
Nekita Lamour

African-American females entering college outnumber black males by a ratio of 3 to 1.

Reporter Mike Foley explores how Ohio State University began a vigorous recruiting campaign to tackle the problem.

Last month I gave some statistics about how white Catholic women outnumber 6 to 10 times the number of men  doing theology. Even as church goers, Haitian Catholics are not or will not be at the spiritual/intellectual level with their white American counterparts.

Now look at the numbers regarding Black women in college. Will Haitian young women both Catholics, Protestants and nonbelievers be at the same level as African American women? Do we have a community that is making sure young people get to college?

Do 9, 10, 16 year olds see college students or adults who have gone to college around them? What will inspire them? What is the community's attitude toward U.S college graduates?  

Saying going to college is good for you is not enough for young people. They have to see it. How many adults who have gone both to High school and college are in those children's or High school students' environments.  I don't see anyone who has been to college or high school with me in anything in the Haitian community. I can't blame them either because my experience is a very negative one.

Nekita Lamour

