
Site de promotion des cultures et des langues créoles
Annou voyé kreyòl douvan douvan

Haiti, good luck in 2025!

Emmanuel W. Védrine

Soup joumouu

Védrine Creole Project. 2025. Soup joumouu (soupe au giroman: squash soup, “freedom soup”,
Haitian traditional dish served on January 1st to commemorate Haiti’s Independence Day).



1e Janvye 2025

for Haiti to be liberated, decentralized, developed
for Haitians to regain pride they lost in history
for Haiti to work side by side with the diaspora
to help communities, communes where we live
for education to be free and compulsory for all children
for schools to have a practical education on Fridays to learn different trades
for Haiti's economy to flourish
for canals to be dug everywhere for agriculture
for kidnapping to be buried
for all communes to be developed so that people don’t leave them to go elsewhere
for corruption to have a sudden a death and be buried on the spot
for youth to develop pride and to live happily
for comatose governments to wake up
for people to learn to create business and to invest money
for civic and volunteer works to be valorized to help Haiti
for water being wasted to be used produce food and electricity
for connection to be made with abroad to know what's going on there
for youth to receive guidance to develop leadership for tomorrow
for Haitians to stop being humiliated by neighboring countries
for jobs to be created to make money so that people stop begging
for farmers to stay and work in their communes for their development
for Haitian children to live better, so that they are not manipulated or zombified by bandits
for local products to be developed to lower food prices
for all parts of Haiti to be reforested, and the environment to be protected
for the revolution to triumph when the Haitian mentality changes
for safety to be in place so people walk freely in the streets.
for technology to be present everywhere to help Haiti develop
for all leaders to have a vision for development that will not take long
for everyone to know two, three trades so they don't have to walk around doing nothing
for roads to be constructed everywhere so that people and tourists can circulate everywhere
Yes, if we truly love Haiti, we can make it really beautiful.

(Ref. Collection / Koleksyon «Kri pou liberasyon : Cry for liberation»
© E. W. Védrine. 1e janvye : January 1, 2025).



(Zèv Powetik E. W. Védrine Poetic Works)

(•). COLLECTION OF PUBLISHED POEMS. (In periodicals, anthologies and books).
(•). Dezyèm Endepandans • Second Independence • Segunda Independencia.
(•). KOZE LANMOU (Volume I, poetry collection).
(•). KOZE LANMOU (Volume II, poetry collection).
(•). Kreyòl se lang ki towo a (poetry) Kreyol is commander-in-chief.
(•). Se kreyòl mwen pale (I speak Creole). Kreyòl Connection. 1997. [Ref. in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole, a review of publications from colonial times to 2000,  pp. 505].
(•). Si m te, m ta...  (If I were, I would).
(•). Tande kri peyizan yo! (Listen to the peasants’ cry), © E. W. Védrine. Ref. in (novel) Sezon Sechrès Ayiti.
(•). The Butios have promised victory.
(•). «TI POWÈM AYISYEN OKTOSILAB». [Poetry collection -- A collection of short octosyllable poems in Haitian Creole with two stanza and eight syllables per verse and eight lines (total); published in the Tanbou (Haitian cultural magazine in Boston) and also appears in newspapers... Some  of the titles include: [•] Pòv k ap mande nan Pòtoprens : Beggars in Port-au-Prince. In Voices of the sun (anthology), Volume I, pp. 274 [•] Peripesi yon ti Pèp Nwa : Hardships of a small Black Nation [In An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole… 2003, pp. 577] [•] Oktosilab pou Alfred Largange : Octosyllable for the late Alfred Largange) [•] Mòtorat : Rat poison. Haïti en Marche. Vol. XI, #2, fev. 1997 [•] Lomeyans pou Mapou : In praise of Jan Mapou, in Haïti en Marche. Vol. XI, #1 [•] Lanmou se yon fri san sezon : Love, a fruit with no season].
(•). 23 POÈMES EN FRANÇAIS ET EN HAÏTIEN 23 POEMS IN FRENCH AND HAITIAN CREOLE. Titles include: 1 • «Afrika oh! Afrika oh! : Afrika! Afrika». 2 • «Au bord de l'Océan : Bò Oseyan an». 3 • «Ce que tu dois savoir : Sa ou dwe konnen»4 • «Dans la Forêt Noire : Nan Forè Nwa : In the Black Forest : Im Scharzen Wald». 5 • «Dans le Parc : Nan Pak la». 6 • «Europe et Espagne : Ewòp ak Espay». 7 • «Les deux Ponts : Pon Nèf ak Pon Women». 8 • «Le voyageur : Vwayajè». 9 • «L'enfant et sa mère adoptive : Pitit ak manman adoktif li».  10 • «L'existence et la puissance de l'amour :Ekzistans ak puisans lanmou (Kat lèt : Four letters. 11 •«L'Alpha et L'Omega : Premye ak dènye». 12 • «L'Haïtien et le Chinois : Ayisyen ak Chinwa». 13  «L'Haïtien, un metis : Ayisyen, yon metis». 14   «L'Oiseau et le printemps : Zwazo ak prentan. 15 • «Où se trouve Haïti? : Ki kote Ayiti ye?». 16 • «Qui vous êtes : Kisa ou ye: Quem é você? : Who you are». 17  «Salamanca : Salamank». 18 • «Saison rouge : Sezon wouj19  «Souvenir : Souvni». 20 • «Souvenir de Vienne : Souvni k sot Vyèn»21 • «Trente ans emprisonné : Trantan anprizone». 22 • «Un temoin : Yon temwen». 23 • «Vive les vacances!  : Viv vakans!».

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Koutwazi : Courtesy
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc. (1992)
Boston, Massachusetts. USA


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