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Have you been to any writers’ workshop
before publishing your first book?
Photo E. W. Védrine Creole Project
February 10, 2021
• Email us your comments
• The author’s biography
• What the author thinks
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How do we write? Why do we write? What do we write? In what language do we think when we are writing?
Writing is an activity that many of us may think of doing. It is difficult when we don’t know where to start. We can find ourselves in such a situation when we are not in an environment, finding programs to orient us, or the existence of some writers’ workshops to attend where we may be.
There are many reasons why we write. For instance, let’s take the case of a police officer who is dispatched to the scene of an accident… He must write a report for the police department as dossier that documents what happened, when it happened, how it happened and probably has to question witnesses who were present at the scene, and what they tell as evidence. All of this has been documented in writing and can be served for some legal purposes.
Thanks to the internet today, we can find information online to orient ourselves. We start somewhere when we start writing. We may be in certain areas or fields that require us to write daily, according to the type of work we are doing.
Here is a list of what we can write: bibliography, biography, essays, fiction (invented stories), folktales (foklore), short stories, journal, critique, lexicon, “lodyans”1 (oral literature), poetry, play,sketch, reflection, report, research, reality (non-fiction), novel… Some tools we will need when writing: pen, pencil, email, computer, chalk, laptop, tablet, typriter, cell phone, recording devices…
Some writers may start writing poetry, short stories, folktales (for example, tales of the two Haitian brothers Bouki and Malis) folktales, what we are being told (as oral literature). We can take example of M. Carey Dardompre, Frenand Léger, Jules Faine and Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain’s research on Haitian oral literature dealing with that. Since our childhood, we’ve been hearing stories about Bouki and Malis, and these stories have to do with duality2 in the Haitian society. While some adults or elders are telling us these folkloric tales, we can record them with a recording device or with our cell phone today, or other stories that happened. For instance, we have the story of Maryela who climbed up the Sanfil antenna. A true story, she was the first Haitian and woman to climb the tallest antena poll in Haitii after being possessed by some bad spirits in the beginning of the 70’s.
Maryela was a native of the city of Jeremi in Haiti. The entire Port-au-Prince (Haiti’s capital) came to the “Bel-Air” area to watch that event as it was unfolding around ten o’clock in the morning, and she reached the top of the pole in few hours where she was dancing on its platform. They tried many maneuvers to take her down, but did not succeed. A helicopter finally trapped her with a net. -- Songs were later written about that particular event capturing the media’s attention.
One can think of writing a short story or a folktale on that event by interviewing people who witnessed it for instance to tell the story. -- How do we find inspiraton to write? Unfortunately, many of us may not have the opportunity to attend some writers’ workshops. These workshops would cover different literary categories such as short stories, folktales, literary criticism, plays, sketch, poetry, theatre, novel for instance. -- When mentioning the word critique, some people may have in mind that we are putting down others’ works. Not at all! That’s part of a literary activity.
We can take a book, analyzing it chapter by chapter, analyzing the main themes that author touches upon, and write a book review. We do that in some literature courses, and oral presentations in class. We can take a novel like Sezon sechrès Ayiti (Season of drought in Haiti) for instance or a novel that would embark different themes, and we make class presentations on it, the way the class’ instructor may ask students to do. Students may also write a critique according to the theme chosen from some particular novels that they have to read in a literature course.
Some writers write plays; they are playwrights. They can also write sketches, that are shorter than plays. There are people who write essays; they are essayists. Other writers may work on people’s biographies; they are biographers. Thus, when writing, there is a variety of literary categories from which one can choose. First, we can mention fiction (things invented). What can be included in it? We can include short storie, folktale, legend, “lodyans”, play, sketch, poetry, novel… We are not going to write people’s real names though some fictions may be based on true stories, but we have to invent characters by giving them fake names.
Novels, as work of fiction, are longer than short stories. We may have some short stories that embark the same themes. Now, if we want, we can adapt them to write novels or include them in novels, but the characters always remain invented ones. We do all this, comment on all this in writers’ workshops. We also want to share our experience with those who may have a desire to write, or who would like to become professional writers.
Biography -- for example, whatever you do in life as professional, well you can hire a biographer to write your biography. He can organize interviews with you by asking you questions on all that you have done or accomplished in life. This book is yours; you can sell it, or do whatever you want with it.
Keeping documents –- That is very important to know when writing. What strategies can we use to keep documents? We shouldhave at least two, three emails that we don’t share with the public. They should remain secret to stock documents, and then print them these documents also as drafts that we will need to look at when we are writing. It’s like a warehouse we have; from time to time we are stocking in it what we need. So, it’s important for all research that we are doing, all that we are writing and information that we will need.
We want to mention journal. We can write a journal about what we do during the day, what we see as witness, what happen… We can write all that, and then send them to our emails to keep them for us. -- When traveling as tourist for instance, it’s an opportunity to write a very rich journal wherever we may go and whatever you may be doing. Of course we make certain experiences daily or learn something new. Why not putting that in writing as part of our journal?
We can take what we write in a journal, and then send it to our emails to keep a copy of for us (even if we write in a notebook)... From time to time, we are piling them up. That way, we can think of writing short stories, novels with them that would embark different themes, in different episodes or chapters. Now, we can be in touch with some people to read or revise our manuscript, say what they think before contacting a publisher to publish it. All these are techniques that we can use to write or begin to write. -- We may also use our cell phone to do interviews or buy a recording device to conduct interviews for a particular book, novel that we are writing or for essays dealing real things or non-fiction works.
These interviews can be forwarded to our emails. We can write their transcripts during our spare time. These are techniques that we can use to write, and keep documents that we need as sources for the drafts of what we are writing. For example, if you have done a lot of work within a community for ten, fifteen, twenty years as community leader or organiser, and all of a sudden you die or in this pandemic, and you did not write anything to leave behind documenting your works… well, it’s true that people are going to talk about you. They will say that you did good things when you were alive, that you were a good person… but unfortunately you did not leave anything written or recorded in terms of documenting your works. Even if they try to write your biography, it will be an incomplete one in your absence.
At each year’s end, we must revise all that we have done during that year. Now, we have hints about strategies to document all that we have done, and all of our important works. That way, we will leave behind documents for future generations because we have documented all of our works while alive. Even if we don’t publish them in book form, but it’s important that we record them one way or another by sending them to our secret emails, or by sharing them with a friend that we trust and who can help us protecting them. Their transcripts can be written anytime, and it would be better if we can do that ourselves while alive, if possible.
Today with internet access, we don’t have to kill ourselves looking for some publishers, the same way we would to do in the past, to publish our works. We can write our books, and sell their electronic versions online at a low price. By doing that, we will certainly find more customers to buy them around the world. All these strategies can be ways to publish our own works to make money as writers, and help other people also who are doing research or who are in the same field with us. -- We can see the importance of writing also a humanitarian work or activity since we don’t know who is going to use what we write, or how it can help as a source of inspiration for others.
Pwofessionals –- It’s always good to be in touch with professional people in the area of writing in order to revise our manuscripts. We should never think that we know too much, even if we have published some books already. If we are not in a field or area, well we don’t really know it therefore our knowledge is limited and it’s word of wisdom. That is, before publishing a book, we should be in touch with people in the area (for instance, those who are writing, editing, translating and those who are in marketing also if possible). There are many trics that we may not know, shortcuts that can be taken, and stragies to commercialize one’s name as author for the world market.
Many authors may lack experiences when it comes to publish their first book. For example, we come up with the following questions for brainstorming: (1) Have you published already in journals, magazines, anthologies, articles, chapters in books so that people can see what you have produced, are familiar with your name, and your works? (2) With what social networks are you connected (instagram, facebook, forum, tik tok, twitter, whatsApp)? (3) How often do your distributors let you know how many of your books have been sold? (4) Are you active on some forums? (5) Is it a book that can be used as texbook for school? /For what level (elementary, middle school, high school or university)? (6) Do you know the importance of signing a legal document with the publisher publishing your book? (7) Are you going to sell its electronic version? /Do you know how it’s done? (8) What strategies are you going to use to do a marketing campaign for your book? (9) What media (forum via zoom, radio, television) is going to interview you to talk about it? (10) What audience have you targeted as readers? (11) What type of book is it (fiction, non-fiction, research)? (12) How is its marketing going to be? (13) How are you planning to promote it? (14) How are you planning for univesity libraries (as great customers) to buy it to be part of their documentation? (15) Who is going to have its copyright and why? (16) Who are going to distribute it, and what percentage will they deduct from it? (17) Who are going to write a book review of it? (18) How many free copies will be available to promote it? (19) In what libraries do you intend to have it registered as documentation and for database research? (20) In what language is it written? (21) Do you plan to translate it to other languages so that more people will be able to read it? (22) Do you have a contact list via whatsApp, or from any social network to promote it? (23) Do you have a web link, a web site?
After you have read these questions, you can’t say that you did not learn something that you didn’t know that is important to know as writer. So, before rushing to publish a book, it would be wise asking for advice or information about how ieverything is done so that nobody exploits your works.
We may notice that many people who are writing don’t have a web link. It would be important to have one today with summary of our works, what we have done from “x” time to now in terms of literary works. You may be a good author, but not an organized one. That’s a problem for the entire world to know your works in a wink of time. Well, you can do that through a web link if you don’t have your own web site, blog or the way you organize yourself on social networks today. When you have a main web link, all your literary works can be connected to it (for example critiques, comments about your works on the social networks, your recent publications, so on and so forth).
You can create a blog where people can send you critiques, what they say about your works or about you. That way, you can copy them, and then take an excerpt of them to be published along with your books. All these are techniques that can be used in writing, and publishing also... There are many things that we can do to learn and organize ourselves to write if we have a desire for writing.
In short, as we mentioned already, writing is a nice scholarly actitivity. It is one that requires discipline, organizing oneself, going to writers’ workshops, and presenting in conferences (as researchers, editors, writers, authors, proofreaders and translators) to listen and learn from other professionals in the field. -- To refresh your memory, we ask these questions again that appear at the beginning of the article: (1) How do wes write? (2) Why do we write? (3) What do we write? (4) In what language do we think when we are writing?
After having read this article, we believe that it will be clear for you to answer these questions, and maybe you can find them useful to use or share in some writers’ workshops for beginning writers. We have mentioned important tools thatyou should have as writer, and how you should take advantage of what the technology offers us today to help organizing our works better.
We know that you cannot sit down openly in a writers’ workshop during this pandemic neither can attend any physically at certain institutions where you would find some famous writers who would share their experience with you. We simply hope that this article orient you one way or another in reaching out your goal.
- Lodyans… would be considered to be a literary genre which is part of oral literature or oraliture. It would appear as a form of monologue where it’s only the story teller who is addressing the audience or the public. That person can play the narrator’s role at the same time. That story teller is called dizè, odyansè or rakontè in Haitian Creole.
- Duality… [Such as: poor vs. rich; swindlers vs. serious people; peasants vs. city dwellers; illiterate vs. literate (educated); smart vs. stupid; negativity vs. positivity, etc.].
Annexed Texts
ALLEN, Jeff. Automated /Machine Translation (MT), Haitian Creole and other Creole languages, Speech Technologies, Language Software.
BASILE, Emilio. Nou bouke... (We are tired). March 2006.
---. Mission Medicale de G.E.A.C.H Medical Mission. 2019.
BELLEFLEUR, Ricardo. “Plèk! Plèk!” (@Ricardo86565). Educative audiovisual episodes with Ricardo Bellefleur. As audiovisual materials, it will help people who are learning Haitian Creole as foreign language… «My motivation to create plèk! plèk! is that since long ago, more than twenty year I’ve cherishing this dream due to the lies and bad adjustment that I saw going through our society at the political, social, economic, e religious level. I say I am going to come up with a new concept to see what I can do differently to educate this people for the remaining time coming. That’s the reason why each Saturday at 5:00, and activities to develop your biblical knowledge each Sunday on my facebook page.» (Ricardo Bellefleur). -- Epizòd edikatif ak Ricardo Bellefleur. Kòm materyèl odyovizyèl, l ap ede moun tou k ap aprann kreyòl ayisyen (kòm lang etranje)… «Motivasyon pou m te kreye plèk! plèk! sèke depi lontan, plis pase yon ventèn ane m ap karese rèv sa a akoz mansonj ak move ajisteman m te wè k ap travèse sosyete nou an ki politik sosyal ekonomik, relijye. Mwen di m pral vini ak yon lòt konsèp pou m wè kisa m ka fè diferan pou m enstwi ak edike pèp sa a pou rès tan k ap vini an. Se sa k fè chak samdi a 5 è, epi aktivite pou devlope lespri biblik ou chak dimanch sou paj fesbouk mwen.» (Ricardo Bellefleur).
CHERY, Pierre Michel. Douz (12) Prensip Bwa Kayiman : The Twelve Bwa Kayiman Principles. 2010.
DARDOMPRE, M. Carey. “La Lodyans, un romanesques haïtien : Perspectives historique, poétique et didactique» (thèse de doctorat : doctoral dissertation). Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. France. 2018. [Equipe de recherche : DILTEC – Didactique des languaes, des textes et des cultures].
---. Que dire des nouveaux romans haïtiens?.
---. La-lodyans-un-romanesque. 18 avril 2018, Nouvelliste.
DEGRAFF, Michel. MIT-Haiti Initiative.
---. Platfòm MITI-Ayiti pou yon lekòl tèt anwo.
---. and Glenda S. Stumps. «Ann bati lekòl tèt anwo: lang manman, pedagoji ak teknoloji kòm engredyan fondal natal pou yon chanjman radikal». Journal of Haitian Studies, Vol 24, #2. Fall 2018, pp. 114-124.
---. and Mandaly Louis-Charles. Ann chante alfabè kreyòl la. (Haitian Creole alphabet song).
---. New developments… aiming toward a paradigm shift in Haiti’s education system. (interview) Jacques Pierre and Michel Degraff.
DEITA (Mercedes Guignard). Malice et le boeuf de Bouki: Malis ak bèf Nonk Bouki; “Compère chien et compère Chat: Konpè Chen ak konpè Chat” (Ref. in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole…, 2003).
DUGE, Jean Armoce. Manyèl Kreyòl (1e, 2èm, 3èm, 4èm, 5èm, 6èm, 7èm, 8èm ane fondamantal). C3 Éds.
---. Rezime konferans Jean Armoce Dugé sou «edikasyon kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti». (Summary of of Jean Armoce Dugé on “Kreyòl in education in Haiti”). Koutwazi òganizasyon ITIAHaiti.
FAINE, Jules. Bozor, le cambusier : Bòzò chèf kanbiz. (in Materyèl edikatif pou bileng Ayisyen, edited by E. W. Védrine, 1994).
FOMBRUN, Odette R. Mon pays, Haiti : Peyi m, Ayiti. (Istwa Ayiti : Haiti’s history). Kreyòl translation: E. W. Védrine.
HYPPOLITE, Michel-Ange. «Bèbè Gòlgota: bouskay sitwayènte ak diyite». (Translation from Haitian Creole to English by Emmanuel W. Védrine).
JEAN BAPTISTE, Frantz. Haiti: Frantz Jean-Baptiste (video : videyo). [“After reflecting on the various crises that deeply impact Haiti, having identified the main evil that requires absolute urgency to use education as a weapon of last chance to stop this vertiginous whirlwind that affects the population in its raison d'être. So, I decided, succinctly, to share my point of view with my compatriots both inside and outside through a reflection entitled “Authority of the gray matter over raw material.” –– Frantz Jean-Baptiste (Haitian writer : Ekriven Ayisyen) : Aprè ou fin reflechi sou divès kriz ki gen gwo enpak sou Ayiti, ou idantifye sa ki mal prensipal ki egzije ijans absoli pou itilize edikasyon kòm yon zam dènye chans pou sispann toubiyon vètikal sa a ki afekte popilasyon an nan rezon egzistans la. Se konsa, mwen deside, pataje rapidman pwendvi mwen ak konpatriyòt yo ki andedan e deyò Ayiti atravè yon refleksyon mwen titre «Otorite matyè gri (sèvo) a sou matyè premyè.»].
JOSEPH, Renel Oreste (Orèsjozèf) and Emmanuel W. Védrine. Easy English : an introduction to English for Creole and French speakers (forthcoming). [E. W. Védrine ajoute glosè nan fen liv la – enkli fraz ak espresyon idyomatik nan de lang yo; Entwodiksyon a lang anglè pou kreyolofòn e frankofòn; Plis pase 1.400 mo ak espresyon ki vin ak yo]. Field: Teaching materials (elementary, middle, and high school level)].
LAKOU KAJOU. • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 1: Pwosesis] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd 2: Jewografi] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd 3: Rit] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd 4: Fotosentèz] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd 5: Dlo] • Lakou Kajou epizòd 6: Zouti] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd 7: Egzèsis] • Lakou kajou [epizòd 8: Transpò] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd: Emota, yon kamyonèt estraòdinè • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Jozefin plante yon pye kajou] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd: Ki kote solèy la kouche?] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Ki travay mwen pral fè lè mwen grandi?] • Lakou Kajou[epizòd: Kous nan Palè San Sousi (Sans-Sousi Palace)] • Lakou Kajou [epizòd: Tiloulou prepare yon sipriz pou Lili]
LÉGER, Frenand. Pawòl Lakay: Haitian-Creole language and culture for beginners and intermediate learners (2nd ed.). Coconut Creek, Florida: Educa Vision Press, pp. 475.
---. «La fiction littéraire brève haïtienne, entre oraliture kreyòl et écriture française» (Thèse de doctorat : Doctoral Dissertation) , presented in June 2016 at The University of Toronto, Canada.
---. Histoire esthétique et théorie de la fiction brève de tradition haïtienne : De la nouvelle et du lodyans littéraire.
LUCIEN, Charlot. Storyteller, poet and visual art artist based in Massachusetts, USA. He has released five (5) acclaimed storytelling CSs in Haitian Creole and French. As poet, his work has been published in various magazines and newspapers. He is the author of La tentation de l’autre rive, released by Trilingual Press in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He frequently offers readings, storytelling sessions and conferences on Haitian culture in academic and cultural venues in various US states, Canada, Haiti, Guadeloupe and France. He is also the founder and director of the Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts (HAAM).
LORQUET, Joël. Boukan Dife Literati ak Joël Lorquet, lexical data (edited by) Emmanuel W. Védrine. [Haitian literature in Kreyòl].
LOUIS, Martine. Védrine committed to bridging language gap. Boston Haitian Reporter. Oct. 2000.
MAPOU, Jan (Jean-Marie Willer Denis). D.P.M Kanntè (Dirèk Pou Miyami, play). (Translated to English by Emmanuel W. Védrine).
MASON, Marilyn (web editor). The Creole Clearing House. [Authoring and Documentation Workflow Tools for Haitian Creole; Automated Creole Orthography Conversion; Computing in Creole Languages].
MILLER, Haynes. The MIT-Haiti Initiative: An International Engagement.
OREM, William. Book of Changes: the preservation of Creole, a nuanced language.
PIERRE, Gotson. Interview with Haitian linguist, Emmanuel W. Védrine… October 2000.
VALCIN, Jean Elie. Filozofi fatra an kreyòl (Trash philosophy in Kreyòl).
---. Show-d’hier /Juillet 2009: Les Cerveaux-Lents d‘Haïti.
VALDMAN, Albert. Ann pale kreyòl: an introductory course in Haitian Creole.
---. English – Haitian Creole Bilingual Dictionary. 1148 p. iUniverse. Bloomington, IN. 2017. Albert Valdman (editor). The “DICO Project”, Vol. II.
---. Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary (the “DICO Project”, Vol. I). 2007. 781 +xxxiv p. Indiana University–Creole Institute. (E. W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, Nicolas André: native speakers editing team).
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (2011–2020). (compiled by E. W. Védrine, Joseph Marcel Georges and Fessando Suffren).
---. Abstracts : Abstrè [some books’ abstracts : rezime ou abstrè kèk liv]. E. W. Védrine.
---. A look at Higher Education in Haiti: another step after secondary level.
---. A look at the problem of schools in Haiti (essays and interviews on the problem of schools in Haiti and interviews with some Haitian educators in diaspora). 1994. Soup to Nuts. 2nd ed., 2007. 221 p.
---. A look at two great dictionaries on Haitian Creole : Yon koudèy sou 2 (de) gran diksyonè sou kreyòl ayisyen.
---. Alfabè Jenès Rabòday. (pwezi : poetry). 2020.
---. An Annotated Bibliography On Haitian Creole: a review of publications from colonial times to 2000. 700 pages. © 2003 by E. W. Védrine and E. W. Védrine Creole Project. Boston, Massachusetts.
---. Charla Lingwista Haitiano Emmanuel W. Védrine na NAAM (Curaçao). [On Haitian Creole Bibliography, 200 years of publications. Courtesy of Myriam Lavache (Kreyòl Pale, Kreyòl Konprann Institute of Spoken Kreyol. Curaçao; Richenel Ansano (Director of NAAM]; Yaniek Pinedo Védrine (translator). 2016.
---. Collection of published Poems (in periodicals, anthologies and books).
---. D.P.M.-Kanntè: Yon pon ant fiksyon ak reyalite. Haïti en Marche, Vol. XI, #1, fevriye 1997. | D.P.M.–Kanntè (play): A bridge between fiction and reality (book review) | D.P.M -Kanntè: un pont entre fiction et réalité. [book review].
---. Database of Haitian Interpreters, Proofreaders and Translators.
---. De flè nan jaden lavi (Two flowers in the garden of life, poetry). Haïti en Marche, Vol. XV, #23.; in JKL (Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen), jiyè 2002, Vol. 1, #1.
---. Depozisyon Ti Jilyen (Haitian Creole version by E. W. Védrine). “La déposition de Ti-Julien” in Bulletin de l'enseignement de la Martinique, numéro spécial, Fort-De-France, 1948.
---. Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs with phrases and idioms. 1992. Soup to Nuts: Cambridge, MA. 246 p. [Reprint by Educa Vision]. [Research ref. in Haitian–English Dictionary, University of Kansas; ref. in Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary (HCEBD). Indiana University - Creole Institute. 2007
---. Diskou yon kandida tafyatè (Speech of a drunkard - poetry). Bon Nouvèl, novanm, #423.
---. Education should be free and mandatory for all in Haiti: Edikasyon ta dwe gratis e obligatwa pou tout moun Ayiti.
---. Educating Haitian Youth and the Haitian Community in Diaspora.
---. Eklèsisman ak Demistifikasyon Tontongi nan liv li a, Critique de la francophonie haïtienne: Tontongi’s clarification and demistification in his book, Critique de la francophonie haïtienne. [book review].
---. Entelektyèl komokyèl. (Pseudo scholar - poetry). Haitian-American Tribune, Vol. IV, #3/4.
---. Fanm Ayiti : Haiti Women (poetry). Haiti en Marche, Vol. XXI, #29. out. 2007. In Voices of the sun (anthology), Volume I, pp. 275.
---. File se yon lotri (Courting is a lottery - poetry). Tanbou, ivè – prentan.
---. Flè sovay : Wild flower : Fleur sauvage (poetry). Le Matin, 17 nov.
---. 20 Fraz kreyòl potomitan (tradui an plizyè lang): 20 Key creole phrases (translated to different languages). [Ven Fraz... Translated to many languages: ABC (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao) Papiamentu: Hilda de Windt Youbi; Dutch translation: Hilda de Windt Ayoubi; French Guyana Creole: Aude Fawaka Désiré; French translation: Jean-S Sahaï; German translation: Jnes Angela Pellegrini; Guadeloupe Creole: Ernest Pépin; Itialian translation: Francesca Palli; Martinique Creole: Raphaël Confiant; Maurician Creole: Sedley Richard Assonne; Reunion Creole: Franswa Sintomer; Rodrigue Creole: Marlin Augustin; Saint-Bart Creole (translated by) CLASH (Comité de Liaison et d’Application des Sources Historiques); Saint-Luicia Creole: Lindy-Ann Alexander; Seychelles Creole: Penda Choppy; Spanish translation: Miguel Calzada; Swedish translation: Maxette, Malte Olsson].
---. Gen defwa m sonje w (Sometimes, I remember you - poetry). JKL (Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen), Vol. 1, #5, mas.
---. Haiti: a directory of publications : Ayiti: yon ànyè piblikasyon.
---. Haiti and the destruction of nature.
---. Haitian authors, editors and translators… know your rights and respect others’.
--. Haitian Creole : Kreyòl [etymology (etimoloji) • examples (egzanp) • external links (lyen ekstèn) • further reading (plis lekti) • grammar (gramè) • history: istwa • lexicon: leksik • origins: orijin • orthography: òtograf • proverbs and expressions (pwovèb e espresyon) • references (referans) • see also (wè tou) • sociolinguistics (sosyolengwistik) • software (sòfwè, lojisyèl) • usage abroad (itilizasyon aletranje). Ref. Wikipedia].
---. Interview with Jan Mapou (Jean-Marie Willer Denis) about his play, D.P.M-Kanntè. 'Chache-Konnen ak Védrine’, radio program, Haïti Diaspo Inter'. Feb. 1997. Play translated to English by E. W. Védrine.
---. Istwa Bouki ak Malis : Stories of the two brothers, Bouki and Malis). (Creole edition : édition créole, E. W. Védrine. [folktale].
---. Jipon nwa a (an adaptation of ‘Le pargne noir', by Bernard Dadié. Ref. in An annotated bibliography on Haitian Creole…, 2003); in Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen,1994). [istwa kout /resi: short story].
---. Jou pa ou : Your day (poetry). Haïti en Marche, Vol. XIII #51.
---. Jounen Entènasyonal Felix Morisseau-Leroy (Felix Morisseau-Leroy's International Day, poetry). Tanbou, ivè – prentan.
---. Kandida dan griyen (Candidates who have nothing to offer - poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #426.
---. Kandida dwategoch (Flip-flop candidates, poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #426.
---. Kandida lamayòt (Clown candidates - poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #426.
---. Konvèsasyon kat ti zanmi ki te nan 'High School’ : Conversation of four friends who were in high school). Ref. in Gramè Kreyòl Védrine, 1996. (Un échantillon d'alternance codique parmi la jeune génération haïtienne aux Etats-Unis : A sample of code switching among the young Haitian generation in the United States). [pyesèt : sketch].
---. Kote kochon kreyòl nou yo?. (What happened to our Creole Pigs? - poetry); in Tanbou.
---. Koudeta nan peyi sivilize. (Coup d’état in a civilized country - poetry). [In An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole… (2003), pp. 378-379; published also on Haitilonline.com].
---. Koudèy sou Edikasyon Siperyè Ayiti : yon lòt etap apre nivo segondè.
---. Koze Lanmou, Vol. II. (collection, written between 1995 – 2009. A collection of poems in Haitian Creole focusing on “Love”; many of them have appeared in periodicals, anthologies and books).
---. Koze Lanmou. Vol. I. (1st. ed.). Boston, MA: VEDCREP. 48 p. [Written between 1986 – 1995. A collection of poems in Haitian Creole focusing on “Love”; many of them have appeared in periodicals, anthologies and books].
---. Kreyòl without toil: an introductory course to Haitian Creole. [Manual for learners of Haitian Creole or English].
---. Kri pou liberasyon (Cry for liberation, poetry collection). [Written between 1986 – 2009. A collection of poems which main theme is “liberation”. Many of them focus on Haiti’s history and the Haitian Reality].
---. Kritik Ak Rechèch Sou Pwovèb Ayisyen: revizyon e edisyon 100 pwovèb ayisyen nan 'You can learn Creole', zèv H. Ormonde McConnell ak Eugene Swain Jr | Critics and Research on Haitian Proverbs: a review and editing of 100 Haitian proverbs from 'You can learn Creole', by H. Ormonde McConnell and Eugene Swain Jr. [book review].
---. Lafrechè (The young prostitute - poetry). JKL (jounal kreyòl ayisyen). Vol. #4.
---. Lago ak lanmou. (Hide-and-sick game with Love) - poetry. Haiti en Marche, Vol. XXI, #34.
---. Lago ak Lavi (Hide-and-sick game with Life - poetry). The Creole Connection, Vol. IV, #III. [Translated to English by Dr. Anna Wexler (June 1998: The Annual Writers’ Workshop, University of Massachusetts-Boston; translated to French by Pierre M. Chery (2000)].
---. Lanmou o pliryèl. (Love in plural - poetry). Tanbou, ivè - prentan.
---. Lavèy 30 Septanm (The Eve of September 30 - poetry). [In An Annotated Bibliography on Haiti Creole, 2003, pp. 580-581].
---. Lavoum pou yo! (Tell them to go away - poetry). The Nations Tribune.
---. Litani yon machann: Litany of a market vendor (poetry). [In Anthology of Haitian Poets of Massachusetts, pp. 78-80, 1998].
---. Manman, pa ban m tete ankò. (Mother, don't breastfeed me no more - poetry). Haïti en Marche.
---. Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen. Cambridge, MA: Soup to Nuts. [Sections on Poèmes bilingual poems with page reference]. “Afrik! Afrik! : Afrika oh! Afrika oh!” (pp. 64); “Ayisyen ak Chinwa : L’Haïtien et le Chinois”, pp.67) ; “Bòn anivèsè : Happy birthday». Haiti en Marche, Vol. XXII, #10, avril 2008; “Ce que tu dois savoir : What I want you to know”, pp. 66); “Dans la Forêt Noire : In the Black Forest”, pp.63) ; “Defann mwen, m ap defann ou zaboka”. (Defend me, I'll will defend you avocado), pp. 166; “Elle de dos”. (I see her back, departing). In Voices of the sun (anthology), Volume I, pp. 147; “Lang : Language”, pp.65); “Vwayajè : Le voyageur”, pp.68)].
---. Materyèl pedagojik pou lekòl Ayiti : Teaching materials for schools in Haiti.
---. Men l anlè a l ap vini. (“He is in the air coming”. [Istwa kout /resi : short story].
---. Mother Nature has risen up against us. (English translation : E. W. Védrine). [Original French text, «Un certain mardi de janvier”, by Nicolas André. Boston Haitian Reporter, January 23].
---. Mouri pou libere Ayiti (Istwa kout /resi : short story). [Traduction anglaise: Dying, l’auteur; traduction française: Mourir pour libérer Haïti, Jean-S. Sahaï; traduction italienne: Morire per liberare Haiti, Francesca Palli; traduction russe: Karlova Ekatarina; traduction japonaise: Mihoko Tsunetomi; traduction papiamentu: Muriendo pa liberashon di Haiti, Yaniek Pinedo; traduction allemande: Sterben, um Haiti zu befreien, Jnes Angela Pellegrini; traduction espagnole: Morir para liberar Haití, Miguel Calzada”].
---. Mwen reve w dwòl (I had a weird dream of you - poetry). In Istwa Pwezi Kreyòl Ayiti. [anthology and essay– edited by Michel-Ange Hyppolite), pp 202].
---. Nan Amerik, nou wè…, Creole translation). [Original English text: “In the Americas, we see… ”, by Roberto Gibral-Tarik (an excerpt from One in a Million by (Roberto Gibral-Tarik), pp. 27-29). Both texts republished in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole…, 2003, pp. 364- 365].
---. Nan pwovens (In the countryside - poetry). Bon Nouvèl, #36. janv. 1998; #409.
---. New words and idioms entering Haitian Creole. [Haitian Creole lexicon: Leksik kreyòl].
---. Nou se ITIAHaiti : We are ITIAHaiti (chan : song). English translation by E. W. Védrine.
---. Nouvo direktè, nouvo woulo konpresè (A new manager, a new bulldozer - poetry). Haïti en Marche, Vol. XX, #16.
---. Nwèl lavèy Bisantnè (French version: Noël, veille de Bicentenaire by Jean-Samuel Sahaï; Italian version: Natale, vigilia del Bicentenario by Francesca Palli). JKL (jounal kreyòl ayisyen). Vol. 2, #3. [poetry].
---. October 28, International Creole Day, and what?.
---. Otè, editè, tradiktè ayisyen… konnen dwa ou e respekte dwa zòt : Haitian authors, editors and translators…, know your rights and respect others.
---. Pèp ayisyen an 1990 (The Haitian people in 1990, poetry). Tanbou, Vol. II, #1.
---. Peripesi yon ti pèp nwa : Hardships of a small Black nation (poetry, in Tanbou, 1999; in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole… 2003).
---. Principaux végétaux d’apport amérindiens utiles au monde comme nutriments (Mdju MKA). [photos F. Palli].
---. Pòv k ap mande nan Pòtoprens”. (Beggars in Port-au-Prince - poetry, in Tanbou, ivè - prentan).
---. Pwodiksyon materyèl didaktik an kreyòl : ki pozisyon Ayisyen pran? (Production of teaching materials in Creole: what side are Haitians on?).
---. Pwòpte (Cleanliness). Pwezi : poetry. JKL (Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen). Vol 2, #1, jiyè.
---. 23 Poèmes en français et en haïtien. VEDCREP: Boston, MA. 52 p. [23 Poems in French and Haitian Creole. Titles include: (1). “Afrika oh! Afrika oh! : Afrika! Afrika”. (2) “Au bord de l'Océan : Bò Oseyan an”; (3). “Ce que tu dois savoir : Sa ou dwe konnen”.(4) “Dans la Forêt Noire : Nan Forè Nwa : In the Black Forest : Im Scharzen Wald”. (5) “Dans le Parc : Nan Pak la”. (6) “Europe et Espagne : Ewòp ak Espay”.(7) “Les deux Ponts : Pon Nèf ak Pon Women”. (8) “Le voyageur : Vwayajè”. (9) “L'enfant et sa mère adoptive : Pitit ak manman adoktif li”. (10) “L'existence et la puissance de l'amour : Ekzistans ak puisans lanmou (Kat lèt : Four letters)”; (11) “L'Alpha et L'Omega : Premye ak dènye”. (12) “L'Haïtien et le Chinois : Ayisyen ak Chinwa”.(13) “L'Haïtien, un metis : Ayisyen, yon metis”.(14) “L'Oiseau et le printemps : Zwazo ak prentan”. (15) “Où se trouve Haïti? : Ki kote Ayiti ye?” .(16) “Qui vous êtes : Kisa ou ye? : Quem é você? : Who you are”.(17) “Salamanca : Salamank”.(18) “Saison rouge : Sezon wouj. (19) “Souvenir : Souvni.(20). “Souvenir de Vienne : Souvni k sot Vyèn”.(21) “Trente ans emprisonné : Trantan anprizone”. (22) “Un temoin : Yon temwen”.(23) “Vive les vacances : Viv vakans”.
---. Questionning Haitian Culture to learn more about it : Kesyonnen kilti ayisyen pou aprann plis de li
---. Rat konnen, chat konnen, barik mantèg la sou siveyans” (Retorik an kreyòl ayisyen : Rhetoric in Haitian Creole). [Text to be analyzed “Rat knows, Cat knows, the barrel of lard is being watched”].
---. Rechèch sou pawoli ak pwovèb ayisyen: Pawoli nan yon roman Pauris Jean-Baptiste, 'Peyi Zoulout' ”. Ref. in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole…, 2003); “Chen pèdi Chat genyen” (in Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen, 1994).
---. Respè pou Fanm Ayiti Tonma : Respect for the Women of Haiti (poetry). Libète, #293, me 1998. (in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole, 2003, pp. 578-579].
---. Retard dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères en Haïti.
---. Rèv mwen pou demen”. (My dream for tomorrow). Haïti en Marche, Vol. XIV #3. 2000; in JKL (Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen). Vol. 2, #3, janvye 2004.
---. Review of Senou's article, ‘A Call for a Coalition and a Unity gove’.
---. Richès kiltirèl Ayiti : yon min ki poko esplwate | The cultural richnes s of Haiti : an exploited mine.
---. Ritardo dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere nelle scuole di Haïti.
---. Sa m panse de powèm. [What I think about poetry : Ce que je pense des poèmes : Was ich über Poesie denke : Ninavyofikiria kuhusu ushairi… In An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole, 2003, pp. 379. [French translation (Jean-Samuel Sahaï-Viranim); German translation (Andrina Soliva); Swahili translation (Richard Kifutu)].
---. Se bon tande! (Watch out! - poetry). Haïti en Marche, Vol. XV, #23; in JKL (Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen), jiyè 2002. Vol. 1, #1.
---. Se kreyòl mwen pale. (I speak Creole). Kreyòl Connection. 1997. [Ref. in An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole… 2003, pp. 505)].
---. Séisme à Haïti – 12 janvier 2010 : Tranblemanntè Ayiti – 12 janvye 2010 : Haiti’s earthquake – January 12, 2010.
---. Sen valanten, priye pou mwen. (St. Valentine, pray for me - poetry, in Haïti en Marche, Vol. XV, #23; in JKL /Jounal Kreyòl Ayisyen, Jiyè; Vol. 1, #1).
---. Sezon sechrès Ayiti. (2nd. ed.). JEBCA Editions. 224 p. [English summary : Resumé en anglais]. [© The author’s copyright : © Dwa otè a] . [© Lexical data (for hyper base software for dictionaries) : © Done leksikal (pou lojisyèl ipèbaz pou diksyonè)]. [In Papiamentu language, Temporada di sekura na Haiti. [First original Creole version was published in 1994: Soup to Nuts Publishers, Cambridge, MA. 1994. 128 p. [The novel has been translated to English by the author (Emmanuel W. Védrine). [Text in pdf format : Tèks an fòma pdf]; VEDCREP: Boston (edition, 2013, 163 p. [“In Sezon sechrès Ayiti, the author presents a Haiti the way it exists through the eyes of characters. Sezon sechrès Ayiti is a historical novel written in the Haitian language and one that is written in a simple language, presented in a historical, political and economic context: what happened in Haiti, what happened recently, and what continues to happen. The philosophy and psychology of the people are about the same: they all would like to see a beautiful Haiti, one where everyone can work together. They are victims of the drought, of the crimes going on in the country and abuses done to them. They are leaving Haiti for same causes though they like the country but the situation forces them to leave. Despite of all the crimes and abuses committed to them, they don't ask for anything wrong to happen to the criminals, but they would like them give up all that is evil, they would like them to change so that there can be a real change in the country”.
---. Si m te, m ta... (If I were, I would... - poetry). [In Revolution Révolution Revolisyon: Anthology, 2004, edited by Ella Turenne; in Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen, 1994 (pp. 25-26].
---. So many political parties, so little progress. (Anpil pati politik, ti kal pwogrè).
---. Some Reflections for a New Haiti after January 12, 2010. The Mass Media, Vol. XLIV #7, Feb. 2010, pp.11, University of Massachusetts-Boston.
---. Some superstitions in Haitian culture : Kèk sipètisyon nan kilti ayisyen.
---. Some verbs dealing with Haiti’s underdevelopment and development. [Kèk vèb ki an rapò ak soudevlopman e devlopman Ayiti]. Summer : Ete 2020.
---. Standardizing Haitian Creole : A Roundtable Discussion. Haitian Studies Association 18th Annual Conference. October 5-7, 2006 - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Panel: M. Prou, E. W. Védrine, A. Valdman, J. Barnes-Huducourt. [Konferans /Tab Rond sou «estandadizasyon kreyòl» -- Conference].
---. Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain : a bibliography of her publications.
---. Tardiness in foreign language teaching in Haiti’s schools : Reta nan ansèyman lang etranje nan lekòl Ayiti”.
---. The Butios have promised victory. [English translation of an epic poem translated by by E. W. Védrine; original text appeared in Jean Fouchard’s collection Pre-Columbian history of Haiti; original text in French. Both texts republished in Materyèl Edikatif pou Bileng Ayisyen (1994, pp. 9-10); in Prisma (literary magazine, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Spring 1990)].
---. The use of Creole in schools in Haiti (use of the urban variation and the tendency to reject the rural one: Sociolinguistics and the reality behind it).
---. Ti Istwa Kreyòl : Short Stories in Haitian Creole. [Liv Istwa kout, ak kesyon sou istwa yo; pwovèb sou bèt]. [folktale].
---. Ti Malis ak Bouki apre 12 janvye: Pati II Dyesibon kontinye ap pale sou tranbladtè a”. 29 avril.
---. Translation samples, and all we can do with documents written in Haitian Creole: Echantiyon tradiksyon, e tout sa nou ka fè ak dokiman ki ekri an kreyòl ayisyen • Pwodiksyon kreyòl ekri e sipò konkrè l, grafi a • Chávez en camisa roja, Préval en camisa azúl • Douz (12) Prensip Bwa Kayiman: The Twelve Bwa Kayiman Principles • Le reboisement d’Haïti, un défi politique et environnemental • Curaҫao welcomes Haiti’s President, Michel Martelly • [Kiraso di bon bini a prezidan Ayisyen an, Michel Martelly • Barack Obama’s acceptance speech • Bèbè Golgota: Bouskay sitwayènte ak diyite • Pierre Ericq Pierre (Ex-Premier Ministre désigné) • Presidente Martelly lo kanta pa rekounda fondo • “Mouri pou libere Ayiti”, (resi /istwa kout: short story, Dying for Haiti’s liberation). Yon echantiyon tradiksyon apati lang kreyòl: A translation sample from Haitian Creole (to English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Papiamentu, Russian, Spanish…) • Boukan dife literati ak Joël Lorquet.
---. Transpòtasyon an Ayiti. (Transportation in Haiti - poetry. in Tanbou).
---. Trente ans emprisonné : Thirty years imprisoned” (poetry). [In An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole, 2003, pp. 575-576)]. in Voices of the sun (anthology), Volume I, pp 274.
---. Twenty cents of consciousness to become a better person : Ven kòb konsyans pou vin yon pi bon moun.
---. Un super coup digne de Maître Lefort V du Cap-Haitien!. [A Meaty Case Won by Attorney. Lefort V of Cape-Haitian : Mèt Lefort V, nan Okap, fè yon kokenn kou]. [Joke, story].
---. Vanjans Konpè Chat (édition créole / Haitian Creole edition: E. W. Védrine). [folktale].
---. Welcome to L’Asile (Lazil), a commune in Haiti : Byenveni nan Lazil, yon komin Ayiti.
---. Working harder to bridge the generation gap. E. W. Védrine. Boston Haitian Reporter.
---. Yon bouke flè pou fanm vanyan. Bon Nouvèl, mas, #416. (A bunch of flowers for brave women - poetry).
---. Yon lekòl tèt anba nan yon peyi tèt anba [audio material : materyèl odyo -- Yves Dejean].
---. Welcome to L’Asile, a commune in Haiti : Byenveni nan Lazil, yon komin Ayiti.
LOUIS, Wilson Thelimo and Obdiel Zidane Dormélus. “Kontrandi Edikasyon Kreyòl nan Lekòl Ayiti” (In An Electronic Teaching Materials’ Model for Haitian Students and Teachers (edited by) by Emmanuel W. Védrine. Winter. 2020).
---. Edikasyon kreyòl nan lekòl Ayiti (videyo : video) Creole Education in Schools in Haiti. Novanm 2019. Koutwazi òganizasyon ITIAHaiti.
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Research note
Haitian folktales • Haitian literarure in Kreyòl • Haitian literature of the diaspora • Haitian oral literature /oraliture • Haitian writers workshops • Online teaching materials for Haitian students • Online teaching materials for Haitian teachers • Online teaching materials for schools in Haiti • Poetry in Haitian Creole • Short stories in Haitian Creole • Teaching materials for Haitian literacy programs in Creole • Teaching materials for learners of Haitian Creole • Teaching materials in Haitian Creole (Kreyòl) • Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti • Workshops for Haitian teachers.
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts. USA