for respect: the free people of color in French Saint-Domingue, 1760-1769". Johns Hopkins University (Department of History). [History; Caribbean History]
GASTON, Morton. 1996. "Soldiering Toward The Information Superhighway: The Comparison Of Old And New Communication Media Use During Military Operations In The Post-Cold War Era (Internet)". University of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 333. [Information Science; Mass Communications; United States History]
GAUTHIER-DUQUET, Louise. 1996. "Entre La Mémoire Et La Promesse. Trajectoire Et Quête Identaire De Deux Auteurs Migrants Du Québec: Naim Kattan Et Emile Ollivier". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: MA. Pages: 147. [French Canadian Literature]
GEORGES, Jacques-Raphaël. 1999. "Literary 'cacoism': Function of the American character in the Haitian novel as of 1915". The University Of Connecticut. Degree: PhD. Pages: 198. Code: AAT 9946737. [Caribbean Literature; Modern Literature]
GERLUS, Jean-Claude. 1992. "The Political Economy Of Haitian Migration: A Cross-Frontier Study Of The Circulation Of People, Capital, And Commodity Flows". State University of New York-Bingamton. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 404. [Demography, Sociology, Social Structure And Development]
GERSTIN, Julian Harris. 1996. "Traditional Music In A New Social Movement: The Renewal Of 'Bele' In Martinique (French West Indies)". University of California-Berkley. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 372. [Cultural Anthropology; Dance; Music]
GIGNOUX, Dominique. 1995. "Langue et enseignement en Haïti". 33 p. + annexes; polycopié. [Mémoire de Licence de Sciences de l'éducation. - Créole (enseignement, statut); Enseignement; Français (enseignement); Sociolinguistique [KRE]
GOEKLER, Thomas Francis. 1995. "Enabling First World Catholic To Understand Systemic Implications Of Justice Ministry (Libeartion Theology". Hartford Seminary. Degree: DMIN. Pages: 69. [Theology; Religion, Biblical Studies]
GOLDSMITH, Ronald A. 1965. "Verb particles in Haitian Creole". Indiana University. [Master's degree thesis. 69 p. [KRE]
GREEN, J. Anne. 1990. "The Catholic Church In Haiti And Recent Political And Social Change (Roman Catholic, Political Change)". The American University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 336. [Political Science, International Law And Relations; Latin American History; History of Religion]
GRINDE, Lisa Renee. 1999. "A cross?cultural, qualitative study of childhood physical disability in Finland, Haiti, and Latvia: Views from parents, professionals, and the community". Degree: PhD. Virginia Commonwealth University. Pages: 187. Code: AAT 9936698. [Developmental Psychology; Cultural Anthropology; Individual Sociology and Family Studies]
GUIGNARD, Pierre Fred. "École Et Milieu Culturel En Haïti". [Nouv. Rég. / LY02/0025 ref: 0553..14263/93 2MF]
GUSTAFSON, Marilyne Backlund. 1982. "Recognition Of Health Education Pictures By Haitian Village Women". Walden University. Degree: Ph.D. [Education; Health]
HAEGERT, Sheila Ann. 1999. "How does love grow? Attachment processes in older adoptees and foster children as illustrated by fictional stories (Short stories, with Original writing)". Degree: PhD. University Of Victoria (CANADA). Pages: 269. Code: AAT NQ37343. [Education; Educational Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Modern Literature; Individual Sociology and Family Studies; Mass Communications]
HALL, Robert Burnett. 1927. "The Geography Of The Republic Of Haiti, A Study In The Structure And Evolution Of Landscape". The University of Michigan. Degree: Ph.D. [Physical Geography]
HAMBELTON, James Raymond. 1991. "Mask Of Hypocrisy: Wilsonian Racism And Germanophobia In The United States Dictatorship Of Haiti, The Formative Years, 1915-1918". San Jose State University. Degree: MA. Pages: 161. [Back History; Latin American History; United States History]
HANSON, Gail. 1990. "Sumner Welles And The American System: The United States In The Caribbean, 1920-1940 (Welles Sumner, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic)". State University of New York. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 504. [Political Science, International Law And Relations; United States History]
HARDMAN, Della Brown. 1994. "William Edouard Scott Remembered: Lesson From A Remarkable Life". Kent State University. Pages: 328. Degree: Ph.D. [Education, Art; Art History; Fine Arts]
HARDY-JACKSON, Patricia Anne. 1997. "Haitian Crisis, 1991-1994: An Opportunity For A Shift In United States Twenty-First Century Foreign Policy". Salve Regina University. Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, International Law And Relations; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
HARVEY, Caroline. 1996. "L'Idéal Démocratique Au Sein Des Nations Unis". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: LLM. Pages: 194. [Law; Political Science, International Law And Relation]
HAY, Frederick Jay. 1985. "The Legacy Of Plantation America: Formation And Growth Of A Haitian Community (Afro-American, Cultural Style, Comparative Worldview, Ethnohistory)". University of Florida. Pages: 255. Degree: Ph.D. [Cultural Anthropology]
HECKENBACH, Ida Eve. 1997. "Violence And Feminine Literacy Discourse By Francophone Women Writers From The Caribbean (French Text, Marie Chauvet Vieux, Marie-Therèse Colimon, Haiti, " Marlyse Conde, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Guadeloupe)". University of Soouthwestern Louisiana. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Caribbean; Women's Studies; Philosophy Language]
HEFFERAN, Tara. 1998. "Study in Terror: State-Sponsored Sexualized Violence in Haiti 1991-1994". The University of Denver. Degree: M.A. Pages: 320. [Cultural Anthropology]
HENDRICKSON, Ryan Christopher. 1997. "War Powers, Democracy And American Foreign Policy". The University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Degree: Ph.D. [Political Science, General; Political Science, International Law And Relations; American Studies]
HERNANDEZ, Teresita Josefina. 1997. "L'évolution Du Personnage Feminin Dans La Littérature Antillaise Francophone Et Hispanophone (Haiti, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Patrick Chamoiseau)". University of Georgia. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Caribbean; Literature, Romance]
HESS, Salinda. 1984. "Domestic Medicine And Indigenous Medical Systems In Haiti: Culture And Political Economy Of Health In A Disemic Society". Salinda HESS. McGill University (Canada). Degree: Ph.D. [Cultural Anthropology]
HIGUERA-GUNDY, Antonia. 1991. "Antillean Vegetational History And Paleoclimate Reconstructed From The Paleolimnological Record Of Lake Miragoane, Haiti". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 110. [Biology; Ecology; Botany; Biology Limnology]
HILDEBRAND, Alan Russel. 1992. "Geochemistry And Stratigraphy Of The Cretaceous / Tertiary Boundary Impact Ejecta (Tiertiary, Chicxulub Crater, Mexico". The University of Arizona. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 358. [Geology, Geophysics, Physics, Astronomy And Astrophysics]
HINGSON, Ralph Waldo. 1974. "The Impact Of Health Beliefs On Behavior During An Immunization Program In Rural Haiti 1972". The Johns Hopkings University. Degree: DSC. [Social Psychology]
HITCH, Wendy Lynne. 1994. "Investigation On The Development Of Antifilarial Immunity In A Wuchereria Bancrofti Endemic Community". Emory University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 198. [Health Sciences, Immunology]
HOEY, Brian Patrick. 1995. "Humanitarian Intervention In Somalia, 1992-1994: Elite Newspaper Coverage, Public Opinion, And United States Foreign Policy". University of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 260. [Mass Communications; Journalism; Political Science, International Law And Relations]
HOLDRIGE, Leslie. 1947. "The Pine Forest And Adjacent Mountain Vegetation Of Haiti Considered From The Standpoint Of A New Climatic Classification". The University of Michigan. Degree: Ph.D [Biology, Botany]
HUELSEBUSCH, Susan. 1980. "Scattered Seeds: The Meaning Of The Migration For Haitians In New York City". New York University. Pages: 324. Degree: Ph.D. [Cultural Anthropology]
JACKSON, Wanda Faye. 1999. "The diplomatic relationship between the United States and Haiti, 1862-1900". University Of Kentucky. Degree: PhD. Pages: 278. Code: AAT 9948873. [Modern History; US History; Latin American History; Black History]
JAFFE, JoAnn. 1983. "Structural Monopoly and Independent Household Production: Stagnation in the Agrarian Economy of Haiti". Cornell University. M.S. Thesis.
JAFFE, JoAnn. 1990. "Labor, Land, Livestock, and Markets: Persistence and Accumulation in the Peasant Economy of Haiti " Cornell University. Degree: Ph. D.
JAMES, Stephen Elliot. 1997. "The Other Fourth Of July: The Meanings Of Black Identity At American " Celebrations Of Independence, 1770-1863 (Boston Massacre, Slavery, Revolutionary War, Frederick Douglas)". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. [American Studies; Black Studies; Literature, American
JARDEL, Jean Pierre. 1988. "Représentations Et Idéologie De L'Antillanité, Contribution A L'étude De L'Expression Des Particularismes Et Des Identités Collectives". ['Thèse d'état de Sociologie / NICE.]
JEAN-BAPTISTE, Carline. 1991. "Haitian Ethnic Identity, Usage Of Haitian Creole, Family Cultural Values, Leve Of Self-esteem, And Locus-Of-Control In Haitian College Students". Boston University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 132. [Education, Educational Psychology; Psychological, Social; Sociology, Ethnical And Racial Studies]
JEAN-BAPTISTE, Johanne. 1994. "Nutritional Analysis Of Food / Medical Plants Uses by Haitian Women To Treat The Symptoms Of Anemia". McGill University (Canada). Degree: MSC. Pages: 117. [Health Sciences, Nutrition; Biology, Botany]
JEAN-BAPTISTE, Rozevel. "Bibliographie Critique Des Parties Du Discours En Creole Haitien - Projet de thèse: ' Des opérations de predication et détermination: Une étude syntactico-semantique des zones de prediction et de détermination en créole haïtien'". ["Ce mémoire présenté pour le Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (D.E.A) de linguistique générale et appliqué comporte deux parties. La première, consacrée à la Bibliographie Critique, est une questionnement assez poussé, sur deux chapitres, de la problématique des parties du discours en créole haïtien. Dans la deuxième partie, qui comprend six chapitres, nous développons un Projet de Thèse intitulé: 'Des opérations de predication et détermination: Une étude syntactico-semantique des zones de prediction et de détermination en créole haïtien'.
Nous ne nous étendons pas ici sur le contenu des huit chapitres du travail, chacune des deux parties débutant par une introduction prenant en charge cette tâche. Précisons cependant qu'outre les conclusions partielles ponctuant la répartition en chapitres, une conclusion générale reprend à grands traits les idées maîtresses du mémoire.
Enfin, cette présentation ne serait pas complète si nous n'indiquions pas qu'un index bibliographique et une table des matières terminent ce volume.
CONCLUSION GÉNÉRALE - Nous avons, en ce qui concerne le problématique des parties du discours en créole haïtien, dégagé, dans la bibliographie critique, deux temps forts, nettement marqués et opposés, dans les descriptions: d'un côté, par la vertu des traditions, les espèces de mots sont posées comme existant de toute éternité, de l'autre, grâce aux derniers développement en la matière, c'est au fonctionnement de la langue qu'on s'intéresse pour mettre en évidence, s'il y a lieu, ces entités. C'est cette dernière démarche, parce qu'accordant la priorité au concept de fonctionnalité, qui a abouti aux meilleurs résultats et, est susceptible d'en donner davantage.
Elle met l'accent sur le fonctionnement des systèmes de modalités (les actualisateurs d'une catégorie), en particulier les modalités prédicatives aspectuelles et temporelles (ou, aspecto-temporelles, selon l'expression consacrée). Mais nous avons montré que cette recherche, parce que dissociant (système en) langue et (système en) parole, n'a pas su dégager le fonctionnement (véritable) du système. Aux dichotomies proposés, sans doute calquées sur celle entre langue et parole, nous avons substitué une vision allant au-délà d'une binarité de principe et à courte vue: ce qui semble se dégager de notre approche, c'est une complexité entretenue par la variété des situations de communication, des types de discours, mais aussi et surtout, par la difficulté d'attribuer à une marque l'étiquette d'aspect ou de temps. Sur ce dernier point, en particulier, nous avons proposé une réflexion (voir la rubrique idoine).
Cependant, nous avons montré (2è partie) que, pardelà le problème des espèces de mots, un autre problème, plus important et même fondamental, doit intéresser tout descripteur d'une langue. En deux mots, nous posons, à titre hypothétique bien sûr, que tout se tient dans une structure. Aussi par le biais d'une problématique nouvelle formulée en termes de zones (de prédication) et de détermination), nous envisageons au sein des structures de la langue l'imbrication de micro-systèmes qu'il conviendra de mettre en évidence par l'étude de micro-opérations qui ont pour support les opérations de prédication et de détermination. Cette problématique est assez largement illustré par une étude de la possession à laquelle tout un chapitre se trouve consacré.
Les deux problématiques, comme on peut le comprendre, sont absolument liées, mais inversées ici. Les espèces de mots surgiront, qu'on le veuille ou non, dans l'étude des micro-systèmes. Mais c'est au bout du compte, au terme de cette dernière étude, qu'elles devront être, si la chose est possible, étiquetées. " (pp. 259-260). [KRE]
JEAN-CHARLES, Herve Louis. 1987. "Attitudes Of Teachers And Parents Toward French And Creole In Haiti". Stanford University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 247. [Curriculum And Instructional, Education. [KRE]
JEAN-CHARLES, George Joseph. 1984. "L'Humanisme De Jacques Stephen Alexis". City University of New York. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 533. [Literature, Latin American Studies, Biography]
JOCELYN, Pierre-Henel. 1995. "Conception D'un Projet De Developpement: Regroupement Pour Le Developpement De La Coopération En Haïti". Université de Sherbrooke (Canada). Degree: M.A. Pages: 87. [Urban Regional Planning; Sociology Structural And Development]
JONASSAINT , Jean. 1990. "Des romans de tradition haïtienne: essai de typologie". Université de Montréal. ['Études françaises'. Thèse de Ph. D.]
JONES, Anthony Milton. 2000. "Haiti: A Case Study in Planning Development and Managing Conflict". Clark University. Degree: ID/MA.
JONG, Ester De. 1996. "Integrating Language Minority Education In Elementary Schools". Boston University. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 306. [Bilingual And Multicultural Education; Elementary Education [KRE]
JORDAN, Louise. 1939. "A Study Of The Miocen Foraminifera From Jamaica, The Dominican Republic, The Republics Of Panama, Costarica And Haiti". The Medical College of Pennsylvania. Degree: Ph.D. [Paleonthology]
JOSEPH, Frantz F. 1989. "La Détermination Nominale En Créole Haïtien". Université Paris VII. Degree: Ph.D. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. - '3e cycle' / PA07 [KRE]
JOYCE, Barbara. 1948. "African Musical Survivals In The Songs Of The Negro In Haiti, Jamaica, And The United States". Barbara JOYCE. The University of Chicago. Degree: MA. Pages: 121. [Anthropology, Cultural]
JULES, Edouard. 1991 (juin). "La problématique de l'imposition des entreprises en Haïti". Université Paris Sud. (code: 91 PA11 1014)
JULES, Graphy Félix. 1986. "Étude du système central des modalités nominales du créole haïtien". P-au-P: Université d'État d'Haïti, Centre de Linguistique Appliquée. 80 p. [Mémoire de licence. -- Créole (description); Enquêtes linguistiques; Grammaire; Lexicologie; Lexique; Linguistique descriptive; Modalités; Morphologie; Nom; Syntaxe [KRE]
KAPUR, S. Paul. 1999. "Might and rights: The operational culture of humanitarian military intervention". [Degree: PhD. The University Of Chicago. Pages: 247. Code: AAT 9951804. [Political Science; International Law and Relations; Political Science (general)]
KESLER, Stephen Edward. 1966. "The Geology And Ore Deposits Of The Meme-Casseus District, Haiti". Stanford University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 192. [Geology]
KHELSEAU, Rebecca Anita. 1985. "The Colonized Writer: A Sociological Study Of The Poetry Of Rene Depestre". Cornell University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 163. [Literature, Romance, Latin American Studies]
KING, Stewart Royce. "Blue Coat Lace Collars? Military And Civilian Free Coloreds In The colonial Society Of Saint-Domingue, 1776-1791 (Hispaniola, Haiti, Diaspora)". The Johns Hopkins University. Degree: Ph.D. [History, Latin American]
KISSINGER, Patricia Jean. 1992. "The Influence Of HIV-1 Seropositivity On Survival Among Children Hospitalized With Diarrhea In Cité Soleil, Haiti (Immune Deficiency)". Patricia Jean KISSINGER. Tulane University. Pages: 152. Degree: Ph.D [Biology, Health Sciences, Immunology, Microbiology, Public Health]
KLAREVAS, Louis J. 1999. "American public opinion on peace operations: The cases of Somalia, Rwanda, and Haiti". Degree: PhD. The American University. Pages: 465. Code: AAT 9965831. [Political Science; International Law and Relations; US History; American Studies]
KLOPNER, Michele Anne Cuvilly. 1985. "A Composite Profile Of Haitian Immigrants In The United States On A Community Needs Assessment (West Indies, Migration, Caribbean, Blacks, Haiti)". Rutgers The State University Of New Jersey, G.S.A.P.P. Degree: PSYD. Pages: 156: [Psychology, Clinical]
KONZETT, Della Caparoso. 1997. "Diasporic Modernism: Displacement And Ethnicity In Anzia Yezierska, Zora Neale Hurston And Jean Rhys (Dominic, Jews)". The University of Chicago. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Modern; Literature, American; Literature, English]
KUYPERS, Jim Andrew. 1995. "Press Framing Of Presidential Crisis Rhetoric In A Post-Cold War: The Haitian Crisis In 1993". The Louisiana State University And Agricultural And Mechanical Col. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 273. [Journalism; Speech Communication; Political Science, General]
L LANDRY, Gervaise Patricia. 1994. "Femmes immigrantes et sida: les haïtiennes de Montréal". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise.
LANGE, M. "Analyse différentielle et sociolinguistique du créole et du français en Haïti". Canada, Ottawa: Université d'Ottawa. [Thèse de maîtrise. - Créole (description, statut); Français (statut); Sociolinguistique [KRE]
LANNING, Carmen Nadine. 1986. "The Ambiente Of Five Latin American Novels By Graham Greene". Texas A & M University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 250. [English Literature]
LARA, Oruno Denis. 1991. "Caraïbes En Construction Espace, Colonization, Résistence". ['Thèse d'état. / NICE / 2011 ref: 1356.12202 / 92 5MF.]
LARGEY, Michael D. 1991. "Musical Ethnography In Haiti: A Study Of Elite Hegemony And Musical Composition (Ethnography)". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 237. [Folklore; Music]
LARRIER, Renee Brenda. 1986. "New Directions In Haitian Fiction: 1915-1934 (Haiti)". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 198. [Literature, Romance, Latin American Studies]
LATORTUE, Philomé. 1993. "Bilan de la Fonctionnalité de l'organisme de Dévelopement du Nord ( Haïti )". Université du Québec. 318 pages. [Thèse de Maîtrise]
LAVINE, Laurie K. 1997. "The functions of female anger in the french and francophone novel of the mid-twentieth century women writers, Myriam Warner Vieyra, Senegal; Anne Hébert, Canada; Marie Chauvet, Haïti". Rutgers University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 301.
[Summary: This dissertation explores the emergence from 1967 to 1985 of first-person novels written in French by women writers from France and Francophone countries, novels whose prevailing emotional tenor is anger. It attributes the cause for this phenomenon to global upheavals of the era, including the struggle for independence from colonialism, the resistance to the Vietnam war and the rise of the women's movement. The female narrators of these novels voice women's righteous indignation against the misogynism of their respective societies as filtered through their personal experiences. Social injunctions against angry women, however, result in the circumspect expression of this emotion. The novels in this study exemplify the traits of the "Trojan Horse" metaphor which governs its structure: the motifs of hostile gifting and disguise / enclosure and the techniques of surrogation, displacement and dialogism. Not only do these motifs and techniques function thematically to disclose the narrator's feelings, but they also operate as textual strategies which subvert traditional narrative through repetition, gaps or silences, the resistance to logical syntax, dream imagery, and other challenges to the reader's expectations. In addition to the thematic and textual emphases, this dissertation examines the socio-historical context which informs each work, showing the links between a writer's creative expression and her concerns about the condition of women in her native or adopted country. These narratives thus demonstrate Antonin Artaud's perception of the artist as a scapegoat for the "roving anger of the times in order to release the people from their psychological disease." Myriam Warner-Vieyra, a Guadeloupean living in Senegal, and Anne Hébert, a French Canadian, attack the abuses of the institution of marriage in Muslim and Judeo-Christian traditions. Marie Chauvet exposes the gynophobia, racism and classism of Haiti's political and religious systems. Simone de Beauvoir and Monique Wittig reveal the complicity of women in their own subjugation and emphasize the power of communal resistance. Wittig also details language's role in perpetuating patriarchal ideology. Female anger in these texts emerges from society's inhumanity and proposes an egalitarian love which will respect our differences and recognize our commonalities.]
LÉONARD, Marjorie. 1997. "Formation d'une police nationale dans un pays en voie de démocratisation, le cas d'Haiti". Université du Québec à Montréal. Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise en communication. Pages: 164. [AC20U5511 M5437]
LEYLAVERGNE, Jacques. 1991. "États De Diffusion Du Français En République Dominicaine". [Nouv. Rég. / PA03 ref: 0009//0351.10946/91 3MF]
LOCKER, Huldrych (Uli). 1978. "The Fate Of Migrants In Urban Haiti: A Survey Of Three Port-au-Prince Neighborhoods". Yale University. Degree: Ph.D.
LOFTMAN, Beryl I. 1953. "Creole Languages Of The Caribbean Area". Degree: M.A. [Linguistics, Creole [KRE]
LOGAN, Rayford W. 1936. "Diplomatic Relations Between The United States And Haiti, 1776-1891". Harvard University. Degree: Ph.D. [History, Modern]
LOREN, Margaret. 1997. "From Marvelous To Magic Realism: Modernist And Postmodernist Discourses Of Identity In the Caribbean Novel (Jacques Stephen Alexis, Haiti, Alejo Carpenter, Cuba, Simone Schwarz-Bart, Guadeloupe)". University of Massachusetts. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Caribbean; Literature, Modern; Literature, Comparative]
LOUIS, André Jeantil. "Catholicism, Protestantism And A Model Of Effective Ministry In The Context Of Voodoo In Haiti". Fuller Theological Seminary. Degree: D.Min. [Theology; Religion, General; Anthropology, Cultural]
LOUIS-LINDQUIST, Yanick. 1997. "A Profile Of Haiti: To My Fellow Educators (Minority Students, Cultural Adjustment, Academic Achievement, Middle School". The Union Institute. Degree: Ph.D. [Education, Sociology Of; Education; Education, International; Anthropology, Cultural; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
LOWENTHAL, Iral Paul. 1987. "'Marriage is 20, Children are 21' : The Cultural Construction Of Conjugality And The Family In Rural Haiti". The John Hopkings University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 417. [Cultural Anthropology]
MacKINNON, Craig. 1999. "A return to modernization theory: Peace building and democratization after the Cold War. The case of post Duvalier Haiti". Degree: MA. Saint Mary's University (CANADA). Pages: 134. Code: AAT MQ47681. [Political Science; International Law and Relations; Political Science (general); Latin American History]
MAE, Martin Rebecca. 1998. "Long-Term Follow-up Of High Titer Measles Vaccine Trial Participants In Haiti: The Effect Of High Titer Vaccine On Nutrition, In Vivo Immune Response, And Hematologic Parameters". Johns Hopkins University. Degree: Ph.D. [Health Sciences, Public Health; Health sciences, Immunology]
MAGLOIRE-HOLLY, H. 1981. "Les verbes modaux en haïtien". UQUAM. [Mémoire de maîtrise. - Grammaire; Verbe [KRE]
MAJOR, Elkanah I. 1990. "The Caribbean Basin Initiatives: An Analysis Of United State Policy Toward Central America And The Caribbean In The 1980s (El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica)". Atlanta University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 284. [Economics, General; Political Science, General; Political Science, International Law And Relations]
MALENA, Anne. 1966. "The Dynamics Of Identity In Francophone Caribbean Narrative (Dany Bebel-Gisler, Maryse Conde, Guadeloupe, Emile Ollivier, Haiti)". Cornell University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 276.
MANN, William Paul. 1983. "Cenozoic Tectonics Of The Caribbean: Structural And Stratigraphic Studies In Jamaica And Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic)". State University of New York-Albany. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 777. [Geology, Remote Sensing]
MANNING, Joseph Francis. 1987. "Preparing The Local Congregation For Holistic Mission". Hartford Seminary. Degree: D.Min. Pages" 232. [Religion, General; Religion, Clergy]
MANWEL, Philip. 1996. "Transitions To United States Private Schools: Perceptions Of Six Immigrant Elementary School Boys". University of San Francisco. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 220. [Bilingual Education And Multicultural; Elementary Education; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
MARIAM, Alemayehu Gebre. 1984. "The Politics Of United States Immigration Policy: The Case Of Recent Undocumented Haitian Entrants". 1984. University of Minnesota. Pages: 371. Degree: Ph.D [International Law And Relations, Political Science]
MASSICOTTE, Guy. 1985. "Sémiographie du stéréotype de l'Haïtien chez un échantillon de jeunes étudiants et étudiantes franco-québécois de niveau secondaire résidant à Montréal". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise.
MATERNOWSKA, Mary Catherine. 1996. "Coup D'Etat And Contraceptives: A Political Economy Analysis Of Family Planning In Haiti". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 416. [Cultural Anthropology; Public And Social Welfare; Sociology]
MATHIEU, Suze Marie. 1991. "The Transformation Of The Catholic Church In Haiti". Indiana University. Pages: 229. Degree: Ph.D. [Cultural Anthropology; Religion, General; Sociology, Social Structure And Development]
MAURICE, Pascal. 1981. "La réforme agraire à Haïti (1793-1843)". Université Paris XIII-Villetaneuse. Pages: 109 (no. 75). Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise sous la direction de P. Gerbod.
McALISTER, Elizabeth A. 1995. "'Men Moun Yo': ' Here Are The People'. Rara Festival And Transitional Popular Culture In Haiti And New York City (Vodou)". Yale University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 359. [American Studies; Cultural Anthropology; Religion, General]
McCLURE, Marian. 1986. "The Catholic Church And Rural Social Change: Priests, Peasants Organizations, And Politics In Haiti (Caribbean Political Participation, Latin America)". Harvard University. Pages: 400. [Political Science]
McSKIMMING, Lois May. 1995. "The Potential to Adapt an Entertainment-Education Strategy For Use By Christian Radio In Haiti". Regent University. Pages: 121. Degree: MA. [Adult Education And Continuing Education; Education; Curriculum And Instruction; Sociology, Social Structure And Development]
MERISIER, Gaston Georges. 1999. "Les effets du mode d'organisation de l'école et du style de gestion du directeur sur la progression scolaire des elèves en Haïti". (French text). Degree: PhD. Université Laval (Canada). Pages: 238. Code: AAT NQ39374. [Administration, Éducation]
MERMIN, Jonathan George. 1996. "Debating War And Peace: The Impact Of Politics On The News (Military Intervention, Vietnam, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Persian gulf, Somalia, Haiti)". Yale University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 308. [Political Science, General; Political Science, International Law And Relations]
MERORES, Leo. 1973. "Haiti And The Dominican Republic: A Case Study For Economic Integration". New York University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 109. [Economics, General]
MICHEL, Jean. 1967. Études sur le créole d'Haïti . Université de Grenoble. [Thèse de 3e cycle. [KRE]
MICHEL, Jean-Berth. 1978. "Phonétique, Phonologie Et Morphosyntaxe D'un Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle' / PA04. [KRE]
MILDE, Robert Lyall. 1999. "The harp and the sword: Rhetorical depictions of Haiti in early twentieth century United States literature". Degree: PhD. The University Of North Carolina At Greensboro. Pages: 251. Code: AAT 9942626. [American Literature; Language, Rhetoric and Composition; Modern Literature]
MILLER, Laura Lei. 1995. "Gender Détente: Soldiers Managing Conflict In The United States Army (Military)". Northwestern University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 173. [Sociology, General; Women's Studies; Social Psychology]
MIRVILLE, Ernest. 1971. "Le Créole Peut-il Être Claire?". Faculté d'Éthnologie de Port-au-Prince, Université d'État d'Haïti. ['Mémoire de sortie'. - "A l'encontre de Jean Coulanges, le docteur Mirville à montrer que le créole est une langue propre à l'expression des idées scientifiques, morales et religieuses. De nombreuses traductions de passages pris à des livres de médecine, de mathématique, de philosophie, etc. viennent appuyer ses vues" (Pompilus). Publications: Deviz . Koleksyon Koukouy Pòtoprens. 1974. 6 p.; Bulletin de l'Institut de Linguistique Appliquée de P-au-P .(B.I.L.A.P) #13 1-3, E. Mirville (editor); "Correspondance de Banbou à Megie". LPSS , #87, 1e - 7 mars 1975, 8-14 mars 1975, #88; "Frankétienne encore à l'affiche pour Pèlen Tèt". L Nou , 5 juillet. P-au-P. 1978; "Elements de lexicographie bilingue, lexique créole-français". B.I.L.A.P # 11, 3ème trimestre. 1979; "Interview sur le 'concept d'oraliture' accordée à Pierre Raymond Dumas par le docteur Ernst Mirville"; "Kijan yo fè mo nèf an kreyòl". (In Valdman Albert & Joseph Yves, Nasis (Josaphat Narcisse) éds., Créole et enseignement primaire en Haïti, pp. 182-188. Bloomington, Indiana. The Creole Institute.; "Kreyòl nan oralti". Conjonction #161-162 mars-juin 1984, pp. 25-28; Précis de Grammaire créole comparée; Siwolin, Creole lesson for English speaking people (Tome I ); Siwolin, leson kreyòl pou etranje ki pale fransè (Tome 1 & 2, for speakers of French); Tim Tim (Fables in Haitian Creole). Koleksyon Koukouy. Oktòb. 1985. 35 p.; "Deba sou bon vini". Pyè Banbou. H.E.M . Vol. X, #21. Jiyè 1996; Vol. X, No.21. Jiyè 1996 [KRE]
MITCHEL, Nancy. 1993. "The Danger Of Dreams: Weltpolitik Versus Protective Imperialism (Caribbean, Wilson Woodrow, Roosevelt Theodore, Germany)". The Johns Hopkins University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 367. [History, United States, Political Science, International Law And Relations. Latin American Studies]
MOLEON, MarieMonique. 1999. "Statelevel compliance and NGOs contribution to regime compliance in the developing world: An assessment of the role played by state actors and non?governmental organizations (NGOs) in the AIDS control campaign in Uganda, South Africa, and Haiti (Immune deficiency)". The University Of Mississippi. Degree: PhD. Pages: 148. Code: AAT 9965353. [Political Science (general); International Law and Relations]
MONAGHAN, Paul. 1989. "Women in the New Industrial Labor Force in Haiti". University of Florida. Degree: Master of Arts. [Latin American Studies]
MONAGHAN, Paul. 2000. "Peasants, the State and Deforestation in Haiti's Last Rainforest". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology]
MONTAGUE, Ludwell L. 1935. "The Relations Of The United States With Haiti, 1861-1906". Duke University. Degree: Ph.D. [Modern History]
MORAL, Paul. 1961. "Le paysan haïtien. Étude sur la vie rurale en Haïti". Ref.: Bibliothèque de géographie de Paris 1 ( www.cybergeo.presse.fr/ttsavoir/these.htm ). [GÉOGRAPHIE]
MORGAN, Newell Thomas. 1987. "Language Maintenance And Shift Among Haitians In The Dominican Republic". The University of New Mexico. Degree: Ph.D. 164 p. [Modern Language, Language; Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Sociolinguistics; Ethnic And Racial Studies [KRE]
MORTUREUX, Anne. 1999. "Les sanctions économiques et l'exception humanitaire: le cas d'Haïti, étude compare". Université Aix-Marseille. Degree: Mémoires de DEA (Droit communautaire, intern. public) présentés à la session de SEPTEMBRE 1999. Dir.: C. Imperiali. Pages: 123.
MOTI, Mohamed. "Cartographie Par Informatique Des Carbonates De La Vallée De L'artibonite (Haiti)". (French Text). Université Laval (Canada). [Geochemistry; Agriculture, Soil Science]
MURPHY, Jacqueline Shea. "'Word Like Bones': Narrative, Performance, And The Reconfiguring Of United States Literature (Lesli Marmon Silko, Bill T. Jones, Zora Neale Hurston, Abenaki, Sarah Orne Jewett)". University of California-Berkley. Pages: 209. Degree: Ph.D [American Literature; Dance; Folklore]
MURPHY, Martin Francis. 1986. "Historical And Contemporary Labor Utilization Practices In The Sugar Industries Of The Dominican Republic (Labor Migration, Plantations, Haiti, Labor Organization)". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 350. [Anthropology, Cultural]
NAIMI, M. T. 1985. "Toward A Theory Of Postrevolutionary Social Chance: A Six Nation Comparative Study (Algeria, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Sudan)". Washington State University. Pages: 470. [Sociology, Theory And Methods]
NEDJATI, Suzanne Allman. 1983. "Étude Ethnolinguistique Du Lexique De La Fécondité Et De La Maternité En Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle de Linguistique /AIX01' [KRE]
NICHOLS, Stephen Wayne. 1988. "Systematic And Bibliography Of West Indian Scaritinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (Florida, Mexico)". Cornell University. Pages: 410. Degree: Ph.D. [Biology, Entomology]
NONEZ, Evelyne. 1998. "Femmes et coopératives en Haïti". Université Laval (Canada). Degree: Mémoire de maîtrise.
NWENMELY, Hubishi. 1994. "Kweyòl Language Teaching In The Caribbean And The UK". [PhD Thesis. University of Reading. Reading, England. - According to Jeffrey Allen, Nwenmely mainly studies the sociolinguistic situation in St. Lucia, but she compares this to Haiti in a couple of chapters on several points... A publication of this review is to appear in JPCL , Vol. 13, issue 2. 1998 [KRE]
NWENMELY, Hubishi. 1996. "Language Reclamation: French Creole Language Teaching In The UK And The Caribbean". [Published version of her PhD Thesis. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters Ltd. [KRE]
OBANOR, Nosa. 1987. " Household Diagnosis On The Use Of Oral Rehydration Therapy (Ort): A Survey Of Caretakers Of Under-five In Petit-Goâve Health District, Haiti ". University of South Carolina. Pages: 211. Degree. Ed.D. [Education, Health]
OMER, Abdel-Hadi Mohamed. 1984. "Arabic In The Sudanese Setting: A Sociolinguistic Study (Language Planning, Diglossia, Standardization)". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D. 209 p. [Language, Linguistics [KRE]
ORIALE, Michèle. 1992. "Structure Foncière Et Réforme Agraire Dans Le Sud D'Haïti: éléments De Sociologie Pour Une Réforme Agraire". [Nouv. Rég. / PA07 / 0026 ref 0647.13548 / 92 2MF.]
ORJALA, Paul Richard. 1970. "A Dialect Survey Of Haitian Creole". Hartford Seminary Foundation. Degree: Ph.D. 226 p. [Language And Literature, Linguistics. - (Summary in DA 31: 6037A. 1970). "Sophisticated survey of linguistic variation: the regional dialect system, 3 main dialects and 6 transitional areas, the social dialect system, the style system, and the gallicizing system. Emphasis is chiefly on regional dialects. 60 maps show distribution of items. Text in the 3 dialects, pp. 199-212. Also a good sociolinguistic analysis. Bibl., pp. 213-222").
"Purpose and Limits of the Dissertation" - The purpose of this study is to determine what are the interacting ethnolinguistic systems which account for linguistic variation in Haitian Creole, to outline the structure of these systems, and to make preliminary suggestions as to how the findings may be applied to some problems of cross-dialectal communication. - Haitian Creole is the common language of an estimated 5,000,000 people (Bazile 1969:38) in the mountainous republic of Haiti. French is the official language, but it can be used only by about 10 to 15 percent of the population who constitute the literate segment of Haitian society. However, even these bilinguals resort to Creole for the majority of their day-to-day communication purposes. Hence the entire population, with the exception of some foreigners, is constantly involved in the use of Haitian Creole. - Research analysis is here presented to demonstrate that the following four ethnolinguistic systems are structurally significant in the analysis of linguistic variation in Haitian Creole:
- The regional dialect system
- The social dialect system
- The style system
- The Gallicizing system.
The first two systems carry information about the speaker and his background. The second two systems carry information primarily about the utterance and the situation in which it takes place.
This study is a survey and is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment of any of the ethnolinguistic systems described. No effort bas been made to present extensive lists of dialectal items but rather to limit the data somewhat to representative and obvious markers which serve for quick identification of dialect contrasts.
Approaches to Dialect Study - People who speak the same language often do not use it in the same way. In fact, the same person sometimes uses the language in one way, sometimes another. Gleason (1961:391) states that "one of the most evident facts about speech is its variability." Standard terms and definitions are needed to describe these differences. Hockett defines a language and a dialect in terms of an idiolect (1958:321, 233). An idiolect is the sum total of the speech habits of any single person at a given time. A language and a dialect are both collections of more or less similar idiolects; but when both terms are used in contrast, the idiolects composing a dialect are considered to be greater in similarity than those composing a language.
Ferguson and Gumperrez (1960:3-7) prefer to begin their definitions with the concept of variety . A variety is any set of human speech patterns which is sufficiently homogeneous to be analyzed linguistically but large enough to function in all normal contexts of communication. A language consists of all varieties having substantial structural similarity or which are either mutually intelligible or connected by mutually intelligible varieties. A dialect is any set of one or more varieties of a language which share at least one feature or combination of features setting them apart from other varieties of the language and which may appropriately be treated as a unit on linguistic or non-linguistic grounds.
The beginning point of dialectology is to have an adequate analysis of the language so as to eliminate the linguistically determined variants. The next step is to begin identifying dialectally contrasting items by observation and checking with informants. When contrasting items are given by two or more informants we may assume that some kind of dialectal contrasts is in evidence. To get further information, the best method is to ask the informants about these and other contrasting items (Voegeling and Harris 1951:323). The details of their information may not prove to be exact, but their general identification of different dialects is almost always valuable.
Once the fact of dialectal contrasts is discovered it is then necessary to sort out the kinds of dialects that exist. The kinds of dialects are determined by the ways in which the variations are distributed (Moulton 1968:460). Variations that are distributed in time indicate historical dialects . These will not be the subject of our investigation in this study as it will be limited to a strictly synchronic inquiry. Variations distributed in space are the subject of linguistic geography . Variations distributed in social groups are the subject of ethnolinguistics or sociolinguistics . Variations distributed situationnally in the same person's idiolect are covered by the term style and are part of the subject matter investigated in ethnolinguistics or sociolinguistics also. Today there are well developed disciplines to guide the ethnolinguist in discovering, analyzing and interpreting dialectal differences. We shall quickly survey the pertinent conclusions of scholars in these fields (P... R. Orjala, excerpt from diss.; Ch., pp. 1-3).
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Approaches to Dialect Study; Research Methods for this study; Current status of Creole Linguistics; Descriptive analysis of Haitian Creole; DIALECT GEOGRAPHY OF HAITIAN CREOLE: The nature of the investigation; Phonological Contrasts; Morphonemic Contrasts; Syntactic contrasts; Geographical dialect areas. STRUCTURAL DIALECTOLOGY OF HAITIAN CREOLE - Common core and overall pattern; Northern dialect; Central dialect; Southern dialect; Relationships of the Regional dialects. ETHNOLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF HAITIAN CREOLE DIALECTOLOGY - The four systems in Haitian Creole dialectology; The Gallicizing system; Social dialects; Style levels; The future of Haitian Creole; Summary and conclusion (University of Microfilms. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1970) [KRE]
ORPHEE, Gray. 1991. "Inflation In Haiti, From The 1960's To The 1980's (Monetarist Theory, Structuralist Theory)". New School For Social Research. Pages: 179. [Economics, Commerce-Business; Economics, General; Economics, Theory]
OTTENWALDER, Jose Alberto. 1991. "The Systematics, Biology, And Conservation Of Solenodon". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 289. [Biology, Anatomy; Biology, Ecology; Biology, Zoology]
OWADA, Eiko. 1999. "Faulkner, Haiti, and questions of imperialism". State University Of New York At Albany. Degree: PhD. Pages: 281. Code: AAT 9954030. Subj: American Literature]
P PATAKI, Eva. 1987. "Haitian Painting: The Naives And The Moders (Voodoo)". Columbia University Teachers College. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 463. [Fine Arts]
PEGRAM, Kenneth Mcnatt. 1995. "Participative Community Development: A Haitian Case Study Of Ngo-Gro Cooperation". Regent University. Degree: MA. Pages: 93. [Sociology, Social Structure And Development; Political Science, International Law And Relations; Urban And Regional Planning]
PELLERIN, Agathe. 1991. "The Nutritional Impact Of An Integrated Rural Development Project In Haiti: A Quasi-Experimental Study (Child Feeding Practices)". Cornell University. Pages: 761. Degree: Ph.D. [Health Sciences: Nutrition; Health Sciences, Public Health]
PERICE, Glen Anthony. 1995. "Rumors And Politics In Haiti". The University of Texas-Austin. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 368. [Cultural Anthropology]
PETER, Carini Stephen. 1991. "Compositional Analysis Of West Indian Saladoid Ceramics And Their Relevance To Puerto Rican Prehistory". The University of Connecticut. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 187. [Anthropology, Archeology]
PETRY, Marilyn Belle. 1968. "United States Relations With Haiti During The Occupation". The American University. Degree: MA. Pages: 173. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
PHIFER, Julietta Virginia. 1948. "Public Education In Haiti Since 1934: A Survey Of Education In The Republic Of Haiti ". New York University. Ph.D. [Education]
PHILLIPS, Judith Wingerd. "A Partial Grammar Of The Haitian Creole Verb System: Forms, Function And Syntax". State University of New York-Buffalo. 1982. 322 pages + 4 pages references. [Language; Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian. 'Language and Culture. Summary of Socio-Cultural / Linguistics; Creolized Domains...' [KRE]
PIERRE, Yves-François. 1992. "Agrarian Labor Dynamics: The Haitian Case". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 424. [Industrial And Labor Relations; Sociology, General]
PIGOZZI, Mary Joy. 1986. "Identification Of Critical Elements For Effective Nonformal Education Assessment (Education Planning, Developing Countries)". Michigan State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 170. [Adult And Continuing Education]
PIOU, N. 1981. "Verbes et redoublement de verbes en haïtien". UQUAM. [Mémoire de Maîtrise. - Grammaire; Verbe. - "Étude montrant que le clivage du prédicat présente les mêmes propriétés syntaxiques que d'autres constructions impliquant Mouvement-WH". [KRE]
POLK, Patrick Arthur. 2000. "Fabric and power: Vodou flags, collective symbolism, and rites of authority in Haiti". University Of California, Los Angeles. Degree: PhD. Pages: 248. [Folklore; Art History; Cultural Anthropology]
POMPILUS, Pradel. 1961. "La langue française en Haïti". Paris: IHEAL. 278 p. ["The French language in Haiti diss.)," - Thèse de doctorat - L'auteur obtint à la Sorbonne la mention 'très honorable' avec les félicitations du jury - 'Authoritative description of the standard French spoken in Haiti by the urban upper classes' [KRE]
POMPILUS, Pradel. "Lexique Du Patois Créole d'Haïti". Université de Paris (Sorbonne). ['Thèse complémentaire'. - 'It contains about 7,000 words for which the following information is presented: pronunciation in the form of a phonetic notation, grammatical categorization and French definition for Creole word that have no French cognates or whose meanings differ markedly from those of their French cognates' (Valdman). [KRE]
PORCENA, Michael Lamartine. 1983. "Occupational Stereotypes Among Haitian High School Seniors: Their Relative Importance To Career Aspirations In Relation To Selected Variables And The Implications For Educational Leadership". Andrews University. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 234. [Education, Administration]
PREVIL, Carlo. "Élaboration D'un Cadre Référentiel Pour L'aménagement D'un Espace Régional En Haïti: L'arondissement De Miragoâne" (French Text). [Masters Abstract International. Vol. 32-06, page: 1571]
PRICE, Allen Thomas. 1922. "The Establishment Of American Control In The Island Of Haiti". The University of Chicago. Degree: MA. Pages: 125. [History, Modern]
PRICE, Melna Janet. 1995. " Factors Related To Haitian Students' Acquistion Of English (ESL) ". Florida Atlantic University. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 135. [Bilingual And Multicultural Education; Education; Language And Literature]
PROU, Marc E. 1994. "English Language Development Of Haitian Immigrant Students: Determining The Status Of Selected Ninth Graders Participating In Transitional Bilingual Education". University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Degree: Ed.D. Pages 354. [Bilingual And Multicultural Education; Education, Curriculum And Instruction; Language, Linguistics]
PRYSOR-JONES, Suzanne Gail. 1985. "Contrasting Models Of Change: The Case Of Community Health Workers". Harvard University. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 204. [Health Sciences, Public Health]
PUTNAM, Amanda Ann. 1999. "Legacies and literacies: Life lessons from black grandmothers and other matrilineal substitutes (Antigua, Harriet Jacobs, Maya Angelou, Merle Hodge, Edwidge Danticat, Jamaica Kincaid, Trinidad and Tobago )". The University Of Nebraska? Lincoln. Degree: PhD. Pages: 154. Code: AAT 9936769. [American Literature; Caribbean Literature; Black Studies; Women's Studies]
RACINE, Marie Marcelle Buteau. "A Linguistic Study Of Southern Haitian Creole: Phonology". Howard University. Degree: M.S. 62 p. [Unpub. M.A thesis, iv, 62 p. Howard University. - "Phonemic analysis of urban southern dialect, with 37 segmental phonemes; discussion of supra-segmentals both phonemic and otherwise. Appendices list some phonemic differences between central and southern dialects, lexemes peculiar to the south, and Cuban Spanish loan words." [KRE]
RACINE, Marie Marcelle Buteau . 1970. "French And Creole Lexico-Semantic Conflicts: A Contribution To The Study Of Language In Contact In The Haitian Diglossic Situation". Georgetown University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 292. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian. - Summary in DA 32:952:A. [Unpub. diss., viii, 292 p. Summary in DA 32:952:A. - "An investigation of the cognate situation in Creole and French as they coexist in the Haitian diglossic situation. The study examines 'resemblances and divergences among related words that may be attributed to loans, contacts, interferences and shifts, among other causes.' Study of 527 basic words that Creole has developed its own lexico-semantic system. Also three introductory chapters: Theoretical background, pp. 1-40; Sociolinguistic analysis, pp. 41-88; Structural Haitian Creole', pp. 89-118.". - Changement linguistique; Contacts de langues; Créole (description, statut);); Diglossie; Emprunt; Français (description); Lexicologie; Lexique. - "Étude des mots apparentés en créole et en français dans le cadre de la situation diglossique haïtienne, les divergences étant attribuées aux emprunts, interférences et changements linguistiques. Résumé de la situation linguistique d'Haïti et du statut des deux langues en présence", É. C. à Aix [KRE]
RAMOS, Miguel . 2000. "The empire beats on: Oyo, Bata drums and hegemony in nineteenth century Cuba". F.I.U. Degree: MA. Pages: 306. Code: AAT 1399164. [Latin American History; African History; Cultural Anthropology]
REMY, Gemima M. Remy. 1996. "Psychological Variables Associated With Academic Achievement And Future Goal Orientation Among Haitian Adolescents . University of Massachusetts at Boston. Degree: Master. Pages: 101. [Psychology, Educational]
REY, Terry Edward. 1996. "Classes Of Mary In The Haitian Religious Field: A Theoretical Analysis Of The Effects Of Socioeconomic Class On The Perception And Uses Of A Religious Symbol (Vodou". Temple University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 467. [Cultural Anthropology; Religion, General; Sociology, Social Structural And Development]
RHODES, Leara D. 1990. "Haiti's Exiled Press: Development And Continuance (Newspapers, Ethnic Press)". Temple University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 262. [Journalism; Mass Communications; History General]
RICHARD, Marc. 1991. "Searching For A Strategy: The Traditional Opposition To Marcos And The Transition to Democracy In The Philippines". (Volumes I And II). (Marcos Ferdinand). Marc RICHARD. Yale University. Pages: 595. [History, Asia, Australia And Oceania; Political Science, General]
ROBERSTON, Florence Bellande. 1997. "The Marassa Concept And The Haitian Sociocultural Dilemma In Lilas Desquiron's ' Les Chemins De Loco-Miroir'" (Vodou). University of California, Los Angeles. Degree: Ph.D. [Literature, Caribbean; Anthropology, Cultural; Women's Studies]
ROBINSON, Jontyle Theresa. 1983. "A History Of The Haitian Popular Art Movement, 1944 To 1972". University of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 340. [Fine Arts]
ROCK, Sylvia Martina. 1984. "Fronting In Caribbean Creoles". University of Southern California. Degree: Ph.D. [Language, Linguistics [KRE]
RORRO, Gilda Battagla. 1988. "Academic Achievement Of Haitian Limited English Proficient Students In New Jersey Public High Schools". Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick.. Degree: Ed.D. 371 p. [Education, Language And Literature; Bilingual Education [KRE]
ROMAIN, Guerda. 1994. "L'Exil Et Les Fantômes: The Search For Identity In The Haitian National Novel, 1895-1915 (Frederic Marcelin, Fernand Hibbert, Justin Lherisson, Antoine Innocent, Creole)". Princeton University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 293.
RORRO, Gilda Battagla. 1988. "Academic Achievement Of Haitian Limited English Proficient Students In New Jersey Public High Schools". Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick. Degree: Ed.D. Pages: 371. [Education, Language And Literature; Bilingual Education]
ROSSEAU, Pierre Michel. 1995. "An Analysis Of Farming Practices Of Hillside Production Systems In Haiti (Hedgerows, Soil Conservation)". Auburn University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 172. [Agriculture, Agronomy; Biology, Biostatistics]
ROUCHON, Jeremie. 1997. "Trois Générations D'Intellectuels Haitiens: De La Perception Du Discredi étranger A La 'Seconde Indépendance' De 1880 A 1930". (French Text, Intellectuals). University of Ottawa (Canada). Degree: Ph.D. [History, Latin American]
ROUSE, Irving. 1938. "Contributions To The Prehistory Of The Ft. Liberté Region, Haiti". Yale University. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology]
ROZEVEL, Jean-Baptiste. "Étude Syntactico-sémantique Des Zones De Prédication Et De Détermination En Créole Haïtien: Essai Sur Quelques Micro-opérations". ['Nouv. Rég. /PA05/ H030 ref: 0344.14182/93 1MF [KRE]
ROZEVEL, Jean-Baptiste. "Des opérations de predication et détermination: Une étude syntactico-semantique des zones de prediction et de détermination en créole haïtien". Université René Descartes-Paris V - U.R.R de Linguistique Générale et Appliquée. [Bibliographie critique: Des parties du discours en créole haïtien, projet de thèse, travail présenté pour le D.E.A de linguistique sous la direction de Alain Bentolila. Sorbonne (1986-87). 269 p.
Introduction Générale: "Ce mémoire présenté pour le Diplome d'Études Approfondies (D.E.A) de linguistique générale appliquée comporte deux parties. La première, consacrée à la Bibliographie Critique, est un questionnement assé poussé, sur deux chapitres, de la problématique des parties du discours en créole haïtien. Dans la deuxième partie, qui comprend six chapitres, nous développons un projet de thèse intitulé: "Des opérations de prédiction et de détermination: étude syntactico-sémantiques des zones de prédiction et de détermination en créole haïtien"...
TABLE DES MATIÈRES: Cinq années de linguistique: un certain itinéraire; Introduction Générale; Des parties du discours en créole haïtien; Introduction; L'opposition verbo-nominale; Verbe et nom en dehors de toute problématique: Sylvain et les autres; Le règne du comparatisme déséquilibré; Vers une autre forme de comparatisme; L'absence d'opposition verbo-nominale en créole haïtien: une entrave à la description, des questions et des propositions de réponses; Le comparatisme travesti; Aporie de la linguistique: justification du comparatisme; Un problème assez bien posé.... Notes de l'introduction et du chapitre I, chapitre II; Vers une meilleure position du problème des espèces de mots en créole haïtien; Parties du discours: parties de quoi?; De la réalité à la syntaxe; Des unités significatives aux parties du discours; Une approche fonctionnelle des parties du discours: le point de vue d'André Martinet; Claude Hagène et la triple organisation de l'énoncé; Les modalités aspecto-temporelles en créole haïtien: notre position dans le 'débat' sur les parties du discours en créole haïtien. DEUXIÈME PARTIE: Projet de thèse.
Des opérations de prediction et de détermination: Études syntactico-semantique des zones de prédiction et de détermination en créole haïtien: La recherche d'un modus operandi; Syntaxe: quoi? Comment? Pourquoi?; Un modèle syntaxique; Un autre modèle, d'autres modèles; Un modus operandi qui s'impose de lui-même; Pourquoi?; Comment?; Notes du chapitre III; - CHAPITRE IV: Proposition d'un cadre théorique: la construction du sens; La construction du sens, c'est quoi?' Comment construit-on du sens?; Le parcours de la construction du sens: les niveaux théorique; Niveau morpho-syntaxique; Niveau lexico-syntaxique; Niveau sémantico-reférentiel; NOTES DU CHAPITRE IV; CHAPITRE V: Autocritique et implications de ce choix théorique; Autocritique; Implications; NOTE DU CHAPITRE V; CHAPITRE VI; Zones de prédication et de détermination: quoi et pourquoi?; Prédication ou détermination; Prédication et détermination: deux opérations; L'opération de prédiction; L'opération de détermination; Détermination sans opération?; Le concept de 'zone': définition et utilisation; NOTE DU CHAPITRE VI; CHAPITRE VII: De l'expression; Que doit-on entendre par 'expression de la possession?; Le Corpus; La possession en prédication; La possession en détermination...". [KRE]
RUDDOCK, Andrew David. 1995. "Enemies Old And New: Foreign Policy, The Media And Public Opinion In The Reagan / Bush Era". University of Massachusetts. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 275. [Mass Communications; Political Science, International Law And Relations]
RUSSELL, Sarah Paradise. 2000. "Cultural conflicts and common interests: The making of the sugar planter class in Louisiana, 1795-1853". University Of Maryland College Park. Degree: PhD. Pages: 381. Code: AAT 9967972. [US History; Sociology; Social Structure and Development; Economics (general)]
RYAN, Marveta Makeba. 1999. "Race, culture, and nation in late nineteenth?century poetry from the Dominican Republic". [Degree: PhD. Harvard University. Pages: 215. Code: AAT 9949799. [Latin American Literature; Caribbean Literature; Theater]
RYS, John Frank. 1966. "Tentions And Conflicts In Cuba, Haiti, And The Dominican Republic Between 1945 And 1959". The American University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 274. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
SAINT-ELOI, Rodney. 1999. "Emergence de la poétique créole en Haïti". (French text). Université Laval (Canada). Degree: MA. Pages: 119. Code: AAT MQ42008. [Caribbean Literature]
SAINT-FORT, Hugues. 1982. "La Création Lexicale En Créole Haïtien". ['3e cycle de Linguistique'. / PA05 [KRE]
SAMEDY, Jean-Baptiste Mario. 1995. "Mutation Et Résistance De La Structure Sociale De Saint-Domingue-Haïti (1784-1991): Essai Sur La Question Agraire Haïtienne". Université de Montréal (Canada). Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 286. [Sociology, Social Structural And Development; Latin American History]
SANDIN-FREMAINT, Pedro A. 1987. "In Search Of Christic Voices: A Theological Reading Of Four Novels By Marie Chauvet". Emory University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 374. [Theology, Literature, Latin American Studies]
SAVODON, Marjorie. 1996. "Shifting Boundaries: The Interplay Of Place And Displacement In Selected Contemporary Francophone Narratives (Simone Schwarz-Bart, Ken Bugul, Nabile Fares, Emile Ollivier, Guadeloupe, Senegal, Haiti)". Brown University. Degree. Ph.D. Pages: 180. [African Literature; Caribbean Literature; Literature, Romance]
SCHILLER, (Glick) Barnett Nina. 1975. "The Formation of a Haitian Ethnic Group". Columbia University, New York. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology]
SCHMIDT, Hans R. 1969. "The United States Occupation Of Haiti: 1915-1934". Rutgers State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick. Pages: 416. Degree: Ph.D [Modern History]
SCHREADLEY, Richard Lee. 1972. "Intervention: The Americans In Haiti, 1915-1934". Fletcher School Of Law And Diplomacy (Tufts University). Degree: Ph.D. [Modern History]
SCHWARTZ, Timothy. 2000. "Children Are the Wealth of the Poor". University of Florida. Degree: Ph.D.
SCOTT, Julius Shrrard III. 1986. "The Common Wind: Currents Of Afro-American Communication In The Era Of The Haitian Revolution (Caribbean)". Duke University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages 343. [Black History]
SEABROOKS, Patricia Ann Johnson. 1992. "Social Supports Of Older Haitians In Port-au-Prince And Miami: Effects On Health Practices And Perceived Health Status (Florida)". University of California-San Francisco. Degree: DNS. Pages: 206. [Health Sciences, Nursing, Public Health, Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
SEKOU, Malik. 2000. "Nation, state formation in the insular Caribbean before, during, and after the Cold War". Degree: PhD. University Of Delaware. Pages: 374. [Code: AAT 9965813.]
SHELLER, Mimi B. 1997. "Democracy After Slavery: Black Publics And Peasant Rebellion In Postemancipation Haiti And Jamaica". New School For Social Research. Degree: Ph.D. [Sociology, Social Structure And Development; History, Black; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies, Latin American]
SHELTON, Marie-Denise. 1979. "L'image de la société haïtienne dans le roman haïtien". [Thèse de doctorat]
SHIPP, Michele Pierre-Louis. 1991. "A Profile Of Hipertension In Urban Haitians". University of Alabama-Birmingham School Of Public Health. Degree: DRPH. Pages: 207. [Health Sciences; Public Health]
SIKHANE, Bhekinkosi Patrick. 1997. "Newly Arrived Parents And Schools Choice (Immigrants)". Harvard University. Degree: Ed.D. [Education, Administration; Education, Elementary; Sociology, Individual And Family Studies; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
SIMPSON, Della. 1927. "Haiti And The United States, 1890-1915". The University of Chicago. Degree: AM. Pages: 132. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
SINTON, Christopher W. 1996. "A tale of two large igneous provinces: geochronological and geochemical studies of the North Atlantic volcanic province and the Caribbean oceanic plateau". Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 179. [Caribbean, flood-basalt, Colombia, crust, Costa-Rica, igneous, Hispaniola, Haiti, magnetic, tectonic]
SKEAN, James Dan Jr. 1989. "A Monograph of Meecranium (Melastomataceae: Miconieae)". University Of Florida. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 375. [Biology, Botany]
SLOAN, Janet Jenks. 1984. "The Patterns of Cultural Behavior Which Promote and Disrupt the Transmission of Malaria in Haiti". Western Michigan. Pages: 83. Degree: MA. [Cultural Anthropology]
SMITH, Jennie M. 1998. "Answering the Lanbi: Sociopolitical Discourses and Collective Initiatives of the Haitian Peasantry". UNC at Chapel Hill. Pages: 324. [The author's book on the subject: When the Hands are Many: Community Organization and Social Change in Rural Haiti . Cornell University Press. 229 pages. 2001]
SMUCKER, Glenn Richard. 1983. "Peasants And Development Politics: A Study In Haitian Class And Culture". New School For Social Research. Pages: 511. [Cultural Anthropology]
SOSIS, Howard Justin. 1971. "The Colonial Environment And Religion In Haiti: An Introduction To The Black Slave Cults In Eighteenth-Century Saint-Domingue". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 489. [Religion]
SPECTOR, Robert Melvyn. 1961. "W. Cameron Forbes And The Hoover Commissions To Haiti". Boston University Graduate School. Pages: 359. Degree: Ph.D. [Modern History]
SPITZER, Daniel Charles. 1972. "A Contemporary Political And Socio-Economic History Of Haiti And The Dominican Republic". The University of Michigan. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 550. [History, Modern]
SPOOR, Suzanne Jacqueline. 1999. "Searching for a black republic: The textual invention of Haiti by United States black artists in the 1930s". University Of Maryland College Park. Degree: PhD. Pages: 368. Code: AAT 9957208. [Comparative Literature; Black History; American Literature; Art History; Dance]
STAFFORD, Wesley K. 1986. "Evaluation Of Educational Outcomes Of Selected Haitian Primary Schools (Haiti)". Michigan State University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 226. [Education, Elementary]
STEVENS, Alta Mae. 1998. "Haitian Women's Food Network In Haiti And Oldtowns, United States Of America (Immigration, New England)". Brown University. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology, Cultural; Women's Studies; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies]
ST. HILL, Patricia Florence. 1992. "Acceptability And Use Of Family Planning Services By Refugee Haitian Women In Miami". University of California-San Francisco. Pages: 180 [Health Sciences, Nursing, Cultural Anthropology, Women's Studies]
STREET, John M. 1960. "Historical And Economic Geography Of The Southwest Peninsula Of Haiti". University of California-Berkeley. Degree. Ph.D. [Geography]
TANGUAY, Marc. 1995. "Impact De L'Embargo Commercial Sur Le Marché Du Charbon De Bois Et La Dégradation Des Sols En Milieu Rural Haïtien: Une Approche Methedologique". Université Laval (Canada). Pages: 287. Degree: MA. [Economics, Agricultural; Agriculture, Soil science]
TAVERNE, Bernard. 1991. "Un 'docteur-feuille' A Cayenne: Santé Culture Et Société Chez Les Imigrés Haïtiens De Guyanne Française". ['Nouv. Rég. /AIX3/ 2038 ref: 0744.12913 / 92 2MF.']
TESSONNEAU, Alex-Louise. "La Devinette-Enigme Haïtienne Technique Et Moyen D'Apprentissage De La Parole Dans Le Milieu Paysan Traditionnel". Thèse présentée à l'Université de Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle- en vue de l'obtention du Doctorat de III cycle . 266 p. [CONCLUSION : "Le langage d'une communauté est le reflet d'une réalité et pour bien comprendre cette réalité, il importe de dégager: a) les règles d'organisation de cette réalité, b) les manifestations psychologiques, sociologiques, culturelles,..., qui sont attachées au langage, c) les rapports langue-culture-société de cette comunauté.
C'est ce que nous avons donc essayé de faire en prenant comme support la devinette-énigme. - L'analyse phonologique et phonétique que nous avons présentés s'inscrit d'ailleurs dans cette perspective, car notre but n'était pas de dégager la seule pertinence des traits ou des réalisations, mais surtout, de montrer la signification sociale de la phonique.
Ceci est important, car, dans une société à tradition orale, le 'bien dire' remplace, en quelque sorte, la norme créée par l'écrit dans d'autres civilisations, et, de ce fait doit obéir à certaines règles. Celui ti sait 'parler' est considéré comme un sage, car il peut manipuler les forces bénéfiques du verbe.
En Haïti, le même mot 'kont' s'applique aux devinettes-énigmes et aux 'récits'. C'est donc le signe qu'il s'agit toujours de la même réalité qui est vécue.
En effet, l'étude de la devinette-énigme montre quelle contient toutes les 'figures du discours' qui se retrouvent dans le 'bien dire' et par conséquent dans tout récit. - La devinette-énigme est le 'Sézame du récit' et, en tant que tel, fait partie du récit. Elle est aussi l'un des facteurs d'intégration à la vie sociale et culturelle de l'individu, car elle participe de l'univers du langage, à ses lois et à ses modalités.
Mais, dans ce savoir, il ne faut jamais perdre de vue que les éléments constitutifs dépendent des acquis des générations passées et de l'apport de chachun des membres de la communauté. On ne peut dissocier ces différents constituants, tout comme le mot 'kont' inclut les deux faces de l'apprentissage linguistique...". (pp.176-177) [KRE
TORRES-SAILLANT, Sylvio A. 1991. "Caribbean Poetics: Aesthetics Of Marginality In West Indian Literature (Mir Pedro, Dominican Republic, Braithwaite Edward Kamau, Barbados, Depestre René, Haiti)". New York University. Pages: 671. [Comparative Literature; Latin American History]
THOMPSON, Andrew Stuart. 1999. "The politics of intervention: Haiti, human rights, and the influence of the international community, 1957? 1994". The University Of Western Ontario (CANADA). Degree: MA. Pages: 128. [AAT MQ42215. - Modern Literature; Caribbean Literature; Latin American Literature]
TINELLI, Henri Joseph Victor. 1970. "Generative Phonology Of Haitian Creole". University of Michigan. Ph.D. 178 p. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Linguistics, Theoretical. - Summary in DA 32:1499A. - 'This research has two main purposes: 1) To yield a phonological description of contemporary P-au-P Haitian... 2) To present a comparative study of the feature and distribution constraints which operate on phonological segments in modern SF and Haitian." Chapter I provides an outline of Haitian grammar, with special attention to the aspectual and tense syntax...'. - Published version of his Ph.D Diss. The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton. - "Créole (description); Phonétique-Phonologie; Étude de phonologie générative fondée sur un corpus réuni à Port-au-Prince, qui met en lumière des phénomènes de sandhi nouveaux, en particulier les élisions et harmonisations vocaliques". (É. C. à Aix). [KRE]
TREMBLAY, Christian. 1999. "Définition de la thématique du réel merveilleux américain et son application dans des recits de Jorge Luis Borges et de Jacques Stephen Alexis". (French text, Haiti, Argentina). Degree: MA. Université Laval (Canada). Pages: 137. Code: AAT MQ42026. [Modern Literature; Caribbean Literature]
TURNBULL, Desna Rosemarie. 1996. "The Influence Of Political Risk Events On The Investment Decisions Of Multinational Hotel Companies In Caribbean Hotel Projects (Tourism)". Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University. Pages: 296. Degree: Ph.D. [Business Administration, Management; Recreation]
VAIDYANATHAN, Geetha. 1991. "Consumption And Liquidity Constraints: A Cross-Country Analysis (Borrowing, Developing Countries)". University of Kentucky. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 290. [Economics, General]
VANDER Zaag, Raymond . 2000. "'We do not yet have development': Encounters of development knowledges, identities and practices in a NGO program in rural Haiti". Carleton University (CANADA). Degree: PhD. Pages: 390. [AAT NQ48356. - Geography]
VEDRINE, Jose. “Electromechanical Analysis of Transparent Conducting Substrates for Flexible Display Applications”. Pages: 179. Degree: Ph.D. Institution: Brown University. Year: 2004. SUBJECT(S): Engineering, electrical. [ABSTRACT: Flat panel displays have become ubiquitous in many applications, including desktop panels, laptops, and cellular phones. The display industry is moving towards plastic displays to open up new applications where lightweight, robustness, and flexibility are of the utmost importance. Transparent conducting films on glass substrates have provided the display industry with the ability to electronically control images and information for years. Transparent conducting substrates are an essential component to electronic display technologies as they provide the contact electrodes used to address the electro optic medium. The most common transparent conducting film for this application has been indium-tin-oxides on glass substrates because of its high conductivity (low sheet resistance) and high transmission (80%), two essential parameters for an efficient display.
To meet the requirements and technological demands needed to achieve a robust, lightweight and low-power display device, plastic substrates are considered. Transforming the glass substrate to plastic provides a solution to heavy, power-hungry displays, but also presents some additional challenges. This dissertation focuses on electro mechanics research performed on indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coated polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) plastic substrates to analyse the electromechanical properties of these layers. In addition to ITO/PET, this thesis moves into the evaluation of modern materials contending to replace ITO in the future, such as conducting polymers and carbon nanotube technology.
The electrical, mechanical and optical properties of transparent conducting substrates are characterized and analysed using two main characterization methods: uniaxial tension testing and fatigue cycling. The electrical property, primarily the surface resistance, of three conducting substrates is defined. The three substrates include indium tin oxide, carbon nanotubes and organic poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT): poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS) layers on polyethylene-terephthalate (PEDOT:PSS). The surface resistance as a function of mechanical deformation for the films is monitored in-situ to define the correlation between electrical and mechanical properties.
The electromechanical behavior of transparent conducting substrates will provide vital information to flexible displays and flexible device applications currently under development. This work will also help to better understand the lifetime reliability mechanisms associated with devices fabricated on flexible substrates. For info, contact: Jose_Vedrine@yahoo.com]
VERNET, Pierre. 1973. "Analyse Syntaxique Du Créole Haïtien: Prédicat, Prédicatifs Et Non-Prédicatifs". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de licence. Syntaxe'[KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "Analyse Sémiologiques Des Prénoms Haïtiens". (Sous la direction de Louis-Jean Calvet). Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de licence. Sémiologie' [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "L'Apprentissage De L'anglais Chez Un Groupe D'adultes Haïtiens De New York: Motivations Et Origine Socio-culturelles". Université de Paris. [Linguistics, Creole; Linguistics, Haitian; Sociolinguistics. - 'Mémoire de licence socio-linguistique' [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1974. "L'enseignement Du Français Créolophone Haïtien: Analyse Contrastive Créole Haïtien-français Et Fondements Psycholinguistiques". [Mémoire de license psycho-linguistique. Université de Paris [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1975. "Analyse Contrastive Créole Haïtien-Français: Applications De La Contrastive, Ses Limites". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de maîtrise. Linguistique Appliquée [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1975. "Analyse Syntaxique Du Bambara". Université de Paris V. ['Mémoire de maîtrise Syntaxe [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1976. "L'opposition Verbo-nominale En Créole Haïtien". Université Paris V. [Mémoire de fin d'études de doctorat (D.E.A). Among the author's publications, Techniques d'écriture du créole haïtien (A l'intention des enseignants). 1980. 163 p. [KRE]
VERNET, Pierre. 1984. "Langues, éducation et société en Haïti". Université de Paris V. [thèse de Doctorat de 3e cycle (2 tomes). 661 p. - Créole (statut); Éducation; Politique linguistique [KRE]
VERNET, Serge E. L. 1987. "Factors Contributing To The Successful Completion Of The Haitian Baccalaureat (Part I) And Their Administrative Implications". Andrews University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 175. [Education, Administration]
VESPUCCI, Paul Daniel. 1988. "Petrology And Geochemistry Of The Late Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks Of The Dominican Republic". The George Washington University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 303. [Geochemistry]
VIDAS, Albert De. 1971. "The Foreign Relations Of Haiti In Hemispherica Affairs From Independence To Occupation, 1804-1915". New York University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 475. [Modern History]
VILGRAIN-NELSON, Marie-Lucie. 1952. "Particularité du vocabulaire français en Haïti". [Mémoire inédit de l'École Normale Superieure de Port-au-Prince [KRE]
VINCENT, Kevin. 1996. "'People get Ready: African-American And Caribbean Critical Theory, Decolonization Literatures, And The Challenge Of Popular Culture". University of Maryland College Park. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 404. [Caribbean Literature; Comparative Literature]
WAINWRIGHT, Danielle. 1999. "Vers une problématique de l'alterite dans la construction de l'identité Haïtienne: Étude de romans choisis de Jean Metellus et de Marie Vieux Chauvet". Degree: PhD. The Ohio State University. Pages: 265. Code: AAT 9941450. [Caribbean Literature]
WAINWRIGHT, Edith. 1994. "Panorama De La Culture Haïtienne A Travers Des Textes Choisies: Manuel D'enseignement". State University of New York Brook. Degree: DA. 430 p. [Haiti, Culture, Education, Teaching Manual; Bilingual And Multicultural Education; Language And Literature; Modern Language [KRE]
WALKER, C. D. 1983. "The role of the Mass Media in the Adaptation of Haitian Migrants in Miami (Florida)". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D.
WATERS, William Thomas. 1990. "Haitian Cultivators In Flux: Traditional And Modern Farming Practices In Pasbwadòm, Haiti". Syracuse University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 473. [Anthropology, Cultural]
WEATHERSDY, Hal Monroe. 1929. "American Control In Haiti". The University of Chicago. Degree: M.A. Pages: 72. [Political Science, International Law And Relations]
WEAVER, Karol Kimberlee. 1999. "Disease in the Torrid Zone: Malady and medicine in eighteenth?century Saint Domingue (Haiti)". The Pennsylvania State University. Degree: PhD. Pages: 260. Code: AAT 9960675. [History of Science; Latin American History]
WEBB, J. B. 1986. "Expectations of Haitian Parents in the Greater New York Metropolitan Area: Education and Occupations". New York University, School of Education, Health, Nursing and Arts Professions. Degree: Ph.D
WEXLER, Anna Hartmann. 1998. "For The Flower Of Ginen: The Artistic Of Clotaire Bazile, A Haitian Vodou Flagmaker (Oungan)". Harvard University. Pages: 479. Degree: Ed.D. [Art, Religion, Anthropology]
WIESE, Helen Jean Coleman. 1971. "The Interaction Of Western And Indigenous Medicine In Haiti In Regard To Tuberculosis". The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Pages: 146. Degree: Ph.D. [Anthropology]
WILBORN, Keeta Presley. 2000. "A critical Heideggerian hermeneutic analysis of the meaning of nursing students' clinical experience in Haiti". Degree: PhD. Georgia State University. Pages: 243. Code: AAT 9968475. [Health Sciences, Nursing; Education; General Sociology]
WILCKEN, Lois Eileen. 1991. "Music Folklore Among Haitians In New York: Staged Representations And The Negotiation Of Identity (Ethnomusicology, Folkloric Companies)". Columbia University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 344. [Dance; Folklore; Music]
WILLIAMS, Perry Arthur. 1972. "Lafontaine In Haitian Creole: A Study Of ' Cric? Crac! ' By Georges Sylvain". Fordham University. Degree: Ph.D. 263 pages + 1 page abstract and C.V. [Language And Modern Literature. - Summary in DA 33:4441A. 'The study consist of a general introduction to the fables and to the study, followed by eight chapters treating successively the historical background Sylvain's life and the place of the fables in his work, the stylistic techniques used in the fables, the language of the fables, and Creole writings in Haiti after the time of Sylvain. The language is an idealized representation of a rural western Haitian dialect, deliberately archaic and artificial in some respects but revealing the major features of Creole as spoken in 1901'. [KRE]
WINGERD, Judith Lee. 1979. "Typological Implications Of The Haitian Creole Verb". State University of New York-Buffalo. Degree: Ph.D. [Language, Linguistics [KRE]
WINGFIELD, Roland. 1966. "Haiti, A Case Study Of An Underdeveloped Area". The Louisiana State University And Agricultural And Mechanical Col. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 350. [Sociology, General]
WINKLER, Elizabeth. "Native speaker attitudes about Haitian Kreyol and their implications for the study of post-creole continua". [M.A thesis. 93 p. - "A thesis presented to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University. 1989. - ABSTRACT: "The purpose of this study is to show that the attitudes of speakers of Haitian Kreyòl have affected the typical decreolization process as described by David DeCamp in his 1971 article, 'Toward a generative of a post-creole continuum.
A creole usually originates in a situation where the prestige language upon which it is based is used in some domains and the creole in others. In countries like Jamaica and Belize, a post-creole continuum exists and the speakers have the ability to speak several varieties, from basilect to acrolect. Haitians, however, are 94% monolingual, in Kreyòl, which is mutually intelligible with Haitian French. Since the majority of Haitians have no access to programs where they can acquire French, Kreyòl continues to serve as the language of their religion, and the market. At issue, then, is the status of Kreyòl in the eyes of the people and the government of Haiti.
Native Kreyòl-speaking subjects were surveyed and interviewed in Haiti concerning their attitudes about their language and about its status compared to that of Haitian French. Haitian speakers express respect for Kreyòl when asked about the value of it, and the survey results show that they also would prefer to see it established as the official language. Implications are drawn concerning the future status of Kreyòl in the schools and society, as well as for the study of post-creole continua in similar societies world-wide..." (E. Winkler, pp. 3) [KRE]
WOJTUSIK, Timothy. 1992. "Developing Grafting Techniques For Capturing Mature, Elite Prosopis Germplasm". Texas A & I University. Degree: MS. Pages: 116. [Agricultural, Forestry And Wildlife, Agriculture, Plant Culture]
WOOD III, Fred D. 1985. "The Scourged Christ Of Haiti: Politics, Economics, And The Church In The Island Republic". Wesley Theological Seminary. THD. [Theology]
WOOD, Harold Arthur. 1958. "The Department Du Nord, Republic Of Haiti: A Study Of Land Utilization And Settlement". University of Toronto (Canada). Degree: Ph.D. [Geography]
WOOD, Marie V. 1955. "Agricultural Development And Rural Life In Haiti, 1934 to 1953". The American University. Degree: Ph.D. [History, General]
YASIN, Katherine Clairborne. 1997. "Gender Differences And Classroom Interaction In The Haitian Primary School (Girls, Boys, Third-Grade)". University of Pittsburg. Degree: Ed.D. [Education, Elementary; Psychology, social; Education, Psychology]
YASIN, Said. 1998. "Community Participation In The Provision Of Private Primary Schools In Port-au-Prince, Haiti ( Private School, Developing Countries)". University of Pittsburgh. Degree: Ph.D. [Education, Finance; Education, Administration; Education, Elementary]
YIH, Yuen-Ming David. 1995. "Music And Dance Of Haitian Vodou: Diversity And Unity In Regional Repertoires". Wesleyan University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 690. [Folklore; Cultural Anthropology; Music]
YOUNG, Chester W. 1950. "A Sociological Study Of Rural Life In Haiti". The Louisiana State University And Agricultural And Mechanical Col. Degree: Ph.D. [Sociology, General]
ZAHALKA, Ahmed H. 1983. "An Application Of Principal Components To The Evaluation Of Agricultural Development In The Bas Boen Projet Of Haiti". University of Florida. Degree: M.S. [Agriculture, Agronony]
ZAHND, Elizabeth A. 1999. "Images of the United States in contemporary narratives of Quebec and the francophone Caribbean (Haiti, Guadeloupe". Degree: PhD. University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign. Pages: 150. Code: AAT 9953183.
ZÉPHIR, Flore. 1990. "Language Choice, Language Use, Language Attitudes Of The Haitian Bilingual Community". Indiana University. Degree: Ph.D. Pages: 287. [Language, Linguistics; Linguistics, Haitian; Sociolinguistics; Sociology, Ethnic And Racial Studies [KRE]
ZIRKE, Jennifer Lynn. 1999. "A multicultural curriculum for exceptional high school students". Degree: PhD. The Union Institute. Pages: 406. Code: AAT 9933951. [Education; Curriculum and Instruction; Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies; Bilingual Education.]
É. C. À AIX (data from " Dept. Des Études Créoles de l'Université de Provence à Aix " ).
ON-LINE DISSERTATIONS ABSTRACTS. (See codes). ADD S0127; ADD S0330; ADD W1935; ADD W1936; ADD W1938; ADD W1939; ADD W1941; ADD W1947; ADD W1950; ADD W1951; ADD W1955 ADD; ADD X1958; ADD X1960; ADD X1972; ADD X1974; ADD X1976; ADD X1978; ADD X1979; ADD X1980; ADD X1985; ADD X1986; DAI 22/04 p.1149 1962; DAI A27/01 p.263 Jul. 1966; DAI 26/12 p.7434 Fall 1966; DAI B27/10 p.3566 Apr. 1967; DAI A29/07 p.2196 Jan. 1969; DAI; A31/01 p.336 Jul. 1970; DAI 1-Jul p.97 Dec. 1970; DAI A32/03 p.1499 Sep. 1971; DAI A32/07 p.3914; Jan. 1972; DAI 4-Nov p.816 Feb. 1972; DAI B 32/11 May 72; DAI B 32/11 May 72; DAI B 32/12 Jun.72; DAI A 33/09 Mar. 1973; DAI A 33/09 May 73; DAI A 35/01 Jul. 1974; DAI A 35/02 Aug. 1974; DAI X35/02 p.673 Aug. 1974; DAI A 36/04 Oct. 1975; DAI A 33/08 Feb. 1973; DAI Mal 31/01 p.103 Spring 1993; DAI A 36/11 May 76; DAI A 31/01 Jul. 1976; DAI A 38/11 May 78; DAI B 39/08 Feb. 1979; DAI A 40/01 p.471 Jul. 1979; DAI A 41/03 Sep. 1980; DAI A 41/07 Jan. 1981; DAI A 41/08 Feb. 1981; DAI A 41/08 Feb. 1981; DAI A 41/08 Feb. 1981; DAI A 41/09 Mai 1981; DAI A-41/11 p.4756 May 81; DAI A41/12 p.5118 Jun.81; DAI A 41/12 p.5156 Jun.81; DAI A 41/12 p.5156 Jun.81; DAI A 42/03 p.1228 Sep. 1981; DAI A 42/04 p.1680 Oct. 1981; DAI A 42/07 p.3324 Jan.82; DAI A 42/11 p.4923 May.82; DAI A 42/11 p.4909 May 82; DAI A 43/01 p.159 Jul.82; DAI A 43/02 p461 Aug.82; DAI A 44/08 p.2512 Feb.84; DAI B 44/10 p.3020 Apr.84; DAI A 44/11 p.3234 May.84; DAI A 45/06 p.1868 Dec.84; DAI A 45/07 p.1898 Jan.85; DAI A 45/07 p.2122 Jan.85; DAI A 45/08 p.2644 Feb.85; DAI A 45/09 p.2912 Mar.85; DAI A 45/11 p.3449 May.85; DAI B 46/02 p.354 Aug.85; DAI A 46/02 p.412 Aug.85; DAI A 46/03 p.793 Sep.85; DAI B 46/03 p.814 Sep.85; DAI A 46/05 p.1121 Nov.85; DAI A 46/07 p.1962 Jan.86; DAI A 47/03 p.1042 Sep.86; DAI A 47/03 p.1084 Sep.86; DAI B 47/04 p.1727 Oct.86; DAI A 47/05 p.1715 Nov.86; DAI A 47/06 p.2205 Dec.86; DAI A 47/07 p.2420 Jan.87; DAI A 47/08 p.3061 Feb.87; DAI A 47/08 p.3090 Feb.87; DAI A 47/09 p.3308 Mar.87; DAI A 47/09 p.3534 Mar.87; DAI A 47/10 p.3672 Apr.87; DAI A 47/10 p.3801 Apr.87; DAI A 47/12 p.4397 Jun.87; DAI A 48/01 p.163 Jul.87; DAI A 48/01 p.164 Jul.87; DAI A 48/02 p.237 Aug.87; DAI A 48/04 p.861 Oct-87; DAI A 48/04 p.933 Oct.87; DAI A 48/08 p.2090 Feb.88; DAI A 48/09 p.2334 Mar.88; DAI A 48/09 p.2365 Mar.88; DAI A 48/10 p.2511 Apr.88; DAI A 48/11 p.2870 May.88; DAI A 4811 p.2918 May.88; DAI B 48/12 p.3489 Jun.88; DAI A 49/03 p.498 Sep.88; DAI A 49/03 p.629 Sep.88; DAI A 49/03 p.539 Sep.88; DAI A 49/04 p.899 Oct.88; DAI B 49/04 p.1065 Oct. 1988; DAI A 49/05 p.1173 Nov.88; DAI A 49/05 p.1182 Nov.88; DAI Vol.59-05A p.1628 1988; DAI Vol.59-06A p.2178; DAI A 49/11 p.3292 May 89; DAI A 50/11 p.3637 May 90; DAI A 51/03 p.872 Sep.90; DAI B 51/03 p.1086 Sep.90; DAI B 51/05 p.2304 Nov.90; DAI A 51/06 p.2145 Dec.90; DAI A51/06 p.2165 Dec.90; DAI 52/03A p.1052 1990; DAI A 51/07 p.757 Aug.91; DAI A 52/03 p.981 Sep.91; DAI A 52/03 p.1052 Sep.91; DAI A 52/05 p.1876 Nov.91; DAI A 52/06 p.2136 Dec.91; DAI A 52/06 p.2218 Dec.91; DAI A 52/06 p.2282 Dec.91; DAI A 52/07 p.2301 Jan.92; DAI A 52/10 p.3484 Apr.92; DAI A 52/09 p.3122 Mar.92; DAI B 52/10 p.5070 Apr.92; DAI A 52/11 p.3766 May.92; DAI A 52/11 p.4018 May.92; DAI A 52/11 p.4067 May.92; DAI A 52/12 p.4456 Jun.92; DAI A 53/01 p.201 Jul.92; DAI B 53/02 p.726 Aug.92; DAI A 53/05 p.1655 Nov.92; DAI A 53/05 p.1564 Nov.92; DAI A 53/06 p.1771 Dec.2; DAI B 53/06 p.2810 Dec.2; DAI B 53/06 p.2812 Dec.2; DAI A 53/07 p.2390 Jan.3; DAI A 53/07 p.2494 Jan.3; DAI B 53/09 p.4611 Mar.3; DAI B 54/01 p.132 Jul.3; DAI A 54/01 p.293 Jul.3; DAI A 54/01 p.336 Jul.3; DAI A 54/02 p.701 Aug.3; DAI B 54/02 p.746 Aug.3; DAI A 54/01 p.2547 Jan.4; DAI A 54/12 p.4422 Jun.4; DAI A 54/12 p.4461 Jun.4; DAI A 55/08 p.2305 Feb.5; DAI A 55/08 p.2361 Feb.5; DAI B 55/09 p.3664 Mar.5; DAI B 55/09 p.3839 Mar.5; DAI B 55/10 p.4316 Apr.5; DAI A 55/11 p.3433 May.5; DAI A 5604 p.1273 Oct.5; DAI A 56/05 p.1580 Nov.5; DAI B 56/05 p.2396 Nov.5; DAI B 56/05 p.2396 Nov.95; DAI A 56/06 p2086 Dec.95; DAI A 56/06 p.2291 Dec.95; DAI A 56/06 p.2301 Dec.95; DAI A 56/06 p.2334 Dec.95; DAI A 56/06 p.2922 Feb.96; DAI A 56/09 p.3572 Mar.96; DAI 56/11 p.4416 May.96; DAI A 56/11 p.4439 May.96; DAI A 57/01 p.29 Jul.96; DAI A 57/01 p.292 Jul.96; DAI A 57/01 p.301 Jul.96; DAI A 57/01 p.454 Jul.96; DAI A 57/01 p.454 Jul.96; DAI A 57/02 p.886 Aug.96; DAI A 57/03 p.910 Sep.96; DAI A 57/03 p.983 Sep.96; DAI A 57/04 p.1452 Oct.96; DAI A 57/05 p.2045 Nov.6; DAI A 57/05 p.2112 Nov.6; DAI A 57/06 p.2659 Dec.6; DAI A 57/08 p.3560 Feb.7; DAI B 57/08 p.4940 Feb.7; DAI A 57/09 p.3727 Mar.7; DAI A 57/09 p.3964 Mar.7; DAI A 57/09 p.3979 Mar.7; DAI A 57/10 p.4497 Apr.7; DAI A 57/11 p.4800 May.7; DAI A 57/11 p.4827 May.7; DAI A 58/02 p.340 Aug.7; DAI A 58/02 p.458 Aug.7; DAI A 57/12 p.5172 Jun.7; DAI A 57/12 p.5306 Jun.7; DAI A 58/01 p.157 Jul.7; DAI A 58/02 p.579 Aug.7; DAI S0146 1997; DAI Vol..57-12A p.5172 1997; DAI Vol.58-08A p.0579 1997; DAI Vol..58-04A p.1417 1997; DAI Vol.58-04A p.1464 1997; DAI Vol.58-05A p.1532 1997; DAI Vol.58-05A p.1781 1997; DAI Vol.58-06A p.2217 1997; DAI Vol.58-06A p.2373 1997; DAI Vol.58-07A p.2646 1997; DAI Vol.58-07B p.3522 1997; DAI Vol.58-09A p.3469 1997; DAI Vol.58-09A p. 3713 1997; DAI Vol.58-10A p.4039 1997; DAI Vol.58-10A p.4058 1997; DAI Vol.59-01A p.0088 1997; DAI Vol.59-01A p.0178 1997; DAI Vol.58-07A p.2647 1997; DAI Vol.59-02A 1997; DAI Vol.59-01A p.0302 1998; DAI Vol.59-04A p.1239 1998; DAI Vol.59-05B p.2156 1998; DAI Vol.59-06A p.1917 1998; MAI 4-Jun p.151 Winter 1968; MAI 20/01 p.107 Spring 1982; MAI 22/01 p.52 Spring 1984; MAI 2301 p.62 Spring 1985; MAI 29/02 p.240 Summer 1991; MAI 30/03 p.491 Fall 1992; MAI 30/03 p.538 Fall 1992; MAI 30/03 p.578 Fall 1992; MAI 31/01 p.103 Spring 1993; MAI 31/01 p.199 Spring 1993; MAI 31/04 p.1606 Winter 1993; MAI 33/03 p.895 Jun.95; MAI 33/04 p.1234 Aug.95; MAI 33/06 p.1749 Dec.95; MAI 34/04 p.1401 Aug.96; MAI 34/04 p.1462 Aug.96; MAI 34/05 p.1789 Oct.96; MAI 34/06 p.2118 Dec.96; MAI 34/06 p.2170 Dec.96; MAI 35/01 p.113 Feb.97; MAI 35/03 p.696 Jun.97; MAI v.36-04 p.1035 1997; MAI v.36-05 p.1252 1997; DAI 60/02 p.512.Aug.1999; DAI 60/05 p.1766.Nov.1999; DAI 60/11 p. 4173 May 2000; DAI 61/04 p.1602. Oct. 2000; DAI A 60/04 p.1305. Oct. 1999; DAI A 60/06 p.1897. Dec.2000; DAI-A 60/06, p.1903. Dec.1999; DAI-A 60/06, p.2030.Dec.1999; DAI-A 60/08 p.2927.Feb.2000; DAI-A 60/08 p.2935.Feb.2000; DAI-A 60/09 p.3370.Mar.2000; DAI-A 60/10 p.3582.Apr.2000; DAI-A 60/11 p.4027.May 2000; DAI-A 60/11 p.4027. May 2000; DAI-A 60/11 p.4134.May 2000; DAI-A 60/12 p.4488 June 2000; DAI-A 60/12 p.4418. June 2000; DAI-A 60/12 p.4430. June 2000; DAI-A 60/12 p.4595.June 2000; DAI-A 60/12 p.4596. June 2000; DAI-A 61/01 p.170.Jul.2000; DAI-A 61/01 p.334.Jul.2000; DAI-A 61/01, p.337.June 2000; DAI-A 61/02 p.719.Aug.2000; DAI-A 61/03, p.1149.Sept.2000; DAI-A 61/03, p.1151.Sept.2000 ; DAI-A 61/04 p.1552.Oct.2000; DAI-A 61/04 p.1580.Oct.2000; DAI-A 61/04 p.1597.Oct.2000; DAI-B 60/04 p.1850.Oct.1999; DAI-B 60/06 p.2984.Dec.1999; DAI-B 61/03 p.1333.Sept.2000; MAI 37/06, p.1616.Dec.1999; MAI 38/01 p.44.Feb.2000; MAI 38/01, p.46. Feb. 2000; MAI 38/01 p.68.Feb.2000; MAI 38/03 p.573. June 2000; MAI 38/05 p.1244 MAI 38/05 p.1211.Oct.2000; MAI 38/05 p.1220.Oct.2000]
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. "A Short Bibliography Of Theses & Dissertations Related To Haiti". 1998. Windowsonhaiti.com
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. "An Annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000 ". Soon to be published Manuscript.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. 2000. "Dizan Rechèch Ak Piblikasyon Kreyòl (1990-2000)" [with links to many Haitian Creole documents embedded. - Electronic version]
© 1998-2002, Emmanuel W. VEDRINE & E. W. VEDRINE CREOLE PROJECT
Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)