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the child's prayer for the Rainbow

In memoriam


Khal Torabully







Madiba, now I know
sometime the Father must go.

Herebelow is the rainbow-
there you must kiss friend and foe.

Many people have trodden the path
from Jerusalem to Congo.

As so many, I now know
that for a rainbow to grow,
I must see the rain
and the sun's bow.

I will now draw a rainbow
with another glow.

I know that tomorrow
your dream will rise again.

Forsake the mirage, our rainbow
offers colours of real pain.

For Madiba, I will walk on tiptoe
on each rainbow.

I will erase the foe
of Mankind with my toe.

Now you can go to Soweto.
Between you and the shadow,
There dawns another rainbow.

I now know
that for a rainbow to grow
one must see the rain
and the sun's bow.

Even if the light is slow
each raindrop is set aglow.

In the rainbow, I learned
all colours must bend,
but never erase themselves.

Go father Mandela, I will always see you
between yellow violet and indigo.

I vow to see the rainbow
beyond my sorrow.

(c) Khal Torabully


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