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Political opposition in a country, vis-à-vis polical power Opozisyon Nasyonal d Ayiti : Opposition Nationle D' Haïti Guy Daniel CASTOR (et al) |
In all countries, there are what’s called "political powers". At the same time, there is what’s called "political opposition".
The political power of a country with a strong democracy is made up of a group of people who present their programs. Among these programs, we can mention: health care, economy, social programs etc. that they present to the people. After elections, some of these candidates are elected to take power. They form a government to put in practice the programs presented during their campaigns.
In the same countries where democracy reigns, there is what’s called political opposition. They are there to watch each action the current administration is taking. They are monitoring wether the elected officials who are power respect the programs they presented to the people who voted them. If this administration does not take action in the interest of the people, the duty of the opposition would be to make concrete proposals (to the people) in terms of what’s needed to be done.
In Haiti, political power and political opposition have other functions: an elected person, a group of people appointed at the head of the country without a program. They are there to fill up their pockets. They work for a small group of people in the country, who are the bourgeoisie. They are also working for a small group of people in the international community to protect their interests, yet the people themselves still remain in disarry. The people are still in misery. Nonetheless, it is the same people who are always victims.
Unfortunately, we do not have an opposition that really knows its role, its task, and its objective. We see a multi-headed opposition (a plural opposition). What do they propose to the people, who are suffering due to the current administration? Yes, they denounce the crimes the government has been committing against the people. Yes, they denounce the kidnappings. Yes, they denounce all that the current administration is doing that’s not good, but to what end? Are they really working to remove the people from their calamity?
The people do not need a plural opposition where each person in this opposition has their own goal. The people do not need a cow shit opposition, where its top is dried and its botom is wet. We need a national opposition that includes citizens who are defending the population. We need a national opposition where the diaspora has the same right as people who are in the country. We need an opposition where the voice of those who are weak can be heard in the ears of even the international community to let it know that we are a sovereign and democratic country; it’s the people voice that should be heard. If we say no, we don’t want an administration that’s imposing a dictatorship; they must hear us because democracy reigns in their country.
It is a bloody administation that is imposing a dictatorship on the country. It’s making the people swallow the crimes that this administration is commiting, the kidnappings they committing, the insecurity they establish in the country. A plural opposition that forgets its role, its mission; they are people who are taking care of their pockets. We, the sovereign people, vomit these currupted people to say we need a united national opposition, where everyone has one voice, speaks one word, and brings one news.
We, in Haiti’s National Opposition, are criticizing the current administration which for ten years, has been stealing the country's money. To date, no report has been made on the $ 1.50 taken on money transfers from the diaspora, something to support families and close friends in Haiti. We are criticizing them for the country's justice that they step on. We are criticizing them for the insecurity that spreads out in the country. We are criticizing them for kidnapping which does not spare anyone. Kidnapping has become a profession in the country, where a hundred thousand times it used for those who are poor today to become tomorrow. We are criticizing them for legalizing gangs in the country. We are criticizing them for making false promises to the population, where they keep on mocking the people.
At the same time also, we are denouncing this plural opposition that has different opinion, an opposition that does not share the same vision with us. Their vision focuses on criticizing, but never propose anything for change. It is an opposition where they are people during day time, at night they turn into animals to enter the white house to negotiate their posts, and their pockets. An opposition that sits down and manipulate the poor and hungry people who are suffering to take the streets to protest while they are eating well and drinking at hotels in Port-au-Prince.
In the National Opposition of Haiti, we say no to all abuses that the current administration is making us suffer. We say no to all these injustices they are making us suffer. We raise our voices loudly to say no to the demagoguery of what we see the plural opposition is doing.
In this perspective, to show the population that the current administration does not have the will to change our life. We, in the National Opposition of Haiti, have come up with some proposals that can, in short period of time, improve the situation that we are in. At the same time also, further down, our living condition can definitely be changed.
Haiti National Opposition Proposals.
Haiti's National Opposition is making a difference. We are playing our role as a real opposition, where we are going to propose what the plural opposition of cow dung cannot do. We are going to show the population that this bloody administration does is deliberately to keep us in filth, and to keep the people in poverty.
We, in the National Opposition of Haiti, are proposing:
In every country or society where people live, for everything to work properly there must be what is called security, with which everyone can go to their regular job or whatever they are doing without any fear. We propose to not only have a police force that does not meddle in politics, but a police force that must be there to protect and serve everyone (especially the poorest people, the people in the ghettos, those in the disadvantaged class). The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense must work together to provide good security to the entire population, and country.
We would like to see that there is a multi-police structure in place so that we can control everyone in the police force better:
- a departmental police force where these groups of police officers will be specifically assigned to a department (a departmental police in the western department will not be allowed to work in any other department), and each of departmental police officer will be identified with the department code.
- a community police force where these groups of police officers are assigned to each commune in the affected department. They will be under the control of their city hall commune, and will be identified with a code with the name of the department and commune assigned.
- A National Police that is there to protect the whole population.
At the same time also, we will have another law enforcement force to accompany the police in extreme cases, another law enforcement force to protect the country, and to help us maintain our sovereignty as free country.
After a country has security all over, we in the National Opposition of Haiti, have decided to touch the education issue.
We all know it very well. For a country to be developed, education must be the basis of that society. We should have an education that is good, practical, solid and one of high-quality education, where since the beginning we fix this issue.
- Education in the country is supposed to be mostly ensured by the Haitian government, where it is controlled by the government, and all schools should that follow the state program given to them.
- We will have a Ministry of National Education that is there to ensure that schools are free throughout the national territory of the country.
- The government is responsible to build schools in the country, and this construction should be done according to an international standard.
- Everyone, in the private sector, who wants to build schools must meet the standards set up by the government to have schools.
- There should not be any children walking back and forth in the streets (when they should be inside a school). Many of them are wiping cars in Port-au-Prince. There are those who are in-house servants. Some are already delinquents, and gang members already. All of these children must be enrolled in a school, and attend school at the same time. The government should create welcoming centers and orphanages to help them. That way, they will be able to learn different trades to live well in the society, and to help it as well. Without that, Haiti will become a nursery of gangs when the government turns a blind eye on this social problem that has been existing a long time. All of them must receive a free education (up to the age of 18). The rights of all children must be respected. Parents who are giving their children away as in-house servants should be punished.
Health is when a person is physically and mentally healthy. We all see and live it daily in the country how a person is when he or she is sick, how a person is when he or she cannot get good health care. Well, within our proposition, the National Opposition of Haiti, we are doing about health we say:
- The government should ensure the training of each medical student, each nurse, in general every person studying in the medical field.
- The Ministry of Public Health must have a good budget, at least 10% (ten percent).
- We should have 20 major departmental hospitals in the country (2 in each department).
- Each commune, having a certain number of people, is supposed to have a referral hospital. Communes with less people can have health centers within.
- Each department is supposed to have a university campus (which would be a branch of the State University of Haiti in order to decentralize the public university the same way it’s done in other countries) and a university hospital.
In the past, we used to read in books that Haiti is an essentially an agricultural country. Unfortunately, the country’s former leaders totally neglected this issue. How can we put in place a development plan to put agriculture back on track again? We know this it’s a very sensitive subject, knowing how some countries are pumping food here, and how some commercial bourgeois are buying food abroad to resell here.
There are many areas of the country so far that can be used to produce a set of products that used to be produced in the past. If we take the Artibonite area for instance, it can produce a lot of rice. We could put structures in place so that we make these areas provide more rice.
If we take Kenskòf for instance that produces vegetables (beets, cabbage, casserole, etc.). With proper structures in place, they would be able to do it at a greater scale, and identify other areas that can produce them.
Arcahaie (Akayè) is very famous for banana production. Okay, for vetiver.
- The Ministry of Agriculture should have a real budget.
- Each department should have had an annex of the Ministry of Agriculture, where there would be agents to accompany farmers in what they are doing, and do proper formation trainings for them.
- The Ministry of Agriculture should collaborate with the Ministry of Finance to set up an agricultural credit for everyone who wants to enter this field.
- There should be structures in place to modernize agriculture. Without that, Haiti will not be able to get out of its archaic farming system that is not profitable for anyone.
- There should have been what’s called a formation training abroad (online or through traveling for training or a technical institute for this in Haiti) for all professionals, agricultural agents, where they would be allowed to learn other techniques that can help better in the area of agricultural production.
With a view to reduce state spending and facilitating more effective ministries, we are proposing that the government reduce the number of ministries they have, and rename some of them.
- The Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (Ministry of Diaspora) can become a department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- In order for the Ministry of Women to be more effective, we would change the name to the Ministry of the Family instead.
To achieve the goal of these proposals, we do not need to be beggars and make fade faces for foreign countries to lend us money. We can stop looting the country where can use taxes money that the population is paying. We can use tax money that the customs are collecting. Some customs deductibles can be removed from some businesses and make them pay taxes normally. We will need to integrate the diaspora because they are also Haitians. We will need to work with the international community, but not unilaterally (where they would impose on us what they want, and give us what they want as support). But work together rather instead where we can have people representing us before them. That way, we will be able to tell the international community what our problems are, and what we need. For that to be done, we must have a strong government, one with integrity, one without corruption, one that sees Haiti’s development, and a sovereign state.
There is a very important sector that we cannot forget; it’s the university sector. In our proposal, in the National Opposition of Haiti, we will put in place a structure where the State University of Haiti (Université d’État d’Haïti /UEH) should be the pillar of all decisions that are to be taken in the country.
Guy Daniel CASTOR (Member of the National Opposition of Haiti)
SP/ DGC47/ Bandi Pa Fout Legal
February 28, 2021
18: O4 PM
Estriplet Jean SNORD (National Coordinator)
Sarah POISSON (Public Relations, National and International)
Marie Lourdes JEAN PIERRE (Treasurer)
Bedel ERNEST PIERRE (Haitian Diaspora Spokeperson)
Geraud CHARLES (OND’H Member)