1. We recommend that a Web Site be established in each Creole country; i.e., Seychelles, Rodrigues, Mauritius, Reunion, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Martinique, and all other Creole countries which were not represented at the symposium. This will facilitate the diffusion of information, acting as a bulletin board.
Those countries represented at the symposium have taken the responsibility to create their information page and they will contact those countries not represented so that they can do the same. We proposed a list of individuals and institutions to act as correspondence links.
2. Since a regional symposium has been organised every year in Seychelles as part of the Kreol Festival, we propose that every two or three years an international symposium - such as the 1999 one - be organised.
We also propose the following ideas for future international symposia:
- encourage an approach which is open to all the regions of the Creole world, and an interactive and dynamic approach to new disciplines. (e.g. tourism, culture, environment, architecture....).
- music should be given a special place because of its importance in the Creole society.
- Creole countries should be encouraged to make exchanges via audio-visual means and to make use of the most recent technological developments.
3. We recommend the exchange of students who are studying Creole between Creole countries and other countries of the world.
4. Finally, bearing in mind the importance of our maternal language, the symposium firmly recommends the promotion of Creole in all domains, in particular, education, and to encourage the use of the maternal language to teach children to read and write.

Rekòmandasyon Senpozyom Kreyol 1999 la
1. Nou rekòmande kreyasyon yon paj wèb nan chak peyi kreyòl; .e.g, Sechèl, Rodrig, il Moris, Lareyinyon, Guadloup, Senlisi, Matinik, e tout lòt peyi kreyòl ki pa t reprezante nan senpozyòm nan. Sa va fasilite enfòmasyon gaye, yon paj wèb ki fonksyone kòm yon tablo afichaj.
Peyi sa yo ki te reprezante nan senpozyòm nan pran responsablite pou kreye pwòp paj enfòmasyon yo epi yo va kontakte peyi ki pa t reprezante yo pou ka fè menm bagay la. Nou te pwopoze yon lis moun ak enstitisyon pou fonksyone kòm lyen pou korepondans.
2. Kòm gen yon senpozyòm rejyonal ki òganize chak ane nan il Sechèl ki fè pati Festival Kreyòl la, nou pwopoze pou ta gen yon senpozyòm entènasyonal ki òganize chak 2 ou 3 ane - tankou sa ki te fèt an 1999 la.
Nou pwopoze tou ide sa yo pou senpozyòm ki va fèt nan lavni:
- ankouraje yon apwòch ki ouvè a tout rejyon mond kreyòl la, e youn ki pratik e dinamik a nouvo disiplin. (e.g. touris, kilti, anviwonnman, achitekti....).
- yo dwe bay mizik yon plas espesyal akoz enpòtans li nan sosyete kreyòl la.
- Yo dwe ankouraje peyi kreyolofòn yo pou fè echanj atravè mwayen odyovizyèl ak itilizasyon devlopman resan nan teknoloji.
3. Nou rekòmande pwogram echanj pou etidyan k ap etidye kreyòl ant peyi kreyolofòn yo ak lòt peyi nan lemond.
4. Finalman, pa bliye enpòtans lang matènèl nou, senpozyòm nan rekòmande dyanm pwomosyon kreyòl nan tout domèn, an patikilye, edikasyon, e pou ankouraje itilizasyon lang matènèl pou montre timoun li ak ekri.
(HC translation: E.W.Vedrine)