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Séisme à Haïti - 14 août 2021 Haiti’s August 14, 2021 earthquake Courtesy Frantzdy Jean-Baptiste
(Courtesy Ralph Prod) |
Journalist Frantzdy Jean-Baptiste of RTVA (Radio-Télévision L’Asile) interviewing the mayor of the commune, Ms. Ifeta. Transcript, and English translation by Emmanuel W. Védrine (a native of L’Asile) living in diaspora. Thanks to Yaniek Pinedo Védrine for the edition of some images.
F. Jean-Baptiste. As of now, the commune of L’Asile has problem to get clean water. But what guarantee can you give the people tomorrow, God willing? How about the place where people go to buy water and don’t get it? Will City Hall make some efforts to get water tomorrow, God willing? We know that they can’t live without water.
Mayor Ifeta: We know water is life. No matter where you are, you can’t live without water. Understand? That means the time kind of becoming hard for us because people everywhere are calling us. Understand? But as Civil Protection stands on their feet, we rented a car for them to drive around to check things out. They walked through the (communal) sections to assess the damages. Civil Protection helps us a lot. They do their duty. Understand? They, too, were looking for water when I appeared, and they told me that… Finding water is the problem because it was available only in one place. There was a container in the street; so, even when the delegate was coming, well it didn’t matter. He saved us to help us find bags of drinking water. Even though we talked, and the delegate called me too; he told me he was coming. Even me, you know; it’s under the rubbles I came out. I experienced the heat; I couldn't stay at home. I have to get out of the streets to see how the commune is. And with the people they were rushing to bring to the L’Asile’s hospital, and as you know part of the hospital collapsed. Everyone is outside. We did our diligence, as official, responsible of the commune. We found with the priest of the vicar, though it’s also God who saves him because his church (Église St. Joseph) collapsed. It presbytery also collapsed. That’s God who put him out. He took us in his car to the hospital. He gave it to bring people to Saint Thérèse Hospital because Bonne Fin (Hospital) collapsed.
F. Jean-Baptiste. O.k.! O.k.! Truly, we learn that. But as state offices, are there any measures already taken, because we know that the houses of many people have collapsed. They don’t have food… Are there any plans for at least people in L’Asile?
Mayor Ifeta: Well, you know. It’s tomorrow, God’s willing, as you see I tell you. It’s tomorrow God’s willing everyone will know, for the central government… As for the delegate himself, even his area collapsed; he is going up and down. Well, you know there is only one person doing the job as delegate… I think they called us, and the senator also came; he left… He visited some of the (communal) sections. We also had former senator Nènèl Casi. All of them came to L’Asile to see what happened. They visited the communal sections, and saw their problems. Well, I talked to Senator Denis; he saw how things are. So, his position and others’ are higher than ours. The can try to do their best to see how they can help us with the population.
F. Jean-Baptiste. There we go! We are going to finish. But let's take the example of the commune, what guarantee do you give the people? Are the people safe, people who are displaced, and where are they now because I know many who lost their houses? Practically, the people should have a temporary shelter. Have we already made all these arrangements?
Mayor Ifeta: We talked together with the City Hall’s director, my other colleague had already come; he left. His health is not o.k. We also had some other dignities. We targeted the high school, but I said at the time no one is going to school, even when the lyceum was o.k I don't trust people to go under it now (as shelter). Well, the place they have is a crowded one. While I was there, they started to open their pieces of carpet. Understand? Well, I'm praying God so that rain does not fall because even if it is canvas to start giving them in case if it rains to protect them, to improve their condition since they are traumatized. Though I am up there in (the communal section of) Changeux.We are all in the middle of the street. We open our canvas and mattresses. We sit down and pray also, just waiting for tomorrow, God willing, to know what we are going to do… and with the central authorities also, just to see how they can help us with the people.
F. Jean-Baptiste. Let’s take yesterday’s example, the people were fine at home and today they find themselves in the streets. Is the Haitian National Police available to secure those people who are already in the streets? Are they also people who are on their own? So, what steps have the mayor and other authorities taken to ensure their safety in the streets?
Mayor Ifeta: Well, though they have problems, the police station collapsed. Neither the police station nor the court in the second section (Changeux) collapsed. Everyone is on the streets. Well, now, it’s one watch over the other after God in heaven because we are all victims. Understand? But there were also some policemen in the square. Well… it seems that’s where they are sleeping because they don't have house.
F. Jean-Baptiste.That’s terrible!
Majistra Ifeta: As for houses in L’Asile, the’re all gone.
F. Jean-Baptiste. It's terrible! It's sad! From what we are seeing in the images, things are exaggerated, and most of L’Asile’s public buildings collapsed. If we are looking at the Saint Joseph (church), at many other places they practically collapsed. So, let's say, doesn't City Hall have funds available where they could help the people… even if the central government has not yet arrived? Doesn’t City Hall have some funds available for these people to get food? Let’s say starting tomorrow, God willing, for two to three days. Do you think City Hall has enough strength to hold on?
Majistra Ifeta: No! We don't have to break our heads…. It’s one watches over the other. We have to make a mea culpa. If we have a bag of food, we have to share it.
F. Jean-Baptiste.To conclude, is the municipal government already prepared to receive assistance as if there are agencies that want to bring assistance? Is there an agency already assigned to this, or can anyone bring help as they wish? What do we do in this regard?
Majistra Ifeta: Well, you know, as I just told you before that we are not yet united, and just to know what we are going to do, the people who are bringing help to the peasants, to the victims. It’s tomorrow God willing, and between Monday we will sit down together because now we are all scattered. It’s the people who are not yet dead we are seeking to send to the hospital. We are going to burry those who are dead, or those who can go morgues who are not crushed. That’s what we are doing today. Civil Protection joins together with City Hall, and the delegate calls from time to time, and we call him. He takes notes of everything. They send out the images. There are also many people who came from Port-au-Prince when they heard about their parents and their houses broken and fell flat.
F. Jean-Baptiste. But how about those who are already dead, is City Hall ready to assist in their funeral? Does City Hall think about that?
Majistra Ifeta: Well, they are going to sit down with the central government. The departmental delegate is already present.
F. Jean-Baptiste. Are all these people in the morgue? How about the 25 people who are already in the morgue?
Majistra Ifeta: Some have been already buried because a while ago while I was walking up, I came across a funeral. They were going to burry someone… Yes, the family buried that one.
F. Jean-Baptiste. Did that person die under the rubbles?
Majistra Ifeta: Yes! And also, there are many young people who are dead. They got up early to go to work. Stones crushed many of them while going to work.
F. Jean-Baptiste.That’s sad!
Majistra Ifeta: …It's shaking right now. From time you feel an after shock.
F. Jean-Baptiste. Gosh! If you have a last message to send to all those in diaspora, all those who are not in L’Asile now, and all those who are native of L’Asile as well, what would it be?
Majistra Ifeta: Well, the message I would send… first of all to be sent to the L’Asile population who is victim is to be courageous because all of us are victims. We have to be courageous just to wait for what is to come, help they can bring to help us because their houses are gone. They can’t stay in the open air every night. They need to find a place to be inside though they can't go inside a house the way things are terrible. I want to tell them be courageous! We are praying so that God hears our prayers’ petitions, and just so that we can be comfortable though we will not be comfortable forever because there is a problem happening in Haiti every day. But, I ask all native of L’Asile to be courageous. Don't be discouraged! The final victory will be ours.
F. Jean-Baptiste. Thank you so much, mayor!
Majistra Ifeta: I am also asking the diaspora, and all those who have families, they know how things are hard in Haiti to help the way they can, together with the central government just to help the victims.
F. Jean-Baptiste. O.k! Thank you so much, mayor! We hope to stay in touch for all developments in this matter.
Majistra Ifeta: O.k, thank you too!
F. Jean-Baptiste. Thank you! Thank you! There we go! We had with us mayor Ifeta, the mayor of L’Asile who described the situation. She confirmed that 25 people have already been dead in what happened today. According to what the mayor said also is that some have been already buried and some are in morgue. The mayor also describes the commune for us through the information she gives us. There is not enough water really but also other measures maybe could have taken but there are not people available to make such arrangements because everyone is on their knees. There are not really great things that can be done. You who live outside the country who can bring some support to the people of L’Asile, the time is now. It’s an appropriate moment to be able to do it because L’Asile cannot hold on; it’s in difficulty. And, according to what the mayor also tells us, most of the dead were people who have gotten up early to go to their works or activities. Many have been crushed and killed by rocks. It’s horrible! We will continue to reach out to those who are concerned to see how we can bring all of our support to L’Asile. We know how L’Asile is right now, it’s a catastrophe! You who have relatives, friends from L’Asile please make efforts to send a little help to these people, because as of now L’Asile is facing great difficulties. We will continue to be able to reach the people, a way to have a better impression of L’Asile and also get appropriate support for the commune.
(End of interview)
Online Resources to help L’Asile and other communes
Resous an liy pou ede Lazil e lòt komin
Commune of L’Asile & Forum : Komin Lazil & Fowòm
- ADA (Association pour le Developpement de L’Asile : Asosyasyon pou Devlopman Lazil).
- A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (2011–2020). (compiled by E. W. Védrine, Joseph Marcel Georges and Fessando Suffren).
- AQANU (Association Québécoise pour l’Avancement de Nations Unies).
- An n al Lazil : Let’s go to Lazil (poetry book) by Fred Lafortune.
- Basile, Emilio. Nou bouke... : We are tired... • Mission Medicale de G.E.A.C.H Medical Mission
- Christo Photographie.
- Collection of Haitian Education Materials by Albert Valdman (Collection de Matériel Éducatif Haïtien : Koleksyon Materyèl Edikatif Ayisyen par Albert Valdman).
- Dread Junod Ti Nèg Lazil. [Tourists promo].
- Espace Diplomatique : Esps Diplomatik. Telivised program presented by Jean Elie Valcin.
Festival St Rose de Lima (Morisseau, Lazil. Pwomotè : Rolnor Chalite).
- Fowòm Moun Lazil : L’Asile People Forum.
- Haitian students say “merci” to Melrose. [“…Many thanks to Melrose residents Nunotte and Wildie Zama, who spearheaded the drive, as well as the Melrose Recreation Department and all those who brought donations or volunteered to help”].
- Haiti Global Youth Partnership backpack distribution in L’Asile, Haiti (Courtesy: Wildi Zama, Rebecca N. Zama, Nunotte Zama).
- Haiti: a directory of publications : Ayiti: yon ànyè piblikasyon.
- Haiti’s Super Web Directory & Diaspora : Gran Ànyè Ayiti & Diaspora Ayisyen.
- Hurricane Matthew: Day 9 and 10. (L’Asile, Haiti – Emergency SOS from Father David Fontaine).
- L’Asile: communication, economy, education, etimology, geography, history, inftrastructure, leasure, eligion, visitors | Lazil: kominikasyon, ekonomi, edikasyon, etimoloji, jewografi, istwa, enfrastrikti, detant, relijyon, vizitè.
- Lazil (l’Asile) a commune that can become a tourist attraction in Haiti: Lazil, yon komin ki ka vin yon atraksyon touristik Ayiti. [School teaching materials included in annexed texts section : Enkli materyèl didaktik pou lekòl nan seksyon tèks anekse].
- Lazil gen dlo, ede l jwenn dife : Lazil has water, help it find fire.
- Lazil PA M Photos : My L’Asile Pictures.
- Lazil : Konbit 2013 (Executive Committee: ADA [Association pour le Developpement de l’Asile], Isna Edouard, Jean Decady, Louis Apolon).
- Lazil: teyat lari | Lazil street theatre (video Ti Nèg L’Asile la).
- Lopital Kominotè Lazil : Hôpital Communautaire de l’Asile : Lazil Community Hospital.
- Lycée Saint-Joseph de l’Asile : Lise Sen Jozèf Lazil : Saint-Joseph L’Asile High School.
- Lycée St. Jozeph High School: New Computer Lab (Lazil : L’Asile). Haiti [courtesy: Team ADA /Association pour le Developpement de L’Asile].
- Metye, Pwofesyon, Karyè: Seyans Oryantasyon pou Etidyan Ayisyen Ayiti: Trades, Professions, Career: Orientation Training for Haitian Students in Haiti.
- Mission Medicale de G.E.A.C.H Medical Mission. (see Basile, Emilio).
- Moriso (Morisseau) dekole : Moriso got unstuck (Sainvil Video). [The road to Morisseau : Wout k al Moriso].
- Moriso, Lazil: yon zòn ou dwe vizite | Moriso, Lazil: an area you should visit. [Reginal Febe].
- Moun Lazil Vyebou (Vyebouk) d Aken: Lazil People and those of Vieux-Bourg d’Aquin.
- Mouvman pou kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti : Movement for Kreyòl (Haitian Creole) in schools in Haiti. (Invited guest: Luis Armando Cuevas Encarnación. Graduate student in Linguistics. France.). [Presentation. Courtesy: òganizasyon ITIAHaiti. January 2021].
- Nan pwovens (In the countryside, pwezi: poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #36. janv. 1998.
- Network of Haitian Students, Haiti – Dyaspora : Rezo Etidyan Ayisyen, Ayiti – Dyaspora.
- Nou se ITIAHaiti : We are ITIAHaiti (chan : song). English translation by Emmanuel W. Védrine.
- Orientating Haitian Youth: Oryantasyon Jenès Ayisyen.
- Orientation Seminar for Haitian Students coming to the United States.
- Parad sou plas Lazil: Parade in L’Asile Square (video: Ti Nèz L’Asile la).
- Photos Ti Nèg L’Asile la.
- Pou ki n te marye?… (Why did we marry?…) (by Richi Beatz MRBM). [music].
- Pwojè ekri pou ede avèk devlopman Lazil : Writing Project to help with Lazil’s development.
- Radio Television L’Asile.
- Relief Fund for L’Asile, Haiti [Campaign by Rebecca Zama, Wildie Ceccherini, Stefan Ceccherini for Foundation to Help Youths of L'Asile Haiti (Inc.)].
- Rezime Festival St. Joseph (Christo Photographie).
- Séisme à Haïti – 12 janvier 2010 : Tranblemanntè Ayiti – 12 janvye 2010 : Haiti’s earthquake – January 12, 2010.
- Seyans oryantasyon pou etidyan ayisyen k ap vin Etazini.
- Seyans oryantasyon pou motive Ayisyen envesti nan biznis e pou retrèt yo : Orientation training to motivate Haitians to invest in business and for their retirement.
- So Goudèt Waterfall. [One of L‘Asile’s touristic sites – Courtesy Sonsonn Estima /Ti Nèg L’Asile la]
- St. Joseph École Hotelière et du Tourisme de L’Asile : St. Joseph Lekòl Otelri ak Touris nan Lazil.
- 75 Ane Rechèch ak Piblikasyon sou Kreyòl Ayisyen.
- Team Moto Lazil (video: Ti Nèz L’Asile la).
- The history of L’Asile: a commune in Haiti (Iswa Lazil: yon komin Ayiti).
- Ti Nèg Lazil – Video Show. [travay k ap fèt nan wout yo : working on roads]
- TNL (Ti Nèg Lazil) Service CANAL+.
- Travay sivik ta dwe obligatwa pou tout jèn an Ayiti : Civic duty should have been mandatory for all young people in Haiti.
- Twenty Five Years of Research and Publications on Haiti, the Haitian Diaspora and on Haitian Creole : Vennsenk 25 Ane Rechèch ak Piblikasyon sou Ayiti, Dyaspora Ayisyen, e sou Kreyòl Ayisyen. [School teaching materials : Materyèl didaktik pou lekòl].
- Valcin, Jean Elie. Filozofi fatra an kreyòl (Trash philosophy in Kreyòl); Show-d’hier /Juillet 2009: Les Cerveaux-Lents d‘Haïti. [School teaching materials : Materyèl didaktik pou lekòl].
- 75 Seventy Years of Research & Publications on Haitian Creole (Kreyol).
• Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de l’UEH, State University of Haiti • Bibliothèque et Archives d’Haiti : Bibliyotèk e Achiv Ayiti • Bibliothèque Haitienne des Pères du Saint-Esprit : Bibliyotèk Pè Sentespri • Bibliothèque National d’Haïti : Bibliyotèk Nasyonal Ayiti; Bibliothèque Virtuelle du Réseau de Bibliothèques de l’Université d’État d’Haïti • Bibliyotèk 54, Carrefour • Bibliyotèk Rasin Lespwa (Dabòn- Leyogàn /Lewogàn) • E. W. Védrine Virtual Libary : Bibliyotèk Vityèl E. W. Védrine; Haiti Reads; Martin Luther King, Jr. Library at the Haitian-American Institute.
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES : RESOUS BIBLIYOGRAFIK • An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000. [Bibliyografi anote sou kreyòl ayisyen: revizyon piblikasyon depi epòk kolonyal pou rive ane 2000] © 2003 by Emmanuel W. Védrine and E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc. [General Authors' Index (Endèks Jeneral otè); Index of Titles : Endèks Tit; Acknowledgements & General Introduction (Rekonesans e Entwodiksyon) pp 5; Abbreviations & Symbols used in this book : Abreviyasyon & Senbòl ki itilize nan liv la, pp 20; In praise of the author (Éloge de l’auteur : Lomeyans pou otè a); Chapter : Chapit I: A bibliography of Periodicals with publications on Kreyòl (268 entries : antre, pp 26-35); Chapter : Chapit II (2): Agriculture, Floraand Fauna | Flòr e Fonn (61 entries : antre, pp 36-43); Chapter III (3): Bibliographies (12 entries : antre, pp 44-47); Chapter : Chapit IV (4): Classification by authors : klasman pa otè, pp 48-71; Chapter : Chapit V (5): Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Related Sources : Diksyonè, Glosè, e Sous ki an rapò (130 entries : antre), pp 72-119; Chapter : Chapit VI (6): Education (edikasyon) Literacy (alfabetizasyon), and Teaching Materials : e Materyèl didaktik /pedagojik (334 entries : antre) pp 120-165; Chapter : Chapit VII (7): Folklores, Folk tales & Stories : Foklò, Iswa-kont & Istwa (230 entries : antre, pp166-188); Chapter : Chapit VIII (8): General Subjects : Sijè Jeneral (445 entries : antre), pp 189-254; Chapter : Chapit IX (9): Geography and History : Jewografi e Istwa (63 entries : antre, pp 255-265); Chapter (Chapit): Grammar : Gramè (72 entries : antre) pp 266-279; Gramè Kreyòl VEDRINE Grammar of Haitian Creole (354 p., 1996); Kreyol Without Toil: an introductory course to Haitian Creole (version to be printed : vèsyon pou enprime); Sistèm Alfabè Kreyòl Aysiyen : The Haitian Creole Writing System; Chapter : Chapit XI (11): Health & Hygiene : Sante e Ijyèn (52 entries : antre) 280-283; Chapter : Chapit XII (12): Historical Linguisitcs : Lengwistik Istorik (88 entries : antre, pp. 284-300); Chapter : Chapit XIII (13): Novels & Short Stories : Woman e Resi & Istwa Kout (108 entries : antre) pp 301-319; Chapter : Chapit XVI (14): Orthography | Òtograf (112 entries : antre, pp 320-341); Chapter : Chapit XV (15): Plays (including related works : Pyès teyal enkli zèv ki an rapò 88 entries : antre), pp. 344-357; Chapter : Chapit XVI (16): Poetry : Pwezi /Powèm (204 entries : antre), pp 358-380; Chapter : Chapit XVII (17): Poroverbs : Pwovèb (54 entries : antre), pp 381-392; Chapter : Chapit XVIII (18): Religious Studies : Etid Relijye (145 entries), pp 393-403; Chapter XIX (19): Sociolinguistics : Sosyolengwistik (119 entries : antre) pp 404-493; Chapter : Chapit XX (20): Teaching Materials For Learners of Haitian Creole : : Materyèl pedagojik pou aprenan kreyòl ayisyen (Kreyòl, 41 entries : antre) pp 432-435; Chapter : Chapit XXI (21): Theoretical Linguistics : Lengwistik Teyorik (325 entries : antre) pp 436-471; Chapter : Chapit XXII (22); Chapter : Chapit XXIII: Theses & Dissertations related to Haitian Creole : Tèz (metriz, doktora) ki an rapò ak kreyòl ayisyen (75 entries : antre) pp 472-485; Chapter XXII (22); Chapter : Chapit XXIII (23): Interviews with some Haitian Creolists, Journalists and Authors (Entèvyou ak kèk kreyolis, jounalis e otè), pp 486-335 [Interview : Entèvyou #1: Charlot Lucien and Frankétienne (pp 486-490); Interview : Entèvyou #2 (see Appendix); Interview : Entèvyou #3: Nounous (Lenous Surprice) and Kaptenn Koukourouj (Michel-Ange Hyppolite) pp 491-496; Interview : Entèvyou #4: Emmanuel W. Védrine and Roody Barthelemy (pp 497-500); Interview : Entèvyou #5 Edikatè à l’Edicateur : an Interview with Haitian novelist Deyita (Mercedes Guignard on her novel Esperans Dezire : Yon entèvyou ak womansye Deita, Mercedes Guignard sou woman li an Esperans Dezire), pp 500-503; Interview : Entèvyou #6 (see : wè Appendix); Interview : Entèvyou #7: Yvon Lamour, Emmanuel W. Védrine, Keslèbrezo (Kesler Brézault), Kaptenn Koukourouj (Michel-Angle Hyppolite)]; Chapter : Chapit XXIV (24): General Authors’ Biographies : Bibliyografi Jeneral otè, pp 537; Appendix (Part /Pati I, II, III - Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti : Tèz (metriz, doktora) ki an rapò ak Ayiti (308 entries : antre, pp 572, 594, 600); Index of Titles : Endèks Tit, pp 630; General Authors’ Index : Endèks Jeneral Otè, pp 680; About the author : Sou otè a, pp 625. In praise of the author (Éloge de l’auteur : Lomeyans pou otè a). Research presented the International Linguistic Symposion in French Guyana, organized by IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement). Spring 2003] • A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti from 2011-2020 (Compiled by E. W. Védrine, Joseph Marcel Georges, Fessando Suffren) • A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (from 2001-2010 : Bibliyografi Tèz (metriz, doktora) ki an rapò ak Ayiti) • A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (20th Century), including Theses & Dissertations Related to Haitian Creole • A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to the Dominican Republic (Bibliyografi Tèz (metriz /doktora) ki an rapò ak Repiblik Dominikèn /Sendomeng) • An Electronic Teaching Materials’ Model For Haitian Students And Teachers • Bibliographie Haïtienne et Indices Biographiques. (compiled by Emmanuel W. Védrine and Francesca Palli) [Online General Bibliography Related to Haiti : Bibliyograf an liy ki an rapò ak Ayiti] • Online Educational Resources and Orientation Training for Haitian Teachers • Path to the most ever published bibliography research on Haitian Creole • Summary of Educational Resources for Haitian Teachers.
DICTIONARIES, GLOSSARIES & LEXICAL DATABASES (Diksyonè, Glosè & Bank Done Leksikal) • A look at two great dictionaries on Haitian Creole : Yon koudèy 2 (de) diksyonè sou kreyòl ayisyen • English Haitian Creole Bilingual Dictionary [Diksyonè Anglè – Kreyòl Ayisyen]. Albert Valdman (Project director, editor). iUniverse, Bloomington, Indiana. 2017. ISBN 9781532016011. 1148 Pages. (Volume II of the “DICO Project” that started out in Fall 1999). Indiana University. Native speakers editing team: Emmanuel W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, and Nicolas André.] • English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms : Tèm Konpwoutè: Anglè – Kreyòl • Haitian Creole D-Base: Writings By Emanuel W. Védrine ( Part I) • Haitian Creole D-base: Kri pou liberasyon: a collection of poems in Haitian Creole • Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary (the “DICO Project”, Vol. I). 2007. 781 +xxxiv p. Indiana University–Creole Institute. [E. W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, Nicolas André: native speakers editing team] • English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms : Tèm Konpwoutè: Anglè – Kreyòl • Kreyòl-English glosses for creating materials in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) [Ref. Platfòm MIT-Ayiti pou yon lekòl tè anwo] • Quelques plantes créole et leurs noms en latin (Kèk plant kreyòl ak non yo an laten : Some Creole plants and their names in Latin). • Petit lexique du créole haïtien (Historical linguistics : Lengwistik istorik /dyakwonik).
EDUCATION IN HAITI & IN DIASPORA (Edikasyon Ayiti e nan Dyaspora) • FLORA & FAUNA ( Flòr & Fonn) • GENERAL SUBJECTS (Sijè Jeneral) • HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY (Istwa e Jewografi) • INTERVIEWS (Entèvyou) • JOKES (Blag) • NOVELS E ISTWA KOUT (Woman e Istwa kout) • ORIENTATION & FORMATION TRAINING (Seyans Oryantasyon e Fòmasyon) • POETRY (Pwezi /Powèm) • PROVERBS (Pwovèb, pawoli, pawòl granmoun) • SKETCH (Pyesèt) • SOCIOLINGUISTICS (Sosyolengwistik).
[• An annotated bibliography On Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000. 700 pages. © 2003; autor: Emmanuel W. Védrine. [Bibliyografi anote sou kreyòl ayisyen: revizyon piblikasyon depi epòk kolonyal pou rive ane 2000] • An Electronic Teaching Materials’ Model For Haitian Students And Teachers • Boukan Dife Literati ak Joël Lorquet, lexical data (edited by) Emmanuel W. Védrine. [Haitian literature in Kreyòl] • Collection of Haitian Education Materials by Albert Valdman (Collection de Matériel Éducatif Haïtien : Koleksyon Materyèl Edikatif Ayisyen par Albert Valdman) • Dictionnaire De L'évolution Du Vocabulaire Français En Haïti (dans le discours politique, économique et social du 7 février 1986 à nos jours André Vilaire (André Vilaire Chery) • Easy English : an introduction to English for Creole and French speakers (forthcoming). [E. W. Védrine ajoute glosè nan fen liv la – enkli fraz ak espresyon idyomatik nan de lang yo; Entwodiksyon a lang anglè pou kreyolofòn e frankofòn; Plis pase 1.400 mo ak espresyon ki vin ak yo]. Field: Teaching materials (elementary, middle, and high school level)] by Renel Oreste Joseph (Orèsjozèf) and Emmanuel W. Védrine • Educating Haitian Youth and the Haitian Community in Diaspora : Edike Jèn Ayisyen e Kominote Ayisyen nan Dyaspora • Education should be free and mandatory for all in Haiti: Edikasyon ta dwe gratis e obligatwa pou tout moun Ayiti. [School teaching materials : Materyèl didaktik pou lekòl] • Egoyis: yon viris k ap detwi kominote ayisyen (Selfishness: a virus destroying the Haitian Community) • English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms : Tèm Konpwoutè: Anglè – Kreyòl • English Haitian Creole Bilingual Dictionary. Albert Valdman (Project director, editor). iUniverse, Bloomington, Indiana. 2017. ISBN 9781532016011. 1148 Pages. (Volume II of the “DICO Project” that started out in Fall 1999). Indiana University. Native speakers editing team: Emmanuel W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, and Nicolas André • Est-ce le créole un bon outil pour apprendre à l'école en Haïti? (Is Creole a good tool to learn in school?) • Èske w te pase nan kèk atelye ekriven avan w pibliye premye liv ou? : Have you been to any writers’ workshop before publishing your first book? [School teaching materials included in annexed texts section : Enkli materyèl didaktik pou lekòl nan seksyon tèks anekse] • Filozofi fatra an kreyòl : Trash philosophy in Kreyòl (Jean Elie Valcin) • Gramè Kreyòl VEDRINE Grammar of Haitian Creole (1996) • Haiti: a directory of publications : Ayiti: yon ànyè piblikasyon • Haiti: for a practical education on Fridays : Ayiti | Pou yon edikasyon pratik lè vandredi • Haitian Creole : Kreyòl [etymology (etimoloji) • examples (egzanp) • external links (lyen ekstèn) • further reading (plis lekti) • grammar (gramè) • history: (istwa) • Leksik kreyòl: ekzanp devlopman kèk mo ak fraz a pati 1986 • lexicon (leksik) • origins: (orijin) • orthography (òtograf) • proverbs and expressions (pwovèb e espresyon) • references: (referans) • see also (wè tou) • sociolinguistics (sosyolengwistik) • software (sòfwè, lojisyèl) • usage abroad: itilizasyon aletranje -- Ref. Wikipedia)] • Haiti’s Super Web Directory & Diaspora (Gran Ànyè Ayiti & Diaspora Ayisyen) • Ide pou kreye yon 'High School Ayisyen' prive nan Boston • Jipon Nwa a (an adaptation of ‘Le pargne noir', by Bernard Dadié) • Kreyol Without Toil: an introductory course to Haitian Creole (Electronic manual to teach English or Haitian Creole for beginners : Manyèl pou anseye anglè oubyen kreyòl pou debitan) • Kesyonnen Kilti Ayisyen pou aprann plis de li : Questioning Haitian Culture to learn more about it • Konvèsasyon kat ti zanmi ki te nan 'High School (pyesèt) : Conversation of four friends who were in high school [sketch] • Kritik ak Rechèch sou Pwovèb Ayisyen: revizyon e edisyon 100 pwovèb ayisyen | Critics and Research on Haitian Proverbs: a review and editing of 100 Haitian proverbs from 'You can learn Creole', by H. Ormonde McConnell and Eugene Swain Jr. E. W. Védrine • A look at the problem of schools in Haiti (comments and suggestions) : Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti: kòmantè ak sijesyon • L’importance d’acquérir un diplôme de fins d’études segondaires • LAKOU KAJOU [Audio /School teaching materials included : Odyo /Materyèl didaktik pou lekòl] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 1: Pwosesis] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 2: Jewografi • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 3: Rit • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 4: Fotosentèz] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 5:] Dlo] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 6: Zouti] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 7: Egzèsis] • Lakou kajou [epizòd 8: Transpò] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Emota, yon kamyonèt estraòdinè] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Jozefin plante yon pye kajou] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Ki kote solèy la kouche? • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Ki travay mwen pral fè lè mwen grandi?] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Kous nan Palè San Sousi (Sans-Sousi Palace) • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Tiloulou prepare yon sipriz pou Lili] • Malice et le boeuf de Bouki: Malis ak bèf Nonk Bouki (Deita /Mercedes Guignard) • Manyèl Kreyòl (1e, 2èm, 3èm, 4èm, 5èm, 6èm, 7èm, 8èm ane fondamantal). C3 Éds. (Dugé, Jean Armoce) --- Rezime konferans Jean Armoce Dugé sou «edikasyon kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti». (Summary of Jean Armoce Dugé on “Kreyol in education in Haiti”). Koutwazi òganizasyon ITIAHaiti • Mouri pou libere Ayiti (short story). English translation: Dying for Haiti’s liberation, by the author; French translation: Mourir pour libérer Haïti, Jean-S. Sahaï; German translation: Sterben, um Haiti zu befreien, Jnes Angela Pellegrini; Italian translation: Morire per liberare Haiti, Francesca Palli; Japanese translation : Mihoko Tsunetomi; Latin translation: Vittore Nason; Papiamentu translation: Muriendo pa liberashon di Haiti, Yaniek Pinedo; Russian translation: Karlova Ekatarina; Spanish translation: Morir para liberar Haití, Miguel Calzada] • Online Educational Resources and Orientation Training for Haitian Teachers • Metye, Pwofesyon, Karyè: Seyans Oryantasyon pou Etidyan Ayisyen Ayiti: Trades, Professions, Career: Orientation Training for Haitian Students in Haiti • MIT-Haiti Initiative • A panorama of Haitian Indian Civilization • Petit lexique du créole haïtien • Peyi m rele Ayiti : My country is Haiti • Platfòm MITI-Ayiti pou yon lekòl tèt anwo (Michel DeGraff) • Mouvman pou kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti (Luis Armando Cuevas Encarnación) [Koutwazi: òganizasyon ITIAHaiti] • Nan pwovens (In the countryside, pwezi: poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #36. janv. 1998 • Nou se ITIAHaiti : We are ITIAHaiti (chan : song). English translation by E. W. Védrine • October 28, International Creole Day, and what? : 28 Oktòb, Jounen Entènasyonal Kreyòl, epi kisa? • Orientating Haitian Youth: Oryantasyon Jenès Ayisyen • Orientation Seminar for Haitian Students coming to the United States • Parad sou plas Lazil: Parade in L’Asile [Square (video: Ti Nèg L’Asile)] • Principaux végétaux d’apport amérindiens utiles au monde comme nutriments (Mdju MKA). [photos F. Palli] • Pwojè ekri pou ede avèk devlopman Lazil : Writing Project to help with Lazil’s development • Rat konnen, Chat konnen, barik mantèg la sou siveyans (Rat knows, Cat knows, the barrel of lard is being watched) [(figi) Retorik an kreyòl ayisyen: Rhetoric in Haitian Creole] • Rechèch sou pawoli ak pwovèb ayisyen: Pawoli nan yon roman Pauris Jean-Baptiste, 'Peyi Zoulout' • Retard dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères en Haïti • Say it in Haitian Creole, English and French: a trilingual glossary of phrases and idioms [A trilingual Glossary for learners of Haitian Creole, English, French and a guide for translators: Yon glosè trileng an kreyòl, anglè e fransè kòm gid pou tradiktè], Emmanuel W. Védrine. Winter 2020 • Seyans oryantasyon pou etidyan ayisyen k ap vin Etazini • Rezo Etidyan Ayisyen, Ayiti – Dyaspora: Network of Haitian Students, Haiti – Diaspora • Seyans oryantasyon pou motive Ayisyen envesti nan biznis e pou retrèt yo : Orientation training to motivate Haitians to invest in business and for their retirement • Seyans Oryantasyon pou ede Jèn Ayisyen Ayiti wè klè • Seyans oryantasyon sou maryaj • Sezon sechrès Ayiti (woman : novel); 2nd. ed. JEBCA Editions. 224 p. [English summary : Resumé en anglais]. © Dwa otè a] . © Lexical data (for hyper base software for dictionaries) : © Done leksikal (pou lojisyèl ipèbaz pou diksyonè)]. [In Papiamentu language, Temporada di sekura na Haiti. [First original Creole version was published in 1994: Soup to Nuts Publishers, Cambridge, MA. 1994. 128 p • Sistèm Alfabè Kreyòl Ayisyen : The Haitian Creole Writing System • Some verbs dealing with Haiti’s underdevelopment and development. [Kèk vèb ki an rapò ak soudevlopman e devlopman Ayiti] by Emmanuel W. Védrine. Summer : Ete 2020 • Teaching materials for schools in Haiti • Travay sivik ta dwe obligatwa pou tout jèn an Ayiti : Civic duty should have been mandatory for all young people in Haiti • Twenty Five Years of Research and Publications on Haiti, the Haitian Diaspora and on Haitian Creole : Vennsenk 25 Ane Rechèch ak Piblikasyon sou Ayiti, Dyaspora Ayisyen, e sou Kreyòl Ayisyen • Yon koudèy sou pwoblèm lekòl Ayiti (A look at the problem of schools in Haiti) • Yon lekòl tèt anba nan yon peyi tèt anba [audio material : materyèl odyo -- Yves Dejean • 75 Seventy Years of Research & Publications on Haitian Creole (Kreyol)].
• Atelye an liy pou Anseyan Ayisyen : Online Haitian Teachers Workshops • Atelye pou ekriven ayisyen : Haitian writers workshops • Devlopman komin Ayiti : Developing Haiti’s communes • Estrateji pou aprann prepare pou demen sou tout fòm : Strategy to learn to prepare for tomorrow in all ways • Estrateji pou devlope Komin Ayiti pou desantralize Ayiti : Strategies to develop Haiti’s Communes to decentralize Haiti • Komin Ayiti, e travay sivik moun ki sot nan komin yo dwe fè : Haiti’s communes and civic works needed to be done by locals • Literati Ayisyen an kreyòl : Haitian literature in Kreyòl
• Literati Ayisyen Dyaspora : Haitian literature of the Diaspora • Materyèl Didaktik /Pedagojik pou moun k ap aprann kreyòl : Teaching Materials for Learners of Haitian Creole • Materyèl Didaktik /Pedagojik pou Pwogram Alfabetizasyon an Kreyòl : Teaching Materials for Haitian Literacy Programs in Haitian Creole • Materyèl Pedagojik /Didaktik an liy pou ede Anseyan Ayisyen e Elèv : Online Teaching Materials to help Haitian Students and Teachers • Materyèl Pedagojik /Didaktik an liy pou ede Lekòl Ayiti : Online Teaching Materials to help Schools in Haiti • Modèl dokiman nou ka mete an liy (sou entènèt) pou ede Ayiti e Dyaspora Ayisyen nan tout domèn : Document models that can be published online to help Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora in all areas • Oraliture : Literati Ayisyen oral /oraliti : Haitian oral literature • Séisme à Haïti – 12 janvier 2010: Haiti’s earthquake -- January 12, 2010 • Séisme à Haïti – 14 out 2021 : Haiti’s earthquake – August 14, 2021 • Tradiksyon (anglè, e kreyòl ayisyen] : Translation (English and, Haitian Creole /Kreyòl) • Tranblemanntè dawou (out) 2021 ki frape Sid Ayiti : August 2021 earthquake that hit South Haiti.
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts. USA.