Pale de 'solisyone kèk pwoblèm', nou wè deja yon bann ak yon pakèt Ayiti genyen. An patan, nou ka met anpil anfaz sou de (2) nan kèk fason sitiyasyon yo ka chanje. Nou vle pale de «konsyantizasyon» ak «òganizasyon».
- «Konsyantizasyon» pa ta yon mo difisil pou n defini: imedyatman, nou wè «konsyans» ladan e nou ka pran konsyans de nou menm etan Ayisyen, nou gen yon drapo pou n defann, pran konsyans de tout pwoblèm peyi a e kisa nou ka fè kòm sitwayen (kisa m ka fè de pozitif nan devlopman Ayiti? Èske m ka kreye yon modèl pou lòt moun suiv? Ak tout esperyans mwen, èske m pa ta dwe «retounen nan kominote a» pou al ede lòt ki dèyè? Èske pwoblèm Ayiti se pwoblèm mwen? Èske si Ayiti te gen yon «imaj pozitif» zòt t ap fè yon «estereyotip pozitif» de mwen?) - Tout yon seri kesyon pou pran 'konsyans' kilès nou ye e kisa nou ka fè pou chanje «imaj negatif» peyi nou.
- Nan «òganizasyon» an, tout gwoup ki sipoze òganize yo e kesyon n ap poze se: èske Ayisyen ka rive òganize tèt yo (nan tout domèn) san okenn hinghang? - Repons lan nan men yo e nan repons sa a, si yo panse kote pozitif li, y ap reyalize se youn nan pwen enpòtan pou pouse Ayiti vè lavan.
Nan ide sa a tou, se tout gwoup moun pwofesyonèl nou vize, kote yo ka menm anrejistre tèt yo anba labanyè yon «asosyasyon» men, pwen santral la nan sans sa a ta dwe «yon vizyon pou devlopman Ayiti».
Tèm «òganizasyon» an ta parèt global sou tout ang nou ta ka panse: etidyan, doktè, enjenyè, avoka, anseyan, chèrchè, kòdonye, achitèk, enfimyè, chofè transpò, pwofesè lekòl... pwofesyonèl (nan tout domèn), moun k ap pratike yon metye kèlkonk te ka panse.
Kèk pwoblèm ki fè «òganizasyon» an pa ka rive fèt:
a . Mank dinamis
b . Egoyis
c . Lespri koridò
d . Absans yon modèl
Nan pwen «a», 'mank dinamis', endividi a ap viv «au jour le jour» san yon plan byen detèmine nan tèt li kisa l ta panse reyalize nan dizan, nan ki etap li ta renmen ye nan yon lap de tan. La a, imedyatman, nou ka remake aspè «pwogrè» a, kote nou wè endividi a pa gen okenn ide «pwogrè» nan tèt li oubyen sa l ta renmen akonpli.
Nan pwen «b», nou ka wè nosyon 'egoyis' la aklè: «mwen atenn yon nivo deja nan sosyete a, mwen pa bezwen pesonn rive nan wotè m ye a pou ta vin fè konpetisyon ak mwen» oubyen, «m ap rete nan ti klan m ye a». La a, kèk moun ou ti gwoup moun ki panse konsa separe tèt yo kareman de lòt gwoup, o pwofi soudevlopman peyi a. Se «mwen» ki domine olye «nou», ki pwen santral la.
Nan pwen «c», 'lespri koridò', nou konnen 'koridò' se yon ale trè etwat. Kidonk, panse endividi a la a trè etwat: li pa gen yon vizyon pou l wè pi lwen (pozitivman) e sa konn rann li egoyis. Lespri l trè limite oubyen nou ka menm rele l «ti lespri».
Nan «absans yon modèl», nou wè pa gen yon «modèl lidèchip», yon chemen ki te trase deja pou suiv. E si pa aza ta gen yon ti modèl ki te la, li pa t byen estriktire; konsa, ki disparèt akoz mankman yon bonjan baz ki te tabli pou ta vin fè larelèv. Se tankou yon semans ki pa jèmen oubyen ki te tonbe move kote.
Ki solisyon a tout pwoblèm sa yo? –
Pou solisyone yon pwoblèm, premye bagay nou dwe fè se li l, reflechi sou li pou jwenn solisyon l. Se tankou yon doktè ki pral fè yon operasyon: li pa jis konsilte malad la epi pou l di li pral met kouto sou li men li fè yon dyagnostik avan epi l gen yon seri machasuiv pou konnen maladi a fen e byen. Sèdike la a, nou menm ki plizoumwen nan yon nivo pou konprann sitiyasyon Ayiti, premyèman se ta konsyantize n dabò, konsyantize maksimòm moun (nan chak domèn) epi gade ak ki preskripsyon nou ka vini.
Si se pwofesè lekòl nou ye, enben nou pral gwoupe nou an «asosyasyon pwofesè lekòl» e lè n gwoupe nou, nou vin gen plis fòs paske n ap rankonre tanzantan pou diskite pwoblèm n ap konfwonte, pwoblèm elèv ap konfwonte, pwoblèm timoun ki pa ka al lekòl, pwoblèm founiti paran timoun pa gen kòb pou achte, pwoblèm pwofesè k bezwen prepare avan yo kòmanse anseye, pwoblèm salè ki bezwen ajiste, transpòtasyon pou elèv, òganize joune pou elèv aprann vwayaje nan tout rakwen peyi a, pwodiksyon materyèl didaktik, òganizasyon fwa liv chak ane (omwen) pou konn sa k disponib, sa k ka itilize nan lekòl e panse tou a sa n ka rele «yon lekòl pratik», kote elèv la lè l fin atenn yon nivo, li kapab ede tèt li ak sosyete l ap viv la e ki estrateji posib pou solisyone tout pwoblèm sa yo.
Menm ide sa yo kapab aplikab pou tout lòt pwofesyonèl men nan tout, dwe ekziste yon pwen komen: «devlopman Ayiti o maksimòm». Konsa, kèk nan pwoblèm peyi a ka rive solisyone trapde lè motè machin «konsyantizasyon» ak «òganizasyon» an va fonksyone kòmsadwa.
(E. W. Védrine, ivè 2000)
Strategies to solve some problems
in the advantage of Haiti's development
Emmanuel W. Védrine
Winter 2000
Talking about ‘solving some problems', we have already a bunch of problems that Haiti has. First, we can emphasize a lot on two in some ways the situations can be changed. We want to refer to “consciousness” and “organization”.
- “Consciousness” would not be a difficult word for us to define: immediately we see “becoming conscious” in it and we can be conscious of ourselves as Haitians, we have a flag to defend, be conscious of all the country's problems and what we can do as citizen (what we can do as positive for the development of Haiti? Can I create a model for others to follow? With all my experiences, shouldn't I “return to the community” to help others who are behind? Are Haiti 's problems mine? Would others make a “positive stereotype” of me if Haiti had a “positive image”? – a whole bunch of questions to become conscious of who we are and what we can do to change our country's “negative image”.
- In «organization», all groups that are supposed to organize themselves and the question we may ask is: Can Haitians succeed in organizing themselves (in all domains) without any “silly fights”? – The answer lies within themselves and in this answer, if they think of its positive side, they will realize that it is one of the important points to move Haiti forward.
In this idea also, it is the whole professional group that we aim at, where they can even register themselves under an organization's flag, but the central point in this sense should be a “vision for Haiti 's development”.
The term «organization» would appear global at all angles we can think of: students, doctors, engineers, lawyers, teachers, researchers, shoemakers, architects, nurses, truck drivers… professionals (in all domains), people who are practicing a trade somehow. Some problems that hinder the “organization”:
a . Lack of dynamism
b . Selfishness
c . Narrow minded
d . Absence of a model
In point «a», ‘lack of dynamism', the individual is living “from day to day” without a well organized plan in his mind of what he thinks of achieving in ten years, in what level he likes to be at within a specific period of time. Here, immediately, we can notice the “progress” aspect, where we see the individual does not have any idea of it in his mind or what he would like to achieve.
In point «b», we can clearly see the notion of ‘selfishness': “I attend that level in the society, I don't need anyone to reach at my level in order not to compete with me” or “I stay within my clan”. Here, some people or small groups who think like that separate themselves from other groups, in the advantage of the country's underdevelopment. It's “me” who dominates instead of “we”, that is the central point.
In point «c», 'narrow minded or lespri koridò', we know that 'koridò' is a very narrow alley. Therefore, the individual thinking is quite narrow: he doesn't have a vision to see further (positively) and this sometimes makes him selfish. His mind is quite limited or we can even call it «small mind».
In the “absence of a model”, we see that there is not a “model of leadership”, a path that was already designed to follow. And if by chance there was a model, a well-structured one; that way, it disappears because it lacks the foundation of a real base to facilitate the transition. It's like seeds that are not germinated or that they fell in bad areas.
What's the solution to all of these problems? –
To solve a problem, the first thing we ought to do is reading it, reflect on it to find the solution. It's like a doctor who is going do a surgery: he doesn't just examine the patient and says he is going to operate on that patient but he first does a diagnostic, and he has a series of procedures to follow in order to become familiar with the disease. That is, we, who are more or less at a level to understand Haiti's situation, first it would be to become conscious (in each domain) and then look with what precision we can come.
If we are teachers, well we are going to group ourselves in “teachers' association” and when we group ourselves, we become stronger because we will be meeting from time to time to discuss the problems that we are facing, problems that students are facing, problems that children who cannot go to school are facing, problem of school materials that students' parents don't have money to buy, teachers that need to be trained before they begin to teach, salary problem that needs to be adjusted, problem of transportation that students are facing, organizing fieldtrips for students to learn to travel throughout the country, production of teaching materials, organization of book fairs at least once a year in order to know what is available, which ones are being used in schools and also think about what we can call “a practical school”, where after the student attended a level, he is able to help himself in the society in which he is leaving and what possible strategies to solve all these problems.
These same ideas can be applicable to all other professionals but in all of them, should exist a common point: “ Haiti 's development at the maximum”. That way, some of the country's problems can be solved quickly when the engine of the “consciousness” car functions well.
(E. W. Védrine, Winter 2000)
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