Bon, se yon kesyon anpil nan nou ka bay kèk repons patikilye pou li. Men kite m di w yon ti bagay: toutan nou menm Ayisyen pa deside travay pou Ayiti toutbon ak nanm / fòs / resous / bòn volonte nou enben jenerasyon lan 2000 lan ap toujou gen yon sèl lide nan tèt li: "Kite Ayiti". Donk, nan sans sa a youn nan bagay edikatè ayisyen nan dyaspora a ka panse met aksan sou li, se ta: "Estrateji pou kolabore ak Ministè Edikasyon Nasyonal Ayitil / bonjan edikatè ayisyen (Ayiti & nan dyaspora a)" pou wè kisa n fè (patikilyèman nou menm ki gen ti resous ak lakonesans). Nou kapab etale pwopozisyon sa yo konsa:
- Kreye yon pajwèb (sit) oubyen yon lyenajwèb (koneksyon pajwèb) pou mete tout dokiman nou panse lekòl Ayiti ta bezwen ladan.
- Mete yon lis pajwèb ki gen dokiman sou Ayiti ladan oubyen jis ogmante sou anyè elektwonik mwen kreye deja (The Haiti Superweb Directory) pou fasilite rechèch sou Ayiti.
- Mennen yon kanpay pou ranmase papye rechèch / dokiman rechèch (ki an rapò ak Ayiti, elèv / chèchè k ap ekri sou Ayiti e dokiman rechèch an jeneral pou bay elèv ak anseyan Ayiti (nan tout nivo) aksè a rechèch pou ede yo).
- Pou reyalize sa, se yon bagay fasil (osilontan ou kwè nan ide sa yo e ke ou ta renmen ede Ayiti elanse nan domèn Edikasyon ak Rechèch san tann se kwi pou n al lonje devan zòt pou reyalize yon seri ti pwojè fasil (nou menm nou ka fè) pou byennèt peyi nou. Nan sans sa a, koze "teknoloji" a nou pa ka kite l dèyè. Anpil Ayisyen ta grate tèt yo lè n mansyone 'teknoloji'. Kite m di w: Ayiti se youn nan peyi nan lemonn ki kale "sèvo" men pwoblèm nou sèke nou pa kwè nan "potansyalite" nou oubyen pran ti tan reflechi sou kijan pou n aprann itilize pwòp resous nou. Se yon konbit konsyantizasyon kote n bezwen tout moun, tout pwofesyonèl (Ayisyen kou blan), non sèlman pou ban nou koutmen men tou pou boukante lide, lide k rele lide pou devlope Ayiti. Donk, panse a kijan ou ka konsyantize edikatè ak espesyalis ayisyen (nan tout domèn pou aprann mete konesans yo o sèvis Ayiti) ak tout lòt moun ki ta vle ede nou.
Youn nan nannan koze a tou ta "kreyasyon yon bonjan sant rechèch Ayiti" (kote premyèman fòk gen konpitè pou kreye yon sistèm enfòmatize pou dokimante ep enprime materyèl sa yo). Sa ta pèmèt nou fè yon seri atelye ak monitè / anseyan / elèv dekwa pou bay pi bon rannman lekòl (nan kad devlopman ak estrateji pou itilize materyèl didaktik). Ann pa pale anpil, fè yon dal literati ak sa, men wè ki ide ou menm ki sousye de devlopman Ayiti ka bay, kisa ou ka pwodui pou Ayiti benefisye de li (nan yon lap de tan), ou menm ki gen tout kalte digri k pandye nan panno lakay ou: kòman Ayiti ka benefisye de yo? Panse a konkretizasyon ide sa yo.
Pou rejwenn prestij nou nan listwa e pou chanje imaj negatif Ayiti, sa depann de mwen /de ou/ de nou tout e jodi a se youn nan defi k kanpe an kwa nan wout pwogrè peyi nou pou n leve. Edikasyon se youn nan pòt lakay n ap bezwen chanje seri l pou kle siksè travay ladan. M swete ou va panse a ide sa yo epi pataje yo ak zanmi ou pou vin bay konkou nan gwo konbit sa a.
Patriyotikman, E. W. Védrine

What can we do to help the Minister of education in Haiti ?
Emmanuel W. Védrine
Well, it's a question to which many of us can give a particular answer. But, let me tell you something: as long as we, Haitians, don't decide to work for Haiti for real with our soul, strength, resources, and goodwill, the generation of 2000 will always have one thing in mind: “leave Haiti”. So, in this sense, one of the things that Haitian educators in the Diaspora can think of is emphasizing on “strategies to collaborate with the Minister of National Education in Haiti and with real Haitian educators (in Haiti & in the Diaspora)” to see what we can do, particularly those of us who have some resources and the knowledge. We can outline these propositions in this way:
- Create a web site or web links to put all the documents that we think schools in Haiti would need.
- Put a list of websites that have documents on Haiti or just add them to my on-line directory (Haiti's Super Web Directory) that I've already created to facilitate research on Haiti.
- Conduct a campaign to collect research papers and research documents that are related to Haiti from students and research documents in general to give to students and teachers in Haiti (at all levels) access to research to help them.
- To realize that, it is something easy (as long as you believe in these ideas and that you would like to help Haiti moving forward) in the area of Education and Research without begging foreigners money to realize a series of easy mini-projects that we can do ourselves) for the well-being of our country. In this sense, the “technology” issue cannot be left behind. Many Haitians would scratch their head when we mention “technology”. Let me tell you: Haiti is one of the countries in the world that produce “brains” but our problem is that we don't believe in our potential or take a little time to reflect on how we have to learn to use our resources. It is a conscious collective work where everyone is needed, all professionals (Haitians as well as non-Haitians), not only to help us but also to exchange great ideas for Haiti' development. So, think how you can make educators and Haitian professionals become conscious (in all areas to learn how to put their knowledge at the service of Haiti), and all other people who would like to help us.
One of nuclei of the issue is “the creation of well-equipped real research center in Haiti” (where first of all there should be computers in order to build a computerized system to document and print these materials). That would allow us to make a series of workshops for teachers and students so that they give better results in school (in the area of development and strategies to use teaching materials) Let's not talk a lot or make useless discussions with that but rather see what ideas you have, who care about Haiti's development, what you can give, what you can produce for Haiti to benefit from it (within a short period of time); you who have all type of degrees hanging on your wall: how can Haitians benefit from them? Think about it, make these ideas a dream come true.
To get our pride back from history and to change the negative images of Haiti, it depends on me, you, on all of us and today it's a challenge before us in the road of progress for our country. Education is one of Haiti's doors of which we will need to change its lock in order for the success' key to work in it. I hope that you will think about these ideas and share them with your friends to help in this big collective work. (© E. W. Védrine) Emmanuel W. Védrine
P.O.B. 255962
Dorchester, MA 02125-5110 (U.S)