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Èske Ayiti bezwen plis inivèsite
bòlèt apre 12 janvye 2010?
Does Haiti need more mediocre iniversities after January 12, 2010?

Emmanuel W. VEDRINE,
Jen 2012   :   June 2012

Imedyatman, lektè yo ap wè se yon kesyon tyalenj (ou defi) pou reveye konsyans kritik, e edikatè k ap reve yon peyi k ap mache nan bon wout devlopman, e k ap prepare sitwayen l pou sèvi lapatri nan kad bezwen l dabò.   Right away, the readers will see it’s a challenging question to wake up the critical mind, and educators who are dreaming of a country walking in the good path of development, and one which is preparing its citizens to serve the mother land in need first.

Nan pifò rechèch nou ka li sou pwoblèm edikasyon Ayiti, nou pa tèlman jwenn anfaz sou kriz edikasyon siperyè (ou inivèsitè). Poutan, «inivèsite prive» ap pouse kou dyondyon Ayiti, yon biznis pate cho, pou atire kliyan. 


In most research we can read about the problem of education in Haiti, we don’t really find emphasis on the crisis of higher education. Nevertheless, “private universities” have been growing like mushrooms in Haiti, a quick business, to attract customers.

Nan yon peyi, ki gen deja yon wot pousantay analfabèt (ki depase 70%), kote poko menm gen 10 bonjan lise piblik (nan chak depatman) ki ekipe kòmsadwa (ak laboratwa /libreri, materyèl didaktik e materyèl rechèch) ladan yo pou prepare jèn Ayisyen, mwen pa kwè fokis la kounyeya ta dwe sou kreyasyon plis «inivèsite tèt anba» nan yon peyi tèt anba, ki non sèlman pa regilarize kòmsadwa pa Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal (an tèm a «nòm» yo ta dwe reponn pou mete yo sou lis inivèsite tout bon, kote sèl inivèsite leta peyi a an debanday li menm lè l ta dwe ouvri yon kanmpous inivèsite omwen nan chak depatman pou kòmanse desantralize ansèyman siperyè nan peyi a). Mwen kwè nou menm Ayisyen, ki ta renmen pote kèk chanjman pou byennèt Ayiti, ki etidye e vwayaje aletranje, e ki ta renmen transpòte yon seri ide jenyal nan kad devlopman Ayiti, kwè li ta enpòtan pou pase an revi mòd inivèsite k ap pouse kou dyondyon Ayiti jounen jodiya pou wè a ki nòm yo reponn, ki kalifikasyon pwogram yo ofri, ki preparasyon estaf yo genyen davans (sitou esperyans nan inivèsite aletranje deja, ou fòmasyon yo) pou ta reponn a yon seri kritè.


In a country, with already a high illiteracy rate (over 70%), where there aren’t yet even 10 good public high schools (in each geographic division of Haiti) well-equipped (with lab /libraries, teaching materials and research materials within to prepare young Haitians, I don’t believe the focus now would be more on the creation of more “flip-flop universities” in an up-side down country, that’s not only not being regulated by the Ministry of National Education (in term of a “norm” they would have to classify them on the list of a real university, where the only State-run university of the country is in disorder itself when it should have opened a university campus in at least each geographic division in order to start decentralizing higher education in the country). I believe we, Haitians, who would like to bring some changes for the welfare of Haiti, who have studied and traveled abroad, and who would like to transport some genuine ideas in the development of Haiti believe it would be important to review the type of universities growing like mushrooms in Haiti today to see what norm they have, what’s the qualification of the programs they offer, what prior preparation their staffs have (specially experience in universities abroad already, or formation) in order to respond to some criteria.

Epi se yon gwo kriz lè yon etidyan di l pase nan nivo siperyè Ayiti pou l jwenn relve de nòt li (ki pa antre nan yon sistèm konpwoutarizasyon menm jan sa fèt Etazini, pou kenbe vèsyon elektwonik tout kou elèv sa a te suiv pandan ane matrikilasyon l), rekonesans ekivalans diplòm enstitisyon sa a aletranje, elt.


And it’s a big crisis when a student says he as attended university in Haiti to find his grade report (that has not been computerized in an electronic file, the same way that’s done in the United States, to keep the electronic version of all courses that student has taken during his academic years), the recognition of the equivalency of this institution’s diplomas abroad, etc.

Nou, ki te gen chans resevwa yon bèl edikasyon Ayiti e aletranje, dwe eseye sensè nan sans sa a, si nou vle travay tout bon nan kad avansman Ayiti, pou onè ak respè tout Ayisyen, pou ta aprann chita ansanm bò yon tab pou twoke ide ki nan avantaj Ayiti.


We, who had the chance of receiving a good education in Haiti and abroad, should try to be sincere in this sense, if we want to work for sure toward Haiti’s advancement, for the honor and respect of all Haitians, to learn to sit down together around the table to exchange ideas in the advantage of Haiti.

Jodiya, Ayiti bezwen yon lekòl ki ka reponn a bezwen ijan l; Ayiti bezwen prepare Ayisyen pou sèvi sosyete ayisyen an toudabò. Apre 12 Janvye 2010, nou antre nan yon faz «rekonstriksyon» (a zewo, paske ti estrikti minim ki te egziste avan yo disparèt). Mwen kwè se tèm sa a pou  nou ta vize, nou menm ki ta renmen wè bon jan chanjman pou peyi a, chita bò tab la pou twoke ide. Non bezwen wè bon jan pwogram «desantralizasyon» nan tout sans tèm nan.


Today, Haiti needs a school that can respond to her urgent needs; Haiti needs to prepare Haitians to serve the Haitian society first. After January 12, 2010, we enter a “reconstruction phase” (because the minimum structure that existed before has disappeared). I believe the focus should have been on this theme for us, who would like to see real changes in the country, to sit down by the table to exchange ideas. We need to see real programs dealing with “decentralization” in all sense of the term.

Pou kòmanse avèk pwogram de baz yo, se pa nan tèt pou n kòmanse men pito nan pye. E nan kad inivèsite, jodiya Ayiti, nou pa ka di reyèlman se yon bagay fonksyonèl. Se yon domèn ki bezwen bon jan estrikti, e ki ta dwe reponn a yon seri kritè ansèyman siperyè. Donk li ta preferab pou ta leve vwa nou pito pou ankouraje e ranfòse bon jan pwogram nan lise piblik (nan komin yo) pou chanje pwogram korikilòm degrenngòch yo dekwa pou n ta eseye mete yo nan nivo peyi kouwè Lafrans, Etazini, Kanada (gade korikilòm lekòl segondè peyi sa yo, pran eleman ki enpòtan ladan yo dekwa pou n ta vini ak yon sentèz pou modifye pa Ayiti a ki ansyen). Sa ta sanble li fasil pou kèk moun pou ta jis apwoche Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal, pale l de pwojè a kote nou (Ayisyen nan chak komin ta kapab bay bourad nesesè, pase se ti Ayisyen nan komin sa yo ki pral benefisye de chanjman yo). Men se pa sa vrèman lè nou pran an konsiderasyon biwokrasi ak politik ki konplike bagay senp e ki bloke yo pou yo pa fèt Ayiti. Donk yon travay ki ta o pwofi chak komin.


To start out with the basic programs, we shouldn’t start from the top but rather from the bottom. And in the case of universities, today in Haiti, we can’t say really it’s something functional. It’s an area that needs good structures, and one that should have responded to some criteria related to higher education. So, it would be better to raise our voice to encourage and reinforce real programs in the public high schools (throughout the communes) in order to change their flip-flop curricula program, trying to put them at the level of countries like France, USA, and Canada (by looking at the secondary school curriculum of these countries in order to come up with a synthesis to modify Haiti’s old one). It might look something easy for some people just to approach the Ministry of National Education, talk about the project where we (Haitians in each commune could give the necessary help because it’s little Haitians in each commune who are going to benefit from the changes). But not really when taking into consideration the bureaucracies and politics that complicate simple things and impede them from happening in Haiti. So, a work that could benefit each commune.

Nan kad pwojè pou fonde «yon inivèsite» chak ti gwoup moun ta gen nan tèt yo, nou kwè li ta preferab yo repanse sa, mwayen yo genyen, epi estrateji pou atenn objektif yo. Donk, nan sans sa a, nou ta sijere yo derape pito avèk yon «enstiti teknik» pou fòme moun pou ede tèt yo e pou ede peyi a pi devan. Se reyèlman sa Ayiti bezwen nan chak depatman (apre yon lise piblik ki byen estriktire).


In the case of projects to found “a university” each little group of people may have in mind, we believe it would be preferable for them to rethink about it, the means that they have, and strategies to reach their goals. So, in this sense, we’d suggest they rather start out with a “technical institute” to form people to help themselves and the country later. It’s really what Haiti need in each geographic division (after a well-structure public high school).

Nan enstiti teknik sa a, nou ka vize yon seri metye enpòtan ladan l elèv ta aprann (pami yo: agwonomi [pwogram preparatwa], apantaj tè, chapant, èd ijans, elektrisite, enfimyè, enfòmatik (syans konpwoutè), etid motè, fòmasyon ponpye /sekouris, jeni (pwogram preparatwa), jesyon (biznis), konsèvasyon forè, kontriksyon (bwa /beton), masonri, mekanik, menizye, pedagoji modèn, plonbri, refrijerasyon, agrikilti, teknisyen laboratwa, tradiksyon /entèpretarya, etc..


In this technical institute, we may consider some important trades that students would learn (among them: agronomy [preparatory program], (land) surveying, carpentry, urgent needs, electricity, nursing, computer science, study of engines, formation for fire fighters /first aides, engineering [preparatory program], business management, forest conservation, construction (wood /concrete), masonry, auto mechanic, cabinet makers, modern pedagogy, plumbing, refrigeration, agriculture, technician, laboratory, translation /interpretation, etc.

Se jis kèk metye kle Ayiti bezwen nan kad devlopman, e rekonstriksyon l. Donk si kèk gwoup ta pran ide sa yo an konsiderasyon (olye yo konsantre sou fondasyon yon inivèsite bòlèt), yo ta jwenn materyèl trapde pou konstwi plizyè ti laboratwa yo ta anvizaje, epi gwoup Ayisyen pwofesyonèl te ka soti nan dyaspora a tanzantan vin bay fòmasyon, e seminè (gratis) pou ede pwojè sa yo avanse.


It’s just some key trades Haiti needs in its development, and reconstruction. So if some group of people would take these ideas into consideration (instead of concentrating on founding a mediocre university), they would find materials quickly to construct small laboratories they would have in mind, and Haitian professional groups coming from the diaspora from time to time to give free formation and seminars to help advance these projects.

Sou kesyon devlopman inivèsite nan peyi kreyolofòn yo, li enpòtan pou Ayiti ta gade kijan sa ye, an tèm estrikti yo nan zòn Karayib la (Giyàn fransèz, Jamayik, Kiraso, Matinik, Trinidad et Tobago) e nan zòn Oseyan Enyen (Il Moris, Lareyinyon, Sechèl). Epi ki pwogram sè ki ta etabli antre yo ak (yon) inivèsite Ayiti nan kad pwogram echanj.


On the issue of development of universities in the creolophone speaking countries, it’s important for Haiti to look at how that works, in terms of (their) structure in the Caribbean area (French Guyana, Jamaica, Curaçao, Martinique, Trinidad and Tobago and in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Reunion , and Seychelles). And what sister ship program can be developed between them and a university in Haiti in term of exchange program.


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