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November 4th, 2008,
The day has finally come, for a change in the USA
In the name of Barack OBAMA,
The first African-American President ever,
This man, apparently coming from nowhere
Has reached there,
At the right moment,
And with great talent.
He said we could, we believe he can…
For a page has been turned, in the book of American History.
Forty years ago, the march started,
Led by Martin Luther King,
Change slowly settled.
Black people struggled,
They finally obtained Civil Rights,
At last recognised as human beings, and American Citizens.
Martin Luther King had a dream then,
Now, the dream came true, the march is over,
And his daughter and supporters can sing “we did overcome!”
United at last, people in the USA can be proud,
The road was so long, bumpy, sinuous and dangerous,
But they reached,
Rich of experiences, sufferings, willingness and knowledge,
Now elated, overwhelmed with relief, and hope for a better future,
Fair and peaceful at last,
They will change the face of the USA,
Yes they will!
C’est extraordinaire comment en quelques semaines, un homme peut devenir l’ami rêvé de personnes de tout âge, d‘horizons si divers et susciter tant d’enthousiasme et d’espoir dans le monde.
Partout, ils se sont rassemblés pour le soutenir,
Unis, heureux, sincères et confiants dans l’avenir,
Comme pour lui dire :
sois serein et, le cœur léger,
Vas, la route est toute tracée,
Poursuis-la, c’est ta destinée»
Optimiste, je crois en lui,
Je m’incline devant ce grand homme
Intelligent et travailleur,
Déterminé et généreux,
Si respectable et radieux.
Guadeloupe, November 5th, 2008