Nou ka poze kesyon sa yo:
1) Kisa refòm lekòl ye?
2) Kilès ki gen monopòl lekòl la Ayiti: leta oubyen sektè prive a?
3) Kisa Konstitisyon 1987 la di sou lekòl ak edikasyon ?
4) Ki tip preparasyon anseyan ayisyen genyen avan yo kòmanse anseye (nan nivo elemantè, segondè ou siperyè)?
5) Elèv ki rive konplete nivo segondè a, èske yo resevwa yon edikasyon pratik (apre yo fin pase 14 ane sou ban lekòl)?
6) Kisa k pa mache nan korikilòm lekòl Ayiti (nan tout nivo)?. Èske korikilòm sa a reflete reyalite ayisyèn nan oubyen èske l pratik ?
7) Èske leta reyèlman konsène pou l kreye lekòl gratis , bonjan lekòl nan tout rakwen peyi a pou tout timoun antre gratis ti cheri e san grese pa t pesonn pou achte yon plas pou yo?
8) Èske leta gen yon près pou enprime materyèl didaktik pou ede elèv ki pa ka achte liv? Si l gen youn, èske l ap fonksyone kounyeya?
9) Kilè leta pral fè l obligatwa pou tout timoun laj 5-16 zan oubyen 5-18 tan pou anndan yon lekòl kèlkonk?
10) Ki tip pwoblèm elèv ayisyen konfwonte lè y al lekòl nan peyi etranje ?
11) Sou kesyon lang (kreyòl, fransè), èske se yon pwoblèm ki kenbe elèv tout bon pou pa vanse lekòl oubyen se yon kesyon aksè majorite elèv pa genyen pou al lekòl oubyen se jis yon chemen kout pou divòse de reyalite politik la ?
12) Èske se pa ta yon bèl ide pou leta pase yon lwa ki ta fè sèvis kominotè vin yon bagay obligatwa?
La a, leta ta ka itilize pa ekzanp elèv ki konplete nivo bakaloreya pou angaje yo nan kèk travay kominotè tèlke: patisipe nan kanpay alfabetizasyon (si ap gen youn tout bon yon lè) atravè peyi a, angaje yo nan nenpòt tip travay leta ta tanmen (nan lavni) pou benefis peyi a. Pa bliye peyi tèlke Almay, Lafrans... itilize sèvis kominotè. Sa mache! Epitou, nan ka Ayiti, se yon bagay ki ka ede gouvèlman an ekonomize nan bidjè peyi a (anka si y ap gen youn alontèm). Sa fè pati de sa n ka rele resous imèn , ki yon bagay enpòtan nan devlopman Ayiti (nan tout nivo) oubyen sa n ka rele: grès kochon an kwit kochon an . An retou, leta ta dwe ede elèv sa yo (tèlke ba yo ti kòb ak lojman epi pi devan, sa ta ka sèvi kòm yon obligasyon avan pou pran yon pòs nan leta).
(© E. W. Védrine, 1998)

Some questions to open debates on the problem of education in Haiti
Emmanuel W. Védrine
Sept. 29 1998
We may ask the following questions:
1) What is school reform ?
2) Who has the school monopoly in Haiti : the government or the private sector?
3) What does the 1987 Constitution say about school and education ?
4) What type of preparation do Haitian teachers have before they start teaching (at elementary, secondary or university level)?
5) Students who succeed in completing the secondary level, have they received a practical education (after spending 14 years in schools)?
6) What does not work in the school curriculum in Haiti (at all levels)?. Does this curriculum reflect the Haitian reality or is it a practical one?
7) Is the government concerned about creating free schools, good schools across the country for all children free of charge without bribing anyone to buy a spot?
8) Does the government have a printing press to print teaching materials in order to help students who can't buy books? If there exist one, is it working now?
9) When will the government make it mandatory for all children ages 5-16 or 5-18 to be in a school somehow?
10) What type of problems do Haitian students face when they go to school abroad?
11) On the language issue (Kreyòl vs. French), is it a real problem holding the students not to advance in schools or is it rather a question of access that most students don't have to attend school or is it just a shortcut to divorce people from the political reality ?
12) Wouldn't it a nice idea for the government to pass a law that would make community service something mandatory?
Here, the government could have used for instance students who have completed the “bakaloreya” level engaging them in some community works such as: participating in literacy campaign (if ever there will be one) throughout the country, engaging them in any type of work that the government would initiate (in the future) for the country's benefit. Don't forget that countries like Germany , France …(just to name a few) use community service. That works! And, in Haiti 's case, it's something that can help the government saving from the country's budget (in case if they'll have a long-term one ). That is part of what we can call human resources , something important in Haiti's development (at all levels) or what we can call: “ grès kochon an kwit kochon an” (the community resources help the community) . In return, the government should help these students (such as giving them some money with room and board and further down the road, that could serve as something mandatory in order to have a state job)
(© E. W. Védrine, 1998)

Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)