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Celebrating the Creole Month with Itia-Haiti organization Emmanuel W. Védrine Photo courtesy Itia-Haiti Zooming Access for participants and listeners |
PRESENTATION of the author.
- Author’s biography (a short part of it).
- Author’s complete works: Twenty five Years of Research & Publications on Haiti, the Haitian Diaspora and on Haitian Creole.
- In praise of the author; French version.
to help them helping themselves tomorrow (regardless of where they may be).
1. Education (taking school seriously, staying in school while they should be thinking about different trades, professions, and careers; orientation training to develop business and to become entrepreneurs).
2. Be conscious of the educational, social, and economic reality they are living in Haiti, and the interest to learn to work together (without being selfish) in order to change their situation.
3. The reyality they will face in the host country. Had they been orientated since in Haiti at the educational, social, and linguistic level? For instance having a mastery of the English language, Spanish, French (as foreign language) since in Haiti in order to break linguistic barriers, and not to limit themselves at the international level (for example: educational and cultural exchanges, exchange programs in other countries, competition at the international level…), job opportunities at the international level, transition (in case they have to leave Haiti for instance to study abroad), having immigrant visas or legal status to live in another country, transiting in other places for some particular reasons, etc.)
4.LITERATURE (articles, documents, and resources to orientate youth in Haiti):
4.1 Alfabè Jenès Rabòday. [Poetry].
4.2 Ànyè Elektwonik Ayiti : Haiti’s Electronic Directory. [Directory embedded with information on Haiti and on the Haitian Diaspora with index for research].
4.3 Ayiti: pou yon edikasyon pratik lè vandredi | Haiti: for a practical education on Fridays.
4.4 Dis Konsèy Pratik pou ede Jèn Ayiti aprann ede tèt yo, e devlope lidèchip efikas. (Ten practical advice to help youth in Haiti help themselves, and to develop effective leadership).
4.5 Edike Jèn Ayisyen e Kominote Ayisyen nan Dyaspora : Educating Haitian Youth and the Haitian Community in Diaspora.
4.6 Egoyis: yon viris k ap detwi kominote ayisyen | Selfishness: a virus destroying the Haitian Community.
4.7 Èske Moun Nwa pral kontinye pale de rasis san ale vè lavan? : Are Black People going to continue talking about racism without moving forward?.
4.8 Kèk enfòmasyon kle pou ede Kominote Ayisyen nan Dyaspora (Some key information to help the Haitian Diaspora).4.9 Kèk pwen enpòtan pou oryante moun sou maryaj, yon enstitisyon Bondye kreye. (Some important points to orient people on mariage, an institution founded by God).
4.10 Kesyonnen Kilti Ayisyen pou aprann plis de li : Quetioning Haitian Culture to learn more about it.4.11 Ki fiti jenès la Ayiti? : What’s the future of Haitian youth in Haiti?.
4.12 Konsyantize - Motive - Chanje. (Raising awareness, Motive and Change).
4.13 L’importance d’acquérir un diplôme de fins d’études secondaires. (Importance to acquire a High School Diploma).
4.14 Metye, Pwofesyon, Karyè: oryantasyon pou etidyan ayisyen Ayiti. (Trades, Proessions, Careers: orientation training for Haitian students in Haiti).
4.15 Refleksyon sou aktivite pou oryante lajenès an Ayiti. (Reflection on activities to orient youth in Haiti : Réflexion sur les activités d'orientation des jeunes en Haïti).
4. 16 Reflection on February 7, 2019: 33 years after the fall of the Duvalier’s Regime.
4.17 Reta nan ansèyman lang etranje nan lekòl Ayiti : Tardiness in foreign language teaching in Haiti’s schools.
4.18 Rezo Etidyan Ayisyen, Ayiti – Dyaspora : Network of Haitian Students, Haiti – Dyaspora.
4.19 Richès Kiltirèl Ayiti : yon min ki poko esplwate | The cultural richness of Haiti : an unploited mine.
4.20 Seyans Oryantasyon pou ede Jèn Ayisyen Ayiti wè klè : Orientation training to help Haitian youth see better.
4.21 Seyans Oryantasyon pou motive Ayisyen envesti nan biznis e pou retrèt yo : Orientation training to motivate Haitians to invest in business and for their retirement.
4.22 Seyans oryantasyon pou Etidyan Ayisyen k ap vin Etazini: Orientation Seminar for Haitian Students coming to the United States.
4.23 Travay Sivik ta dwe obligatwa pou tout Jèn an Ayiti : Civic duty should have been mandatory for all young people in Haiti.
4.24 Védrine committed to bridging language gap. Martine Louis. Boston Haitian Reporter.
4.25 Ven Kòb Konsyans pou vin yon pi bon moun : Twenty cents of consciousness to become a better person.
(•) Among E. W. Védrine’s BOOKS and DOCUMENTS written, co-edited to be used for teachers’ training in Haiti:
1. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to the Dominican Republic. 2007. 276 p. (Research done upon the request of His Excelency, Dr. Lionel Fernandez, President of the Dominican Republic).
2. A look at Higher Education in Haiti : another step after the secondary level.
3. An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole : a review of publications from colonial times to 2000. 700 p.
4. Di yon vèb, tire yon kont (From a verb, I will tell you a riddle in Haitian Creole). 2006. 125 p.
5. Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs with phrases and idioms. 246 p.
6. Easy English: an introduction to English for Creole and French speakers (with Oreste Renel Joseph). [Glossary added at the end of the book by Emmanuel W. Védrine - including phrases and idioms in the two languages for practice]. 2020.
7. Edikasyon Bileng Ayiti : Teyori e Pratik | Bilingual Education in Haiti : Theory and Practice.
8. E. W. Védrine ESL Lessons. [Lesson plan model pou teach ESL to beginners]
9. Gramè Kreyòl VEDRINE Grammar of Haitian Creole (1996). 354 paj. [First ever written grammar in Haitian Creole covering all aspect of the language. [See index to see what it covers to do exercise in class].
10. Haitian Creole – English Bilingual Dictionary. Indiana University-Creole Institute. 781 + xxxiv pages. (Project director: Prof Albert Valdman; Emmanuel W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques_Pierre, Nicolas André: native speakers editing team).
11. Ide pou kreye yon High School Ayisyen prive nan Boston. [debate]. 1994. 102 paj.
12. Koudèy sou Edikasyon Siperyè Ayiti : yon lòt etap apre nivo segondè.
13. Kreyol Without Toil : an introductory course to Haitian Creolel. [Manual to teach English or Haitian Creole for beginners].
14. Leson KLE : Kreyòl Lang Etranje. [Lesson plan model to teach Kreyòl (Haittan Creole) online as foreign language]
15. Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen. [Essays, short stories, and poetry]. 218 p.
16. Men l anlè a l ap vini. (He is in the air coming), Istwa kout : short story). Ed., Orèsjozèf Publications. 34 p.
17. Online information for Haitian students and teachers : Enfòmasyon an liy pou elèv e anseyan ayisyen.
18. Petit Lexique Du Creole Haïtien. [Dictionary, for research on historical linguistics]. 1995. 75 p.
19. Poetry in Haitian Creole [including these collections: «Kri pou liberasyon», «Koze Lanmmou I, II».
20. Premye etap avèk yon òdinatè. [Computer manual to help Haitian students]. Eastern Digital Resources.
21. Quelques plantes créoles et leurs noms en latin : Kèk plant kreyòl ak non yo an laten (Creole plants and their names in Latin).
22. Sezon sechrès Ayiti (peasant novel). Text in pdf fomat (2nd. ed.). JEBCA Editions. 224 p. [English summary]. [© by the author’s copyright. [© Lexical data (for hyper base software for dictionaries) : © Done leksikal (pou lojisyèl ipèbaz pou travay sou diksyonè)]. [In Papiamentu language, Temporada di sekura na Haiti. [First original Creole version was published in 1994: Soup to Nuts Publishers, Cambridge, MA. 1994. 128 p. [The novel has been translated to English by the author (Emmanuel W. Védrine). VEDCREP: Boston (edition, 2013, 163 p.
23. Sistèm Alfabè Kreyòl Aysiyen: The Haitian Creole Writing System . [Guide to learn how to write Haitian Creole].
24. Ti istwa kreyòl : Short story in Haitian Creole. 115 p. With questions and exercises on each story, including a Haitian proverbs section (on animals) and a Creole – English glossary. Illustrated by the author. A textbook for middle and high school level, for native speakers and learners of Haitian Creole. -- The purpose of this book is to allow greater access to those interested in Kreyòl and English. As a guide for speakers of both languages, it can be used for different purposes. – Following each story is a list of questions, vocabularies and expressions for exercises. There is also a section on illustrated Haitian proverbs dealing with animals, and finally a Kreyòl – English glossary that can be useful to English speakers…].
25. Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti. ("A look at the problem of schools in Haiti". [Text in pdf format] 221 p. edition 2007. [Circular for research on the theme..., abstract English summary in English].
1. He is against selfishness because it’s one of the poisons that nourishes Haiti’s underdevelopment. (Reference article, "Egoyis: yon viris k ap detwi kominote ayisyen" (Selfishness, a virsus destroying the Haitian Community).
2. He believes in Haiti’s development, and considers seven (7) essential pillars for this development to be done rapidly:
(2.1) Agriculture (its development, and investment in food production. (Reference article: ”Agriculture the first Target for Haiti's Development”. Boston Haitian Reporter, July 2004.
(2.2) Entrepreneurship (orientating young people to think of becoming entrepreneurs while they are in school [since elementary, middle school level, and continue in high school], and for this idea to be part of the school program or curriculum in Haiti. In the same line of idea, we are encouraging all schools in Haiti to think about it, and how they can start implanting some trades in public and private schools for students to practice. We can also think about creating centers to learn different trades (centers that would exist in each commune) in order to create activities for students. We mention many times how Fridays can be used to do these activities.(2.3) Education (reform that should be in the archaic education system in Haiti, and the necessity to have a practical education, the importance for Haiti to look at the school program in the French territories such as Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guyana, and in Seychelles, the school program in (the province of) Quebec (Canada), making videos of them as samples to do orientation trainings for teachers in Haiti, and develop an entire database with them as online resources. That way, they can adopt a practical and modern curriculum for Haiti (from elementary level to the end of high school).
(2.4) Electricity (in every way it can help).(2.5) Health (program, and health insurance for everyone).
(2.6) Security (for everyone to function normally in their activities, without any fear).
(2.7) Roads (good roads to decentralize Haiti rapidly for its development, for the development of the communes, and for the development of local and international tourism).
3. He believes in what the individual has done already, not what he is going to do or think of doing (the future does not belong to anyone, and as the saying goes, ”Don’t count your chicken before they hatch”.
4. He believes in competition (not in the sense to destroy what others have done) but to produce what is better, and to avoid or discourage mediocrity from taking over.
5. He believes in civic duty (how to educate, and encourage all young people to participate in civic duty to help their community, their native commune, and their country), how this is going to help them develop leadership also since very early. Reference article: «Civic duty should have been mandatory for all young people in Haiti».
6. He believes in individual work (to learn to meet challenges), and for each person to show what they can do or their potential (for example working in school, taking exams … because it’s not all the time we will be able to count on people or work with others) and at the same time, working in group, but with people who share the same working spirit and without mediocrity.
7. He believes in working to the maximum (to reach an objective) without talking a lot, and without wasting time criticizing others (for what have not been done long time ago). In Haiti for instance, politicians and individuals talk more, spend their time criticizing others instead of creating and meet challenges, by trying to do what have not been done duing a specific period of time, instead of complaining all the the time).
8. He believes in a free education for all young Haitians up to the end of secondary school in order to help in the development of Haiti for real, with school materials that students can borrow from school at the beginning of the academic year in September, and would return them in June (the end of the academic year). We can’t talk about Haiti’s development when most Haitians are illiterate, when there are no free and mandatory schools for all children to attend (up to a certain age).
9. He believes in a practical education (where students can help themselves with what they have learned from school; they can help their country in return, and also their native commune); trades, laboratories in the schools; using Fridays to make different activities such as: visiting other regions in Haiti (to compare and contrast them), visiting historical places, touristic areas… and even go to the Dominican Republic with students to compare the two countries (and make students aware of what’s needed to be done in Haiti); reforestaton activities (trees planting for instance), making nurseries to help with reforestation. Reference articles: (Agriculture the first Target for Haiti's Development. Boston Haitian Reporter, July 2004); Le reboisement d’Haïti, un défi politique et environmental (What’s really needed to be done to reforest Haiti? : Kisa k dwe fèt reyèlman pou rebwaze Ayiti?); Estrateji Pou Rebwaze Ayiti (Strategies to reforest Haiti : Stratégies pour reboiser Haiti); Kijan yon plant fèt (How a plants is made : Formation d'une plante); Dyalòg sou rebwazman an Ayiti (Dialog on reforestation in Haiti (Dialogue sur le reboisement en Haïti); Kèk plant kreyòl ak non yo an laten (Some Creole plants and their names in Latin : Quelques plantes créoles et leurs noms en latin); Ayiti, yon peyi ravaje nou dwe sispann detwi. Bon Nouvèl #352. 1999 (Haiti and the destruction of nature (pdf, 65 KB) : Haïti et la destruction de l'environnement); Ann pale de bwa ak fri Ayiti! (Ref. Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen, pp. 160-180, Let's talk about trees and fruits in Haiti! : Parlons de bois et fruits en Haïti); Sezon sechrès Ayiti (peasant novel).
10. He likes to work with discipline (responsability, and dedicaiton to do some works, that is important, and it reflects a person’s character) and transparency in all that we are doing.