Response about solutions for Haiti's problems
Nekita Lamour

"some of us will admit to the problems, a very few know the solution, but none of us are willing to do something about it. " M. I G.  

I think a lot of us writing in online forums and many in Haiti are willing to do something about the problems. But the point is we can't get ourselves together to do something about the issues. There are so many of them that we don't know where to start. Also, Haitians think they know everything about every issue. Those who are versed in a topic don't have a say. Let someone who is knowledgeable in a subject matter work on it. There needs to be respect and appreciation for one's knowledge, wisdom and skills. It takes sacrifice, talents and money to learn. I once overheard a Haitian poet arguing with a doctor about medical issues.

For those of us in the “10em,”(diaspora) it takes time, energy, and patience to work with Haitians.We work a full time job. Organizing and putting the ideas in practice take time. Those of us who want to do something don't have the money, the time and are not in the position to do it. Most of those whose jobs and positions allow them to help Haitians improve their lives in Haiti and/or in the diaspora don't do it. They don't work or don't want to work with others who know how to get the work done. They feel challenged. Haitians don't have the concept of consultant. Once they are in a position , they don't think there is someone who knows more about that work than they do, or who can see something they don' t see.

In terms of just writing and sharing ideas, how many Haitians in big positions in the United States or in Haiti are sharing ideas in different forums? How many Haitians in influential positions in the United States are writing in influential newspapers like the Boston Globe, the New York Times, Wall Street, Washington Post, Le Monde Diplomatique, Le Figaro, etc.?

I think many of us in the forum, in discussion lines, in blogs want to do something. But we don't have the time and the money. I understand what one said once somebody gets a job, they don't do anything. This is too bad. In the long run, everybody looses. The Haitian community’s and the Black race’s image continues to be ruined. The sad part is it appears to be that the Haitian community has a group of innocent people waiting for the next “star” that is crowned in mainstream USA to celebrate, to idolize, to deify, or the next person that is in front of them, not realizing that we have been here since 1700’s. There have always been Haitian “ stars” in the United States. But like in Haiti or in Europe or in Canada, I am not sure what all those ”vedettes” have done for the Haitian society in Haiti or out of Haiti as a whole.

