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Cross Town Action Committee Wish list & Recommendations for
the Stimulus Package (Recovery Act) for Boston Metropolitan Regions

Nekita Lamour, 3-11-09

  • Outreach workers to new comers, parents, ethnic and linguistic minorities in towns that are going through demographic changes (including new middle income, professionals)
  • Training to all parents on school curriculum and intergenerational changes
  • Family friendly Cross Cultural Community Centers that will serve several regions:

For instance one Family/Youth Community Center in Metro North that will serve North Shore towns from Salem to Medford; another for towns located from Somerville to Waltham.

Suggested Activities for those Community Centers

  • Mornings (between 9:00 & 2:00) Civic education, U.S history, civic participation, citizenship classes, continuing education, guest speakers and/or various levels of English reading, literature and writing classes for native and non-native speakers
  • Afternoons (2:30 P.M – 6:00P.M) After school, Out of School program for K-12 students
  • Drop in Center/ Homework Center for grades 9 to12 – Have Ping Pong, Pool table, game boards available when homework is done.
  • Structured Academic & Enrichment Programs for K-8 ( Academic help, MCAS, subject area as well as Music, Art, Drama, Dance, fieldtrips).
  • 6:00 - 7:00 P.M - Weekdays, break, (but open to pick up literature & pertinent information on community events and other resources)
  • 7:00- 9:00 P.M Continuing Education classes ( i.e public speaking, writing, guest speakers, literature, ESL, computer)
  • Saturday (10:00 A.M -2:00P.M)- Enrichment Program for K-8 with senior high school and college students involved as tutors and mentors)
  • Saturday Afternoon/Evening Ideas

2:00 PM- 5:00 P.M – Leadership skills, Community Service for grades 9-12
5:00 P.M to 7:00 P.M close, but open for teens to drop in, socialize and use game room
7:00 P.M to 12:00 A.M (supervised youth/ young adult recreational activities, i.e dance)

Budget of $ 10 million for over a 3 year period to be submitted after conversation.

Submitted orginally by Nekita Lamour, K.Romero and JP Riviere on March 11, 2009 during na information gathering meeting on stimulus package ideas.

Called, e-mailed, submitted the above ideas to several high level administrator - Have not heard from anyone in more than a year -  (8-5-10)


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