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Two Education Related Suggestions:
Training of Stakeholders & Piloting Wrap Around Projects

Nekita Lamour

While keeping in mind the need to focus on curriculum and assessment and also aware of all the wonderful work that school districts are doing in the United States, I 'd like to share two ideas that, if implemented, will have long term benefits on students'  performance, the wider community, the country, and society as a whole.

  1. Bring Community Stakeholders/Gatekeepers into the Educational process by Piloting an outreach and engagement model that will provide US/Western history, curriculum teaching, and  school expectations training to community stakeholders, including those with influence on the families. Such training would create an internal community learning environment more on par with the schools' structure, culture, and expectations.
     I am very concerned as an educator of color  living in the  diasporan community and observing the lack of interest and support in doing anything related to learning. I am seeing  students and  families in certain environments not exposed to print,  reading literature, extra curricular activities, or anything that enriches or stimulates the mind and would enhance or benefit learning.
  2. For districts that don't have them, to PilotWrap-Around office(s) or location(s) to mitigate and assist in social and emotional services that families need. For instance, in my current  position as a Family liaison , though I do the interpreting/ translating,  the phone calls, or whatever is asked of me, 75% to 80% of my work is doing the  paperwork, help parents fill out applications, most of them online so students and/or their caretakers/parents/families can get particular service(s), ESL, or some job training. In other words, I communicate with various agencies and program directors, Department heads to connect families with services they need. I  help families fill out forms and do the " leg work" for most referrals and for SNAP (formerly called food stamps0, fuel assistance, and other needs. I go to the  DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance)   office to help parents use their portal/kiosk or ask questions when I can not reach anyone by phone. I communicate with various after school programs, local Community agency departments, i.e their Head Start, their Housing/Shelter programs and Fuel assistance department. I contact Catholic Charities and other agencies for child care vouchers. I have helped with a local domestic violence organization. I often call for parents' medical and dental appointments; communicate with area real estate agents for available apartments, etc. I also run a What's App group to share district wide information and do lots of oral communication with families because of the high illiteracy rate and lack of exposure to print. Many of those who can read don't seem to always understand and/or are able to follow or respond to written messages communicated via email or What's App.

The lack of community's response or reactions to this March 2023 Boston Globe Op-ed piece below got me very concerned and was the impetus to write down those ideas. In light of many Haitian migrants from Brazil and Chili, the TPS and the January 2023 Humanitarian parole, I believe a " Town Meeting" is needed to discuss its content.


Nekita Lamour


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